Odd things your neighbours do?

Odd things your neighbours do?


Spare tyre

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Tuesday 15th July 2014
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Sure there are some good stories on here.

He's passed away now, but a few years back we had a neighbour who'd use his astra once a week to go shopping then use the bus for anything else

Every morning around 7 he'd get the astra out of the garage, reverse up the large drive and park it on the road out side his house. Then around night fall he'd go out and put it away.

If you had friends arrive after dark, if he spotted it, he'd often get the car back out and park as close as he could to their bumper, if they were parked outside his house

Was a lovely guy, just seemed to like his spot. I was always hoping someone would abandon a car in his spot to see how he'd react

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 15th July 2014
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Lemmonie said:
Start burning garden waste on a Saturday afternoon despite being at home all week to do it and living next door to a busy pub with a nice pub garden full of people eating and also next door to my house with windows, doors open and washing on the line.

To make matters worse I live next door to my parents. FFS shoot
some outstanding disagreement with the pub?

Spare tyre

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Tuesday 15th July 2014
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wildcat45 said:
A now deceased neighbour who would sprinkle his car with a watering can. At night.
did it grow?

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 15th July 2014
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CDB1983 said:
Our neighbours are constantly drilling, Usually for at least 9 hours a day (We work from home) I've no idea what they are doing that requires 9 hours of drilling a day but its been going on for at least 4 months.

Also in swimming pool when i go down to do my length swim theres a chap that get in the pool and swims diagonally from corner to corner cutting everyone else up. (I suspect its the same guy who shat in the pool the other week closing it for nearly a month)

One of our other neighbours (Parks next to us in the shared garage) seems to recycle cat litter. There's a tarp laid out over their whole parking space covered in cat litter with what looks like small cat turds in it. Every other day it disappears and is replaced by wetter looking cat litter, When that dries it again disappears. Cat litter isn't even that expensive! And no its not to soak up leaking oil as they don't have a car!
pics of the tarp!

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 15th July 2014
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TwistingMyMelon said:
Please PHERS help me solve a past odd neighbour situation

When I lived in Swindon 6+ years ago , it was on a street that was about 2 miles long of terraced houses facing out to a small yard then a road, the road was fairly busy cut through, not a busy road but a fair amount of people passing through

One of the houses had 2, yes TWO clocks facing the street from their lounge front window with the correct time??

This has bothered me for years, I could maybe for a second understand having one clock facing the street, maybe the person who lived their was a postie, who walked past several times a day. But TWO clocks facing the street????? WTF?

Here is a street view that captures the clocks in their full glory:

im a swindon lad originally, i'm afraid if you have to ask what its about, we cant tell you

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 15th July 2014
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Rude-boy said:
but thanks for leaving your back door open for me

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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Hackney said:
Our downstairs neighbour is really annoying.

We live in a block of 24 flats, each floor has an open landing, but there's a metal gate out to the back and bins. This is frequently left open.
The main door has had various attmpts made to break the lock simply so people don't have to bother with keys as far as I can make out. We've had 2 or 3 locks in the last couple of years but they just get unscrewed, levered off etc.

Anyway, our neighbour has lots of visitors and is prone to having shouted conversations with people in the street who attract his attention by either shouting up to him, or whistling. And it's a great "secret code" whistle, that no-one in the neighbourhood knows. Usually late at night. God knows why they don't use the intercom.

He or his guests seem to have a knack of finishing their fast food meals on the stairs. Either they leave his flat with 4 chips left and dump the packaging, or they're almost home and can't carry it those extra few steps to his flat. They also smoke in the lift. And frequently spit in it.
They leave bikes in the hallway, knowing they won't be nicked because they're the scrotes who nick bikes. There was even a boris bike there for 3 or 4 days once.

He plays one song repetetively and loudly for hours.
We frequently get the smell of dope wafting up to our bedroom.
are they housing association? if so get onto them, they will ignore you. Then tell them you will contact them through twitter, as their / your email system must be broken. Things will happen quickly. If not, i cant help

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 21st July 2014
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paul.deitch said:
All very nice neighbours but one of them always, always has to line up all the rubbish bins perfectly for the truck to lift and if one bin is a bit full with the lid open he will helpfully transfer rubbish from the overfilled bin to an empty one just so it looks tidy. He keeps an eye on all the houses for you when the residents are away.

The other day when I jet-blasted the weeds out of the pavement in front of the house (long overdue), he turned up with a brush and dustpan and cleared the rubbish away without asking. Just a bit odd.
how old, a lot of pensioners are bored and lonely, some people just get pleasure out of being nice

Spare tyre

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132 months

Thursday 24th July 2014
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An old neighbour of mine liked shouting odd words out the window in the middle of the night

One of his favourite was GANGSTERS

Never worked out why

Spare tyre

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132 months

Friday 25th July 2014
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a311 said:
Probably quite common as a lot of people are strange about parking.....

We live on a road that used to be a main A road, a bypass was put in 20+ years a go so the road is a dead end at each end. It's not access only so as it's just off a main road people seem to park up for car sharing etc.

Neighbours like to have their cars like ducks in a row, if anyone dares takes one or more of 'their' places and moves they'll come out and move one of their cars into 'their' now vacated space. Really it's quite funny they'll do it with a minute of another car vacating 'their' space. Anytime of day, regardless of the weather they'll move sometimes the total distance of a couple of feet just to reclaim 'their' space.

I couldn't be arsed.
for stuff like this i really wish you didnt have to tax insure and mot cars in the uk - i could then start playing pranks

My inlaws are like this, if a car stayed in their spot for a couple of days they'd go into meltdown

Spare tyre

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132 months

Monday 4th August 2014
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I'd forgotten about "notepad"

20 years ago when I was still in junior school, on our street was a football pitch area purpose built for locals like me to play on. Notepad was about 60 at the time and lived next to it and didn't like anyone stepping foot on it

He'd come out and ask what your business was, we'd reply football

He'd get his little book out with 'reports' written on the front and write stuff down, asking for names which we did supply. Once he'd exhausted the name thing, he started taking notes of the models of bikes etc

He told us he had a direct line to the cops and would come out holding part of an old cb radio, lead going into his pocket

We Never really bothered him other than being there and the cops would come and go but basically just humoured him and ignored us kids

Fast forward 20 years I visit the area and see the old goat in his window with binoculars! Must be getting on for 80

I see he has now installed a burglar alarm, which is about 7ft high and consists of a nice cream tub with a jam jar lid stuck to it, with little stickers stuck on it to spell alarm

I guess he is just lonely, which is truly terrible frown

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 9th September 2014
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new people have moved in about 10 doors away

our houses have really big windows - the guy has taken to standing in it when dark with the light on behind him

when you get near his car he puffs up like a angry cat. I tested this theory by turning round and picking up some litter. Very strange - always seems to be there, maybe their TV delivery has been delayed

Spare tyre

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132 months

Thursday 11th September 2014
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one of our neighbours has two daughters in the mid to late teens

pretty much everytime there is a full moon they have massive rows - eventually it calms down when the grandparents come round to sort em out

very odd

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 18th November 2014
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Where we live a lot of people have to park on the street, everyone has always just parked down one side

One of my neighbours has got himself a new second hand car and has started to park it on the other side of the road

Nothing illegal but just odd. I can only assume he wants to be able to see it from his sofa or something

Only a trivial thing but it's lost the street 4 or 5 spaces as other people now have to leave a gap incase a lorry or similar comes

Most odd

Spare tyre

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132 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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St John Smythe said:
Nobody totally weird but we do have 'bin man' that lives down the road. It's a terraced street but there is enough space for everyone to park generally. However, bin man always puts his bins out in 'his' parking spot whenever they go out, regardless if there are loads of spaces around or not. The other week a neighbour had parked outside his house (must have moved his bins or he forgot on that occasion). Instead of him using a nearby space he parked in the middle of the road and left his car there until the other neighbour moved. I'm really considering on moving his bins miles away one night after the pub for a laugh smile
this sounds really petty, but i had bin man living next door to me.

We had an alleyway behind our properties. every one else on the alley way would put their bins in their back garden or by their front doors

Bin man would just leave his in the alley way, not wide enough to squeeze past, got very annoying when you wanted to get some diy / bike / your bins in and out - you'd have to move his to the end of the alley way, move your own stuff past then put his bins back (not fare moving it outside someone else's house)

anyway i was doing a new kitchen with my dad, lots of coming and goings from the back door up the alley way to my car etc - every time he'd hear his bin move he'd come and move em back - id ask him if i could put them in my garden temporarily or whatever and he just made some excuse.

anyway - very petty but just bloody annoying - mentioned it to some friends at the time and every time they came home late at night from a night out, they'd lift his bins and put em somewhere else. eventually bin man gave up and put them in his garden

of course, now when his bins were out for collection he'd get very touchy about them being out by the kerbside, would wait for school kids to walk past then would stand in the window making sure his bins didnt move

Felt sorry for the guy, but he was a lazy little turd who only thought about himself.

Spare tyre

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132 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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couple of years back we got overtaken by some guys in a l200 pickup with a plastic england flag over their bonnet / grill

10 or so mins down the road, they were overheating, felt a bit sorry for them really

Spare tyre

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132 months

Wednesday 24th December 2014
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This guy lives round the corner from me

Always has a banner up about ukip type stuff, this is this years and last years

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 28th April 2015
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one of mine has started parking their car on the verge despite there being ample space

i'd say there are about 3 times more spaces than cars, annoying as it just chews up the grass for no gain

Spare tyre

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132 months

Tuesday 9th June 2015
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Have some new ish neighbours a couple of doors up, they keep going to about 4 houses either side of them asking if they have their parcels

I say I've not seen any delivery vans yet and if I do take it in I'll bring it round asap

They just look at you as if you've stolen their parcel

So they come back an hour or so later asking, and you ask what the card says, they just look at you confused and say there is no card, this can repeat for days.

I'm tempted to start sending them spot cards!

Spare tyre

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132 months

Wednesday 1st July 2015
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5potTurbo said:
It's a requirement in our deeds on the new development. I can't see the point of paying so much for a smart new-build house then leaving the garden to look st. It's not as if it would take >10 mins to do the front, to be honest.
Any social housing on your estate? If so their grass will be the least of your worries, just you wait!