Just a little angry today.


Pit Pony

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Tuesday 1st July 2014
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So I'm employed on a Ltd Company contract basis.

I typed a whole big rant, and explanation, and stuff, but then deleted it, and decided to type the following.

Why is it that some hiring managers, think they can be rude, and treat you like a child, because they don't like the fact that you have used your initiative?

Do you take the st, and the hourly rate, or do you say something, and risk having to find another contract (it's a little early in my contract) ?

I'm hitting all my targets, I'm changing the priorities as things change, and still hitting my targets. And yet, because I'm not doing it the way other people have done it, I'm subjected to a dressing down. FFS. So angry.

Pit Pony

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Tuesday 1st July 2014
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Thank you both. You have summed up the inner turmoil.

Pit Pony

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Tuesday 1st July 2014
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Basically I am taking a very specialised aerospace product that is broken, and finding out why it broke, doing a fairly technical report, and managing the rebuild of that product.

They needed me, because they were massively in arrears, so in 6 weeks I've moved 1/2 of the tested, by waiting for strip and report, to repair approved and quote agreed by customer, and now waiting for build, but they don't have all the parts.

Now, as new dead units come in I've ignored them. No point in doing anything with them, until I get the pile waiting for strip to the point where we are awaiting customer approval.

Effectively I'm working to a priority set by the customer, one at a time.

This apparently is wrong. I should have PUSHED them into the test department, despite that they are working overtime to keep up with NEW parts.

I'm not seeing why it matters. The problem I have is that I don't have a great memory, can only work on one thing at a time, and am very focused on the plan that was originally agreed. So if I'm asked about something that isn't on my current radar, I get a bit flustered, and it was all a bit "What about this?, I wanted this, Why isn't this done? I asked you this yesterday, Well that isn't good enough, this isn't the way it should be done. I'm really not happy, you should have done this"

and I'm a bit rabbit in headlights. Plus the bloke who is between us, who takes all her crap, is on holiday, so she's got a free reign to bully people. I say Bully, because it's easy to pick on one thing and blow it out of proportion, and make people feel like they are failing.

I know I'm doing a decent job, and that's why I'm pissed off.

Pit Pony

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Wednesday 2nd July 2014
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The first words I'm having today are "I've been thinking about what you said yesterday, and I wanted to say that I'm working ahead of the agreed plan, I'm altering it and reprioritising it as shortages become apparent, and if I wasn't hitting the targets, then I'd happily take constructive criticism, and I can see you are very stressed, but that is no reason for me to become the fall guy "

Pit Pony

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Wednesday 2nd July 2014
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shirt said:
playing devils advocate:

if i were paying a consultant/contractor to get me out of the st and this is how they coped under pressure, i would be looking to replace them asap.

by what you've presented here sounds like you've gone and done your own thing without documenting/communicating the current situation/planned solution and benefits to the workflow. again if i were hiring a six sigma guy [i assume that's what you are] i would not expect him to wade in and change the whole process without consulting me.

i am sure your solution is sound, but it doesn't seem like you are handling your client very well.
Fair play. They didn't really have a working process, and I just got on with it, and as I'm working the process, I'm documenting the process for them, but daily I'm finding out new things about the process. Much of it is waste, and there's lots of NVA but (apparently) essential (as in paperwork.)

Anyway, update, she was all sweetness at her 8:15 stand up meeting. Almost as if it never happened, so I explained exactly where we were status wise and that the plan had now altered slightly (to take into account all her opinions, as quite frankly, it's no shakes either way), and asking her for the update on the action she took yesterday. After the meeting I explained to her that I understand why she thought it was important, to do it her way but reminded her that I'm keeping to all the deadlines as agreed, and as far as I can see it's a red herring to suggest that either approach will make the end result different.

And the I found out something from a stores guy that was a new bit of information about the process.

Starting a Process FMEA in my head, and on the train home on Friday (Just 3 hours), I shall do a first draft on my lap top.

Pit Pony

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Wednesday 2nd July 2014
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Eric Mc said:
You are not an employee.

You are a consultant.

They hired you so that you can help them and give them advice - not so that they can boss you about.
On an IR35 related point, how do I respond to a generic email from the EH&S department, demanding that all employees, complete DSE training, and self assessment.

"Because we as the employer have a duty of care, and you as an employee are obligated by health and safety legislation to under take H&S training as requested"

Last week there was an email about "Ethics Training", but there is a problem with getting all contractors a special corporate log in before the global deadline, so it's been deferred.

I'm yet to find a hiring manager, or global organisation that actually understands what IR35 means, and I find pointing it out to them just pisses them off, or confuses them. (Including the MOD which is part of the civil service, so should really understand)

I think if any hiring manager had done any ethics training, and they were pointed to the HMRC website, they'd be duty bound to end almost all contracts, because whilst the contract is clearly written by a IR35 Legal Expert, the HR and EH&S people and hiring managers, usually treat them like they'd treat employees.

And as far as I can tell, most contractors don't understand, and most don't want to rock the boat.

Pit Pony

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Sunday 6th July 2014
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On the DSE training point, my Agency were incensed that the client had sent a generic EMPLOYEE, EMPLOYER email, and I have now been sent a request for an appropriate representative from my Ltd Company to undertake the DSE training and do assessments for all employees working on that client's IT equipment.

I'm thinking that my kids are off for the summer, so one of them can do the training on line and come in for an hour and do the assessment. Do I need to put them on the books ?

Pit Pony

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Sunday 6th July 2014
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HenryJM said:
Pit Pony said:
On the DSE training point, my Agency were incensed that the client had sent a generic EMPLOYEE, EMPLOYER email, and I have now been sent a request for an appropriate representative from my Ltd Company to undertake the DSE training and do assessments for all employees working on that client's IT equipment.

I'm thinking that my kids are off for the summer, so one of them can do the training on line and come in for an hour and do the assessment. Do I need to put them on the books ?
Incensed? They need to get out more. smile

Is it to an email address that is yourname@theircompany.com? In which case it's probably just been sent to everyone. If it is I'd be more concerned that you have one of their email addresses, better to use your own if you don't want to look like an employee.
I say incensed, but more like "Pragmatic" ie they could see my point, and wanted to do as little as possible to resolve it whilst keeping the client happy on my behalf.

Pit Pony

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Tuesday 8th July 2014
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ferrariF50lover said:
I'm guessing you know more than the bloke who's bossing you about. Could you not make one attempt at being all matey and explaining why you're doing what you're doing and how you're doing it. If he then keeps going at you, accept that he's an idiot and just ignore him. Eventually he'll go up the chain to his boss who, unless you're extremely unlucky, won't be an idiot and will understand when you explain the situation.

Yes, well I have just today had the opportunity to informally explain the successes we are having to her boss, and got into a discussion about how he can show his seniors this, and tomorrow I'll send him a link to a chart which gives him exactly what he needs. (which took me no time at all once I remembered how to use the =Sum(IF formula that I perfected in a previous contract) .

Pit Pony

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Wednesday 9th July 2014
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bigandclever said:
NorthDave said:
He was basically trying to mop up the smaller jobs we weren't interested in and doing them through his own company.

Given this guy was on commission plus a retainer and we introduced clients for him to sell to I thought it more than a bit off. Basically a massive trust issue.
Still struggling to see what that's got to do with IR35.
I assume it's a mistaken belief that if you can show more than one income stream, you have a better case. It's a case of not reading the HMRC guidelines, where they clearly state, that each AND every contract can be examined and even if you are servicing multiple contracts with multiple customers, you might still be deemed to be an employee, in one of them.

Same misconception with time. You can be deemed a disguised employee from day 1, or you could be contracting at the same company for years and not be.

Pit Pony

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Tuesday 26th August 2014
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More update time. So 3 months and a week into this 6 month contract and today's criticism was surreal. Rude, patronising, and pointless. I'm not perfect, but quite frankly she's completely laughable. All I keep thinking is, thank fk I'm a contractor, and that in the unlikely event that my contract is extended, I'll be making sure I have something somewhere else to go to. If I'd taken a permanent job and ended up working for her, I'd be very pissed off.

Pit Pony

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Tuesday 26th August 2014
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Fair point well made.

Pit Pony

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Monday 15th September 2014
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So following what can only be described as "the worst motivational daily stand up meeting" Ever, where she attempted to pour her st over something that I'd done that in her opinion should have looked differently, in front of the whole team of 8 people, I have taken some action.

1) I went to see the bloke in HR whose job it is to "manage" over 250 contract engineers on 3 UK sites, explaining that I wasn't very happy to be treated like that. And where I also named the other contractors who I've witnessed being on the end of her st, and it's gone somewhat higher in the HR bit of the organisation.
2) I had her boss, come and explain what 'pressure' she's under and how they desperately need me to stay.
3) I had a half hearted apology, from her in which she suggested that whilst I was very bright, I lack common sense.
4) I've had 1 week of sweetness and like, and 2 days of reverting to type.

But more importantly

5) had an Interview and Got offered a contract role somewhat closer to home, although security vetting will take 4 to 8 weeks (unless I have some bones hidden in a cupboard), which takes me nicely to the end of this contract in erm 8 weeks time. Have yet to see the actual contract, although I have the initial security questionnaire to fill in, so best not count the chicken in the basket just yet.

When I say "closer" I mean 100 instead of 200 miles.

Pit Pony

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Tuesday 28th October 2014
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Security clearance is erm in progress, 3 to 4 weeks estimate from now, which takes me to mid November when this contract finishes.

They have asked if I'll stay and do 3 more months, and whilst I said yes, that is only to protect my income if security clearance takes longer.

The hiring manager is still very rude, and impatient, but instead of getting angry, I smile, because I'm laughing inside.

From a business point of view I can hold my head up high, and show that I came in and turned the arrears (some with 200 plus day turnaround) into averaging 15 day turnarounds. One new bullet point on the CV. Objective completed.

Pit Pony

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Sunday 9th November 2014
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1 week left of contract.
Still waiting for Security Clearance for New Client.
3 month contract "in the post" for extension with old client not seen or signed but on it's way apparently.

One week off planned anyway to Decorate.

So rather than be "money grabbing" and go back for a couple of weeks, I'm going to tell them this is my last week, (and when the decorating is finished I'll do some welding on the MX5 whilst I wait for a start date)

To be honest I just need a stress free break.

Just got to work out the most professional words to say "Thank You and Goodbye"

Pit Pony

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Monday 10th November 2014
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Me : Hi, can I have a word?
Her : What's up?
Me : It's about this contract extension. I've had a think and I've decided to decline the kind offer, so I'll finish on Friday, when this contract runs out.
Her : Oh. Thanks for letting me know. - Walks off.

Strangely refreshing.

Pit Pony

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Thursday 20th November 2014
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So. Finished on Friday. Hiring manager could barely talk to me, by the last day. I'm going to get a mate to request a reference to see how vindictive she might be.

Have been decorating all week, and security clearance has now come through for next contract. Just discussing start dates. 1st or 8th December. Should be able to get the wall paper up by then.