POLICE...... False evidence

POLICE...... False evidence



13,116 posts

258 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Mrs Fish said:

evolution666 said:

The road i was sat down lead to a dead end, the tarmac simply stopped. The road is quite a wide one, and it has a T junction which leads off it, its about 20 yards long and that also leads to a dead end, well a field to be precise.


And what were you doing eating a KFC down such a dark dead end?

Would you want to be seen eating a KFC in public

Mr Whippy

29,129 posts

243 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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They must have been a thick bunch of apes in the first place, probably why they got so wound up when they couldn't "do" you for anything!
You would imagine a ground of police officers could come up with a more realistic sounding report. Anyone who drives a car should know why tyres screech, when they screech and such things! Even my 6 year old cousin could tell you that a car doesn't screech in the wet.

Reminds me of them american films when cars pull up on grass or gravel and the tyres screech all the time!



Original Poster:

310 posts

237 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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FAO Richard C

In 2002, i was 21, on my birthday, i went out and bought a 1 year old Impreza

No silly mods
No tinted windows (looking back i should have now)

Basicaly, nothing on the car made it stand out other than the age of the driver.

I got stopped the day i brought it home, which i thought was fair enough, young lad, expensive to run, buy and insure for a lad of this age. But it never stopped there, i said a have only got 42 producers to date, that doesnt include the pulls where i eventualy started carrying my docs around with me... The car was even searched one night for suspision of a burgalry, this officer had stopped me 5 times in the last 2 month, he knew who i was he just thought he was being clever.

Any way, this carried on right until i got rid of it on. I then got a 306 RALLYE, agian, no mods, no nothing. I went un noticed for a month until some lad ran into the side of me outside the local nightclub where the police had to attend. Than guess what, the same sh** started all avoer again.

Its stopped again, as they dont know what im driving, i have an invisable white 5 door Micra and a newish FTO which is hardly ever out...



6,081 posts

247 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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more evidence of harassment IMHO, match the dates they realize it's you with the producers, proof they're pulling just cos they know it's you.


12,134 posts

248 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Streetcop said:
Best of Luck...

I,m not going to bother to read any of your posts anymore. Another member of the public that has lost respect for at least one copper. Perhaps this forum would be better off without you.
What a plonker.


>> Edited by groucho on Thursday 11th November 17:46


Original Poster:

310 posts

237 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Just an UPDATE guys

My lawyer is calling all 9 officers to the wittness stand to be questioned over the incident...

I have been told that none of them will be allowed to read from their statements, just thier notes, so i guess its going to be hard for all of them to resight the same lie in court, one after the other....

things are starting to look up....




67,280 posts

272 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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evolution666 said:
Just an UPDATE guys

My lawyer is calling all 9 officers to the wittness stand to be questioned over the incident...

I have been told that none of them will be allowed to read from their statements, just thier notes, so i guess its going to be hard for all of them to resight the same lie in court, one after the other....

things are starting to look up....



Excellent news.

I hope your breif nails the ignorant swines to the wall for their behaviour.


4,001 posts

270 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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evolution666 said:

a 1 year old Impreza

Wheelspin for 60 metres? Really? Can you make them do that?


1,293 posts

240 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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I am 55 now, but when I was a youngster like you I was a rock musician with a bright red E Type Jag and hair down to my shoulders and no matter how hard I tried I just could not get peace from the local traffic cops.
Things were very different then and the police were a lot less politically correct than they are now; in some ways that was good but in others not so good.
This escalated to the point where one particularly evil scumbag on a motorcycle stopped me five times in one week, and on the last occasion my temper snapped and it got nasty and he assaulted me.
My father, who at that time was a very powerful man and an amateur boxer really sorted this guy out and almost got himself jailed.
We eventually came to an agreement with one of the senior officers who acted as a mediator because he knew my whole family due to the fact that we played at the police social club regularly.
The whole event was a nightmare and that particular officer finally got the jail for almost killing an old tramp by beating him senseless.
My personal slant on this now after thirty five years experience in courts, etc, is that I will not, under any circumstances, accept any type of behaviour from the police other than absolutely exemplary.
Due to the power they have and the enormous privelege of wearing the Queens uniform their behaviour at all times has to be for me perfect.
I suggest you take the same stance.
If you want to e-mail me direct I will give you the benefit of my experience, but Ted is right when he says you musn't do anything off your own back without consulting a solicitor first, the problem is getting one that will fight for you, not just be a lawyer.


4,693 posts

260 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Good luck.

I have never been in that situation so cant imagine how annoying it is.

As has been said - DONT MAKE ANYTHING UP! It will bit you in the arse!



Original Poster:

310 posts

237 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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UpTheIron said:

evolution666 said:

a 1 year old Impreza

Wheelspin for 60 metres? Really? Can you make them do that?

It was the FWD Rallye i had at the time, and as the question, i dont even know if the PUG could do it either...



9,238 posts

286 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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unlike "streetcop" you have just earned my respect for that post. And believe me, as a rail engineer of 20 years I had severe doubts after reading your posts this week.

I too believe the Police should act above question at all times and when they don't they should be punished with the most severe action possible. Unfortunatley when you see the posts on here of one or two of them and the behaviour of some of them like I saw the other night (when a colleague of mine was needlessley fined for the most minor offence by two of the most patronising and pathetic officers I have ever met) I give up. I wouldn't help the police now as a matter of principle.


8,369 posts

245 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Your girly friend - presumably she ist your witness as well.

But no matter .... they would have to be very hardened liars indeed to be able to place their right hand on Bible in Court und Swear BY ALMIGHTY GOD that they are telling truth.

Am official Plod interpreter for European lingos und have interpreted on very odd occasions (can really count on one hand) for those Porsche drivers who forget their Englisch on occasion in the past. Und we were in court following my accident in which naughty insurance company tried to lie und diddle its way out of damages by claiming the deceased was not insured at time of impact "as he had died before he hit me" (The lying bar stewards lost incidentally und I got the damages we were suing for - but ended up paying back NHS fro my treatment und lawyer for his services )

But.... even if atheist, agnostic....

.... the sombre und black and white act of placing one's hand on that Bible in time honoured tradition - you would have to really be Satan's little helper to continue to tell blatant fibbles.....

I hope justice ist served ... und take no notice on this occasion of our lieben Strassen - he occasionally talks out of his @rse. He claims he has recently swallowed the pee-cee pill unter orders from on high - he has always been a bit of prissy pee-cee to me und my Mad Doc husband who also posts on here (but mostly on Paulie's site ) und our Strassen really does see police in the rosiest coloured spectacles. Shall have to prescribe for him the eye-opener pill ....

He ist commendable in his loyalty und at times over -enthusiasm for his job und dann he goes all saintly und preachy und prissy which spoils his posts a bit. Und we have not seen eye to eye in past either whenever he is "ist too "law ist law ist law!" mode....... which ist almost all the time .....

My fave cops on here .... ... they are all the ones we want.... Tony Rec (he ist sensible und cute - he had photo of himself astride a bike once - nice bum!) will crash too - he was in "Autocar" once.....on feature mit his mate. mungo - understand he ist short, but lethal mit karate chop , Officer Dibble, silvery backed michael, gone ... und others...... all fair minded und a credit.

You are unfortunate that you met the one from hell.
We do need them - but not the types who harrass. That ist unprofessional. We know they exist.... Mad Doc (my husband) - he had no choice but make biggest complaint about two - und they are not disgracing the uniform anymore.

Hope it all works out for you .... und that they are phased by that Bible in the Court Room.

Mrs Fish

30,018 posts

260 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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you have such a way with words


8,273 posts

260 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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mungo said:
Every story has two sides... I couldn't possibly comment without knowing the full facts.

SC - Sometimes your posts are a little inflamatory try and see things from a PR perspective occasionally

Public realtions perspective????!!! How about showing those you serve and protect the respect you demand from them?

Aren't BiB members of the public too?


104,365 posts

262 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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FWIW I was once in a similar position but it involved only two metcops. Approaching ATS junction where three lanes go into an underpass then into two lanes then single carriageway, I'm in lane 1. Lights go amber as I am in the middle of the junction and nearly level with the far set. Car back in lane 3 jumps the red light, I see plod pull a left back at the junction with blues on. Car in lane three continues to make progress and cuts in ahead about four or five cars up. Bunching up with all three lanes now solid there's nowhere for anyone to go while waiting to merge, and plod is behind me with blues still on.

I'm waiting for them to go ahead after lane 3 boyo but it's clear they're staying on my rear bumper

Time to stop I reckon, and when out of the underpass I do so asafp, half on the pavement. Then the crap starts.

I was accused of jumping the light (no way!). Then the other half of the comedy double act says I was speeding (no way!!), then his buddy gets in again and says I was under-taking (no way!!! my lane was moving a bit quicker than the other two but that's not under-taking) finally I'm told that as it's raining that makes it dangerous driving (no way!!!! and weren't we in a dry underpass most of the time?). Apart from anything that was really taking the p155 as it had only just started!

Asked for my response, I could just about manage "no comment at this time" when number two takes out his notebook and in pantomime stylee reads out as he writes "when told the reasons for being stopped, the accused said 'I was just keeping up with the traffic'". B@st@rd. I was incandescent inside but knew that it was pointless and possibly dangerous to say anything.

Now as it happened I was working in the same building as the charity 'CRIMESTOPPERS' was at that time. I knew as a personal friend the very senior ex met officer who was the man in charge and went to have a chat with him, what had happened had left a very sour taste indeed. He found the whole thing hilarious, which didn't help! But he stopped laughing long enough to advise that I go to the local nick and speak to the Duty Inspector and tell him ehat happened.

So in my lunchbreak I did. Mr Duty Inspector listened. He thought for a while. Unlike my friend, he didn't laugh but leaned forward and said that while I could be the world's best liar he didn't think so, and he picked up the phone and made a call to bin the entire ticket. Faith (almost completely) restored. He said he'd now be unpopular with his officers - WTF? - but when winning get out quick so I did.

How sad to read of something even worse happening to a fellow PHer. My circumstances were different with only two liars and me knowing a top ex-plod, but I'd have gone to complain anyway. I'll never know if my work neighbour put in a call for me as he's now policing the pearly gates. The moral is that it is worth complaining since sometimes the decent thing does happen. Evo666, I wish you the very best of luck, I think I know how you must be feeling now.

>> Edited by turbobloke on Thursday 11th November 19:43

Richard C

1,685 posts

259 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Re Steet - maybe thinking about a few posts like this might be an eye-opener pill.

I'm 3 yrs younger than Iolaire and first car was old Landrover - I built a rally Imp and believe me had similar troubles until I went down to the police station with all my douments insisted on seeing the station sergeant and asking him to accept all my docs, keep them there and sign a receipt for them to save me the continuous trips to fill out forms for producers. He was dumbfounded and simply said " leave it to me ". I was not stopped again in Anglesey for 18 years.

But that was not today.

Re the Peugeot 306, I co-drove for a Peugeot Sport works rally 306 and have driven a similar Group A7 306 with about 270 bhp in the late 90's. Neither had traction control. There is no way that you could spin the wheels of that car for 60m even in the wet. Even if you had been able to there would be black stripes / deposited rubber on the road.

I don't know the Rallye but the S16 had about 195 bhp.

If I can help - PM me


420 posts

242 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Good lawyer is the way. Ever thought of keeping a video camera in the car ? Even for just over a 100 quid you could hook-up a small security camera, video recoder in the boot (with a voltage inverter)??

I was 20 when I got my 6.6Litre Trans Am (mmm....a few years ago now), and on occasions could pick-up 3 producers in the same evening !!!!! Just gotta be clean and play "the game", never had anything made-up against me and can only imagine the utter frustration

Good luck.... keep us posted

p.s. as for streets comment.....


3,975 posts

259 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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I'd like to nominate Wildcat's post up there for post of the year

It made I larrffff. Like Mrs Fish says, she has a way with words!!


6,806 posts

255 months

Thursday 11th November 2004
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Regarding the coppers notes: You Must make sure that your brief FULLY understands the sequence of events, who said what and when they said it. If one of the plods backs up the others then theres nearly always cracks that will appear if youve got the pry bar in far enough!
V best of british luck.