Neighbour dispute (fence paint on my car)

Neighbour dispute (fence paint on my car)



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252 months

Friday 20th July 2012
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Right Chaps, thoughts on this (also being treated as a bit of a vent).

Been away for work for a couple of weeks, got back last friday.
As part of the weekend ritual I washed our white car (2012 Evoque with 1800 miles on it).

As soon as I did the bonnet I spotted spots of paint. Initial thoughts were that my immediate neighbour (A) had been spraying his bumper... so I asked him about it. He told me, that actually it's red fence paint from the neighbour (B) 2 doors down and it's all over his car too.

OK, so I've got (or had!!!) a good neighbour relationship with this chap (B) so showed him the spots and mentioned that it needs to be sorted. I said I'd get a quote for a detail (clay, machine polish and wax), neighbour (B) seemed OK with this.
I took it to a local recommended guy and after testing the paint, and removing a sample area, he said it needs the slightly coarser clay, and therefore a fine machine and final wax.
Got the quote through... £390.
Now I thought this was a little steep, but seemingly this isn't far off the going rate for a 'paint correction'.

Well, I took it round to the neighbour (B) today and instead of speaking to him, his girlfried did all of the talking (and staring), annoyingly this was compounded by the wife of my immediate neighbour (A) coming into the mix saying they weren't getting theirs done (old Focus and Audi), and it wasn't their fault etc etc.
Anyway, a lot of to's and fro's of the girlfriend asking me what I wanted, and "how dare I show up and just present a bill". I said that I appreciate it wasn't intentional, and this is what house insurance is for.
It ended with her saying they were not going to pay.

So thats where we were until about 20 mins ago, when my immediate neighbour (A) turned up on my door in my face, and straight in with the "Whats this about a £400 bill", other than the fact it's nothing to do with him, I explained it was a quote, the conversation then turned to (somehow) his wife and what she said, and the fact that "she's pregnant incase you didn't notice", well this had nothing to do with them anyway, and that is completely irrelevant (as my wife pointed out).

Now the frustration/anger filled rant is over, I shall apologise for the poor paragraphing and grammar! and really ask where to go now?

In the space of about an hour neighbour relationships are ruined, and quite frankly I don't trust them.
What do we do next?! frown I am going to log it with the police, purely in case any thing happens there will be a log of it.


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252 months

Friday 20th July 2012
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Olivera said:
confused Log what with the police and why!?
Log the fact both neighbours turned up on my door step in my face. - Wanted it logged purely in case it escalates into something more serious there is an 'instance' of when it started.
I don't think we're done here yet!

But I will go get a couple more quotes, but I can only image how that is going to go down with them! lol

Interesting comment re: the coarser clay, a quick google and some random website tells me "Auto Finesse Clay is a chunky fine-grade" and "3M Cleaner Clay comprises a mid-grade".


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Friday 20th July 2012
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Digger said:
While I agree with your point of view for the sake of £10-15 and perhaps less than an hour's worth of your time it might just be worth it if it lessens the potential for increased tensions with neighbours, one of whom appears to be irrational?
I agree to a degree, but I think we're beyond this option now... plus, as mentioned before I shouldn't have to frown
The issue with claying is that the coarser grade clays can cause marring in the paint, hence the fine machine polish and wax afterwards.


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Friday 20th July 2012
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Digger said:
Try some Auto Glym Tar Remover. Worked well with dried-on pigeon poop and a soft damp cloth. Is it the whole side or just a small area on the bonnet?
Autoglym SRP didn't touch it... at all.
It's all over the car, bonnet, wings, doors, tailgate, glass panoramic roof.


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Friday 20th July 2012
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Jasandjules said:
Sorry I am a little confused as to the problem here. Someone damaged your car by spraying paint over it. They need to fix it.
simply yes. But thats not where we are frown


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Friday 20th July 2012
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Efbe said:
What would you do in their position? Personally I would have gone and got the quotes myself if I got paint on someone elses car. I would have been mortified.!?
You know what, I agree... I would have been horrified, and if I didn't have £400, I'd be on the phone to the my house insurance.


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Friday 20th July 2012
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Efbe said:
have you spoken to the bloke again?
Nope, not since the doorstep incident with Neighbour A, where my wife effectively told him to "Gerr awf my laand".


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Friday 20th July 2012
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Burrito said:
Your neighbours were shocked at the cost because it's very high. Yes, they reacted badly but they were probably expecting the cost to be about a third of that!
Yep, understand that, I didn't get mates rates, and 'normal clay' didn't shift it all, and the coarser clay leaves marring over what is brand new paintwork.... so I wouldn't notice it on my Jeep, or the smart (so will probably go this route for them). I don't want any marks, so I got a detailer to quote me for a proper job - which seems to be akin to a 'Paint Correction' service.
It was never going to be £90, but I might have expected £2-300.... but to be fair.. thats not the point. frown

The GF already was clearly not talking to me before I even gave them the quote, so in this instance I'm not sure the cost is more pertinent than my apparent 'rudeness' (her words not mine) at even asking them to sort it.


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Friday 20th July 2012
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Burrito said:
at £350 for more work than you need.
"From" £350 subtle but important difference.
But yes, a bit of semantics at play, I'll get some more quotes (won't change anything though!).

Just some context, here are a couple of pics:


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252 months

Saturday 21st July 2012
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streaky said:
What is the nature of the "fence paint", how far has it allegedly travelled, where has it fallen on the vehicle and what obstacles has is cleared in-between?

its a red water based paint, which has been sat on the car approx 2 weeks (3 weeks now) as i was away for work and didnt know about it.
It travelled, probably about 15-20 feet, via my 2 other cars, and neighbour A's cars ( all are covered) l nothing else in the way other than the fence.

When I showed it to neighbour B last week, he aknowledged it, apologised and agreed I get a quote. The issue now is the GF has had a go, and Neighbour A and his pregnant wife are "siding" with them.

Even neighbour A, who happily blamed 'B', said he was 'a bit pissed off' with the paint on his cars, but didnt say anything. Now I'm the enemy for asking for it to be rectified.


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252 months

Sunday 22nd July 2012
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Blimey, I expected this thread to be on page 2 or 3 by now, and there are far too many comments to repsond to.

In summary to a couple of comments in the past couple of pages, whilst I was away my wife was home, so I wasn't going 'pack the car up' incase she wanted to use it, but as it happens, she didn't.

Sadly it's not the 28k base model, it's a Dynamic Lux with a number of options ticked, so we're sat at just over 45k.... although to be honest, it's academic, I'd still be annoyed.

Yes it's water based, but it has been on there for 2 weeks before I got to it, it didn't come off with a bucket and sponge! LOL, nor did it come off with 2 coats of SRP, neighbour 'A' clayed the bonnet of his Audi and said it didn't all come off.
(I'm sure I've said this next bit before, but I assume skim reading has happened on this thread, so I'll say it again...)
I took it to a recommended detailer, they tried the fine clay in a small area on the bonnet, it didn't shift it all, so they went coarser... this then induces extra marring, which then has to be fine machine polished out.
Looking at some of the prices online it is on par with paint correction - which it is really, and £400 really does seem to be pretty average... so whilst it might sound a lot, it's not really that excessive. Bear in mind the car has less than 2k miles on it, the paint work is near as damnit mint.

As relationships are also now down the toilet, I'm going to get 2 more quotes next week, send them a letter by recorded post looking for a response within 7 days. They I will get it done, claim on my house insurance, and get them to recover the money from Neighbour B.
Neighbour A has had their family around today, and I saw (on CCTV) the family inspecting the bonnet of car, I felt like going out there and telling them to just stay away from the car.... but I'm not the unreasonable one here wink lol


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521 posts

252 months

Sunday 22nd July 2012
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Buster73 said:
Mountain being made out of a molehill as per normal.

Would the op be happy with a £390 bill , would he bks , double standards being applied here me thinks.

Reap what you sow , greedy bugger.
I'm glad you know me so well...??

You know what, IF I had got paint on someones car, I would have no hesitation in paying to get it fixed, none whatsoever.
I would be mortified if I got paint over anyones car, let alone their brand new car, and moreso knowing that they're very much into their cars!!.

And if I couldn't afford it, I'd be on the phone to Aviva to get the insurance to pay it.

It does strike me that it is somewhat your line of thought.... are you my neighbour? lol


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Sunday 22nd July 2012
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cossy400 said:
. Its paint, its been on there for 2 weeks, hes tried to get it off it wont come off (simply anyway).

Neighbour told him to get quote and he d pay, neighbour clearly thought it was goin to be a 10 min fix and probably £10 in cost.
This sums up pretty much all of my long winded posts, I suspect there was an unrealistic expectation... And just for clarity, no marching was involved, and it wasn't a bill, it was a quote. wink

Oh, and I completely understand it was an accident.... But I'm a fan of irony, so about 4 months ago Neighbour B's car was scratch by Neighbour C's daughter (they park next to each other), they went straight round to ask for it to be fixed at their cost, which of course neighbour C did without question. Seems like the same situation with the shoe on the other foot.... Maybe I need to catch up with Neighbour C, I at least still get on with those guys! Lol


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Sunday 22nd July 2012
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redgriff500 said:
I asked my neighbour to move their car (which they did) and I sprayed approx 12" from the fence.

Whilst I have paint on my glasses it doesn't seem to be anywhere else so how the hell did they manage to get that much on a car two houses down ?
I wish they had the foresight to ask the neighbours... my wife could have moved our cars... they moved their own ones out of the way! lol
Even a sligh breeze will carry that spray, and we've had quite a few breezes in this country recently!

Anyway, this is PH, and in true customary fashion I've got a 'google maps with paint' picture to show you!
I'm the green lines, neighbour A is the purple lines, and the fence is the red line.
All 5 cars were covered.


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Sunday 22nd July 2012
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Batfink said:
Whats the big deal. They will not pay will they - it will be paid by their home insurance.
Maybe suggest this route so they don't continue to panic.
I have suggested this during the debate after I was talking to them about the quote... they don't want to go insurance either, just don't want to pay anything frown
I've asked out tonight for some more quotes, and I'll get a dealer quote tomorrow too.


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252 months

Monday 23rd July 2012
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Red Devil said:
Intrigued. Black? Brown? Polar? Spectacled?
LOL, that at least raised a smile!!

to be honest chaps, the relationship is long gone already, it was gone as soon as 'B's GF stared at me whilst saying "so what do you want us to do about it?" followed by "No we're not paying" followed by "I actually think you're quite rude even asking us to pay". None of this withstanding that her partner asked/agreed for me to get quotes.

That and of course Neighbour A getting 'in my face' on behalf of Neighbour B secured the toilet-pan relationships. lol

As it happens, I've now got 2 more quotes, which has somewhat widened the price range (either side of the original £400), my wife is pressing me to get all 3 cars quoted for now as they've been so unreasonable, I'm still inclined to stick for the Evoque quote to just 'end' this situation.... I mean I'm pretty damned sure they're not giong to want any more correspondence at all! But the Evoque is my priority, I'm more inclined to clean up the other 2 cars myself.
Just waiting on a call back from the dealer, and I'll get a 'recorded delivery' letter out to them.

There is no relationship to salvage here anymore (sadly), so coffee and "Bear Cans" just are not going to sort it!


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521 posts

252 months

Monday 23rd July 2012
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ok guys... are you ready for this?

My wife often parks her car (the smart) around the side of the house, as it's easier to get to the main roads, and is actually closer to the house than the back of the house.

Anyway, just looked outside and we've been boxed in!!!!!
The focus with the dodgy bumper (I'll get a better pic of that later) and the white van are both Neighbour A's.


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Monday 23rd July 2012
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The car park is designed that everyone parks nose in, there is a footpath running where the van is.
We'll leave it there and just use one of the other cars... no skin off my back... I do however have the photographic evidence should it be required in the future. biggrin


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252 months

Monday 23rd July 2012
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Pontoneer said:
Council or Police would remove one of the obstructing vehicles and send bill to the registered keeper
hmmm, the white van is his works van, I'm sure that would go down well! lol


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521 posts

252 months

Monday 23rd July 2012
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hornetrider said:
Do they usually park there in that space and think you have parked in 'their' space?
No, far from it, we've parked there since we moved in about 5 years ago (and years before them).
As it is immediately adjacent to our house.