Building muscle in your 40s

Building muscle in your 40s



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175 months

Thursday 13th October 2022
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ORD said:
The building muscle bit matters because if most 40 year old men stripped off fat, there wouldn’t be much underneath!
This! I dread to think how bony I’d be if I lost all my fat (there’s still a bit there) and had not had my first and now second stint lifting.


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175 months

Friday 14th October 2022
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Good luck with it! How much was it out of interest? I’m astounded at the price of weights etc! Even used on FB people seem to be charging lockdown money.


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7,751 posts

175 months

Sunday 16th October 2022
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egor110 said:
Why ?

Surely it's not the exercise that's bad it's showing off trying to lift weights too heavy and using crap form that leads to injury.
There’s roughly 8 years between my first stint lifting and now and tbh the only difference I’m noticing in strength is training on my own and not having a spotter to help with the big pb lifts on the bench etc.
I don’t know if strength tails off more in your 50’s (so another 10 years for me) but I’d imagine joints would be more the issue now than muscles but even my joints feel better than they did before.
I know I’m obviously in the honeymoon period for training but as you say I cant see how training right into advanced years can have any negative aspects.


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175 months

Sunday 16th October 2022
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egor110 said:
Maybe not having a spotter is actually good because your having to be a bit conservative with your lifts?

Personally i was absolutely fine all year slowly adding weights then i really increased my db press and pull ups absolutely relying on brute strength and crap technique and whilst for a bit i could do it i do now have tennis elbow.

Should of stuck with slow and steady.
Yeah possibly and being at home there’s no one to show to cos let’s face it we all do do that!
I’ve gotten my DB flat press (3x10) up to 25kg on my own now whereas before I think 40kg was an absolute best at about 3 reps with a spot so I’ll take that with an 8 year gap of being a fat ahole.


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7,751 posts

175 months

Sunday 16th October 2022
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I’ve been keeping cardio to a minimum of a 10 min warm per session.
Comes from various things I’ve read about it being detrimental to muscle growth but I would like to up it a bit tbh. I’ve got this stubborn bit of spare tyre round the waste that I’d like to shift. Advisable?


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175 months

Sunday 16th October 2022
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V8covin said:
How many times does it need saying,you don't lose fat in the gym,you lose it in the kitchen
Which is what I’ve been doing, got into a pair of 34 waist jeans yesterday so obviously doing something right. It’s getting out of breath at all in there that feels odd.


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175 months

Sunday 16th October 2022
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V8covin said:
You should have read the message I was responding to.
He wants to add a few minutes cardio to lose his belly.
I'm sure even you'll agree that's unlikely to work
So stick to the 10 mins and keep the high protein low fat going?


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175 months

Sunday 16th October 2022
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mcelliott said:
10minutes for what?
Warm up cardio


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175 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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To warm up I do one of 3 things. Treadmill, I walk for 1 min the run/jog for 1:30 with 30 in between till the end.
Bike, I do basically the same as above
Cross trainer, start at setting 5 then go up 2 settings every minute until the end.
In terms of increasing cardio (if I do) I’ll just add a 20 min season of any of those 3 onto the end of my time in the gym.
As long as it isn’t detrimental to muscle growth that is.


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7,751 posts

175 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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egor110 said:
What about the positive benefits of cardio?

Like walking up stairs or hills easily , like ferrying plumbing stuff from your van into people's houses easily ?
I feel fit enough for normal every day stuff, can run around with the kids etc no problems at all.
The cardio side is more a way to shift the fat I have left.
I’m not risking playing organised football anymore so don’t need fitness for sport as such.


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7,751 posts

175 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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egor110 said:
The cardio your planning would be useless, if your plan was 10 mins it would need to be hit workouts and by it's very nature it'll be unpleasant and hurt.
That’s what I actually do now.


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7,751 posts

175 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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I haven’t done any pre or post stretching since I started again in may. No injuries to report, the only injury I got was elbow dropping the bin in the kitchen after my Mrs decided to mop the floor without telling me a few months ago.
That said my shoulders are a bit fked, they sound like a box of cornflakes when I move them in the morning but other than a bit of tenderness they’ve taken the weights quite well.


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175 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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didelydoo said:
Another thread leading to analysis paralysis in new lifters.

Warms ups, do something to warm up the body.
Lifting, do what you need to do to get to the working weights.
Lift with intensity.
Ample Protein
Cardio leads to a massively improved recovery, between sessions and sets. Meaning more work and better progress. Leave it out at your peril.
However, no one gets jacked just doing cardio.
Consistency - so important it’s in there twice.

I’m over 40, jacked, can run distance, sprint, jump, and shift some heavy ass weight. A few on here are and can.

Many ways to skin a cat. But they all have the same basic principles.
I don’t know how to do a clap emoji but this deserves one.


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7,751 posts

175 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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spikeyhead said:

Type : clap : without the spaces between the colons. Preview this post if that explanation doesn't make sense.


Original Poster:

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175 months

Saturday 22nd October 2022
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Legacywr said:
Get a cable machine, if you have room.
I desperately want a cable crossover. I have room just not the funds! Not this close to Xmas anyway.
I’ve seen them range from £400 to £4000!


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7,751 posts

175 months

Saturday 22nd October 2022
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Never liked smith machines, as other said it always felt wrong doing everything in a straight line.


Original Poster:

7,751 posts

175 months

Saturday 22nd October 2022
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Legacywr said:
0% finance, you can’t actually afford not to…
Don’t know wether to thank you or not lol!!
That’s very tempting!


Original Poster:

7,751 posts

175 months

Monday 24th October 2022
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I wished I had a smith machine on Saturday.
Flat bench barbell press, 37.5 a side. Got the reps o wanted out, lowered right side onto the hook lowered left and missed hehe
Luckily I managed to lower it onto my chest and roll it onto my thighs enough to sit up and no injuries, could’ve bloody hurt though!


Original Poster:

7,751 posts

175 months

Monday 31st October 2022
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Another question please.

When I first started trying to gain muscle I was given a meal plan by a mate and it really helped, well it felt like it did anyway but I can’t find anything similar online.
Googling seems to bring up all the usual ads for Gusto etc.
It went along the lines of

8am porridge

10am 2 boiled eggs

12pm lunch (carbs) rice veg and fish/chicken.

2pm 2 boiled eggs

5pm evening meal (no carbs)

8pm cottage cheese and tuna

Something along those lines.
Could anyone point me in the direction of something similar that they recommend?

I want to go the whole of November with it and see how it goes.


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7,751 posts

175 months

Monday 31st October 2022
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Scabutz said:
Sounds horrible and is a classic bro diet, yeah it might be well balanced for muscle growth, but who the fk wants to eat tinned tuna and cottage cheese as a snack, vile. Use a TDEE calculator to find your daily calories needs. Aim for about 1.5g / kg BW protein and then distribute the other calories between fat and carbs, aim for about 30% fat, rest carbs. Most of your carbs should come from fruit and veg, then wholegrains. Then plan some meals around that.

No carbs in the evening is bro science bks as well.
It is rough but tbh I can live on it, Mrs and kids had my fave takeaway last night and I sat there with a bowl of quorn chilli with no rice while they eat it in front of me.

I’ll have a look at this TDEE calculator now. Thanks mate