Savage attack on WPC


Elroy Blue

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194 months

Saturday 21st February 2015
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The massive cuts to personnel which has led to single crewing becoming the norm has led to more and more of these attacks. But apparently, we can rest assured that the frontline is 'not affected'.

This week the National Police Air Service was subject to another 10 base closures giving us 50% of our pre-2012 level. We've lost 50% of our dogs, 40% of our Roads Policing, 50% of our mounted units, 18000 Officers and another 40000 to go if Cameron and May get re-elected. But it's OK, they tell us crime is down, so nobody should care at all.

I'm surprised that the usual suspects, who seem to spend every minute of every day trawling You Tube for every ancient video that portrays the Police negatively haven't posted this one. I'm sure they could've put a negative spin on it somehow.

In other news, the Chief of Defence staff was due to give a speech this week about the security situation and the state of the UKs defences. No10 has gagged him after seeing a copy. But that's ok as well. He keeps telling us there's no problem there either.

Elroy Blue

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Saturday 21st February 2015
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La Liga said:
, but what is totally disingenuous and I despise is the claim that front-line services won't be affected.
The very point. I knew the risks when I joined the Police. Those risks have massively increased as this Government decided that they wouldn't fund the Police, but would continue to state that is has no effect on frontline services. The majority of patrols are now single crewed as we try to keep out fingers in the dyke. It is unacceptable that you should be on your own and over 20 minutes from the nearest back-up, if there's anyone to come at all.

This thread isn't unexpected. It's either crime is down, it's all Labours fault, there's no money left. There's enough money to spunk one billion pounds in a few weeks on the Overseas Corruption budget recently. THIS Government decided that Policing wasn't a priority. That's their choice. They should have the courage of their convictions and say that cutting billions from the budget and thousands of Officers WILL affect services and WILL increase the risk to those doing the job. Instead they trot out the usual lies that Politicians do.

But it obviously works. Some of the replies on this thread prove it.

Elroy Blue

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Saturday 21st February 2015
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They managed to find an extra £1 billion to spend on some poor, destitute African Dictator recently. And spent in short order too.

If you're one of the people who are happy to wait 2hrs for an ambulance during a heart attack, or see Police numbers cut by 60000, or know that a prison is being staffed by only 6 prison Officers then fine. Just stop pretending that these massive reductions haven't had a major affect on our ability to do our job. And stop pretending it' the fault of the organisations themselves.

Elroy Blue

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194 months

Sunday 22nd February 2015
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Mr GrimNasty said:
Cuts? It's not the government that says where the savings should be made, it is members of the council and police services playing politics, and just as councils would rather cut care to OAPs than 'executive' salaries and benefits.........

The scare mongering does not reflect the reality, such small efficiency savings should have been easily achievable without a degradation in service if the management were competent:-
'Small efficient savings'? 30% cuts with the same promised in the term if May and Cameron are re-elected. Exactly how is that 'small efficiency savings?

The Government took over Police air units and created NPAS, cut it to make it 'leaner and more efficient'. They've just decided it's not efficient enough and have just announced another 10 bases to go. That's a 50% cut in less than three years. Of course, the same Politicians stand up and shamelessly state that there will be no reduction in service. Just so you know, IT'S A LIE.

Savage cuts to dogs, road policing, mounted units, child protection. The back room staff that used to type the interviews have gone. I know spend hours finger typing something it took a trained typist half an hour. The Forensic service was binned and privatised. Guess what, it's now vastly more expensive and takes months longer to get anything done. The translation service was privatised. It was an utter and expensive shambles, with the wonderful private sector sending people who couldn't even speak the right language.

Policing is in crisis. The Tories have made a commitment to cut the same amount again. If so, that will kill off Policing as it exists today. As it stands there are thousands of dedicated Officers desperately trying to keep the wheel on and at massively increased risk to themselves. So those who talk all about a 'business model, really need to open their eyes and accept that Policing isn't a business and the safety of the public is being played with for Political purposes.

Elroy Blue

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Sunday 22nd February 2015
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ukwill said:
This whole thread appears to be along the lines of "before the cuts we had this, but now we only have this". Which to me is a bit bizarre.

On another note, something seems to be working because Crime was down 14% last year (to a figure that was, according to the ONS 62% below the level recorded in 1995). I don't recall 1995 being apocalyptic.

That said, I would far rather have the foreign aid budget reduced before the policing budget.
Ok. We'll cut all the Police Officers, dogs, Roads Policing, CID, Child protection, forensics and close all the Stations because 'crime is down.'

Does that mean I can stop dealing with missing persons, RTCs, floods, fallen trees, road closures, demonstrations, broken down vehicles, suicides, the vast, vast issue with mental health, taking injured people to hospital in Police cars because there is no ambulances, backing up Prison Officers because there is not enough to manage prisons and the million other non-crime issues that the Police get saddled with.

So when your shift has been cut to three Officers to cover over 500 sq miles, I don't think the 'crime is down' message really cuts it.

Elroy Blue

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Sunday 22nd February 2015
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Willy Nilly said:
How much of a cut do you think the managers of oil companies are having to make right now? They are getting half what they were and you still expect oil. May be the police and other public sectors need to start hiring managers that know what they are doing. You need to work smarter and not just hold your hand out for more money all of the time.
Please give some comparison between the oil industry and Policing. I'd love to know how you think they are the same.

While you're at it. Give me an indication how I send three people to cover all the crimes, mispers, sudden deaths, RTCs, mental health over 500sq miles. I'd love to know how I can be 'smarter'.

The only thing you get for less, is less.

Elroy Blue

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Sunday 22nd February 2015
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It's 9.50pm on a Sunday evening and we've already run out of patrols. There are non left to send to incoming jobs. Perhaps the powerfully built directors (who so far have neglected to answer any of the questions put to them) could now look outside the box, employ some blue sky thinking and offer a solution to how the current unresourced jobs are dealt with. I'm sure with all this business acumen knocking around they'll find it really easy.

Elroy Blue

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194 months

Sunday 22nd February 2015
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Angry? Posting facts isn't getting angry, it's being factual. Sadly, the reality gets ignored and all the Officers posting how it is are accused of being cloth cap wearing communists with a love of whippets.

If you cared to read my past posts you'd see I have no love for Labour either. This Government however takes the biscuit in decimating Police, ambulance, prisons and the Forces, then standing up and telling us there's no reduction in resilience. Forked tongue doesn't come into it.
As in my previous post, if you're happy to lose 60'000 Officers then fine. Just don't expect those of us in the job to stop challenging the lies of 'frontline not affected'

Elroy Blue

Original Poster:

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194 months

Monday 23rd February 2015
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allergictocheese said:
Yet you have time to post here.
I posted while I was stuck at a job waiting for one of our 'partner' agencies to turn up and do what they are supposed to do. It was one of those mythical 'non-crime' jobs that we apparently don't deal with.
Please feel free to address the questions raised in previous posts about what you think we should stop doing and how we resource five times as many incidents as we have staff.
I'd have replied earlier, but that was the last time I've had chance to look at my phone (or eat) during my 13 hour night shift.