Disgracing the Uniform.



Original Poster:

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255 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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You know this isn't going to be good.

@ a few minutes before 20.00 tonight I got a pull.

The situation. Me driving along the dual carriageway outside T2 @Manchester airport. Doing a very strict 40. Coz I'm monitoring the plod van catching and coming alongside me. The limit is 30.

I normally do 50-60 along this road since it's so open/good viz.

Anywho I gets a pull.

'Hairy muff' says oi to myself.

Except PC has other ideas.

Usual routine. Good evening sir etc etc do you know how fast you were going blah di blah.

'Yes says I. 40 on the nose.'

'You were doing 53' says .

'Maybe 53 to catch me' says I. 'I was doing 40.'

'Do you know the limit .sir' sarcastic tone.

'30' says I'.

'I was doing 53 alongside you, I used to be traffpol and I am seriosly considering issuing a NIP against you'.

More bullshit followed.

I've already admitted doing 40 - why does this lying disgrace to his uniform continue to insult me?

I am utterly, utterly off with this guy. My speedo read exactly 40 and over-reads by about 10%. I never exceeded it.

I am disappointed and disillusioned and want that out of that uniform.

Rant temporarily over.

>> Edited by Mon Ami Mate on Tuesday 27th September 21:35

>> Edited by Mon Ami Mate on Tuesday 27th September 21:36

>> Edited by Mon Ami Mate on Tuesday 27th September 21:40

>> Edited by Mon Ami Mate on Tuesday 27th September 22:03


Original Poster:

9,921 posts

255 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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Did he .

I nearly called his bluff. He's in a van so no vascar. I knew it wasn't going anywhere but I am completely gobsmacked by the audacity and barefaced lying.

I didn't mind the lecture - even though it was bollox. I'm seriously minded to make a complaint. But I have hair and he has uniform. Does anyone seriously think I have any hope of having this guy maximum hauled up for a chat?

>> Edited by Mon Ami Mate on Tuesday 27th September 22:10


Original Poster:

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255 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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Sorry guys - I NEVER exceeded 40.

We joined at the same junction and I had him in my sights the whole time.

If there was any chance in hell I did 53 then this thread would not exist.

[edit] I was never arsey. He lied. I expect more from a copper. And I saw no point in lying over my speed. It was a fair cop. But 40 in a 30 from a van is a minor lecture at best.

>> Edited by planetdave on Tuesday 27th September 22:50


Original Poster:

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255 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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It's a solo copper in a van. He isn't going to issue a NIP. He won't have anything calibrated.

My sole issue is that he has decided I'm doing 53 when I'm tops doing 37. It's a blatent lie. I have no proof. He has no recording device.

Why should the general public put up with this shit? It may intimidate someone who wasn't paying attention. I was.

Lying coppers just undermine the trust in the system.

I now have less respect for the BiB than I did.

Bad result.


Original Poster:

9,921 posts

255 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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Hollywood Wheels said:
For Gods sake dave you had a bad experience with ONE copper who was an idiot, get over it! I've had exactly the same kind of experience several times, and i AM a copper!! Last one i had whilst waiting outside a shop for a friend, with the roof down:

Essex Copper: " Why aren't you wearing your seatbelt?"

Me: "Because i'm parked....."

Just get over it, don't stress yourself by making a complaint....

But that's and you accepted it. All wearing the respect levels down. It would stress me out to make a complaint. It shouldn't. That's just plain wrong.

>> Edited by Mon Ami Mate on Wednesday 28th September 05:57


Original Poster:

9,921 posts

255 months

Tuesday 27th September 2005
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I don't know about you but when faced with plod which is obviously not traffpol then '40' is not an obvious pull. I wasn't taking the piss - just seems johnny shortpants wanted to come over all big. Did I mention he was a shortarse?


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255 months

Wednesday 28th September 2005
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wolves_wanderer said:
The last time a bib saw me doing 40 in a 30 I got 3 bonus points and £60. I wouldn't be moaning too much mate.

That would be a fair cop though. I wouldn't be on here bitching about that. I'm bitching about being lied to. By a serving officer. OK, it didn't go any further. But if it did it would be my word against his and I have shoulder length hair. I admitted what I had done and was going to take the consequences square on.

Result is I now have less faith in our BiB; which has a knock on effect on my conduct/attitude for a lifetime.

And for DVD

Rural dual carriageway with a 30? If you want to uphold joke laws then you become a joke.

Please don't try to imply that when I do 50-60 it is unsafe. If a van can overhaul me without blues/twos is that safe? Obviously a copper in a van is a more capable driver than me in a small hatch . I didn't overtake anyone @ 40. He did at nearly double the posted limit. Without warning them.

Remember some civvies get trained too.


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9,921 posts

255 months

Wednesday 28th September 2005
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It was the return leg between the two roundabouts. Do you agree that 50-60 is not rediculous for that stretch?


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255 months

Wednesday 28th September 2005
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TOPTON said:
[quote=planetdave]You know this isn't going to be good.

@ a few minutes before 20.00 tonight I got a pull.

The situation. Me driving along the dual carriageway outside T2 @Manchester airport. Doing a very strict 40. Coz I'm monitoring the plod van catching and coming alongside me. The limit is 30.

I normally do 50-60 along this road since it's so open/good viz.

Seems to me you were openly flouting the law because you thought you could get away with it for whatever reason. I drive on many roads that open/good viz but still 30. I, like thousands of others don't make our own speed limits up because "I know better". Its a shame you didn't get a ticket, regardless of what the copper said or done. Maybe next time you get pulled you will be doing your normal speed of 50-60. Maybe you think we should all drive at whatever speed we want if we think it's safe. Strange dangerous world that would be

To quote yourself.....I, like thousands of others don't make our own speed limits up because "I know better".
If you don't have the brains to know what the safe limits are then you'd better stick to what the government tells you. Really was a waste of time of you learning to drive.....that poor instructor struggling to get you to interpret how to cope with changing conditions/traffic patterns.
It's people like you that made me retire.


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255 months

Thursday 29th September 2005
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Dwight VanDriver said:

I made no comment as to the safety factors relevant or not on that stretch of road but merely point out that this is not a case of someone doing his best to conform to the law. He knew the limit and openly admits
driving at up to twice that limit at what would appear to be a regular basis. Even on the pull he admits over the limit.

Rightly or wrongly its a 30. To exceed then you can expect to be pulled. Under that speed then your journey is not interupted.

Good attempt Iaha but (and with respect to the inbitial poster) we only have one side of the story and not likely to be privy to what exactly went on.


You may only have one side of the story here. But I'm a strong witness. I wasn't bimbling along not knowing what I was doing..I was driving @ 100% using the systematic approach. I therefore know exactly what speeds I was doing where and why.

So IMO the pull was fair.
A NIP for 40 in 30 would be justice.
But an officer not being able to judge speed and forming an opinion that the velocity was @ least 13MPH over actual is either deceitful or grossly incompetant.

Either way we have a wayward officer. He needs pulling up on this. It might be a simple error not to be repeated but if a prosecution had followed then a miscarriage would (likely) have happened. Anyone judging the case and taking the facts as read might have taken an extremely dim view and penalised me accordingly. As a professional driver that could cause me immense damage.