P90X - Bring It!!



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Monday 2nd July 2012
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So tonight, I have completed the first training block of three of P90X and can report that, for me at least, it is a brilliant programme - barring a very sore left pec (overdid the Kempo X last week!)

For the record, I'm 45, 5', 11". Started just over a month ago at 14st 2, 36" waist. I'm still 45(!) but 13st, 1 and sub 34" waist with some decent muscle definition starting to form and a general sense of well being that I've not had for many a year. Never had a 6-pack (well, I have, just all in the one barrel) - but one is starting to form.

For those that aren't aware of this, it's an American Fitness programme devised by Tony Horton. Central to the programme are 12 DVDs that take you through various routines combining resistance, stretch, cardio, martial arts, yoga and ab crunchers - each around an hour long. They use what's called 'muscle confusion' so you don't always do the same routines in the same order which keeps it all fresh. The programme is extreme (hence the X) and goes over 90 days (hence the 90). The kit comes with resistance bands and the option of a pull up bar that fits to a doorframe.

The yoga module is properly mad. Never done yoga before. It's the longest routine at over 90 minutes and boy do you sweat!!!!

It comes with a nutrition plan which I'm sort of keeping to but for the second block, I'm going to follow it a bit more closely.

I've previously been highly sceptical of any 'home fitness programme' but a bit research revealed far more positive stories than negative. Main reason I went for this was on the recommendation of a friend who like me, travels about a lot for work and can't always get to the gym. He has had terrific results. I've been a member of gym for about 10 years which has helped to keep the ravages of time at bay - just - but realised I wasn't actually getting any fitter - just not getting unfit, not helped for a penchant for Real Ale and Phillip Morris' finest!

So far, I have to say the results are excellent. Thoroughly enjoying it - probably a bit too much and there are many comments on the message board where people say they should have paced themselves a bit more at the beginning.


Well, you need a certain degree of fitness to start and there's a fit test you need to do before you start the programme. The kit comes with two extra workouts which are useful to build up to this. The fit test isn't that difficult though, unless you're a complete tubber or a total novice to anything fitness.

It's all very, 'American' which from a motivational point of view is excellent (Tony Horton is really brilliant at this), but the constant up-sell for other products (P90X Recovery Drink, Suppliments, Equipment, etc...) gets a bit wearisome. Plus, the nutritional guide is American so some of the foods and dishes need a bit of translation.

And that's it really. Won't be for everyone but is working for me and lovin' it!


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Tuesday 3rd July 2012
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JQ said:
My main concern is that I won't have the resolve to complete the exercises every day and cook the correct food for 3 months.
Was one of the things I was worried about too. For me, I've found the more I do the more I want to do. Had a few days with family in Sweden last week and even took the discs with me and was up early working out!

I haven't yet followed the nutrition plan to the book but have changed a lot about what I eat - cutting out the usual suspects, and generally using the plan as more of a 'guide'.


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Tuesday 3rd July 2012
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Monday 9th July 2012
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ParanoidAndroid said:
Interested in this, what other kit do you need at home to be able to complete the workouts shown on the DVD's?
The resistance bands that come with the pack are generally sufficient. Where you have a choice of a routine using weights or bands, you are shown both options.

I've found some of the routines do work better with weights (Dumbells). A pull up bar is handy too (but get one from a sports shop rather than the official P90X one) and depending on how you are with push ups, a couple of push-up stands would be worth splashing out for. Oh, and a matt.


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Monday 9th July 2012
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southendpier said:
the yoga is really tough.
You're not wrong!

Thought I'd get an hour of nice calmness - instead, 90 mins of sweating like fat bird in a cake shop.

How tempting is it just to fall asleep on the corpse pose at the end??


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Wednesday 11th July 2012
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So, a quick update for those interested.

Finished the first training block over a week ago and extended the recovery phase due to me overdoing the Kenpo X routine (non-impact, martial arts movements) and tearing a muscle deep in my left pec.

Recovery phase is a week of non-resistence, low impact stuff, yoga, stretch and a bit of cardio. Comes at exactly the right time! Still tough going though!

Biggest gains over the past week has been flexibility. On a forward, down, hamstring stretch I've gone from maxing with hands just below the knee to palms on the floor - though strangely, not quite there yet on my left side. I've mastered some of the more complex Yoga stuff which has also helped on breathing techniques for other routines.

I've dropped another couple of pounds so have gone in total from 14st 1 to a faction under 13.

Flabby belly is clearly in the decline (though Ab Ripper X remains for me the toughest of all the routines).

Getting a really decent form, standing straighter, feeling lighter, sleeping better.....

Now started the second training block and beginning to follow the diet plan a little more closely (mainly because its largely stuff I eat anyway).

I'll report back as I go but still liking this a lot.


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Wednesday 11th July 2012
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Taff107 said:
A friend has done P90 and Insanity and tbh, he should have stopped at P90. He has a pic of how he was after both side by side and after Insanity, he looks ripped but gaunt and emaciated. He has lost about 5 stone in total and is now down to 7.5% body fat which looks awful imo
Before I took the plunge, I trawled a number of forums and one of the few negative comments was that P90X can become addictive for some and because your fitness levels are so much higher at the end, there is the temptation to dive straight into Insanity or other ultra-extreme programmes. A good problem I guess but a problem to keep an eye on none the less.


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Wednesday 25th July 2012
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ParanoidAndroid said:
Do you guys do any other training whilst on P90X or have you stopped everything else purely to concentrate on this?
For the first two weeks, I maintained a twice weekly trip to the gym but have since cancelled my subscription for no other reason that it simply wasn't needed and I got - and continue to get - far more out of P90X.

I'm seeing one other advantage this week on account of me currently working in Azerbaijan for a few days. Brought the DVDs with me along with the bands so haven't interrupted the training schedule while I'm away from home. Can't really do that with a gym!! :-)

Just a heads up for the newbies, don't skip the fit test before you start. I did and it wasn't worth it. If you need to develop to meet the minimum suggested levels, the two bonus workouts in the pack are ideal for this. It's well worth a week or so building up - you'll progress much faster.


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Wednesday 25th July 2012
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Hoofy said:
Halb said:
Western society is designed to make you fat and unhealthy. Just taking a stand is an effort. Society needs to change as well.
Agreed. On MFP, threads often pop up complaining about how unsupportive their family and friends are. Actually, about 70% of mine are the same but I'm pigheaded and love an argument. biggrin
There was an interesting threat on one the US P90X forums about society's negativity towards those who seek to improve themselves, particularly towards middle-aged men.

Men in their 40s represent the largest group who have committed to improve their health and is arguably the best decade in which to do so. This is driven by the fact that it is in your 40s that you become very aware of your own mortality as the weddings and christenings that have taken up much of your youthful weekends previously slowly get replaced by funerals of aunts, uncles..parents. You wake up to the fact that the conveyor ahead of you is becoming very empty. But, unless you have completely ripped the arse out of your life to this point, you physically retain a great deal of what you had in your 20s and 30s in terms of performance ability so you still retain the ability to develop a very high level of fitness and physical appearance so that the length of the conveyor belt is increased and your time on it far more enjoyable, productive and positive.

The problem is other people who view this approach as being a 'mid-life-crisis' or an ill-feted attempt to cling to youth. The fitter and better looking you become, the more cynical and critical others become of your transformation.

Personally, I use this as a spur to push forward and leave the cynical masses to grow fatter.


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Wednesday 25th July 2012
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ParanoidAndroid said:
Thanks, not received my DVD's yet but had originally planned to skip this test completely. I also need to get some before pictures for inspiration!

Edited to add: Just turned 40 this year wink

Edited by ParanoidAndroid on Wednesday 25th July 15:33
You may not need it and unless you're a complete tubber, it's not that hard but there are a few things that will make the difference.

Belated happy 40th by the way. Welcome to the dark side! - rest easy though because do this, and you'll be fitter at 41 than you were at 40!


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Thursday 26th July 2012
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fatpasty said:

Has anyone actually done this??
I have had a look at this and it doesn't look that bad.

However, the thing about P90X is that's it not just an exercise programme but a nutrition guide and provides a lot of mindset training too. Personally, I find Tony Horton both motivational and quite entertaining which makes putting on the DVD something to look forward to rather than a 'have to' kind of thing - and the message board and forum support is excellent as well.


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Monday 30th July 2012
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ArsE92 said:
My P90X pack has arrived thumbup

The DVD's don't work on PS3 frown

I'll have to wait until the weekend now before I can get to my laptop and 'rip' them, then transfer them to my tablet grumpy
DVDs are set to region '0' so should work any any normal DVD player - even a cheapy from Asda.

Won't work on any blu-ray based device.


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Monday 6th August 2012
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5678 said:
YogaX last night and it tested me.
Stick with it! It's taken me 5 or 6 goes but is well worth the effort. Having never done yoga before, all the moves were totally new to me and because for most of the time you spend looking at your nuts and tackle, being able to see how to do the moves means coming out of the move, removing any benefit. But, once you get to know the moves, it becomes easier...well, not easier but it all flows better and the benefits are certainly worth the effort.

As for the shakes, I've been using Maximuscle Promax. I've nothing to compare it to but I'm very happy with this.


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Monday 6th August 2012
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So, first day of Training Block 3. This week and 3 others and I'm done!

I'm 45, started at 14 stone 1 lb, waist knocking on 36". As of this evening, I'm still 45 but feel closer to 30. 12 Stone 5 lb (did actually dip to 12,3) and I'm not far off a 32" waist. Some nice definition has formed - now need to build on this.

I've previously followed the nutrition plan loosely but going to pay more adherence to it for the next 4 weeks as you need the added calories to notch everything up a gear or three.

The only think I'm still having trouble with is Ab Ripper X. This has never been my strong point but I am getting further through it and what I can do is having a decent effect.

What has surprised me is how much I still enjoy it. I did harbour the thought that I'd get bored and find reasons not to do it, but each day I look forward to getting stuck in. Got the missus and lad at it now as well!


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Monday 6th August 2012
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Chapppers said:
Wow, I hope I have the commitment to stick with it. I'm up near 14st 12 at the moment, it would be incredible to be hovering around the 13st mark. Best I've ever done was 14st2.

We shall see. I think the difference here could be that I don't have to go to the gym, and I can take the videos away with me travelling. Not sure what I'd be able to do in a hotel without a pullup bar though :S
Use the bands but adopt the lean forward position and do more reps. Works just as well. Just make sure you find a door that's well screwed in!


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Tuesday 7th August 2012
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Chapppers said:
I can definitely see a morning conversation sometime in the future of "what's that big red stripe across your face?" "hit myself with my resistance bands" "resistance what?!?!" "yeah"
Some people pay good money for that sort of thing! smile


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Wednesday 8th August 2012
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theshrew said:
I had a little search on the net last night about this managed to have a quick look at the diet plan, looks quite nice really although maybe a bit of a pain to keep on top of all that cooking different stuff. It seems a lot more food than I'd normally eat to.

Are you guys following the plan or just using it as a guide ?

I like the idea of this as you have to follow the training and food. Normally I'm ok with food but need a structured plan for training.
There's three nutrition plans for each of the three training blocks. For the first two, I've used the nutrition plan more as a guide, cutting out fats and concentrating on whole foods. Two reasons for this approach; one, it's very American so some of the foodstuffs are not available here or use different terminology so require research to work out what it is you are supposed to be eating and two, it's a pain in the bum having to cook something totally different to the rest of the house.

It just comes down to being sensible.

The one downside to this is that there have been occasions where I haven't taken in enough calories and get three quarters of the way through a routine and run out of steam. Trick is spotting this and adjusting.

For the third and final phase, I am following the plan pretty much to book, mainly because this is quite intense and you do need to make sure you've taken on enough fuel. Plus, the grub is mmmmm! (Steak, Baked Beans....!)

The one big change I've made is booze. It's not mentioned anywhere in the literature but before I started, I'd have something alcoholic every day - pint of beer, glass of wine, a nice malt... (not all on the same day you understand). I still have the occasional beer but it's been two and half weeks since I had my last. Don't miss it and enjoy it more when I do.



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257 months

Thursday 9th August 2012
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5678 said:
Fearing Yoga tonight already!
That's me tonight as well!

Feeling a bit knackered today though so may just concentrate on perfecting one move only....Shavasana Corpse Pose, reckon I'll have it licked after an hour and half smile


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Monday 20th August 2012
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Two weeks to go and I'm done!

This weekend was the first in many a year I was quite happy to mow the front lawn sans-shirt!

Going to stretch it an extra week though. Didn't really 'bring it' last week and had a few days where I didn't have the time to do the full routine.

Couple of things I've noticed though....

Finally mastered the pull up bar (using the bands till now) and just found a load more strength that I didn't have before. Really makes a difference.

After 10 years, dusted off my old mountain bike yesterday and went for a proper off-road ride and certainly noticed the extra power in my legs and back.

Nutrition is really important on the final phase. Easy to loose energy otherwise.

I've stopped aching in a bad way - now just ache in a good way.

How are those of you also doing this getting on?


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Wednesday 22nd August 2012
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ArsE92 said:
Anyone else using this P90xcel spreadsheet?
Wish I'd seen that when I started!!

Might have to start all over just to use it!