Couch to 5k - any good?

Couch to 5k - any good?



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236 months

Wednesday 4th May 2011
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Thanks for the comments guys - it's good that I'm managing to stick with it. Having this thread and a couple of colleagues who are into running egging me on is keeping me going so that my progress doesn't just fizzle out.

I think that you're right, Cunning Plan - I think it is that I'm working myself hard during the runs so am getting out of breath, so need to breathe hard to keep up - I think when it comes to the longer segments I'll definitely need to back off a little so I've got a bit more in reserve (in fact, I did that with my first 3 minute run last week, to the extent that I wasn't much quicker than a brisk walk, but by the third week 3 run last night was able to run the whole interval more comfortably and quicker). I can definitely see the impact on my stamina as I go through the runs in each week, so hopefully it is that case of keeping it steady, and feeling the improvement - but also not breathing so hard that I end up ingesting wildlife!


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236 months

Thursday 5th May 2011
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Right - Back again! I've managed to steel myself to do the first run of week 4 tonight, which meant going from last weeks two repeats of 1.5 & 3 minute runs up to 2 repeats of 3 & 5 minute runs - so quote a step up from the first three podcasts, which must have been easing me in gently!

It was definitely a step up today, but I managed to complete the vast majority of the running phases without slowing to a walk apart from one stage where I slowed for a little while due to swallowing yet another bug!

I needed to add a little extra onto my loop tonight, so was obviously going a bit quicker - but I'm not 100% sure how much, as runkeeper didn't start up properly - adding in the extra bit, it looks like I managed about 2.38 miles in 34.39, which gives an average of about 14.26/mile - which shows I was doing some more running, but also that I wasn't pushing the running too fast (looking at the running bits I do have in runkeeper, I'm doing between 10-12 minute mile pace when running).

I was sweating much more today than in previous weeks, so it's obviously pushed me hard, but after having had some water and a chance to get my breath back, I feel pretty good. I've definitely got the feeling of satisfaction from managing to do something that I wouldn't have been able to manage only a short time ago, and I know that if previous weeks are anything to go by, that I'll be running this podcast comfortably by the third attempt...

Thanks for the encouragement Vladikar - Sounds like you're a lot fitter than me, but I guess it shows that you can soon lose as well as gain your fitness, I guess! Hope that round 2 went better for you, and that you feel batter afterwards!

Bring on Run 2!


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236 months

Saturday 7th May 2011
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Good to hear that the second session went better Dan, and thanks again for the encouragement! I'll definitely check out that site, as I think reading some turnaround stories could be just the thing to keep me motivated!

I had a good boost in confidence today - I saw some friends I've not seen for a while, and they noticed that I have lost a fair bit of weight, so that's a good thing, and hopefully shows I'm doing something right!

I've been out tonight for the second run of week 4, and it felt much better - in part, I think due to managing a bug-free run! It went well and I was able to hold a reasonably steady pace for the whole of each run - I was feeling like flagging at the end of the final run, but when I heard that I only had a minute left, I fixed myself on a target to reach and aimed for it - and I reached it right on time!

Today I managed 2.40 miles in 34.05 at an average of 14.13/mile.

Time for the last run of week 4 next, and onto the next step up after that!

Edited by browno on Saturday 7th May 21:40


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236 months

Monday 9th May 2011
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Another couple of days have passed, and it's time for another update...

Firstly, some good news - we had a weigh-in at work this morning, and I've lost just under 2lbs more - so I'm now down from 18st 7lbs at my peak to 17lbs 2lbs today - hopefully it'll keep going in the right direction as the runs get harder!

I've also done another run tonight (and managed to just about avoid getting wet!) I decided that as it was the last run of week 4 to push myself a bit, and see what I can do! I ended up adding a bit extra to my loop to make sure I finished back at home, and did 2.50 miles in 33.32 with a much quicker pace of 13.24/mile. I am very happy with that - I was running at a comfortable pace, so that I was feeling it by the end of the runs, but so that I could still finish the route.

Well - the next run means the start of week 5, so let's see what that brings with it...


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236 months

Wednesday 11th May 2011
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Back again, and I've managed the first run if week 5. I had a change of scene today, as I came to visit my brother and so ran a loop from his place that included a long, gradual climb for much of the first 5 minute run. I managed to (just about!) make that, and did the following two 5 minute sectors alright. Overall, managing to be almost identical to the last run - doing 2.48 miles in 33.34 at 13.33/mile.

I'm continuing to feel happy with my performance, so here's to the next one late in the week!


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236 months

Saturday 14th May 2011
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Well, another day, another run!

It was run 2 of week 5 today (this week has 3 different podcasts) - which was a step up to a pair of 8 minute runs with a 5 minute recovery walk in between.

I felt really comfortable during run 1, and a little more fatigued during run 2, but managed to get through the whole thing. I did 2.36 miles in 32.23 at an average of 13.43/mile.

Happy with tonight - and running a solid 8 minutes feels really good - although I'm still a bit concerned that the next runs means a solid 20 minute session... Fingers crossed, all will be fine!


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Monday 16th May 2011
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Some more good comments, and I'm glad to be sparking a bit of interest - thank;s for your suggestions!

On the shoes front, I started out using a pair of old trainers, and had some real trouble with my shins/knees that put me out of action for amost a month. I then went to the local running shop (The Derby Runner) who had a good look at me and sorted me out with a pair of properly fitted shoes, and I've been much more comfortable since, and (touch wood) have not had knee pain since. I can definitely recommend getting the right shoes - at first I was definitely one of those who thought that any old set of trainers were fine - but now I've learned a painful message! Hopefully as the weight is coming off, it is lessening the shock load, as well as feeling more confortable with running, so should feel even better as I progress.

On the race front, it's something I've been looking at - there are a couple of possible 5K's that I might enter (with a couple of guys from work who are fitter, and will do the 10K option), and a few of us are looking at doing a team triathlon later in the year, where I am going to do the (5K) run. At the moment, I don't feel a pressing need to compete, as I'm happy just to be progressing in the amount I can run in a section, but I think that once I've finished on this program I'll be looking for a new goal - so either racing in 5K's or building up to 10K will be the next target for me.

For now, it's just fingers crossed that I don't get too soaked for tonight's big 20 minute effort!


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236 months

Monday 16th May 2011
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I managed to do my first 20 minute run tonight! I did have to walk briefly for about 30 seconds at about the 15 minute mark, but other than that managed to keep going.

I managed to do 2.33 miles in 31.01 at an average of 13.17/minute, and am feeling pretty good about it! I would never have believed I'd be running for this long, and feeling so good at my progress! To anyone wondering about doing this program, I would say give it a go, and despite any setbacks you may have, you'll see the benefits!

Thanks for the link on parkrun ewenm too - I looked on there last week, but it appears that I live in a parkrun black-spot - but will keep my eyes peeled for a nearby run popping up...


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236 months

Wednesday 18th May 2011
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Another quick progress update - I had a weigh in this morning and have now dropped just a fraction under the 17St mark, so I'm carrying on making progress - that's another 2.5Lbs or so gone this week!

Hopefully it will brighten up a bit for tonight's run - don't fancy getting too wet!


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236 months

Wednesday 18th May 2011
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So, it did brighten up, and I did run 1 of week 6. Again there are 3 different runs this week and tonight was 5 mins run, 3 mins walk, 8 mins run, 3 mins walk, 5 mins run, with the usual 5 mins each end to warm up/cool down.

I pushed a bit today, and it felt good to me - I was holding my pace well , and the bit that slowed me overall was that I seem to have been walking quite slowly! Overall though I did 2.80miles in 36.07 at 12.54/mile.

Very happy with that, so bring on Friday!


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236 months

Thursday 19th May 2011
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Thanks BalhamBadger - I'm really happy with the way things are going, and the visible progress!


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236 months

Friday 20th May 2011
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Another night, another run... Tonight was week 6, run 2 which involved two 10 minute runs separated by a 3 minute walk, with the 5 minute warm up/cool down either end.

It felt quite hard work tonight - I stalled a little bit during the second run, but after a short breather managed to push myself through to the end, even on a long gradual uphill section. I did 2.58 miles in 34.45 at an average of 13.29/mile, so not too bad considering, really.

Hopefully, all will go better for the next run, although that's a solid 25 minute monster!


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236 months

Monday 23rd May 2011
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Here I am again - another run, and another milestone achieved! Tonight was Week 6 Run 3, which moved things up a step again - this time to a solid 25 minute run! The good news is that I did it! I was really flagging late in the run, and began to slow for about 30 seconds, when Laura (the good lady on the podcast!) shouted in my ear that I only had a minute left, so I kicked myself back into action and braced for a decent final minute!

This was definitely a boost after a lacklustre last run, so I'm really on a high! The stats for today were 2.77miles in 36.26 at an average of 13.10/mile.

It's apparently all runs with no slowing from here on in - if they are as good as today, then bring it on!


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236 months

Wednesday 25th May 2011
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Another run done - this time, run 1 of week 7. I wasn't feeling like going out tonight, having been late in from work, but I went out regardless, and managed to push through the 25 minute run - with it feeling better from about the halfway point.

Overall tonight I managed to do 2.69 miles in 36.27 at a pace of 13.33/mile.

Another session down, and another one to do in a couple of days time...


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236 months

Wednesday 25th May 2011
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ewenm said:
Well done, keep it up (and other running platitudes hehe).
Thanks! I'm glad I pushed myself to get out tonight as it would have been easy to simply collapse on the sofa, but I went out and kept on target - so feel like I've stopped myself from cheating! These 25 minute runs are feeling tough, but when I look back, 2.5minutes was a tough push only a few weeks ago!


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236 months

Saturday 28th May 2011
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First of all, it's good to hear that this thread has been useful to other people, and I'm not just boring people with my run details!

I'm glad to hear from you all that you've started on the program and are feeling the benefits - Adycav, 11lbs is a great loss so far, I've certainly found that I'm feeling and looking better as I go through the weeks (I seem to have lost my "spare" chins!). I've said it before, but the structure of the program, and the achievement you feel as you progress - also using runtracker and posting times on here as helped keep me honest too - so if any of you want to join me in tracking progress, then feel free to stick up your results, and we can compare notes!

I managed to get another run in tonight (it was threatening to throw it down with rain, but I managed to get it done in the dry). I did about 2/3rds of my loop tonight, then turned round and retraced my steps, rather than trying to tag extra bits on the end to make up the time. It worked pretty well, and felt ok, but the last 5 minutes were pretty tough! I managed 2.70miles in 35.29 at 13.08/mile.

I'll get a weigh-in done in the next couple of days to see if I'm still heading in the right direction!


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236 months

Tuesday 31st May 2011
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First of all, great news on the progress adycav - a full stone in 4 weeks is an impressive loss - and a real motivator!

As you said - it would be great to hear other people's stories here, and we can compare notes on our progress, so bring it on!

I've been out again tonight, and managed a new record! I covered 3.0 miles in 38.34, at a pace of 12.50/mile. It felt good, once I'd got going properly, so I'm happy with that!

It's on to the first run of week 8, so we'll see how it goes when it goes up another notch next time!


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236 months

Monday 6th June 2011
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Hi All,

I'm back! It's great to hear all these positive comments on here - even more so, as I've not run since last wednesday due to a completely crazy week (which included a race to hospital with my wife - thankfully all is now ok), and generally feeling manky. Because of the gap, I decided to run an extra week 7 leg, so did another 25 minute run tonight.

Not a bad effort, and actually felt good to be running once I'd found my pace tonight. I did 2.78 miles in 37.00 mins at 13.19/mile.


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236 months

Monday 6th June 2011
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adycav said:
BalhamBadger said:
I find that if I sit down for even five minutes when getting home my chances of getting out for a run/ride or whatever are halved.
90% of the time I would find it difficult to train after work, depending on what sort of day I've had! I get up a little earlier and go before work first thing in the morning.

Good luck with whatever works for you.
I've got a toddler running around the house, so I've found it works best if I get home from work, grab some food (or wait till after the run!), sort out the evening routine and but browno jnr to bed, then as soon as he's asleep, get out for my run. That way, I still haven't sat down, and it's tending to be a little cooler in the evening. - Like you say, it's fitting the run into your routine in a way that works for you that's the important bit!

Maffy said:
Browno is my brother so quite funny to stumble across this thread!!

Anyway well done Bro, you are doing so so well, we are all very proud (putting me to shame with my I'll start next week attitude which I've had since Jan 1st!!!)
Thanks Matt - I'm getting there! Might even be able to manage a hill without a stream of swear-words soon!

jamescodriver said:
Just a quick post to support the OP and to say that last year i couldnt run to the end of my road with out wanting to collapse...I gave up smoking 5 years ago and appear to have put on a stone a year!
<lots of good stuff about races and motivation>
Thanks James - Great to hear another success story! I have begun looking for 5K's to enter, so will give that a go before too long, and see how I get on - unfortunately the nearest parkrun is miles away, or I'd start with that!


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236 months

Monday 6th June 2011
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Stuart70 said:

Just made it through run 3 of week 3. Struggled as I have been off work this week, so lots of running which is great; but a lot more red wine and beer, crisps etc too.

Still made it today without too much pain. Weight is not coming off, but the running is getting addictive.

Hope this is ok to post, please tell me to get lost if you don't want other posting OP.

Here's to week 4


Hi Stuart - the more, the merrier! PH is a community after all! It's good for me to hear how other folks are getting on!

Great to hear you've completed week 3 - and are enjoying it! I've said before, but the sense of achievement as you step up through the weeks really is great isn't it! The weeks seem to really step up the running from there onwards, but it's still achievable, and by the third run of each week, you are starting to feel more comfortable before the next step up!

Keep us posted with your progress!

