Top 10 tips if you get pulled over

Top 10 tips if you get pulled over


Mr E Driver

Original Poster:

8,542 posts

186 months

Tuesday 17th August 2010
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Top 10 tips to help your wallet and license if you get pulled...on a bike, but some will apply in any other vehicle smile

1. Attitude: The three 'offs'

Sat on your bike with the engine running and your (black) visor firmly shut is no way to greet a traffic cop that's just pulled you over. Switch off the bike, dismount, take off your helmet and look humble - even if you don't think you've done anything wrong.

2. Your bike

An illegal number plate, an ear-splitting exhaust, balding tyres and no tax aren't the best way to help smooth negotiations get under way. Keeping your bike legal, roadworthy and clean shows you have some respect for the law. A minor traffic infringement could be overlooked if the rider's bike is legal but no insurance and a fag-packet number plate won't help matters one bit.

3. Location

If you're going to go out for a spirited ride then choose location wisely. If you're caught doing a few miles over the speed limit on an open A-road, with good visibility it'll probably result in just a ticking off under the right circumstances. But if you're stopped hoiking stand-up wheelies past a school at home time then, to put it bluntly, you're f@cked.

4. Don't argue

Avoid arguments. Most traffic cops are simply doing their jobs, so usually you'll have been pulled over for a particular reason, so look humble, take the bking and you may just get away with it. Back chat, sarcasm and a never-ending stream of "yes, buts" will get you nowhere. If you disagree then do it politely.

5. Bribery

It may have happened in the 1970s, but a £50 note left in between your folded-up driving licence, accompanied by a cheeky wink won't get you anywhere other than a custody cell. Don't do it.

6. Be honest

Cops hate liars, so if you know you were doing 40mph in a 30 then admit it. "I've no idea why you stopped me, mate," are not words any traffic cop likes to hear, especially the word 'mate'. Be honest, admit you're in the wrong and you may just get away with it. Trust us on this one, it works.

7. Clothing

Torn jeans, a black visor, trainers, no gloves and a T-shirt won't impress anyone, least of all a traffic cop if you get pulled. Sensible clothing means you have some sense of self-worth and therefore respect the consequences of coming off your bike. Riding a GSX-R1000 dressed like someone out of the latest rap video generally means you haven't much of a clue about anything.

8. Be apologetic

An apology goes a long way in many coppers' eyes, but don't grovel. Remain calm, humble avoid challenging eye-contact and you're already easing the situation. Take the bking, be sorry and hope.

9. Slip away quietly

If you're lucky and you've followed some of the previous tips then you may find yourself riding away with a flea in your ear and your licence intact. If not, then accept the punishment and move on. But either way leave the scene quietly. Two-fingered salutes in the style of a wheelie, drag-start departure or peppering the officer's car with stones spat up by a smoking rear tyre (yes, it's happened) are all sure fire ways of getting yourself re-nicked.

10. Don't do a runner

AND FINALLY ... Make sure you pull over. 'Doing a runner' - as it's affectionately known - was relatively easy a few years ago, if you were on the right machine on roads you know well. Nowadays, 'failing to stop' will usually result in a 'Blues Brothers' high-speed chase by highly-skilled drivers in seriously fast specially-equipped pursuit cars. If things escalate include 'helicopter' and 'officers from three other counties' into the previous sentence. Expect a state holiday at one of Her Majesty's leisure camps, probably sharing a 'room' with someone called Big Butch McDick.

C&P from Visordown

Mr E Driver

Original Poster:

8,542 posts

186 months

Thursday 19th August 2010
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The 1st one got a ticket and advice and the 2nd one just got a ticket?