Couch to 5k - any good?

Couch to 5k - any good?



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236 months

Tuesday 7th June 2011
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Just to add to a mass of posts from me, I've had a weigh-in this morning and shifted almost 3 lbs more - so down to 16st 11 lbs ish (I'm weighing metric on these scales - I've lost 1.3Kg, and down to 106.7Kg).


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236 months

Saturday 11th June 2011
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I'm back again! Firstly, good to hear that you're getting back up to speed c8bof - sounds like you had a legitimate excuse to take a break from running though, and glad to hear it's going okay!

I have not been slacking this week, but didn't post on Weds, as I went out on the bike, as a change from running, and did 7.2miles in about 45minutes - which was quite a nice change!

I've been out tonight and done the first run of week 8, which is up to 28 minutes of running. In the previous longer runs I've usually backed off a little bit for a breather late in the run to do things like crossing the road. I managed today to get through the whole thing, and it felt really good! I managed 3.20miles in 41.12 at 12.53/mile. Looking at runkeeper too, my pace looks pretty steady for the whole run too, which I guess is pretty good.

Lets hope the next one goes as well, and hope the other couch to 5K'ers are also doing okay!


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236 months

Monday 13th June 2011
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Sounds like you're doing well Stuart - seems as though you've managed to get a bit ahead of the plan too! Hope the low-impact session helped you recover too drink

I've just been out for run 2 of week 8, and did pretty well - apart from a slight slow down at the start when I followed another damn fly! If it hadn't been for the fly, I reckon I'd have managed to go just a bit quicker than run 1. In the end though, I was 32 seconds slower over the same 3.20 miles at 41.44, at a pace of 13.02/mile.

Happy that I managed another decent, consistent run - so let's see what run 3 brings.


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236 months

Monday 13th June 2011
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ewenm said:
Flies are the bane of the summer-runner's life. I hate them.
It's taught me one thing - I'd make a rubbish rent boy - my gag reflex is a bit too keen!


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236 months

Tuesday 14th June 2011
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Another weigh-in today, and I'm down to 105.8Kg - so another couple of pounds off! Work night out tonight though, so I'm going to have to temper my appetite (I'm driving so won't be boozing)!


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236 months

Wednesday 15th June 2011
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Hi Stuart,

It sounds like you're making great progress - well done! It's great to hear that you're doing so well and that this thread is helping a little bit to keep you motivated! It sounds like the running is suiting you well so far - hitting 5K already is really good!

I didn't make the night out last night due to a slight panic at home (all ok now though!), so didn't have to worry about the calorie intake at least!

I've been out for another run tonight - the last one of week 8, so getting close to the final hurdle now! It wasn't a bad effort - no unexpected snacks, so that was good! I managed to improve on my previous best slightly - I did 3.20 miles again in 40.58 at 12.49/mile.

Just in case anyone is wondering about my timing etc and wants to compare data - I'm starting runkeeper as I start the podcasts, so am including the warm-up and warm-down walks as part of my overall timings (so that's 10 minutes each time at a brisk walk) - looking back at the data on the pc, it looks like for the running sections I'm doing about 10-11 minute mile pace consistently. I've not really pushed the pace yet, I'm focussing at the moment on getting the duration up, then when I've finished week 9, I'll try to get a bit quicker!

Thanks for looking in - and I'll be back again with an update from the start of week 9 soon!


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236 months

Sunday 19th June 2011
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I'm back again, and I've managed another run (sort of) - I was supposed to be doing the first run of week 9, which meant 30 minutes. I had postponed on Friday, as it was raining heavily, and planned to run Saturday - we were then late in, so I decided that I would run this morning. I don't know if it was that I am used to running in the evenings, or if I started out too fast, but I felt hopeless after about 20 mins.

I carried on running for a bit, but gave up as a bad job after 25 minutes of running and walked back. Ended up doing 2.75 miles in 35.48 at 13.02/mile.

Not a great session, but hopefully the next one will be better!


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236 months

Tuesday 21st June 2011
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Well - I'm back again and have had a better couple of days!

I started the week by trying something different - Maffy and I have signed up for a taster Kickboxing deal, and had our first session last night - which was really enjoyable, but I was aching in my shoulders this morning!

I also thought I should get out and kick off the downer from Sunday, so have been out tonight, and did my first proper 30 minute run! It felt much better tonight that Sunday, and I managed 3.30 miles in 41.26 at 12.33/mile - so I'm very happy to have finally reached the 30 minute goal, and hope that I can improve and make it feel even better with another couple of goes!

ewenm - good point about the time of day! I'm still mucking around deciding on a suitable 5k, and keep umming and ahhing! I am however planning to try some runs at other times of day - there is a gang of folks at work who go out running at lunch, so at some point over the next couple of weeks, I'm planning on heading out and joining them, for a change of route and time so that I can see how it works out.


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236 months

Wednesday 29th June 2011
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I'm back once again, having not managed a run in over a week! I went kickboxing again last Thursday, which was good - although I ended up with sore and aching calves until Sunday (when I planned to run, but it clashed with Top Gear wink).

I was then travelling on business for 2 days (and had a couple of beers, so think the scales won't be happy with me!) so it was important to get out there tonight - and an email from a PHer asking how I am getting on was the perfect motivation to make sure I put in a decent effort!

Today I did run 2 of week 9, and set a new distance record! I did 3.51 miles in 44.44, at a pace of 12.45/mile, so I'm happy with that!


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236 months

Thursday 7th July 2011
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Well, another week of being a slacker! I went Kickboxing again on Thursday night, and haven't done anything since - we've had a sick toddler, which has meant very limited sleep, along with dodgy weather when I had a thought about running, it's been a bad couple of weeks!

I did at least manage to make it out tonight, and it was a funny run - I felt able to run a bit quicker, but got more tired when doing so, and had to walk a few times to recover a little bit.

Overall, it wasn't a bad effort though - just a few seconds behind last week's record! I did 3.50miles in 45.00mins - an average of 12.51/mile.

I'm planning on getting out again next over the weekend, so let's hope it's a good one!


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236 months

Thursday 11th August 2011
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Thought it was about time to resurrect this thread as I've been a bit of a slacker for the past month!

I've been out three times in total - one evening run on the usual route and two lunchtime runs at work which have been shorter (ca. 2 miles) but on a more punishing route, which is pretty hilly. The good news is that I've not changed in weight either up or down in the meantime, so that's good - but I need to get moving and get out and running again soon.

I did a lunchtime run yesterday, which was hard work, but it felt good to actually be out and exercising again - so I'm going to try and get back to a more regular routine from here.

How are the others on here that had started the couch to 5k getting on - anyone seeing decent progress, or conversely got part way and needing some motivation? would be good to hear some more stories to try and keep me honest!


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508 posts

236 months

Thursday 25th August 2011
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Great to hear from both of you guys that you're doing so well, and a good kick up the backside for me! it's really good to hear of your progress - it really is satisfying to see the improvement, isn't it!

I have been hopeless at getting out for a run recently - every time itry something hapens to stop me!

I am now determined to get another push on though and was buoyed by my efforts yesterday! I am currently in Seoul on business. I landed yesterday morning, went straight to the office and survived a VERY long day followed by dinner. When I got to the hotel, I thought it was too early to sleep, so went to the gym and managed 40 minutes on the treadmill (with panoramic views of the city from the 16th floor!) and 4.1miles - So a new distance record for me.

I'm travelling for a bit now, so plan on hitting the gym as much as possible while I'm here!

Best of luck for the 10k c8bof - let us know how you get on!


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508 posts

236 months

Wednesday 6th January 2016
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Just spotted this had been bumped and thought I should drop in as the OP

First of all, good on you Benzo for getting going and taking the first step - that is certainly the hardest part, once you've started, it certainly seems to get easier!

As I said early on in my posts - make sure you have some proper, fitted running shoes. I didn't to start with and bust my knees pretty quickly. I then got some proper shoes and have not had a problem since.

I guess the other question is, what have I managed since starting this thread? Well, I did ok shortly after my last update, but slipped a little as my second son arrived Dec 2011 - which meant my runs slipped somewhat - although I did manage to run the local (Derby) 10k race in April 2012 - managing a slower than hoped 1Hr 9Mins (I was aiming for under the hour - but hadn't run enough near the race). At that point I was down around 17St, so had got the weight down a fair bit, but from then I slipped - lots of business travel and two kids meant that I wasn't really eating well or exercising.

So, all of this meant that January 2015, I was back up to 18st 13lbs - so basically where I started, but decided to try again with renewed determination. I have been using Myfitnesspal to log my diet, and have been back on the c25k - with my wife joining me too. As of today, I am down to around 15st 8lbs, and feeling much better, having steadily shifted the weight (with the plan to slowly shift about another 25lbs this year).

I had an extension built last year, and bought myself a treadmill for the garage, which has worked great for me - meaning no excuse not to go out when it's cold, wet, late or anything else. I am mostly managing to run 3 times a week (although I had slipped a little form mid-Dec to last week!) doing 3-6k depending on how energetic I am feeling. I am not exactly quick at the minute, but want to build my speed and stamina this year - I am aiming to enter the Derby 10k again this year, and WILL make it in under an hour!

So somewhat of a tale of incomplete success, but this time, I am hoping that it is much more sustainable, and I will keep it off. The only problem I have had is that I am generally allergic to buying clothes (I can usually find something much more interesting to buy instead!) - and I have had to succumb and buy some new gear, as most of my wardrobe was hanging off me - my waist is down from a 38-40" to 34" now, which is a very noticeable change - and it's nice to have people noticing the changes!