Sunset Overdrive



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161 months

Tuesday 13th May 2014
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...looks astounding!

Just caught wind of this trailer which has been making waves over the past day. It looks as though the wash of dull grey and brown games of the past decade is ending. The premise here is an open world game based on free running and combat, with comic-book violence and comedy thrown in.


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161 months

Tuesday 13th May 2014
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totlxtc said:
Looks a bit too "Dead Rising" to me. Can see it as one of those games where its great for first couple of hours and once you have mashed a few bad guys in the same ways it will get repetitive and boring. Would be a bargain bin purchase.
Wow, you've written it off quite soon. It strikes me as a mix between Crackdown and Dead Rising, though the combat looks a bit more dynamic than Dead Rising's 'slash through the crowd' style. It looks though as if a massive amount of content is being crammed in there, and hopefully the game will reach the right balance of difficulty. I am sure lessons will be learned from Dead Rising 3 in that respect, given that the main criticism levelled at that is that it starts off being fantastic, but once you reach the maximum level there is no challenge whatsoever and you become and invincible super-warrior slashing your way through your enemies like they were herds of lazy sheep.


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161 months

Tuesday 13th May 2014
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I did see a lot of Bulletstorm in the design, but I didn't reference it in my original post as I didn't think anyone would know what I was on about! A fantastic game, criminally underrated. I'm hoping gamers will give SO a chance and enjoy it, rather than not bothering to play it on the assumption that they won't like it, as happened to Bulletstorm. What would you rather have, another COD?

For colour...


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161 months

Friday 6th June 2014
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More footage, giving a brief insight into how the city is designed, and how you can traverse it. The whole sun-drenched, Neo-Tokyo vibe looks really cool.


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161 months

Thursday 3rd July 2014
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Multiplayer trailer. Looks like an 8 player team based affair, where you can drop into sessions from the main game world. There, a lobby system gives you a choice of two missions, your team makes the pick, goes for the objective and then afterwards, engages in a horde defence battle. You can crank up the difficulty for better rewards. It looks very good.


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161 months

Friday 31st October 2014
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My copy was supposed to arrive today but didn't. Not that it matters though as I'm still knee deep in Borderlands and have Lord Of The Fallen waiting to go too.

The achievement list sounds fantastic, so I can't wait to get stuck in.


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161 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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I've been playing over the past week, and it is fantastic. You really get that sense that the developers had a blast making the game and love their product. It is meticulously crafted, and bloody good fun.

It gets off to a bit of a soft start, but once you get the super jump ability and start earning some amps/overdrives and getting new weapons it really hits it's stride. The graphics and the colours are just incredible, it's so good to look at. I'm really enjoying it.


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161 months

Tuesday 25th November 2014
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I can confirm the game does get better and better as it goes on, which is often unusual in a game that is so heavily focused on tight gameplay, often these sorts of games tail off as you play. The mechanics are incredibly polished, but the game really only opens up as you play, probably after you complete the set of quests for Sam and do the finish building the glider-copter thing. Only then, do you really start getting access to Overcharge (currency) and better amps. And that's where a lot of the game is, collecting things from around the map, playing challenge missions (great fun) and going on huge killing sprees.

At first, I thought the traversal moves were slick and well executed but it was difficult to string them together sometimes. Once you unlock the super bounce, the water slide and the air dash, the world really does become your oyster and putting together huge combos becomes possible. Soon, you're able to easily cross the map without touching the ground, which is a really amazing way of seeing things. As you power up your weapons and amps, you stop being so wimpy in combat and start to turn the tide (though the game introduces tiered levels of new enemies to keep the balance right). Nothing feels better than shredding a few OD with the firework gun, before luring some poppers through a few acid fountains, finishing off with the coup de grace of the Flaming Compensator shotgun. As I mentioned, some of the starting weapons are pretty st (the vinyl rifle is pretty useless until it's nearly maxed out) but are quickly replaced and levelled up to be worthy. And making sure you've got the right amps on the right weapons helps (like, don't stick an amp that can spawn an explosive teddy grenade on your rocket launcher, put it on a deployable weapon like the Acid Fountain and watch it clear the streets).

The soundtrack is often irritating, but I don't like punk music. However, the game's style and character is great. It's been a while since I've seen a game world so stunningly and cohesively realised. It's got so many layers, so much detail, and so many cool architectural features, unlike say GTAV where a lot of the map felt generic and 'plonked down' to fill space. The female voice actor for the main character is great too, she's got a good script and some great delivery. Much of the game surrounds using your traversal skills to grab collectibles, and I'll probably end up getting most of them. Here, it's fun to collect items and they're not placed so as to be difficult or irritating, just challenging, which is nice. I never bothered getting all the orbs in Crackdown!

Overall, one of the most remarkable games I've seen in ages and an absolute treat for the eyes.


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161 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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The more time I spens with this, the better it gets. It's fking huge, there is so much to so. It's fking massive, and stuffed with content. I'm perhaps 3/4 of the way through the story (just finished the rollercoaster boss with the Fargarthians).

Some of the higher level guns are awesome, I love shredding OD with the Shorty Shott, I've amped it to drop an explosive teddy as a critical hit, which is a great crowd dispersal tool.

The mechanics are perfect too, beautifully mapped cityscape and great controls make gameplay a joy. Every aspect of the game is so finely crafted, it shows as a real labour of love from the developers, who must have had fun making it (it shows).


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161 months

Friday 26th December 2014
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The Mystery of Mooil Rig DLC is out now too. I loved it. Even after grabbing all the collectibles, I'll be getting the DLC when my copy comes back.