RE: Banned 22 times

Wednesday 16th January 2002

Banned 22 times

Latest ban to run concurrently with jail term for serial offender



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7,803 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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As they had to use a stinger to stop him, does this mean he was always a better driver than the devon police, or did he just become so as a result of their fanatical interest in him?


230 posts

275 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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Shoot the f***er.

Why did they bother to chase him for 100 miles. Deserted bit of road, call out armed officers, give him a warning & then shoot him. A jail sentence costs us taxpayers £250 a night. The recklessness causes Police time to be wasted incurring more expenses for the taxpayer. Our premiums go up & then we get daft politicians & greenies taking the piss from us decent car owners.
If they need money for the bullet I'll give them my Credit Card number.



6,317 posts

273 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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ain't this a tricky one?

"he's a danger, do 'im!!!" - yeah, but maybe his first ban was unjust, so why the hell should he stop driving?

I bet if a lot of you got a ban, and it meant you lose your job - that you'd still drive. I probably would. Who'd notice if you were careful? NO way I'm taking a ban for 4 lots of zero tolerance.

Now do you feel differently? put yourself in a similar situation.

Another point, is that if you were on 9 points, and you knew that stopping would get you 3 or more - there is a lot of incentive to run.

This is where the law of the land has made desperate people out of ordinary motorists. Motorists who would never ever get on the wrong side of the law.

I'm not saying that trying to out-run the law is a good idea. Best thing is to never get in the situation, but this is a situation that will happen more and more, if the laws continue to tighten up.

Hopefully none of us here are going to end up like matey.



24 posts

270 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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Hertsbiker: Banned 22!!!! times; me thinks, in this case, he deserves everything he gets. This guy has not just got one ban, thought it was unjust and then carried on driving as carefully as possible so as to not to get pulled and found out. The bloke's clearly a loon.


5,200 posts

286 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
quotequote all do have to do *something* to get stopped usually....and getting caught 22 times shows that if nothing else, you're stupid enough to be a danger to yourself and everyone else.


2,361 posts

269 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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It's people like him who

1. Help our insurance rates rise
2. Give the eco-friendly/green party/anti-car lobby groups ammunition.


Original Poster:

7,803 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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quote: do have to do *something* to get stopped usually....and getting caught 22 times shows that if nothing else, you're stupid enough to be a danger to yourself and everyone else.

Cobblers. When I had an old banger as a teenager I got stopped every bloody week and sometimes twice. I was greeted invariably with the words "just a routine check sir". In other words I had commited no offense they could think of but they thought the car was worth a pull. I made sure I had better tyres than them and no minor faults on the car was and fully insured and MOT'd but still the buggers came.

On what basis is this bloke a danger to anyone. If he has had loads of pile ups then fine bang him up as a danger to everyone but all he has done is drive quicker and for all we know better than his pursuers. If he had killed anyone he would be clutching the bars like Gary Hart.


15,763 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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quote: do have to do *something* to get stopped usually....and getting caught 22 times shows that if nothing else, you're stupid enough to be a danger to yourself and everyone else.

Cobblers. When I had an old banger as a teenager I got stopped every bloody week and sometimes twice. I was greeted invariably with the words "just a routine check sir". In other words I had commited no offense they could think of but they thought the car was worth a pull. I made sure I had better tyres than them and no minor faults on the car was and fully insured and MOT'd but still the buggers came.

On what basis is this bloke a danger to anyone. If he has had loads of pile ups then fine bang him up as a danger to everyone but all he has done is drive quicker and for all we know better than his pursuers. If he had killed anyone he would be clutching the bars like Gary Hart.

i have run some bangers in the past and never had a stop for doc`s , it used to happen every day when i had bike , this twat has obviously been a recognisable pain in the arse to the local Old Bill for many years , lock the twat up and throw the key away


Original Poster:

7,803 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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Which one the bloke with the ban or the old bill who used to pull your bike?


15,763 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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Which one the bloke with the ban or the old bill who used to pull your bike?

No my Mum used to always be pulling me off my bike to come in and do my homework


5,200 posts

286 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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none..maybe you just look like a crim?

I reckon (with little justification ) that I get pulled more times than anyone else on here. I got pulled 5 times driving to supercar Sunday a few years back...5 times in one journey! Each time it was so they could a)look at car, and b)check it really was mine. Its irritating sometimes, but I also understand it. I have NEVER been done by a cop who has pulled me over. The worst has been a few producers. This guy was BANNED. The law arent actually allowed to do that to people just cos they feel like it you know!



Original Poster:

7,803 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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none..maybe you just look like a crim?

I reckon (with little justification ) that I get pulled more times than anyone else on here. I got pulled 5 times driving to supercar Sunday a few years back...5 times in one journey! Each time it was so they could a)look at car, and b)check it really was mine. Its irritating sometimes, but I also understand it. I have NEVER been done by a cop who has pulled me over. The worst has been a few producers. This guy was BANNED. The law arent actually allowed to do that to people just cos they feel like it you know!


No I don't look anything like Archer, Byers, Blair or Thatcher. And yes they can persecute innocent people for years and yes they do do exactly that. Its called fitting people up.


6,317 posts

273 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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They do fit people up.

You can be stopped for nonsense reasons - allegedly I crossed double whites once, got pulled, but it WAS 2am, and I did commit the heinous crime of having tinted windows.

I also got pulled up for doing a little wheelspin away from traffic lights. The road was wet, and I gassed it too hard. Big deal, my car, my tyres. I was 22 at the time.

You can get banned easily on "totting up". All it takes is 4 lots of a few MPH over the limit, and you're done. Onto the train, out of a job, and your life falls apart.

If matey got banned, and then caught driving while banned, he gets another ban. AND SO IT REPEATS.

They WILL look for him as a matter of routine, so is easier to catch the next time.

I'm not all that sympathetic to him, he is very likely a pratt - but I was playing devils advocate.


944 posts

278 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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There is a simple solution to this problem; just concrete a stinger outside his driveway!

But seriously if you get banned 22 times then there must be a bloody good reason. Even if the bloke was being targeted by the local fuzz then you would have thought he would have learnt his lesson after the third or fourth time. 22 is getting to be a bit of a piss take in anyone’s books and I doubt he was being an angel.

What I think is more likely is this: After getting his first ban and then getting caught driving during it he realises that all the fuzz do is slap his wrist and tells him to be on his way. He is then forced (by the inadequacies of the system) into the same sort of mentality as a joy rider / car thief; which is basically 'if I get caught then bollocks to it; nothing too bad will happen.'

This is the main problem with the system; it is the inherently law abiding that get scapegoated (is this a word) and targeted; not the consistent offenders, the thieves and the dangerous / deadly offenders. The sooner people like this w*nker and fu*king little tea leafs are banged up (or just shot) for a long time the better.


5,200 posts

286 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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If matey got banned, and then caught driving while banned, he gets another ban. AND SO IT REPEATS.

They WILL look for him as a matter of routine, so is easier to catch the next time.

yeah - very fair point, I guess the number is a bit misleading...but still!! and yeah, i am sure some Police do 'fit people up', but I don't think its all that widespread. Im sure John Robson responded to a similar accusation with words along the lines of "there are enough muppets out there doing stupid things, we really dont NEED to fit people up". How many people do you see breaking the speed limit every day? personally I see lots....

None - apologies, didn't mean to be insulting...



Original Poster:

7,803 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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[yeah - very fair point, I guess the number is a bit misleading...but still!! and yeah, i am sure some Police do 'fit people up', but I don't think its all that widespread. Im sure John Robson responded to a similar accusation with words along the lines of "there are enough muppets out there doing stupid things, we really dont NEED to fit people up". How many people do you see breaking the speed limit every day? personally I see lots....

None - apologies, didn't mean to be insulting...


No offense taken Night.

You may well be right about John Robsons aproach this probably holds for most plod, however this guy comes from Devon which is very different. Having worked in towns where a lot of the locals have their eyes too close together, my experience says they all know each other and it is perfectly possible this guy is just a victim of small village politics. A different example of a similar problem was the guy that lost it in that village in Scotland and shot all the kids in school. What the media did not report was that the locals hounded the bugger. Thats not an excuse for his actions which were the actions of a nutter but small communities can be very problematic for anyone who is different. A policeman picking on an individual in a big city will get stopped from doing so fairly quickly. I bet thats not the case in a rural area


15,605 posts

270 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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this guy comes from Devon which is very different. Having worked in towns where a lot of the locals have their eyes too close together,

Dont think billy-joe, billy-ray, and billy-sue would be too happy to hear that ..

Edited by ZZR600 on Wednesday 16th January 18:23


1,947 posts

286 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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I think the point about car theives and total reckless driving does need more serious consequences than a slap on the wrist. I met someone with an Esprit who had it pinched by a w@nker who proceded to wrap it round a lamp post. Cost this chap over £2000 to get repaired (ie he had to lose no claims bonus) the t*sser that caused the damage was fined £800 and told not to do it again. The £800 wasn't even given to him for the repairs.

I saw a program on TV where they interviewed a "professional car thief" and he was making a lving by stealing cars. Lock em up!

I agree with Night on this case 22 bans is clearly something wrong "upstairs".


8,293 posts

279 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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or just shot

Like the cut of your jib!

Theft is not generally a recurrent problem in places like Saudi! Adopt best practice I always say!



8,293 posts

279 months

Wednesday 16th January 2002
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Actually, as someone who once attained 12 endorsements (equivalent to 36 points) and collected 4 consecutive 6 month bans, perhaps I should pause before passing judgement! (Not on thieving toe-rags though, no mercy.)

Yes, I was stupid to carry on commiting offences. I was young and headstrong. Most of the endorsements were for riding without L plates and carrying passengers - I knew I could pass the test but couldn't see why I had to. Couldn't see why I couldn't go into any pub I wanted wearing cut-off denims and scuffed leathers either! Thats youth for you!

Anyway, without doubt I was targeted after the first few offences. I got so many endorsements because they were coming thick and fast, I was in court every other week more or less. Small town, I was an easy target. I got pissed off in the end and took my test - passed first time with no instruction, about a week before the first ban hit.

I learned to drive while banned and passed my car test (first time) as soon as I got a licence back - I was pretty experienced by then. Read into that what you will. I didn't have any instruction for that either.

So, this guy may be a complete nutter, he may be a liability, but he's not necessarily the danger to the rest of us that the bare facts might suggest. He might just be a bit headstrong and foolish.
