speeding in other countries...

speeding in other countries...



Original Poster:

3,139 posts

259 months

Tuesday 9th March 2004
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been watching various videos+dvds on the gumball rally (years: 2000, 01, 02, 03) and been wondering about getting caught speeding in other countries

basically when they get pulled over (be it america or latvia) they just pay the fine and drive off, if its biiig speed then they go to court and pay there...

in the usa i believe that if you get caught *so* many times in one state you go to jail...

i was wondering if its the same for the average joe. if i got caught in france/belgium/germany doing say, 110mph do i just pay the coppers and go on my way?

do i get any points on my UK license???

and is it the same for the locals? do they have any kind of "points system" so if they get caught too many times they loose their license or something...?

and if not then, WHY THE FK DO WE DO???

why must i risk my license everytime i drive over the speed limit (whether its safe or not)?

any answers/help greatly appreicated!


132 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th March 2004
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I had the same question.

Being from the US, what happens when I'm caught at speed in the UK, in France, in Germany, in Italy, or in Switzerland?

I have been told that if you are an EU citizen that other EU countries will share ticket and ban info but except for extreme cases, points don't follow you. Is that correct?


1,716 posts

249 months

Tuesday 9th March 2004
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Just to give you an idea, any french marcel caught speeding at above 180 kph (112 mph) on the autoroute ends up with 1500 € fine (£ 1000), 4 points at best or a 3 year ban at worse.

Same applies in case of detention of radar detector.


7,803 posts

272 months

Tuesday 9th March 2004
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modernbeat said:
I had the same question.

Being from the US, what happens when I'm caught at speed in the UK, in France, in Germany, in Italy, or in Switzerland?

I have been told that if you are an EU citizen that other EU countries will share ticket and ban info but except for extreme cases, points don't follow you. Is that correct?

If you are here from the US then drive as you please our useless w*nkers of prosecutors will not even bother to pursue you. The pathetic eurocrats are supposed to talk to each other but this will not affect you.


8,741 posts

272 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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Info as at 10th March 2004 for all.....
1) No points are transferrable at the moment between EU countries but the law is going to be changed soon (as soon as the w*nkers in Brussels get their act tiogether) and they want to tot-up all existing points!!!! SO BEWARE!!!!
2) you can be arrested in any country, and or fined or even your car taken!!
3) Speeding fines vary HUGELY
4) A US license holder would probably just get the local fine......but the frogs and the eyeties are known for putting people in the bin overnight to ensure that they get their money, as do the swiss if you tear the arse out of it......
5) In the US the local marshall, deputy, state trooper, especially in the boondocks, may well put you inside to meet their local hanging judge the next morning if you've been absolutely stupid. However I've found that a british accent and (not too obvious, no piss-take) innocence does help!!! Been pulled numerous times and always let off...........


2,342 posts

250 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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In Switzerland you get fined if you are more than 5 kph (3mph) over ANY speed limit. No 10% tolerance there. There are on the spot fines for 5-10k over, 10-15k over and 15-20k over. More than that and you're in big trouble.

The Swiss police are allowed to hide in bushes etc in order to set traps. They also use lots of unmarked cars parked at the side of roads and will close lanes of motorways to make room to park up people who have been pulled !

I received a Fr20 fine for doing 56k whilst passing a slow moving moped on a straight, clear, dry, and empty piece of road with a 50k limit. Classic. At least no points were involved.


8,369 posts

245 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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JMGS4 said that French, Italians & Swiss have been known to lock up speedsters to guarantee fine collection! So too are the Brits!

te51cle said that the Swiss prosecute at 3mph over posted limit, and hide in bushes etc. Well - what else can you expect from prissy bunch of so-called road safety wallies who think it is a good idea to set up a "Snow White" figure with a camera lens drooping from her big boobies! On the other hand - she certainly stops traffic! (Cous' has photo of this - he really could not believe it when he saw it )

They also have robo motorway repairman - complete with speed cam, and someone said on the Swiss Watch theme that he had seen cameras disguised in other strange ways!

And they say the Swiss have no sense of humour!


67,280 posts

272 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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The Americans have a points system that is much the same as ours, a little tougher even...


11,239 posts

246 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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Other police go about it in different ways though.

To wit - I remember as a 14yr old, being with my folks on holiday in the Fatherland, in our family passat with trailor. Unlimited autobahn, and we were doing an unlimited speed (well, about 115. Yes, thats 115mph with a trailor.) German plod appeared from behind in a marked BMW, pulled us over, and informed us the limit was nearer 55mph. My dad was driving and they spoke perfect English, were enormously polite, fined us about £40 on the spot, no points, enquired as to whether we were enjoying our holiday and gave us directions to the campsite we couldn't find.

Yes there is being stopped and fined, but alot of it is to do with the attitude of the people doing so. This was a stark contrast with the brit method of a camera snap and a "Pay or be shafter several times more at a later date" attitude.



132 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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I'm getting the idea that an American caught speeding in most of Europe will be fined on the roadside, or brought to the local govt to pay a fine on the spot. Fines for speeding on highways up to 40mph over ranging from about 30euro up to 250euro, the Swiss being an exception.

It was mentioned that the US has a points system - partially true. There is no national points system. Each state operates it's own points system and SOME states have banded together to share points and arrest/ticket info, but they are grouped by region. Texas (my home) feels it's soverign enough to ignore any other state's points or request of Texas points. Allows us Texans to misbehave when traveling and return to a clean license. Still have to pay those fines though...