Far Cry 3


Steve Evil

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231 months

Thursday 6th December 2012
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Digby said:
Is well worth playing on the hardest difficulty, too.I'm using an xbox pad on the PC with auto aim off and hardly died at all on 'normal'.Things heat up quite a bit more and demand more effort on your part on the harder settings.Nothing beats triggering an alarm and having bullets whistle past your head as you leg it into the trees! You still don't have to die much though, but I have had many more "HEAL, FFS HEAL!!!" moments like this.I have been playing for several hours now and completely ignored the main story line so far.Brilliant game.
Yeah, one of the preview videos I watched suggested starting it off on Hard, so that's what I've done, certainly makes you consider things a bit more, I always look both ways before crossing a stream and carefully plan any attacks.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Thursday 6th December 2012
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LiamB said:
By any chance was the video by a chap called TotalHalibut?

I watched that, the part where he gets eaten by a croc is hilarious.
English chap, but I remember him getting savaged by a croc, quite a common theme though, even in this thread.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Thursday 6th December 2012
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I've just looted a rusty trombone.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 7th December 2012
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karmasushi said:
I hadn't seen a tiger until yesterday when I got killed three times by them! Any suggestions on how to deal with them?
Few bullets to the head tends to work.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 7th December 2012
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Digby said:
Anyone else not bothering with all the injection stuff? Only used one once and that was by mistake.
Only using the health syringes, the others aren't much use unless I'm having trouble finding a rare animal, or I'm going to be diving down to 60m underwater, where some better lungs come in helpful.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 7th December 2012
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anonymous said:
Where are you up to in terms of the story? If we can get an idea of what you've done so far, then we might be able to tell you how to get a bit more out of it, or how you need to do one more mission until it all clicks.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 7th December 2012
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anonymous said:
I think you've just not played it enough to realise that all that stuff is there. Arkham City needed a few hours invested before you could go off and get everything. The relics in Far Cry 3 are the equivalents of the Riddler Challenges, you can find them on the map, but getting to them can involve a bit of head-scratching. You might have to blow a hole in a wall with C4 to get to it, or swim through a series of caverns, or find a hang-glider and use it to get to an otherwise unreachable perch. Side missions are unlocked to kill specific people, or go and help villagers with random tasks, there are races, shooting challenges, knife-throwing, score-based assaults on outposts.

As for handing you a bunch of tech and gadgets, the tech is the tattoos you unlock, some of the higher level ones letting you get really creative with your kills. Gadget-wise you can do things like attach C4 to a car and drive it at an enemy camp before rolling out and detonating the C4 as they investigate.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 7th December 2012
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JonRB said:
Is this available as a digital download for the PC? I know it's not on Steam but is it on another equivalent system or do you have to go out and buy the physical media? It's just that neither my local Sainsbury's or Tescos have it for PC and I don't fancy making a trip into town just to buy it and also I am today and Monday off and if I order online it won't arrive till Monday or Tuesday.
Yeah, I've used these guys in the past, so can vouch for them:


Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 7th December 2012
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JonRB said:
If Ubisoft allow you to download the entire game with a serial, how come they don't sell it too?
They do, it's just a bit more from them:


Steve Evil

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231 months

Monday 10th December 2012
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Don't know if anyone else has dipped their toe into the co-op campaign yet, but it's great fun if you've got a mate or two who are willing to play through it with you. I spent about 3 hours on it on Saturday morning and we managed about 3 of the 8 levels. There's a fair amount of depth, lots of variety and competitive challenges all mixed in. It's more of a funnelled experience than the campaign, you've definite objectives and are shepherded from encounter to encounter, but it doesn't really suffer for it. One of the best co-op experiences I've played since Left 4 Dead.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Monday 10th December 2012
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JonRB said:
I've got a bit of a problem at the moment. I have 6 skill points to spend as all the skills I haven't got yet are either locked or else greyed out. Why would they be greyed out and not locked? And no indication as to *why* they are greyed out or what I can do about it.
You need to buy the pre-requisite ones first, usually the skill next to the one you need, it's like a tree, so you need to unlock the ones further down the branch first.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Monday 10th December 2012
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Looks like we'll be getting an update soon with the option of turning off elements on the HUD:


Will be nice to get rid of the constant prompt telling you to get on with the next objective whilst you're off hunting for treasures.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Monday 10th December 2012
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JonRB said:
Why can't the H&K MP5 have a suppressor, a sight *and* an extended magazine? It's a pretty standard config in real life. It just seems mean to deny you that.

In Crysis you could have one item per attachment point - so suppressor on/off, choice of sight, choice of magazine, choice of under-barrel accessory (if supported).

Far Cry 3's approach of "this gun supports two attachments" is just dumb.
It is a bit, they've followed CoD a little too closely in that regard, I can understand it for the multiplayer for balance reasons, but they should let you pimp out your guns as much as you like in the single player.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Tuesday 11th December 2012
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Digby said:
Anyone playing in hardcore mode on the PC? Never did like the fact that you could effectively wall-hack the enemy.Now they have no markers above their heads.Their bodies still show, but they are much harder to spot and easily missed.Would prefer not being able to see anything really!

EDIT..going to do some hex editing as it seems the mods coming out can remove any trace of seeing the enemy through walls and hills etc! Can also remove the mini map, walk with your weapons holstered, remove the slider that shows when an enemy is detecting you etc..

Edited by Digby on Monday 10th December 21:16
If you can wait a bit longer they're putting out an official patch that will let you do the same.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Tuesday 11th December 2012
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I didn't find that fight too bad, managed to kill all the guys, but I had spent two skill points on improving my skills with the bow, so getting shots off was much faster than usual.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Thursday 13th December 2012
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JonRB said:
S3_Graham said:
you buy them. they are in the gun shop / safe houses at the bottom of the list smile
A quick google suggests you only get access to them when you reach the Southern island.
You unlock them via various means, this details how to get them all:


Easiest one to get is the Cannon, which you can unlock via connecting to Uplay from the game and unlocking it there. You earn Uplay points via achievements/trophies (XBox/PS3) and these carry over from game to game, I had a load of points left that I'd not spent from playing AC3, so could buy the Cannon straight away. There's also another bonus mission you can unlock from there, so it's worth having a look.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 14th December 2012
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MotorcyclesFish said:
Is it better to get this game on PC or X360? I hate console ports to PC and I hate PC ports to console, if you see what I mean.
Provided it's a decent PC I'd get it on that.

Steve Evil

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231 months

Friday 14th December 2012
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Mastodon2 said:
Is there a way to sign ito Uplay in game? I want to unlock the cannon, as I've got loads of points saved up from playing those st Assasin's creed games, but I can't see anything on the website to sign in with, so I presume you can only sign in from the game itself?
Yes, you do it via the options menu, if memory serves.

Steve Evil

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10,670 posts

231 months

Tuesday 9th April 2013
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Half hour of gameplay vids here, though they keep getting pulled and replaced, so might not be around forever:


I am officially sold.