The help of the Great PH community is needed.

The help of the Great PH community is needed.



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Friday 30th November 2007
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dmitsi said:
I'm not going to read every page of this, but has there been any proof when this debt got onto the credit card?

It could be read as: I've got a large credit card bill, been having trouble paying it off for a while. I thought I'd make up a story about strippers and many high jinks to see if anyone's stupid enough to pay off my debts.

I'm a fairly cynical, so I don't believe your tale of woe.
If you read back a bit, I have sent details of a transaction to someone who may be able to help with this. I haven't had a chance yet to get any receipts scanned yet, and as they have my card details on them etc, I don't really want to stick them up on the net, I know I could blank them out, but I am still concerned by doing it (it also involves the receipts going home, and if people haven't realised yet, I am shit at lying smile). If I do manage to get them scanned in, I will send to one of the guys who has offered to help me, and trust him that he won't stick them up on here, but will prove this is genuine to all the doubters.

I still can't believe any one thinks I would make this crap up, surely some crap about a life threatening illness would get more people helping, than some story about me doing some stupid things.

Edited by Aerofoil on Friday 30th November 10:30


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Friday 30th November 2007
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princeperch said:
whats the scoreboard at the moment then?


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Friday 30th November 2007
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Stang said:
Ok then I will. You have been given good advice but if I am honest it's to late now. She should have been told from the start. You fannying about begging has just ed it. Well done. Plenty have said dont tell her. Have any been so stupid that they would have to keep something from their wives (I doubt very many).

So I will give you a bit of a reality check. I was married to my husband for a year when I found out about a lie. Now this lie is 100 times worse that the up you made. It took me 3 hours to pack his shit and kick him out of my house. Had I found out at the beginning then I could have calmly made up my own mind and walked away with at least my dignity intact. But this was not the case. So when I did find out as said 3 hours to pack and probably the quickest divorce in Scottish history and I was rid of him. BUT it took a year of hate and upset to get over how he had lied to me. Thank christ there were no kids. But correct me if I am wrong but you have a wee one. She finds out later on and really hit's the roof what do you think she will do. So seriously think about it. If you want to shuffle this under the carpet then you more fool you. Stop fannying about begging and grow up.

(Jesus I am going to have to lie down now. This is the first post where I have been kinda nasty to someone... sorry)

Edited by Stang on Friday 30th November 10:44
You do realise that women coming on here, and having a go at me, is making me not want to tell her even more, by the time this thread ever ends, I wish I had just told her! If I do tell her, I hope to god nothing like that ever happens.

Edited by Aerofoil on Friday 30th November 10:53


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Friday 30th November 2007
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LeTim said:
Aerofoil said:
You do realise that women coming on here, and having a go at me, is making me not want to tell her even more, by the time this thread ever ends, I wish I had just told her!
Aero, there are 2 issues.

1. The titties ( not a biggy IMO )
2. The money

I think you should get the loan arranged so that she knows there will be no issue over the NY trip or affording xmas. Otherwise she's bound to worry about it.

And that YOU will be paying off your mistake over 5 years, out of your beer money. Due punishment and all that.
LeTim, thats where you are mistaken in my situ, I reckon I will be in a much crap for the both of them, I know my wife, and I know she will not like the fact I was in there, as much as the money. Plus there is this big point that others have picked up on, thats one hell of a lot of money, for watching titties! I am sure this is where the biggest problem will lie.


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Friday 30th November 2007
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Altrezia said:
Aerofoil said:
You do realise that women coming on here, and having a go at me, is making me not want to tell her even more, by the time this thread ever ends, I wish I had just told her!
You sound like a 12 year old.
I wish I bloody was at this moment, life was so much easier.


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Harry Flashman said:
mickken said:
Not giving a penny untill he takes our man Lonman up on his offer........!
Agreed. You need to mitigate your losses if you can, and Lonman has made a clear and helpful offer.

I'm going to contact Lonman about the club too...
Harry, have already done this.


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Kermit power said:
Aerofoil said:
Stang said:
Ok then I will. You have been given good advice but if I am honest it's to late now. She should have been told from the start. You fannying about begging has just ed it. Well done. Plenty have said dont tell her. Have any been so stupid that they would have to keep something from their wives (I doubt very many).

So I will give you a bit of a reality check. I was married to my husband for a year when I found out about a lie. Now this lie is 100 times worse that the up you made. It took me 3 hours to pack his shit and kick him out of my house. Had I found out at the beginning then I could have calmly made up my own mind and walked away with at least my dignity intact. But this was not the case. So when I did find out as said 3 hours to pack and probably the quickest divorce in Scottish history and I was rid of him. BUT it took a year of hate and upset to get over how he had lied to me. Thank christ there were no kids. But correct me if I am wrong but you have a wee one. She finds out later on and really hit's the roof what do you think she will do. So seriously think about it. If you want to shuffle this under the carpet then you more fool you. Stop fannying about begging and grow up.

(Jesus I am going to have to lie down now. This is the first post where I have been kinda nasty to someone... sorry)
You do realise that women coming on here, and having a go at me, is making me not want to tell her even more, by the time this thread ever ends, I wish I had just told her! If I do tell her, I hope to god nothing like that ever happens.
...and at that point, the point where you start trying to lay the blame for your own gutlessness on people trying to provide you with sound advice, you totally and utterly blew away any last vestige of sympathy I may have had for you and your predicament.

Poetic justice now will be your poor wife screaming "I wouldn't have minded if you'd told me" as she drops your suitcase out of the bedroom window onto your head.
Guys, I have not yet made the decision yet not to tell her, and I have taken no money yet. Please give me a chance, I'm a bit screwed up with worry at the moment.


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Friday 30th November 2007
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GregE240 said:
Aerofool said:
Plotloss said:

Me and a few of the boys are off into town tonight for a few sharpeners. Might get messy.

Fancy it?
Sounds ace.

2 questions:

Do they take paypal?

Can I let you know a bit later?
Thats not remotely funny. You're begging now, and you clearly haven't learnt your lesson.

Lonman is your best bet, but sadly I fear you're getting too fond of the attention and the limelight, as you've not indicated that you've contacted him.

Please....slope off and grow some boocks, then tell your wife what a prick you've been.
Thats not me mate, its some joker with a different login.


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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GregE240 said:
Aerofool said:
Plotloss said:

Me and a few of the boys are off into town tonight for a few sharpeners. Might get messy.

Fancy it?
Sounds ace.

2 questions:

Do they take paypal?

Can I let you know a bit later?
Thats not remotely funny. You're begging now, and you clearly haven't learnt your lesson.

Lonman is your best bet, but sadly I fear you're getting too fond of the attention and the limelight, as you've not indicated that you've contacted him.

Please....slope off and grow some boocks, then tell your wife what a prick you've been.
Thats not me mate, its some joker with a different login.


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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J111 said:
Aerofoil said:
Guys, I have not yet made the decision yet not to tell her, and I have taken no money yet. Please give me a chance, I'm a bit screwed up with worry at the moment.
Oh for God's sake, man, screwed up with worry ? shout Stop being a spineless little worm and face up to your responsibilities. You've got carried away and spent money you didn't have. It happens.

  • Find out how much a personal loan would cost to cover your debts
  • Grovel to your wife and tell her how you propose paying off the debt
  • Go to New York to get over a relatively minor hiccough in your relationship
All you guys telling me to get a spine, I have never F*cked up this badly in my life, I have no idea how she will take it, I don't want to lose her, I am worried, sorry if this is hard to believe. I am not that old, and may not be as worldly wise as you guys with all the advice, your advice is great, but I don't need the comments telling me I am a shit, I know that.


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Friday 30th November 2007
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Lonman said:

Just had a call back from matey, he no longer works at the Wardour. There is some good news and bad news though.

Bad news - Apparently the chances of getting any sort of refund are nil, if it was chip and pin, unless you can prove your drinks were spiked and you were not of sound mind. You will then have to prove that the club knew this and still served you drinks regardless. Impossible to prove.

Good news - My lifes great.

Genuinely sorry I could not help, I will however be making a donation to the "Save the marriage(read NY holiday) fund".


Thanks for trying mate, what you have said is what I knew was coming, I just had a small glimmer of hope.

Edited by Aerofoil on Friday 30th November 12:16


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Rod Rammage said:
TonyHetherington said:
Lonman said:
Good news - My lifes great.
rofl Inspired.
Back to Plan A then.

How much have you got now aerofoil?
Same a previous, Plan B and Plan C, probably the right plan is been looked into now.


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Friday 30th November 2007
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Sounds like I have at least brought humour and fun into your lives if nothing else good comes out of this smile

Christ I have just noticed, 48 pages! If for every post on here, I had the £1 I would be halfway there!

Edited by Aerofoil on Friday 30th November 12:28


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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soapbox said:
Aerofoil said:
Sounds like I have at least brought humour and fun into your lives if nothing else good comes out of this smile
I don't think anyone is joking. These are genuine offers of cash in return for some monkey boy antics.
Do you not think if all I had to do to wipe out this episode in my life, is don a chicken costume and dance in front of some kids at a party, I wouldn't have taken up this offer, you guys are fully aware how desperate I am! smile


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Friday 30th November 2007
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minimoog said:
lambogenie said:

Whoo hoo!

lets get it up to 100 pages by tommorrow lads and try and get the silly stick a grand int eh kitty then i'm sure the news of the world will bite.
If a tabloid rag did start sniffing around this - and the chances must be increasing with the page count here - then how long before Aerofoil is tracked down and exposed by some scum-sucking hack?

Not only does boyo spill his story all over the net, but it's on every newsagent shelf in the country...

Next stop - shitty cushions.

Kill the donation idea now, get a loan, and butter up a mod to delete this thread (Tony's already itching to), entertaining though it be. Before it's too late. Oh, and pray for Lonman to come through in the meantime wink
If anyone knows Tony, can you beg him to delete this. I have already asked twice. Lonman isn't going to come through.


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Marki said:
JagLover said:
MentalSarcasm said:
So, despite the fact that every woman that has posted on this thread has told you to go and tell her about it, and the blokes that asked their missuses asked them what they'd prefer and the women (apparantly) said they'd rather be told, you're going to do your best to hide it anyway?

Well, each to their own.
Well the PH ladies would say that wouldn't they.

Unless she is likely to find out anyway, don't tell her.
She will find out its just a matter of time but she will , they always do boxedin
Obviously I am crazy, 50 pages of posts prove that, but surely if I did tell her, I would be better off only having a loss of a few hundred, rather than my current loss, I think thats what I have been trying to achieve from the outset. A couple of hundred, I am sure we would get over that if I was to tell her, 2.5K is just a world of hurt waiting to come my way.

Anyway, this post is going to end up costing me my job as well as my wife, so PLEASE MODS SHUT THIS DOWN!


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Friday 30th November 2007
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toomuchbeer said:
I would pay up too, but as you haven't accepted any of the money yet, it worries me a tad that the web site (that I haven't heard of before) is sat there with a total of $0.

When you accept, I will bung you a fiver.
If any one is worried about their money, the funds are in the paypal account, I just haven't accepted them yet, I guess thats why they have not gone on that website, I guess it only shows cleared funds. Would someone who donated a £1 mind if I accepted it, then we can double check the website isn't dodgy, as I have also never heard of it before, although I'm sure its ok, as I have had some come through with links from it.

Edited by Aerofoil on Friday 30th November 14:22


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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mickken said:
Aerofoil said:
toomuchbeer said:
I would pay up too, but as you haven't accepted any of the money yet, it worries me a tad that the web site (that I haven't heard of before) is sat there with a total of $0.

When you accept, I will bung you a fiver.
If any one is worried about their money, the funds are in the paypal account, I just haven't accepted them yet, I guess thats why they have not gone on that website, I guess it only shows cleared funds.
What are you up too? (apart from your neck!)
I must stop looking at this thread! Someone must know someone who can remove it! Although I guess I am the PH Hit Rate Cash Cow now!



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1,543 posts

239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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xllifts said:
Aerofoil said:
mickken said:
Aerofoil said:
toomuchbeer said:
I would pay up too, but as you haven't accepted any of the money yet, it worries me a tad that the web site (that I haven't heard of before) is sat there with a total of $0.

When you accept, I will bung you a fiver.
If any one is worried about their money, the funds are in the paypal account, I just haven't accepted them yet, I guess thats why they have not gone on that website, I guess it only shows cleared funds.
What are you up too? (apart from your neck!)
I must stop looking at this thread! Someone must know someone who can remove it! Although I guess I am the PH Hit Rate Cash Cow now!

Did you want thread removed seriously cheers dave
If you can, yes please.


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239 months

Friday 30th November 2007
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Rod Rammage said:
Aerofoil said:
Mods, if Aerosmith really wants this thread shutting, perhaps you ought to oblige, esp. in the light of Tony H's comments earlier.

ON ONE CONDITION - Aerosmith must let us know the outcome.
Guys I will, I am just getting too worried with people talking about papers etc, this is my life after all, and although I am just a virtual idiot to you guys, and I have made some mistakes, I am sure the majority of you would prefer me to be physically ok.

As a final note, to all the guys who have helped me out, you are stars. If ever you do anything like this (but please for the love of god don't), and I manage to survive this, you won't ever be forgotten.

Edited by Aerofoil on Friday 30th November 15:16