From IAM Member to Observer - Long story...

From IAM Member to Observer - Long story...



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215 months

Tuesday 6th November 2007
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Well after a brush with the law a couple of years ago, I got interested in an advanced driving course. The deal was that if I was convicted and I promised to do this course, then my penalty would be lightened in order to allow me to do this course. As it turned out, my case was discharged completely angel and I went about enrolling for the Skill for Life program anyway.

Initially I thought "I'll just do it, pass the test and get the benefit on insurance etc. I can't be bothered to sit of an evening and natter with a load of old boys (and they are 65+) about how his advanced skills allowed him to negotiate an equally old lady with a shopping trolley."

Having been going to every-other-monthly meetings to catch up on developments at IAM HQ amongst other things, I had decided to become more involved in the group and put something back in. This started as being the group's young driver contact. Being 26, I am just young enough for the old boys to call me a whippersnapper, but old enough to pass on meaningful advice to any who may wish to enquire about what the IAM's SfL entails.

Both my Observer and Examiner commented at how well I might do were I to become an Observer for the local group. The Examiner said "Young people don't want to come out in my old daily hack, which'll do 30 eventually. They'd much rather see what application these skills have in relation to a vehicle to which they might aspire to own."

Now, my car's hardly standard which made for some surprised looks from him on the day of my test. He said young [guys especially] would love to see a guy like them driving a modified car who can explain why these skills matter so much.

I thought about it over the summer and decided to look into it further. I thought that I've got nothing to lose and as I constantly moan about others' poor driving standards, I could contribute a tiny part into helping to turn them around. I am nervous about it, as I don't believe myself to be a great teacher, but I guess it will come as I get used to it.

Now I'm just waiting to hear from my Senior Observer when he aquires a new associate to show me the ropes before letting me loose!! yikes

What's your point I hear you say?? Well I guess I am building the scene to be able to ask for some advice in the future and in between meetings. I don't know what kind of advice just yet, but hopefully the PH community will be able to contribute. biggrin

Anyway, I'll let you know how I get on, or indeed if I decide to bin it!!

Cheers all,


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2,084 posts

215 months

Wednesday 7th November 2007
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Thanks for all the kind words everybody. Another factor in my decision was one of the things that was said at the Regional Forum. The younger drivers are the future of the IAM, those who will carrying on what the older generation have built on already.

Vaux said:
There are some good threads (maybe on here or ADUK) about Observing - the attitude/teaching side rather than the technical side. I'll try and link if I can find.
I've been browsing around there today, looks like a great site, and a very useful resource. Thanks! smile

TripleS said:
Aye, I know just what you mean. Some of these old buffers can be a bit wearisome.

Anyhow I hope things go well and I'm sure we'll all look forward to hearing how you get on.

Best wishes all,
I don't mind if they like to gib on about their sunday drive. If it makes them feel good about driving, all power to them. What I am disappointed about is while they seem to be open to the push for younger members, I get the feeling that they secretly would like it to stay exactly how it is. They tend to sit in their own little groups, and no one can deny them that, it would be rocking the way things have been for years. It just seems an uphill struggle.

Just idle thoughts, hopefully I can show them that not everyone under 30 is a 106 chavvy boy racer.

We'll see!


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2,084 posts

215 months

Sunday 23rd December 2007
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Had to wait a while til both my observer and I were free, but have been out on an observed drive with him just to make sure I've not got back into any bad habits since I passed.

Will be taking my first associate in the new year, no date set as yet, waiting to receive details. I went out with another associate and just sat in the back observing the observing. He was quite upset when he was told he was not smooth enough to pass the test.

It's things like this that I am unsure of how to tackle. Staying tactful while still getting across the principles.

Will let you know how it goes!

Merry Christmas one and all!



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2,084 posts

215 months

Thursday 27th December 2007
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SVS said:
Hi Andy,

Nice one smile

Have you seen the Young Driver Network on Facebook?

Group Info Name: Young Driver Network
Type: Organizations - Volunteer Organizations
Description: Young Driver Network is a new group that has just been
set up (official launch date in Spring 08) as part of the Institue of Advanced Motorists (IAM).

We want to get more young drivers taking part, and put the word across that the IAM isn't all about being boring. Its really not.

And you can even get cheaper car insurance...

We want to try and make the group fun, so if any one has any new exciting ideas of days out, or places they'd like to see, stick a message up.

Anyone aged 17 to 30 is free to join and the more people the better, we want to try and get everyone involved.[/i]

Cheers smile
Yes, I heard this talked about at the Regional Forum in November. However (and I may be mis-remembering here) I thought Ben's wishes are for it to become entirely seperate from the groups, i.e. group or YDN. not both. IMHO, this will lead to the groups getting smaller and ostracised.

I thought it was the IAM's aim to bring the entire advanced driving demographic together in one melting pot. One of the benefits I get is the different views at the meetings. Granted, some are boring and time may be better spent on other subjects, but we should hear their views and experiences.

Not the speediest person with Facebook tho! wink


P.S. does the insurance discount cover modified cars?


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2,084 posts

215 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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Well, I've been assigned my first associate. I won't be trying to cover too much, just get used to everything. haven't been in contact with him just yet, awaiting a call to get things moving.

Woohoo! It's actually happening!! yikes


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2,084 posts

215 months

Saturday 16th February 2008
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EmmaP said:
LaSarthe+Back said:
Well, I've been assigned my first associate. I won't be trying to cover too much, just get used to everything. haven't been in contact with him just yet, awaiting a call to get things moving.

Woohoo! It's actually happening!! yikes
Best of British thumbup

Well, I actually haven't covered anything at all with this associate yet, because he hasn't turned up twice now. It's disappointing, because after the first no show (cancelled 30mins before we were due to go out), we arranged another date which he seemed enthusiastic about, and I was looking forward to getting stuck in. rolleyes

He's about the age of my dad, which isn't retirement, but 50+. I can't think that "it's me" because we haven't even met yet! He wasn't at the group meeting, which is starting to make me question his motivation. I wonder if he has a slight problem taking instruction/ideas from someone half his age and if it's this that is putting him off. If that was the case, why not just ask to be paired with an older observer? confused

And people say it's the yoovs.... Grrr


Original Poster:

2,084 posts

215 months

Monday 18th February 2008
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Hi Ben, thanks for getting involved. I am surprised you have not found your way over here before now! How'd you find us?? biggrin

Please don't take any offence by the post you refer to. I do not mean any malice. It was just that while I think the YDN is a great initiative, if it means the destabilisation of the groups, as was pertained to at the regional forum, then I wouldn't be as supportive. Mainly because I think the Groups are the skeleton of the organisation and without them, it may struggle.

I drive a 20v Turbo A3, remapped and modded about as far as it will go without internal upgrades. Pics will have to wait until tonight, I did have some on my work PC, but they've been moved on. smile
