Anyone else's wife faff about un-necessarily?

Anyone else's wife faff about un-necessarily?


Mound Dawg

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176 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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You know, they have one small task but take forever mucking about?

Case Study 1.

We go to shopping, nice day so the roof is down. Park the car, put the roof up, get out, open the boot, remove shopping bags, close boot, walk to kerb.

She's still in the sodding car. And because it has keyless entry and I've walked out of range it's locked her in! All she had to do is pick up her handbag and get out.

Case Study 2.

We're in the car again, she's driving this time. Her car has start/stop so at traffic lights we're sitting in total silence. Up ahead, lights go green. At this point I'd depress the clutch and put the car in gear ready to move when the car in front moves.

Not Mrs Dawg. She waits till the car in front moves off, then as if stung by bees, frantically stamps on clutch, rams the car into first, ADJUSTS THE REAR VIEW MIRROR then kangaroos forward just in time for the lights to go red again. I can feel the wrath of the drivers behind warming the backs of my ears and neck. Sorry chaps.

Case Study 3.

She needs velcro for some sort of cushion making thing she has going at the moment. We're standing in a queue at the till waiting to be served but of course, she waits until the shop assistant asks her for the money before rummaging around in her bag for her purse and eventually producing a fiver. Transaction completed we then stand at the till while she returns her purse to the handbag, pausing only for a brief (it felt like years) spring clean of said handbag.

Anyone else?

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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TimmyMallett said:
I bet there's nothing you do that annoys the st out of her. Like post about her on the internet.
Yes there is, but if I annoy her, I get to hear about it. For the next six months. Or I get three days of stony silence.

If on the other hand I point out that she's annoyed me I get to hear about it. For the next six months. Or I get three days of stony silence.

So I have to sneak off behind her back to vent.

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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GoBig said:
Mine always has to go upstairs whenever we are just about to go out of the door; god knows what for.
Oh God! Yes, that too!

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Monday 13th March 2017
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skinnyman said:
NinjaPower said:
She also does that classic woman thing where they get to the till to pay for something, and when the cashier asks for the payment she looks really surprised and then starts rummaging in her bag trying to find her purse, as though being asked to pay was a total shock.
All women seem to do this and it's infuriating!

I assume most blokes are like me and have their wallet in their hand upon approaching a till/payment machine.
The shop we were in when I brought this one up in the original post was one of those "sewing/knitting" places populated entirely by women. Which probably explains why the queue for the three open tills was a mile long even though the shop itself was empty.

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Tuesday 21st March 2017
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King Herald said:
Leaving the car park today, you have to pay your token at the machine, drive your car to the gate, stick token in slot.

Three parallel exits, but I just follow the car in front to save going round and fighting for the single exit lane after...

Car is stopped, window still up, time passes....I eventually pull back, to around and into the next gate along, look over, girl has her giant handbag out resting on the steering wheels as she digs desperately through it to find the token she must have had in her hand five minutes before....

If it was in Asda, she would be the one digging for her purse after being ambushed with a surprise BILL to pay for her shopping....
Severn Bridge Tolls.

Every. Single. Day.

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Sunday 30th April 2017
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Off on holiday tomorrow so bags need to be packed. I've ironed everything I need and it's packed ready to go, beach towels and other stuff sorted and packed too so just her things now.

She started at the same time as I sat down to watch the GP so she's been up there several hours. I've heard lots of coat hangers clattering and she's been downstairs looking for shoes about five times.

Just went upstairs and yes, there's one packed case (mine) and her case just where I left it, empty.

Her clothes have migrated from the spare bedroom and are now spread all over the bed next to her suitcase and the floor is covered in shoes.

I'm going on my own aren't I?

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Tuesday 23rd May 2017
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nonsequitur said:
Have all the wives stopped faffing? Are they on a break, or even hibernating?
Sadly no. Just back from two weeks in Mallorca with Her Royal Sweetiness, the Princess of Faff.

I too took refuge in alcohol.

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Friday 26th May 2017
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crmcatee said:
Mrs crmcatee's bug bear of mine is exact change.

Paying for anything, anywhere she waits till she knows the total; finds her purse in her bag then proceeds to count out the exact change because she's got a ton of spare change in the purse and holding up the line. My suggestion of 'here's a fiver' that'll do will be met with the normal response of 'I've got it here and it helps me get rid of the loose change'.

She wouldn't have loose change if she did what I did - pay for things using notes or £1 then take all the loose change that's in your pocket and stick it into loose change jars I have at home which gives you a bonus when you count them all up.

I guess carrying all that change, justifies the purse when then justifies the bag.
Mrs Dawg does this all the time. We stopped in the corner shop so she could buy a 99p bottle of Coke and she stood there laboriously counting the exact change whilst ignoring several Pound coins.

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Monday 29th May 2017
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I would bother. It's not lost at all, just buried somewhere in the faffbag.

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Thursday 1st June 2017
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OldSkoolRS said:
I thought of this thread earlier while I was filling my car up at the petrol station: I watched woman pull up at another pump and virtually empty her boot to eventually find her purse (as it was a pay at pump). I'd pretty much filled 60 litres in the time it took and as I drove off she was only just putting the nozzle in. Glad I picked the next row from her to pull up to as I was behind at the start...
I think I was behind this woman at the Severn Bridge toll last night.

Mound Dawg

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1,915 posts

176 months

Friday 21st July 2017
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thainy77 said:
If we are deviating from faffing slightly, my wife is relatively good on this front, then it's things "we" need to do.

"We" need to fix the fence, "we" need to go to the shop and get ..., "we" need to walk the dogs etc. etc. No, you mean i do so just say that as we won't both be doing it. And this little onslaught happens regularly as soon as i get in from work, sure fire way to wind me up.
This conversation usually starts with the phrase "I've been thinking.."

Run lads! Its a trap!

Mound Dawg

Original Poster:

1,915 posts

176 months

Friday 15th September 2017
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Breakfast, dinner and tea in Wales. And "Ambiwlans".

Back on topic, We're off to Ibiza tomorrow so Mrs Dawg has had the day off to pack our cases.

So naturally I'll get home later to find the pile of clothes I left out still where I left them.

But she'll have beautifully painted toenails...