TV licencing


Red Devil

13,100 posts

210 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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eldar said:
MoggieMinor said:
If you by a TV from a shop they will ask for your address to send to the licencing people. I saw a bloke in Currys once having a right rant because they wanted his address. He wouldn't give it so they refused to sell him the TV. It wasn't a cheap one either.
Apparently 10 Downing St has over a million TVs. The shop is required to record an address, not check it is valid....
MoggieMinor doesn't say when this incident occurred, but this is yet another myth which is still being perpetuated. The obligation on retailers to provide name and address details was removed nearly 3 years ago. So if it happened since then Currys are well behind the curve. It amazes me how many people trot out incorrect information (including badly trained staff). rolleyes -

I'm not in the least bothered if Capita wants to keep reminding me of my legal obligations (which is solely to have a licence to watch live broadcasts on any channel). As I don't, I can treat their missives in the same way as any other junk mail trying to persuade me to buy a product/service that I am not required to do.

I haven't had a TV licence since 1979 (when we decided that the single licence we needed should be in Mrs RD's name). Now that I have a separate establishment the BBC don't have my name and as there is no requirement for me to communicate with their hired help I prefer not to be on their radar at all. There has been one doorstepping but I was in the bathroom at the time so they went away empty handed. A billet doux form (in barely legible handwriting) was shoved through the letter box which received the same response as all the other stuff: none.

Australia had an identical system which lasted for a mere 18 years (1956-1974) when the Whitlam government sensibly decided to abolish it. Basically because the populace rebelled and told TPTB to shove it where the (Australian) sun didn't shine -

I like Aussies. Most won't stand for any BS and will happily tell you in very forthright terms exactly what their views are.


18,789 posts

230 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Timbuktu said:

At my old house I filled in the declaration and had no letters from them for 5 years.

At my new house I filled in the declaration when I moved here and I've had no letters since.

Filling in the simple online form will end your worrying, misery and depression caused by these shocking, awful letters [/sarcasm] - why would you not do it and continue to let yourself get worked up about it??

It really couldn't be easier:


I filled in the declaration when I moved. Two years later I had another letter asking if I still didn't need a licence. Did it again and haven't heard anything since (last September).


2,066 posts

137 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Havent entered into correspondence with them since I moved in 5 years ago.

I've had letters to "the occupier". We have a TV but only for netflix/gaming. I'd have sent them a "no licence needed" letter but then they've got your name, and I saw a video of a guy who'd done exactly the same only to have them turn up for a "check".

They walked into his front room, opened his laptop and went to the iplayer site, showed him BBC1 and went "look, you CAN receive live TV". He ended up being prosecuted. No thanks.

The BBC needs to move to a subscription as soon as possible. I'm sure they would have no problems shifting their 3 decent shows.


1,348 posts

206 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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I cannot believe all the aggression and revolutionary type rhetoric. The BBC produce some fabulous programmes as well as radio. Morally I think that if you watch anything from the BBC whether live, on catch up, or though any Apple device you should put your hand in your pocket. That may be just me as England is full of free riders these days.

It has been 12 years since I went to the doctor or a hospital but am happy to pay for it in my taxes and NI. Even if not for me for my children, my old mum and for all the 'communists' on here. Out of all you that refuse can you also say that as a child you never watched Magic Roundabout, Crackerjack, The Wombles et cetera. Small price 'Benefits Britain'.

What is the cost to you all? Less than most people's road tax, a perfomance tyre, a couple of tanks of unleaded and much less than most peoples' yearly internet or satellite television. I pay more than that for uninsured drivers on our roads and am now additionally forced to have continous insurance or surrender and lose part of my months tax for these people. I digress of course.


With these feet

5,731 posts

217 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Pip1968 said:
What is the cost to you all? Less than most people's road tax, a perfomance tyre, a couple of tanks of unleaded and much less than most peoples' yearly internet or satellite television. I pay more than that for uninsured drivers on our roads and am now additionally forced to have continous insurance or surrender and lose part of my months tax for these people. I digress of course.

Because they squander the money on overpaid celebrities, moving to different premises and to counterbalance your "BBC is excellent and Id gladly pay twice" they turn out stuff like Eastenders that is depressing dogst TV. Sure its "only" £145, but that to some is a lot of cash for what may boil down to watching or listening to a tiny percentage of the dross the BBC pump out. And yes, I have Sky TV and think its a little expensive, but accept that we watch far more broadcasts form them than BBC so pay the subscription. Thing is, if the BBC were to go that way it would become half the corporation it is now.

I also get the letters at my workshop. I bin them. If they want to wander round looking then fine, they can. Their wasted trip!


2,066 posts

137 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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RE: the price.

TV License is £12.50 a month. Not much, true - but Netflix/Amazon is £7.99 a month.

What is better value?


15,099 posts

243 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Timbuktu said:
It really couldn't be easier:
How many other organisations are there that you have to inform that you do not require their services for fear of constant legal threats?


6,511 posts

145 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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AH33 said:
RE: the price.

TV License is £12.50 a month. Not much, true - but Netflix/Amazon is £7.99 a month.

What is better value?
Netflix and Amazon. The large majority of what the BBC produces is a waste of space. What isn't a waste of space such as the nature documentaries, they are able to sell worldwide on the open market anyway.

I'm unmoved by arguments that the BBC is good value for money. They seem to waste an awful lot of it and treat licence payers like guaranteed sources of cash so it doesn't really matter if a lot of their cash is wasted. Plus they greet people who move into a new house with a threatening letter saying to expect a visit and a trip to court. So BBC and TV Licensing, fk you. I really could not give a fk if you ceased to exist.


10,058 posts

178 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Hi said:
Whereas if you ignore the letters they will come round to check. If they have a list of people who are ignoring letters they are more likely to check those addresses first then bother checking someone who has the intelligence to follow the simple instructions on the leaflet.

In 4 years I've not had anyone come round to check.
We have been getting these letters at work for years. I file them in the bin. I dislike the tone of the letter. They are suggesting that they know that we are breaking the law.

They also suggest that they have a right of entry.

If they sent a polite enquiry, then I would reply and put their minds to rest.


2,485 posts

126 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Pip1968 said:
I cannot believe all the aggression and revolutionary type rhetoric. The BBC produce some fabulous programmes as well as radio. Morally I think that if you watch anything from the BBC whether live, on catch up, or though any Apple device you should put your hand in your pocket. That may be just me as England is full of free riders these days.
I don't watch BBC TV output. I listen to BBC radio and would pay a sub for that but they don't offer the choice.

Pip1968 said:
It has been 12 years since I went to the doctor or a hospital but am happy to pay for it in my taxes and NI. Even if not for me for my children, my old mum and for all the 'communists' on here.
No idea what the Communist jibe is supposed to be about - I feel the same about the Health Service but this debate is about telly.

Pip1968 said:
Out of all you that refuse can you also say that as a child you never watched Magic Roundabout, Crackerjack, The Wombles et cetera. Small price 'Benefits Britain'.
What in the name of flip has what I watched when I was kid got to do with anything? My parents paid for a TV licence at the time.

Pip1968 said:
What is the cost to you all? Less than most people's road tax, a perfomance tyre, a couple of tanks of unleaded and much less than most peoples' yearly internet or satellite television.
I don't subscribe to Sky or Virgin TV as I think they are a huge rip off. TV licence will always be on top of my internet costs - it's not either or, so like the rest of your tome, irrelevant.

Pip1968 said:
I pay more than that for uninsured drivers on our roads and am now additionally forced to have continous insurance or surrender and lose part of my months tax for these people. I digress of course.

Not for the first time.

The BBC has made million pound+ redundancy payouts, shielded child abusers and makes a range of mostly ste telly featuring overpaid gits. It is overwhelmingly southern centric and middle class. It is stuffed full of nepotism. I have zero desire to fund it.


2,485 posts

126 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Oh, and as for the iPlayer "loophole" - that could be plugged easily.

The BBC seems remarkably reluctant - the issue for them no doubt is that if, say, one was required to enter a PIN or the number of the TV licence to watch BBC content on iPlayer - it could be argued that they were moving to subscription and their "unique funding model" might be challenged.

On the other hand, the idea that you're ever going to persuade C4, Youtube etc that I'll need to enter my TV licence credentials to watch them is never going to fly. The BBC is an outdated dinosaur gravy train that has just failed to keep up on an expectation of a steady income stream. They can't have it both ways.


2,485 posts

126 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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I had a visit from Crapita (or whoever it is) recently. I was in, the bloke came up the path, put a card through the door and walked off. The card said "you were visited" - he didn't ring the bell or knock on the door so I am not sure why he was here.


6,511 posts

145 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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V8forweekends said:
I had a visit from Crapita (or whoever it is) recently. I was in, the bloke came up the path, put a card through the door and walked off. The card said "you were visited" - he didn't ring the bell or knock on the door so I am not sure why he was here.
I'd say he used to work for Yodel.


3,740 posts

111 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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only if the card was on the roof.


9,999 posts

194 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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...three doors along


10,283 posts

162 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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andrew said:
...three doors along
It would also have to be mangled up !!!!


6,418 posts

183 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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powerstroke said:
It would also have to be mangled up !!!!
The fact that he even left a card is a little on the generous side wink

When I was moving out of my house I spent two months with a TV, but with no broadcasting equipment. The (24") TV was purely for my games console and computer, while I moved everything out and did a bit of redecorating ahead of renting the property out. In the time I stayed there, I registered as having no broadcasting equipment, which TV:L happily accepted. I rang them up when I applied for a licence in my new property, just to confirm if it had gone through to the right property. They confirmed things were fine, did ask me to confirm that I had no broadcasting equipment in my old property, which I agreed with.

They never bothered me since. The girl on the phone also took an estimated date of tenants moving in so TV:L could harrass the new occupants about a licence. I never saw a letter, as far as I'm aware the tenant has reactivated the old Sky dish on my roof and is sitting happy watching whatever it is (s)he does, so no worries there. Talking to the TV:L folks goes a long way as I'm sure they have better things to do than chase people who honestly don't need chasing.


441 posts

117 months

Tuesday 26th April 2016
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i havnt read all the thread, but, i was recieving these threatning letters , so i notified them online that this is a commercial property and never has or has had or got a television. still recieved letters so i wrote to them. still recieved letters . so i told them please take me to court, i will enjoy my day out and of course be claiming costs. then got the i am under investigation letter. they are tossers who just try to intimidate people.


13,400 posts

190 months

Tuesday 26th April 2016
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mph1977 said:
unfortunately it seems the anti faction in this discussion falls into three broad groups
- immature overgrown children
- deluded immature overgrown children seeking a cheat code for life AKA freewibblers on the Land
- ideologues who ( while not even noting the possibility of confirmation bias) feel the BBC represents some sort of pinko reds under the tv table plot ...

Pretty accurate


13,400 posts

190 months

Tuesday 26th April 2016
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Pip1968 said:
I cannot believe all the aggression and revolutionary type rhetoric. The BBC produce some fabulous programmes as well as radio. Morally I think that if you watch anything from the BBC whether live, on catch up, or though any Apple device you should put your hand in your pocket. That may be just me as England is full of free riders these days.

It has been 12 years since I went to the doctor or a hospital but am happy to pay for it in my taxes and NI. Even if not for me for my children, my old mum and for all the 'communists' on here. Out of all you that refuse can you also say that as a child you never watched Magic Roundabout, Crackerjack, The Wombles et cetera. Small price 'Benefits Britain'.

What is the cost to you all? Less than most people's road tax, a perfomance tyre, a couple of tanks of unleaded and much less than most peoples' yearly internet or satellite television. I pay more than that for uninsured drivers on our roads and am now additionally forced to have continous insurance or surrender and lose part of my months tax for these people. I digress of course.

I can. Some people are right tossers laugh