The Running Thread

The Running Thread



28,506 posts

247 months

Thursday 7th August 2014
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MC Bodge said:
From what I can read off Strava, I was covering around 700-800m, probably 750m in each interval.

I was going quick, but not sprinting. fairly consistent in distance,although my speed was a bit up and down as I was running solo on pavement through suburbia, not on a track with a group. I could have done more reps, but not maintained it for the whole 10K solo.

OK so average of 750m gives an approx pace of 4mins/km but only for a total of 4.5km effort. I'd suggest starting the race no faster than 4:30/km for the first 5k (22:30) then trying to push on from there. Of course, if you feel bad/tired at 5k "push on" becomes "maintain".

This sort of thing is part of the self-knowledge a runner develops through trial and error in training and racing. That makes it difficult for someone else to assess appropriate paces.

MC Bodge

21,890 posts

177 months

Thursday 7th August 2014
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It's much appreciated, thanks.

I'm hoping the race will push me a bit and provide a baseline.


35,177 posts

214 months

Thursday 7th August 2014
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Bit of progress from me, slow but steady (which is how I would like to play it this time around).

Mileage has been slowly increasing and sickness has been slowly decreasing.

Last week my first ever sort of "speed" session since Feb was nice and easy, just 2x1mile off 75secs rest just to get the legs ticking over. I did something like 6:13 and 6:09 or something like that. It felt hard (but then it was my first time doing that sort of speed for ages!!), today I did 3x1mile off 60secs (so, shorter recovery and an extra rep) and did 6:10, 6:04 and 5:59, I was blowing a bit but far from killing myself. Did 2.2M warm up and the same warm down so 7.4M this morning which isn't too bad. Long run was 10.5 Sunday, did 4.1 before my tooth extraction monday morning and 6.3 Tuesday. Tomorrow will be an easy circa 5M and long run Sunday will be around the 11M mark.

Still not doing anything too strenuous yet. I'm only going to do 1 session per week for another 2-4 weeks yet. I'm undecided on next weeks session, I was thinking perhaps either 1x2mile, 90secs then 1x1 mile or or something like 2x1.5miles and perhaps something like 2x200m off 30secs to get used to a little more speed. At the moment I'm not too fussed about the sharp side of things that the sub 1km reps will bring I'm more about speed/base endurance for the time being.

My only gripe is that next week I was planning on doing my speed session on the Wednesday, yet I've got my gastroscopy that day and it's at just after 2pm and you can't eat for 4+ hours before....meaning no food after I'd need to ensure I'm up relatively early to get it done (because it's daft to do a speed session and get no nutrients down me afterwards, it'd kill my recovery) and you can't eat for at least a hour after because your mouth is numb as I'd be very, very hungry and trying to do a speed session in the evening....again, not ideal.

Still, onwards and upwards I guess. It's been a really tough 18 months for me but hopefully this time around I'll be able to get back into running properly as I was almost 2 years ago now!!!


1,516 posts

165 months

Thursday 7th August 2014
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Good to hear you're on the up, Ross. Also sounds like you have some solid plans for the next stages of progress.


28,506 posts

247 months

Friday 8th August 2014
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lepetitoeuf said:
I've notched up two run commutes this week, 10 miles to home Tuesday from a client's offices and 13 miles last night, which is my office to home.

It's an odd feeling, I don't think I've ever run point to point, so it feels like I'm covering a lot more ground. On a normal 13 mile run I'd probably never be more than 5-6 miles away from home at the furthest point.

It would be great to mix in some tempo work, but I think it's a bit too long overall.
I tend to keep the run-commutes as steady mileage as it allows me to free up other time for tempo/threshold work. Plus with a rucksack it's harder to push a fast pace.


35,177 posts

214 months

Friday 8th August 2014
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An easy-ish 5.75 miles this morning, around 1/2 off road. Due to gastroscopy Wednesday I'm bringing a few sessions forward. Not ideal but hey ho. Long run tomorrow (around 11M hopefully), rest on Sunday OR very, very short/easy run (maybe just 2-3M as that'd be my 1st 6-day-week for a very long time....February), speed session Monday, rest Tuesday and a 4-5M early morning run Wednesday before gastroscopy. Has to be early as I can't eat for 6 hours prior frown


9,457 posts

254 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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Bit annoyed with myself, managed 4k of the parkrun, then walked for 100m or so, but when I finished I had enough left to sprint the last 50m or so. I should have done it in one go.
I was purposely running slower too, to make sure I could get round in one go, garmin says 35:07 for the run.

Next time!


28,506 posts

247 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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In cycling terms... Rule 5!


9,457 posts

254 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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Indeed biggrin


9,457 posts

254 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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Official time 34:57! biggrin


35,177 posts

214 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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trooperiziz said:
Official time 34:57! biggrin
Well done pal.

I'm set to meet a mate around 5pm this evening for a circa 11mile run.


151 posts

188 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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Struggled massively at park run today. By 3k I was thinking about packing it in but I was thinking about training my brain to push through the psychological barrier as I knew I had the distance in me. 21.41 overall, which is alright I suppose, but still 2 mins slower than I'm aiming for. Speed work is the name of the game over the next couple of months.

I'm going to take it easy for the next few days, as I still think I'm recovering from the London Tri last weekend (and doing an XC mid week probably didn't help). Trouble is, recovery is boring!

Hope everyone has a successful weekend


9,457 posts

254 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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E65Ross said:
Well done pal.

I'm set to meet a mate around 5pm this evening for a circa 11mile run.
Thanks smile

Lot of runners today, 520 in total. I came 404th.
I need a 29 minute run to get in the top half, that's not going to happen for a while...


31,589 posts

235 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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trooperiziz said:
Lot of runners today, 520 in total. I came 404th.
I need a 29 minute run to get in the top half, that's not going to happen for a while...
404th is a long way ahead of most of the population. Keep plugging away. Each round 5mins below 40 is a little milestone. Then it gets harder.

My 10km this morning was a tough 1:10 -ish. Hey-ho.


20,251 posts

188 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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Been carrying an injury so today was my first 10k in months and I'd been on the beers last night but I was quite happy with 45:43 - I'm going to have to devise a new training plan as I want to shave at least 5 mins off that by the middle of September.

MC Bodge

21,890 posts

177 months

Saturday 9th August 2014
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ewenm said:
MC Bodge said:
From what I can read off Strava, I was covering around 700-800m, probably 750m in each interval.

I was going quick, but not sprinting. fairly consistent in distance,although my speed was a bit up and down as I was running solo on pavement through suburbia, not on a track with a group. I could have done more reps, but not maintained it for the whole 10K solo.

OK so average of 750m gives an approx pace of 4mins/km but only for a total of 4.5km effort. I'd suggest starting the race no faster than 4:30/km for the first 5k (22:30) then trying to push on from there. Of course, if you feel bad/tired at 5k "push on" becomes "maintain".

This sort of thing is part of the self-knowledge a runner develops through trial and error in training and racing. That makes it difficult for someone else to assess appropriate paces.
Following my RW plan, I did a tempo run of 2 miles slow - 2 miles fast - 2 miles slow this morning.

The fast 2 miles weren't on ideal ground as there were a number of road crossings and pedestrians to negotiate, but there was another fairly quick runner early on to catch and overtake which helped.

I managed the 2 miles in 13:40 (extrapolated up would give 5K 21:21 and 10K 42:42). I reckon that I could have carried on at a similar pace for the 5K, although would have struggled with that pace for 10k at the moment (although I did a few years ago, so it should be possible, even if I am now 37).

As I've only been doing any sort of fartlek for the past few weeks and more structured intervals for the past week, I probably shouldn't be expecting miracles at this point...

I have noticed that my pace does tend to fluctuate. I seem to slow down until I realise that I've slowed down and I then speed up again. I'm hoping that a race situation with other runners and on smooth tarmac will allow me to maintain my pace.

Longer, slower run tomorrow.

ps. I once again covered the whole 10K, with 2/3 of it at at a gentle pace, in just over 50 minutes, so I should be quicker than that in my first race.

Edited by MC Bodge on Saturday 9th August 20:45

MC Bodge

21,890 posts

177 months

Monday 11th August 2014
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Gah, I've now got a tight spot on the outer edge of my left calf.

It didn't make me stop my slow run

It's responded well to roller and tennis ball and now sore to touch in a discrete spot. I'm hoping it will clear up before the race next weekend.


35,177 posts

214 months

Monday 11th August 2014
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MC Bodge said:
Gah, I've now got a tight spot on the outer edge of my left calf.

It didn't make me stop my slow run

It's responded well to roller and tennis ball and now sore to touch in a discrete spot. I'm hoping it will clear up before the race next weekend.
I'm sure you'll be fine. The extra tenderness could easily be due to having had some work on it with the roller and tennis ball causing a little inflammation.

I did another session this morning (which I would have done Wednesday but for reasons already discussed)......pretty much the same as Thursday except I went against what I said I'd do and added in 2x200m at the end.

2.1M warm up, 3x1mile off 60s, I felt dreadful but got 6:07, 6:05, 5:57. Mile reps at that pace have never felt so hard frown bit depressing but I know that from last winter I can get back into decent shape in not tooooooooo long. I then had 2-3mins rest and just did 2x200m off 40secs (as opposed to the usual 30s) and didn't go hell for leather and only averaged 5:00/mile but I did feel it! 2.1M warm down so all added up including warm up drills/strides etc 7.5 miles.

I MAY do some speed/hill work Saturday but I'm not sure yet. I think either next week or the following I'll begin to throw in small amounts of <6min mile stuff in the form of 1k reps. Crazy to think an old session I did was 3x1 mile off 60s, 3mins rest, 4x1k off 60s, 3mins rest, 4x200m off 30s rest and I would get around 5:40/mile pace for the 1M reps, 5:20-25 pace for the 1ks and 4:30 pace for the 200s! eek

One day I can do that again....or at least try (If this fecking stomach thing sorts itself out!)


25,331 posts

194 months

Monday 11th August 2014
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trooperiziz said:
Bit annoyed with myself, managed 4k of the parkrun, then walked for 100m or so, but when I finished I had enough left to sprint the last 50m or so. I should have done it in one go.
I was purposely running slower too, to make sure I could get round in one go, garmin says 35:07 for the run.

Next time!
It's amazing how well your times come down once you start getting in to it. I only started running about a year ago and have take over 8.5 minutes off my parkrun time since I started. The biggest thing for me was just meeting a load of people who run and I now meet up with a few of them for midweek runs and have been persuaded to enter a few 10k's too, so it pays to hang around and socialise after the run.

MC Bodge

21,890 posts

177 months

Monday 11th August 2014
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E65Ross said:
I'm sure you'll be fine. The extra tenderness could easily be due to having had some work on it with the roller and tennis ball causing a little inflammation.
I'm hoping so. It's similar to the twinge I suffered a few weeks back, albeit in a different spot, which cleared up quickly. It's not the sort of nasty strain/tear that cause me to pull up /stop that I was getting throughout last year. Reduced running this week might be a good thing prior to the race.

Your sessions sound hard, especially if you are not well!

Ps. Calf now cramping, but am walking normally.

Edited by MC Bodge on Monday 11th August 11:55