More Argie Bargie



Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 21st December 2011
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Mercosur backing up the Argies with a pathetic move against Falkland Islands vessels.
Cristina wants the oil and surprise surprise her cronies want a slice too.


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 21st December 2011
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Article said:
But the former Foreign Office minister Denis MacShane said the "hostile action" was aimed at London, not the Falklands, and blamed the coalition for weakening Britain's international standing.

The Labour MP said: "South American leaders know that Britain has fewer friends than ever before because of David Cameron's isolationist approach in Europe and the indifference to the Obama administration as most cabinet members are close to US neo-Cons.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 22nd December 2011
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I would be very disappointed if Obama truly sided with the Argies. Primarily for the reason that the islands have been ours for approaching two centuries and they have never been the property of Argentina. It would be rank hypocrisy if they did and the proper response from the British Government should be to review the help we offer the U.S through our international territories, such as the British Indian Ocean Territories and U.K based operations. Using the same flawed logic that the Argies are using then Canada should start getting shirty about Greenland (Canada formed after Greenland was claimed by Denmark).
What happens here will be the precursor to future struggles over territory at the poles.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 22nd December 2011
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warch said:
International politics are never straightforward, and tbh South America has much more to offer the Yanks than we do (Venezuela is likely to be the next oil producing giant). Plus they're a load of ungrateful barstards...
Venezuela without Chavez of course. South America would likely be split when it comes to cosying up to the U.S but yes this whole Mercosur thing and Obama's licking of Argie bum is all because they see what resources can be had from that area and fancy getting in on the act.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 22nd December 2011
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jmorgan said:
Send them a picture of a sub.
What grounded on a shingle bank wink


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 23rd December 2011
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Jackleman said:
Ozzie Osmond said:
If UK and/or the oil industry want to hang on to the Falklands then someone better commit to some pretty serious investment in defence of the realm down there!
As mentioned above, it is all sitting in Portsmouth doing fk all! 4 brand new, state of art destroyers all moored up alongside each other. It makes me wonder whether we need half of this kit or armed forces this size when you see assets of that value doing nothing. We clearly are not under that much of a threat!
That's not nice all the boys will be home for christmas having a p*ss up, anyway no one would attack @ christmas when your defences are down would they ? How uncharitable.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 23rd December 2011
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It appears the Argentinians have internal problems of their own with the government cracking down on a T.V and newspaper media group.
DC says his bit here


Original Poster:

56 months

Saturday 24th December 2011
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Our best hope would be to make sure that our intelligence is good enough that we have some advanced notice of their invasion and could fly a battalion of infantry and a few more fast jets down there in a hurry to reinforce the islands, I would hope that the MOD have a plan drawn up for this possibility. Hopefully that would be enough to make Argentina think twice and avoid a conflict. If Argentina managed to successfully take the Falklands then I think the situation would get very messy, we don't really have the means to fight at that distance from a fixed airbase and we wouldn't be able to rely on any of our "allies", we could see a bloody war of attrition where the Argentines have a bridgehead somewhere but we continue to hold Stanley and/or Mount Pleasant.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 25th December 2011
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escort90 said:
Now that the german bases are now being closed why not move a batallion of troops down to FI, its ideal training ground with miles and miles of live fire ranges. Plus if the argies ever made a move they would never stand a chance if they where there.
I'd feel for those poor local women, there can only be a handful of young, single women in the falklands.


Original Poster:

56 months

Sunday 25th December 2011
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What 's all this mention of Obama relying on the latin American vote? Isn't the 'latin' presence in the U.S more from central and north America?


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 26th December 2011
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SlipStream77 said:
Read a little more about the conflict and you will learn that the French were a considerable help to us.
Reading that article I wonder what the French stood to gain from helping us, perhaps helping us destroy some Argie kit so the Argies would have to buy some more off the French?!!!! Maybe to get us onside regarding Europe. It also points at the Americans pushing for a solution that didn't benefit us but suited the agendas of many within the American hierarchy. This article kind of backs up the general negative feeling about Obama. Drawing parallels Mitterand was at odds with Thatcher then but the French helped, Sarkozy is at odds with Cameron now.......


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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ViperPict said:
Those bloody French up to their sneaky tricks! And Argentina having the gall to stand up to good old blighty.

Memo: the empire's over!
You are funny!
What have we done to the Argies for them to 'stand up to' us?
This isn't about Falklands islanders trying to break away from the U.K, there is no population under the foot of some ruthless emperor. The Argies are the aggressors. They want to build an 'empire' by claiming islands many hundreds of miles away from their country, islands they've never actually owned or truly inhabited, regardless of the wishes of the islands' populace.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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Chicharito said:
Shame we couldn't do a deal on Scotland with the Argies.

'You can have Scotland if you agree to leave the Falklands alone'
Come on, you really think they are stupid enough to agree to that?!


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 27th December 2011
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Oakey said:
Still sore about William Wallace I see
Or the Darien scheme. Mention Latin America and Scots nationalist bumholes tighten (even more!)


Original Poster:

56 months

Wednesday 28th December 2011
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ViperPict sent the thread off at a tangent when he chipped in about 'empire' and the subject shifted to bloody India. As has been said before the current situation and topic of this thread has nothing to do with empire, empire building or oppression on behalf of the British, merely an Argentinian leader with a chip on her shoulder looking to divert attention away from her crackdown on the press and other internal issues and seizing upon a foreign bogeyman while angling for control of the islands and all their prospective resources. All this is against the wishes and desires of the Falklanders. There is no wrong to be righted here.


Original Poster:

56 months

Monday 16th January 2012
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All this has got f---- all to do with the Falklands though.


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 19th January 2012
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This troll must be getting fat by now.......


Original Poster:

56 months

Thursday 2nd February 2012
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Don't the Americans have their own little island colony thing coming up this year with the Puerto Rican referendum? The result of that will be interesting.


Original Poster:

56 months

Friday 3rd February 2012
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Ayahuasca said:
I would like to know when the USA is going to give Puerto Rico, Guam and Hawaii back.
Puerto Rico referendum on the matter this year.

I'd understand if the yanks wished to be neutral in the case of the Falklands and S.S.I, no point getting involved in someone else's dispute, but they should also respect that their opinion would be irrelevant if so.


Original Poster:

56 months

Tuesday 7th February 2012
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Mojocvh said:
Like I've tried to point out in every other thread, it ain't the Argies we have to be worried about but a cross continent mutual "defence" past from the South Americas...
Would the rest of South America really want to fall out with the UK and possibly others and get involved in a serious shooting war just for sake of the Argentina's hurt pride? Only Argentina stands to really gain anything, unless they buy them out with a cut of the (still unquantified) oil revenues.