


Original Poster:

3,241 posts

241 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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While cannibalising PCs in another department, I overheard a conversation discussing how laws should be implemented. To illustrate his point, one of the gents decided to use speeding as an example.

[b]It’s pointless driving a powerful car because no-one can drive above 50mph. [/b][small]{I had to bite my lip to stop myself from incredulously laughing as to have done so would have been really quite rude}[/small] [b]
The government should force car manufacturers to add a speed limiter to all cars, with a switch to change the limiter between 30mph when in urban areas and 50mph when on motorways. [/b] [small]{yes, he really did say that}[/small] [b]
This method would take the worry out of driving and the government would not have to spend the huge amounts of money on speed enforcement.[/b]

I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know me, my car or my driving style, so I’m convinced he wasn’t trying to wind me up. In disbelief at what I just heard, I decided to just walk away (with my extra 2GB of RAM :hehe: ).

How many errors/misconceptions/idiocies can you find with his argument?


2,779 posts

248 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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smeggy said:
How many errors/misconceptions/idiocies can you find with his argument?

None. He sounds a perfectly reasonable kind of chap.


39,731 posts

286 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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smeggy, sorry about this but, you and I are the odd ones out as are all petrolheads. The majority of the general public think this way, it explains why people slow down to 45 most of the time because they don't realise the NSl is 60


13,330 posts

232 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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(whilst shaking head...)

Astonishing. Wouldnt it be better than to impinge on the honest lives on the public, but to impinging on the rights of a burglar by locking them up!?

After all if the same '1984' attitude was had with other crimes our world would be so much nicer.

No one would ever get mugged as it will be illegal to walk further than 10m from a streetlamp at night.

No-one would get burgled as there will be a dusk to dawn curfew without applying for a permit in writing and;

Car crime will be down as no-one will be allowed a vehicle worth stealing.

What a lovely outlook. Well done bobby.

rich 36

13,739 posts

268 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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hear hear,(young man) spinning wheels and doing what you call 'Danishes' in morrisons car park
you'll be old & stupid one day,

nurse, where's my cup of cocoa, its ways past bed-time y'know


12,456 posts

236 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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If this truly is the common opinion with the greater population of the public, then why is it that the majority of people seen speeding on the motorways are perfectly average, normal men and women?

I frequently drive up and down the M4 which has quite a few 50MPH speed camera enforced roadwork sections at the moment. Its not the company car driving middle-aged blokes. Its not the chavtastic Nova or even the higher-end sports cars and convertibles that speed - its average, run-of-the-mill motors with average people in them..... and these are the people who are caught, fined and oppose the whole thing.....

Its just getting them to react / act about it that is the problem. But fortunately the type of person quoted represents the very small minority and people who happen to like cars and driving are not the criminals here - its every one of the 25+ million drivers in this country.....


7,325 posts

246 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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Was it Alistair Darling talking?

Does this person drive? If not then they should keep their mouth shut as they obviously haven't got the first clue.

If they do drive then they should flush their license down the toilet and never drive again.

Peter Ward

2,097 posts

258 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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leosayer said:
...Does this person drive? If not then they should keep their mouth shut as they obviously haven't got the first clue...

Ah, but everyone has the right to an opinion about cars, drivers and driving. Enthusiastic drivers are the one minority that it's ok to be prejudiced against. This is fully supported by government bodies everywhere so it must be right.


39,731 posts

286 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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This is the mentality of a person who drives at 50 on the motorway because it's safer, drives at 45 in the country, everywhere, even through villages. The kind of person who'll close a gap to prevent you overtaking because it's dangerous, flashes headlights at you if you overtake because you're being irresponsible.

In other words brainwashed into driving completely without regard to anyone else so long as they're not going fast and doing their level best to stamp their indignant dissapproval on anyone who dares to be different. A curtain twitching busybody brain dead moron who isn't bright enough to figure out that Eastenders isn't real.

good enough?

Big Fat F'er

893 posts

227 months

Tuesday 13th September 2005
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apache said:
.....Eastenders isn't real.

Oh no, you had better be joking!

By the way, why didn't you challenge him (original thread). Personally I don't think you should speed above the limit (I like the aceleration more than the speed), I think you are wrong if you do it, and I think you should stop moaning about the BiB if you get caught. BUT, BUT, BUT...I accept the freedom of speech and your right to disagree.

Trouble is, 99.9% of PH'rs are gonna agree with you. It's the guy you disagree with you need to challenge. Apart from anything else, where's this 50 come from.

Go back to him and argue your case.....even if it's wrong!!!!!

Highway Star

3,579 posts

233 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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Big Fat F'er said:

Go back to him and argue your case.....even if it's wrong!!!!!

I wouldn't bother - just call him a cretin and chin him :nod:


8,273 posts

260 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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I heard my boss saying that in any accident involving a car and a cyclist the driver should always be held reponsible...... that was until a cyclist rode into the back of his wife's car (she was stopped at a red light)
A case of someone forming an opinion based on little or no experience of the situation.

p.s. he now firmly believes that cyclist should have some form of personal insurance having kissed good bye to his NCD.


11,701 posts

282 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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MilnerR said:
I heard my boss saying that in any accident involving a car and a cyclist the driver should always be held reponsible...... that was until a cyclist rode into the back of his wife's car (she was stopped at a red light)
A case of someone forming an opinion based on little or no experience of the situation.

p.s. he now firmly believes that cyclist should have some form of personal insurance having kissed good bye to his NCD.

He should take out a claim in the Small Claims Court.


8,369 posts

245 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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Agreed kevin Liebchen. Our bicycles have been added to our general insurance policies - which protect us and third party - should we ever cause a crunch. Make sense as we have 3/4 bikes each in this houshold - und not cheap to replace either.

But.. lot of cyclist claiming they are getting injured through "dooring". Does not make sense... when I drive or ride past line of parked car - give adequate space und drive at safest speed for condition - which ist s--l--o--w und more than likely below speed limit ! in case numpty opens door on me.

Apart from that - in distance you see person park up or get into car - thus very likely the door will open - either driver's or rear passenger - so you adjust the speed und position. Also - you use eyes - if person sat in car - they may get out of car - so I periodically ring the little bell on handle bars - on basis that car engine can be heard und bicycle cannot be heard as easily. Case of caution and awareness on part of all - but ist always better to be aware that people make silliest of errors - so to adjust.

8,369 posts

245 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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smeggy said:

While cannibalising PCs in another department, I overheard a conversation discussing how laws should be implemented. To illustrate his point, one of the gents decided to use speeding as an example.

Ist unbelievable - but the flaws - simple. Quiz him for fun on Highway Code - he need to read it.

chump said:

It’s pointless driving a powerful car because no-one can drive above 50mph. {I had to bite my lip to stop myself from incredulously laughing as to have done so would have been really quite rude} The government should force car manufacturers to add a speed limiter to all cars, with a switch to change the limiter between 30mph when in urban areas and 50mph when on motorways. {yes, he really did say that}
This method would take the worry out of driving and the government would not have to spend the huge amounts of money on speed enforcement.

Your chump clearly does not know his Highway Code - I would buy him one immediately. Und test him on it before he read it

NSL - 70 mph on motorway/dual carriageway und 60 mph on singles...- lot of road A roads up and down country with 60 mph limit as well -

Also - Italy has 93 mph autostrade stretches -- most of Europe 81.25 mph limit and parts of Germany are just pure bliss

You need the powerful cars abroad! Also for track days I think I might be inclined to invite him to one and give him truest "feel" of speed

Clearly does not drive a car....has no concept of skill or personal development I would consider his laziness tpo use his brains and strive to develop und perfect his skill as lack of commitment to self improvement...which not doubt reflects in his work.

What a plank....


8,369 posts

245 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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anonymous said:

My computer stalled and flung me out of everything just as I hit submit

Ist speedy fingers... Knew I should not have used that spellchecker


Original Poster:

3,241 posts

241 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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Big Fat F’er (I like your nick)
I didn’t challenge him because I don’t know him. I’ve met him once – when we were introduced when he started. Also, he’s in a higher position so it wouldn’t be my best career move if my first words with him were confrontational or shattered his beliefs.

I’ve not found out how he commutes into work, I’ll give an update when I manage to accidentally ‘bump’ into his colleague


8,369 posts

245 months

Wednesday 14th September 2005
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smeggy said:
Big Fat F’er (I like your nick)
I didn’t challenge him because I don’t know him. I’ve met him once – when we were introduced when he started. Also, he’s in a higher position so it wouldn’t be my best career move if my first words with him were confrontational or shattered his beliefs.

If he is not able to listen to another point of view or accept that he knows very little about Highway Code and needs to acquaint himself with facts before spouting ill informed nonsense ... he should consider a career move to ... high rank pratnership wally. If he does not know his speed limits and rules of road - ist menace - you would be doing favour if you introduced him to new copy of this little book

But would not be pee-cee of me to post how I think he got his promotion...would not have impressed me with this blinkered head in sand /set in ways / attitude anyway.

smeggy said:

I’ve not found out how he commutes into work, I’ll give an update when I manage to accidentally ‘bump’ into his colleague

Wander into gents at clock off time... bet he wears lycra and no helmet (Nothing wrong mit lycra - on right bloke ...ist sexy! (but he sound like right plank und wus to me ) (und I do not mean those weedy looking but wiry strength guys on bikes... I mean real men with the cute bums, biceps .... ! (I think I'd better get a glass of cold water ...)

Big Fat F'er

893 posts

227 months

Saturday 17th September 2005
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smeggy said:
...he’s in a higher position so it wouldn’t be my best career move if my first words with him were confrontational or shattered his beliefs.

True. Let's face it, everyone is promoted to their level of incompetence, and he's reached his!!

Personally I challenge 'em whatever, but I wouldn't advise you to do it. Employment law in this country doesn't stop a tw*t of a manager making it difficult.

By the way, ignore the comment about Lycra... NO bloke looks good in it...EVER!!!


Original Poster:

3,241 posts

241 months

Friday 30th September 2005
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An update:

I saw him arrive at work this in a silver Polo, he didn’t do a good job of parking either I went and introduced myself to his colleague and found out that the majority of his commute is via the M3…….

I said it once, but I’ll say it again: Oh….My….God….