Skeletons emerging from closet...

Skeletons emerging from closet...


Harry Flashman

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244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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Right, a Flashman situation for you lovelies.

Have just received confirmation that I am being dragged along to meet OH’s neurotic, insecure and bonkers mate. This girl is a royal pain in the ar5e, but hot (sadly – this is where the problem comes in). She has told OH that there’s something she ‘really wants to say’. This girl, Caroline, doesn’t know I am coming along – OH has invited me but not bothered to tell C this. After all, whatever C has to tell her, it’s not going to be about me…

Unfortunately, OH is wrong on this one. I know what this is. I did the nasty with her in May last year, very shortly before I got together with OH. OH does not know this, and C has kept quiet about it so far (but hasn’t seen either of us since the summer). Now for some reason, I reckon that she’s suddenly got the urge to be truthful and open about it all. This is a problem for me as OH has stated that she has issues with Caroline (girly nonsense but the kind of girly nonsense that means finding out your boyfriend has bonked your friend will cause issues) and I have a feeling that this knowledge could make things difficult. Problem is, I have no excuse and cannot claim I didn’t know this – OH was my best friend for years and I knew full well that there were issues between the two of them. I got drunk and doinked Caroline anyway. A couple of times, actually. And OH will be even crosser for me not telling her in my capacity as best friend pre our being together – my silence implies guilt and knowledge that what I was doing was wrong. Which is absolutely true – she will have me bang to rights.

Basically, I’m screwed. Options:

- turn up, hope that my presence embarrasses C into keeping schtum
- don’t turn up, hide in my home, turn phone off, simply avoid the storm
- turn up, take moral high ground i.e. “you knew that there was chemistry between me and the GF and yet you still got me drunk and seduced me, you manipulative conniving harpy etc etc”. Problem is I nailed her on more than one occasion, and playing the victim doesn’t suit as all parties concerned know I am no angel
- make point to GF that this was before we went out, and so none of her business. Blatantly not true as we were sizing each other up and pretty much in the prelude to getting together when I decided that bonking Caroline would be a sensible plan (fool, fool, fool!!)
- call Caroline before our drinks tonight and tell her that if she tells, I will make damned sure that absolutely everyone knows that she likes being tied up, gagged, spanked and taken in an, erm, alternative, manner. Problem is if she still tells, and discloses the threat I made, I am going to look like a properly evil sod (and a dirty evil sod to boot)
- Simply spend the entire night staring at C’s (lovely) boobies and dribbling absent mindedly

Whatever happens, I see a storm breaking. Flashy caught in the middle, again.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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Thought of the suggesting a threesome option, but realised that I will, in fact, be killed if I were to dare.

Oh bugger

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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beccaviola said:
Get your oar in first. Tell OH before C has a chance to twist it all.

Good luck...

Can’t discuss with OH. OH is at school so I cannot reach her (voicemail or text only, which seems like a bad way of disclosing). Meeting C straight after classes – I am to join when I get out of work.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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OH is a teacher, before any of you start with your amusing comments, by the way.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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nervous said:
do nothing.

in my experience, youre always wrong H

always let the wave break before paddling.

This is what instinct is telling me. Still need a plan though.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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Lucas said:
Maybe OH already knows and has asked you to be present to see if you squirm.

She wouldn't do that to me. She loves me.

Oh God...

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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andy28 said:

b. Go along to see the mate with your g/f, and if this girl confesses all, look dumbfounded and say "what? Why are you saying this? I know you are jealous of ...... and me, but to lie like this is the lowest of the low"!

This is good. Underhand, but good.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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Mon Ami Mate has really, really scared me now.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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anonymous said:
Ordinarily I'd agree, but any lady that has been touched by HF apparently is able to little else than pine, gnash and wail.

Yeah. Regret and self-loathing manifest in odd ways. Poor things.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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Of course, the possibility that this meeting has nothing to do with me has escaped me completely.



Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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Sorry, being distracted by nervy gaying away on the thread. Good work from the Norfolkian!

No, she's not my cousin. Despite the ar5e thing.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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Fidgits said:
Perhaps C just wants to confess to OH that shes a lesbian ever since she slept with some guy last May, and is deeply in love with OH and wants mad passionate girl-on-girl action...

A university girlfriend of mine ended up a lesbian, actually. Yes, I am that rubbish.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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I've been turned down by loads.

I mean, that's the reason they said no, right?

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Tuesday 9th January 2007
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I was thinking what IM posted. This is what I'm afraid of.

Nervy. loving your work on this thread. Now have the shakes big time. Thanks, brother.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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Right. Thank you for your sympathy and understanding displayed over these pages. Sympathy and understanding. Right. Gits.

Well, to update, it was as bad as I had feared – and my presence didn’t stop the lovely Caroline from spilling the beans. I had also thought that due to being in a public place (the rather decent Beach Blanket Babylon in Notting Hill – I recommend it, chaps!) we’d avoid a fuss. It didn’t save me – but this whole scene happened in furious undertones, rather than shouting. Which was quite surreal. Tasty waitresses (and I mean really tasty) to distract me when things got really bad, happily. Table next door to us were doing their best to listen in but appear to not be, which was darkly funny. One of the chaps sat on it actually shot me a look of sympathy (in between openly ogling OH and C - good work that man!)

Caroline spilled the beans. I pointed out to OH that we weren’t actually together, I didn’t know with any certainty that we would be, and that bonking other women was within the rules of the game (with a bit more tact than that, admittedly). OH then also reasonably pointed out (in front of C) that it wasn’t necessarily that I had done the business with someone else, it was that I had done the business with a nasty little slutwhore that she had issues with (with not much more tact than that, actually).

Cue fireworks, and C making her big mistake (and possibly saving my relationship). She tried to make me look bad (and I already looked pretty bad by this point). She tried to claim that my OH shouldn’t trust me, and that I was never going to be faithful etc etc ad nauseam. At which point 14 years of friendship with my OH paid off – she knows me better than anyone, and trusts me, knowing my history and misbehaviours pretty well (and to be fair I haven’t cheated on this girl, and I never would – aaahhh). She defended me, just because C had become the evil witch in the situation, took my points, and used them well. They will never be speaking again. It’s like that old adage – don’t get between a warring couple, as it will unite them against you. So, so true, it would seem.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened – my second girlfriend at university, 2 year relationship, was the best friend of my previous girlfriend (and there may have been a bit of, erm, overlap). They don’t speak anymore. I have to say, I think I’ve learned my lesson this time. I have no idea how this sort of thing happens to me, but I shall be avoiding in future. In a way, I’m glad OH was angry rather than hurt and weepy – that would have been awful.

My OH is still furious with me, and I am in the doghouse with some serious making up to do. But we are still together, and I am now pretty sure that all of my secrets are out and it’s plain sailing from here on in. C looks like a tart, I look like a tart, OH has the moral high ground, which actually works quite well. I get to take her away for the weekend to make it all up, and there isn’t some love child lurking anywhere. I am a lucky, lucky (but very tired) man. OH is not speaking to me, admittedly. Have beers with the boys tonight, which will be good for rebuilding some shattered nerves. First serious argument of the relationship, and I’m not single (or dead). Got to say – she’s scary when she’s angry though; not anxious to see that again. The silent treatment isn’t much fun either, I have to say.

As for requests for pics of Mrs Flashman – a pic has already appeared on PH due to some super sleuthing by GingerNinja (she appears on the web – no, nervy, not one of those sites). Feel free to have a look for yourselves, nothing to hide there – she’s a pretty girl, and lovely with it, and I would do well to keep hold of her, frankly. No pics of Caroline, sadly, and certainly no pics of them together and in the nuddy, you dirty buggers. Although I’d be lying if the thought didn’t cross my mind last night…

Night was ended with the sight of a beautiful TVR Griffith parked outside the bar as we left – OH’s favourite car. An omen, I think. Anyone want to buy a (slightly gay looking) Porsche?

I have to say, if she had ditched me (and at one point I really thought that she might), I would have been absolutely devastated. Interesting discovery.


(a very, very relieved and slightly fraught) Harry

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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Oh, and OH slapped me. In a bar. In front of people. That was a new one.


Beers with the boys tonight will taste so, so good.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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Now have to get the woman I love to talk to me again. And to stop telling everyone what a twunt I am. Flowers. I'm going to start with flowers delivered to her at work, today. Cliche, I know, but a man has to start somewhere.

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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Vesuvius 996 said:

What an old cvnt C is!!!


God yes :nod:

Evil, evil bint. No reason for any of that at all other than to try and split us up. Why? No reason whatsoever, the nasty little siren. Hmph.

Edited by Harry Flashman on Wednesday 10th January 11:12

Harry Flashman

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19,459 posts

244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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anonymous said:

'Met your match' is exactly what both of our sets of parents said to us when we started going out. Never quite realised it was true until now. Hmmm.

And yes, yes it does seem that I care rather a lot. Heart went through the floor when I though she was going to end it. Hmm again.

Harry Flashman

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244 months

Wednesday 10th January 2007
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havoc said:

PS - have you got a shiner or just a very red cheek?

Luckily no red cheek as I'm dark, so the marks don't show - except for an slight cut where her ring caught me. Normally I love her funky taste in jewelry - but have now realised it's hazardous. Got off lightly, all things considered.