Battlefield V



16,934 posts

205 months

Tuesday 8th June 2021
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thetapeworm said:
egor110 said:
Is there a crew bf5 clan ?

I'm a crap shot but do well running around mending tanks and building defences.

Any tips for engineer or other non shooty classes welcome.
I've had [PH] tags on for years but can't say I've ever actively played in a game with more than one other person from here.
Any other squads worth looking out for ?


8,929 posts

277 months

Monday 9th August 2021
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Just to bump this thread and to say it's free on Twitch Prime at the moment (you get Twitch Prime free with Amazon Prime).

I tried a couple of games last night and our team failed miserably to do anything, there were a couple of choke points on the map (a metro station thing) so I spent 20 minutes running towards a choke point, spamming some bandages out at people, getting bored and trying to go through, dying, repeat...

Looked at the final stats and someone on the enemy team was level 400+ with a k/d of 86/5 which probably explains a lot of it. Think I was 4/16, but an now level 2 medic so onwards and upwards...!


4,000 posts

202 months

Saturday 2nd October 2021
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Been playing this a lot lately. It’s tough play at the moment.

Same moans as over the years. I play without a headset on as I play to switch off from small talk etc. However I always guide people or follow people to objectives. Seems I’m in the minority.

The main issue though is I am always on the single players team against players who are playing as foursomes, clan tags etc. I know this is a part of the game but you can’t win when there are groups like that against you and your team just want to sit on edge of map sniping or in a tank. Think I have lost 10 straight games over last two days.


4,000 posts

202 months

Sunday 3rd October 2021
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Toxic Sunday’s are nice. Groups of 8+ sucking all the fun out of the game. Roaming round in huge groups all going 30-2. Waste of fking time being a casual gamer. If it’s not them its s bombing the spawn but because the game is so badly designed you can’t do anything about it. One AA that get bombed and killed instantly.

Sincerely hope the new one is better.


11,390 posts

241 months

Tuesday 2nd November 2021
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If you're still playing and you're into dressing up it looks as though they are giving away two "Elites" at the moment.

I presume they'll be more of this as 2042 comes on the scene and people potentially move away from V.


11,390 posts

241 months

Friday 19th April
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I got my first ever PSN suspension this week.

I let my PSN account lapse as I couldn't justify it for an hour here and there on BFV. I used to play a bit of Gran Turismo Sport too but they removed all the online stuff from that recently.

I realised I could get a copy of F1 2023 as one of the monthly games so signed up for a month... only to find I was a day late biglaugh

So when I had a few hours to spare I thought I'd revisit BFV, still lots of fun, still plenty to challenge me, unlocks to chase etc and after a few good games I ended up in a game on the Arras map which is one I tend to enjoy.

The game started and I headed straight to the watermill at A while the team went to Bridge at B - it's inevitable the other team will come down from Hill Farm at D so this is my go-to tactic. A was captured so I started to build fortifications to slow down any approach from D.

Boom... fortification destroyed.... rebuild.... fortification destroyed... this continued for about a minute as I tried to hold off the attack from what I presumed was an enemy tank. I then I realised, it was someone behind me on my own team just sat there in a tank destroying our own fortifications.

I tried to push on with the plan in the hope they'd get bored (or killed) but no joy.... then the message came.

"u idiot go play fortnite if u want to build"

I should have ignored them, but sadly didn't.

So I replied "Are you OK mentally? Fortifications play a key part in the game and I'm trying to ensure we hold this flag, perhaps you could go help the team to capture another flag"

They responded to tell me I sucked at the game and am a loser so I blocked and reported them.

12 hours later I received an email from Sony to say I'd been banned until the 21st for breaching the code of conduct,

Apparently I'd used...

"Malicious use of language, image or other media - including abuse intended to cause shock, offence or disgust"

There's no way to appeal this, I just wanted to highlight how easy it seems to be to get banned, be careful out there people.

Hopefully they'll be a decent PSN sale at some point so I can buy another year but I'm definitely going back to being a mute on there and will just switch games if I come across another troubled moron. I guess I'm lucky it's taken this long.

Anyway, the game's still alive, it's still fun... if you are allowed to play it smile


2,812 posts

97 months

Thursday 25th April
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Will not let me on at all BF of any kind unless I get a EA pass and pay so no BF for me