Israel invaded



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Saturday 14th October 2023
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Kes Arevo said:
Watch Anderson Cooper's report.

fking horrific.

fk Hamas. Hunt every last one down. Eradicate them.
This is why it's going to be a bloodbath. Your 20 years old your in the IDF you have seen this and other things your family might have lost a loved one. It's not going to be a police action.

People on here saying it has to be proportionate or we have to understand the occupation are missing the point. No right minded person is saying people in Gaza have a great deal since Hamas tool control Israel have not been supportive. But today right now none of that is going to matter to a 20 year old shoulder who has scraped body parts out of a shelter of picked up the corpse of a child.


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Saturday 14th October 2023
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andymadmak said:
skwdenyer said:
Jasey_ said:
isaldiri said:
stating the people deserve it for allowing their leaders to do terrible things has long been the mantra as used by terrorists to justify attacks on civilians. Interesting that same argument is being used above to justify israel's (current) retribution.
Yep funny how things change when you start beheading babies.
Israel has committed atrocities with bombs. Hamas has committed them with knives.

Why is everyone so horrified by just one of those? A baby hit by a bomb, or killed by a collapsing building, died just as terrible a death as one attached with a knife.
It’s been explained to you multiple times. Deliberately shooting or stabbing a baby in cold blood is somewhat different to a baby being caught up in bombing, ( especially when warnings prior to bombings are frequently given and ignored. )
You can pretend that somehow both sides are the same because a baby dies if you want to, but one sets out to kill children, the other doesn’t.
Wow Sky your not even trying to hide your hatred of Israel, of Jews, of innocent people, of children who were butchered.


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Saturday 14th October 2023
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Kes Arevo said:
Thread on twitter regarding the evacuee convoy explosion.

Certainly doesn't seem like an airstrike. I wouldn't put it past Hamas to try to deter people evacuating, though.
Killing your own people, nit unknown is Arab states Iran, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia etc. But I will wait for more evidence.

What I will say is Israel doesn't need to do that it could if it so wanted just use F15's and level the place block by block.


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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emperorburger said:
Kes Arevo said:
emperorburger said:
Meaningless screenshot. What do you want, a violin?
It's self explanatory.

I don't know what extra you want?
Nothing is evidenced. By all means double down with some Ben Shapiro content.
Do you have evidence to show the access to the border is not being hindered or in fact it is hindered but by another group.

Ben Shapiro being Jewish does give an insight into how people on one side feel. An just because he says something does not make not true. In fact his arguments in respect of other issues are based in cold hard fact.

So who is preventing people leaving if not Hamas


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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Kes Arevo said:
Gecko1978 said:
Do you have evidence to show the access to the border is not being hindered or in fact it is hindered but by another group.

Ben Shapiro being Jewish does give an insight into how people on one side feel. An just because he says something does not make not true. In fact his arguments in respect of other issues are based in cold hard fact.

So who is preventing people leaving if not Hamas
Still not sure what Ben Shapiro had to do with my post.
Ben is a Conservative Jew says a lot of stuff people on the left don't like. So I suspect it was a case of saying "Ha quote him to you Nazi". Shapiro gets accused if being a Nazi despite being Jewish

He jas written some hurtful stuff about palastone in the past and has (despite what others might want to believe) publicly apologised and said he was wrong.

I don't like his pro life views but I find other things he says accurate


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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emperorburger said:
Ben doesn't deal in facts. He's not a Jew, he's a Zionist and we can talk about his AI generated char grilled babies ad nauseam. I don't need to prove the border is being hindered, I logically accept it's not until evidence is provided to the contrary.
That's a lot of claims there

1) Doesn't deal in facts....yet is a public figure who often makes statements which if not true would result in litigation
1.1) a lawyer by trade I recall again facts are his forte
2) Ai babies.....odd that so many people are claiming to have seen evidence of the same journalists of all descriptions
3) You don't need to prove it but then by your own logic nor does anyone else so shall we assume people in Gaza are happy to stay
4) Oh an zionists support a Jewish state an move to create one, Ben Shapiro lives in America was born there has an American wife etc.

However your angry rants do make you sound anti semitic. But don't worry soon you can cry real tears when the people who didn't want to leave are turned to dust but the war about to engulf them.
I have said multiple times now regardless of past events Hamas have gone too far and are about to experience the closest thing to biblical wrath of God. I feel truly sorry for people in Gazs their leaders have brought death upon them


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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emperorburger said:
bodhi said:
emperorburger said:
I'm happy to call him out as a charlatan. If you are happy with what he is preaching, crack on.
I'm sorry but what the fk has Ben Shapiro got go do with the screenshot posted?
Do you want to tell us all your feelings about Ben and how honest and upstanding he is? Otherwise go away.
You do seem to have a bee in your bonnet about him even though the screen shot was not him but CNN and a US official.

Then your claims about AI dead babies I mean maybe it's all made up maybe it was all AI so those nasty Israelis / Jews / Zionists can attack the poor peaceful people of Gaza.

I think it's you not others who should perhaps go away given your basically claiming the children murdered by Hamas is made up.

Like I say you can cry real tears in the coming days when Israel kills 1000's. I am not sure I or others will have the stomach to claim its all AI and made up.


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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swisstoni said:
The trouble with the theory that religion is largely a crutch and a comfort for the poor and downtrodden is the example of the Gulf States.
Massively rich populations. Perhaps the richest populations per head, there have ever been.
Have they ditched religion?
Dubai, a Muslim country where the population broadly ignore religion and just enjoying life. Islam like Christianity 200 years ago puts men at the center and in charge. It took.100s of years to change that in the West and work is still going on today so for nations that are less than 80 years old it's not surprising change is not quite as fast


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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KAgantua said:
Great to see all the PH lefties betraying their leanings in this thread... its like anti semitic bingo...
I found the remark about fake AI baby photos particularlly stomach churning that and a later one asking zionists to put there hands up.

Seems Nazisum is alive and well in the hearts of some on PH.


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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Mojooo said:
So how many refugees should the UK take?
How many do you think we should take as say a %


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Sunday 15th October 2023
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otolith said:
Gecko1978 said:
Mojooo said:
So how many refugees should the UK take?
How many do you think we should take as say a %
Daily Mail weighed in ages ago

I would have thought people leaving Gaza don't actually wish to settle elsewhere and might want to return. I would have thought countries in the ME might be preferable to Europe.

But I understand the UK will provide some medical aid this seems a good thing to do


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Monday 16th October 2023
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g4ry13 said:
Amateurish said:
It feels like the West Bank, then Lebanon, then Iran are all on the cusp of entering into the conflict. Or am I just catrastrophising?

I totally get what the Israelis are doing. But where does it all end?
It is all risk and no gain for Lebanon and Iran to enter.

Hezbollah may send a few over but I don't see anyone else getting involved.
My guess, Hamas were told others would rise up an join them, others looked at what Hamas then did and what Israel have said is coming along with US and UK ships sailing to the gulf and have said yeah Hamas buddy your on your own fight the good.fight.


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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Klippie said:
gotoPzero said:
Iran starting to try and rock the boat saying a few things about defending Gaza,
I'd like to think Iran knows about the two US carrier groups sitting in the Med full of high tech weapons and each having more fighter jets than most air forces have in the world, I wouldn't be stirring up any st knowing how trigger happy Israel and the US are.

Is it unusual for two US carrier groups to be in the same place.
I thoguhr only one carrier was heading to that area. The other is likely watching Russia and Ukraine


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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Kes Arevo said:
768 said:
"We'll find some Jews there... We want their blood"

Walking next to a copper.
That was in 2021, I believe.
I watched the Piers Morgan interview with the same chap, he uses the words "Act of provocation" alot as if saying that then justifies any response.

Last night he didn't condem Hamas but did say he condemned the raid. But then went on to demand evidence of babies being burned. Apparently killing them is not the key thing it's whether the method of death was accurately reported.
Furthermore it was years of provocation that led to this and he went on to give an example of the IRA hiding in amongst civilians would it be OK to bomb them.

I think in essence his narrative is Israel provoked this and if they respond an kill any civilians they are in the wrong even if Hamas hide amongst civilians.

I don't think the Israelis care now and I don't believe they should hold back. Ir won't solve anything of course but if you hide amongst your own people your accepting they will be killed too


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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lornemalvo said:
petemurphy said:
cant see israel being allowed to continue much longer on its present path without widespread condemnation. the pictures of children being injured/killed are just beyond awful now i find myself crying at the news. i dont see how this ends
The footage I saw of the Palestinian father holding his dead child in a cotton shroud because he couldn't bear to let him/her go upset me deeply. I'm filling up as I write this. It's unbearable. my wife and daughter think I should watch less news but I feel we owe it to both sides to know what's going on.
100% agree, but if his child died in recent bombing then he should ask what prompted it. Was he his area if not why not. Why are Israel attacking etc. The human cost is huge be angry both sides but perhaps both sides should try different approach. 2 state solution etc


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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Kes Arevo said:
Tune luvvies have assembled.

What they say about the letter, their seems to be no mention of the terror attack, the murdered, or the kidnapped. Funny that.
The letter states "Israel have reduced most of Gaza to rubble". Not yet they haven't but give them time. I really don't see the issue anymore. I feel for Palestinian civilians it's awful but replace Israel with the UK, say it was V festival and say Ireland did it. I would hope our government would destroy them.

If you hide amongst your own people you condem them to death the blood is on your hands.

Gaza reporting 3000 children dead 3000 ffs really that many. I hate the semantics of this where I could claim the number was made up of pictures of a griving father was AI. But know I am fully aware children I. Gaza are dying who did nothing wrong. There homes collapsing on them. It's sickening. But I don't blame Israel for retaliating because like for like I would want the UK goverment to do the same.


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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fizz47 said:
Absolutely heartbreaking …

How long before we hear the IDF say ‘it wasn’t me’
I doubt you will. What they might say is Hamas had tunnels under the hospital. It was claimed the main hospital in Gaza was Hams HQ.

Now if the above is true Hamas hide under a hospital then its a clear message from the IDF, they don't care anymore they are going yo wipe out hamas regardless of the loss of life


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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fizz47 said:
Wondered how long it would take some to try and defend the massacre of children.
See the Washington Post article. Hamas hide weapons in schools hospitals and mosques. The UN as per the article are saying so.

No one is happy children are dying however if you murder another nations children then you can hardly call fowl when they return the favour


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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Jorgen K said:
Kes Arevo said:
fizz47 said:
Wondered how long it would take some to try and defend the massacre of children.
Who defended it?
Gecko did. He said it's what we should do if it was us, even though it kills innocents.

I'm far from pro-Palestine, but Israel is going way too far. You can't kill thousands of civilians and displace many more for 1 (albeit horrific) terrorist attack. The irony is it's exactly what the attack was meant to achieve - result in a heavy handed response that results in more anti-Israel sentiment. It's going to cost hundreds if not thousands of Israeli lives going forward this action, not to mention thousands of innocent Palestinians.
To be fair you missed the nuance in my post where I was clear its sickening. However 9/11 the US destabilised and took over an entire country estimates up to 500k deaths. However if you recall the days after the attack some were calling for a nuclear response.

Falklands 3 islanders died we killed 655 Argentine soldiers. We lost 250 soilders.

Proportion isn't eye for eye in war its brutal and evil and we should feel shame but a nation must be willing to meet evil with evil.

Liberation of France cost 20,000 civilian lives.

So I am not defending Israel I am saying it is what I would expect the UK to do if similar happend. History tells us this is always the case.


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Tuesday 17th October 2023
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rohrl said:
Gecko1978 said:
fizz47 said:
Wondered how long it would take some to try and defend the massacre of children.
See the Washington Post article. Hamas hide weapons in schools hospitals and mosques. The UN as per the article are saying so.

No one is happy children are dying however if you murder another nations children then you can hardly call fowl (sic) when they return the favour
So are you saying that Israel can’t call foul if Hamas murder their children, or is this a one way street?

Personally I call foul whenever anyone murders children.
The die has been cast. Like I say Hamas committed an act of unimaginable barbarism. On a par with 9/11. The Taliban in Afghanistan I belive were given a short chance to hand over bin laden (it's not clear to me they could have even if the wanted to), within weeks there country was lost. 0.5 million people died over 20 years. Today the taliban are back Afghanistan can't afford to build an grow and 1000s died in an earthquake and their is no goverment to provide aid. Barbaric does not do it justice. But that is the world we live in actions have awful consequences.

So invade a country massacre people, rape, set fire to people, kill babies in car seats. Well don't be surprised when the victim lashes out with equal barbarism. The impact of which is amplified when you use your own children as human shields.

It doesn't make it right but are you really surprised Israel cut power an water and launched missiles. The Israel IDF is killing on mass I am not surprised. Doesn't mean I don't feel sick to my stomach when I see a father carrying his dead child in Palestine his whole world literally destroyed

Edit to add bast on the above tweet these deaths might have been caused by hamas own rocket.

Say its true then how does that impact how you view Hamas. Killing their own people in the 1000s.

For what its worth I would be more comfortable if Israel had hit the hospital because the Hamas apologists sicken me at least own your atrocities.

Either way it won't help the dead children

Edited by Gecko1978 on Tuesday 17th October 19:57