Watch stolen: Gutted!

Watch stolen: Gutted!


Red 5

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182 months

Tuesday 16th April
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I recently had a few trades in, during some light renovation and a new kitchen. All nice people and recommendations etc.
Non of them were ever in the house alone, due to wfh.
I’d packed my Breitling B1 away, at the back of cupboard above my wardrobe. I’d not worn it for a year or so.

Sometime later…..

Two days ago I went to retrieve it and pack it off to Breitling for a battery, only to find it missing!
I knew immediately.
Obviously we still searched the whole house pointless. Twice frown

All the boxes, papers, service receipts and spare straps were there, just no watch!
I bought it new in 2000 from Alexander’s in Reigate, where I’d ogled through the window as a child. I visited with my late father and we selected it together.
I know it’s not the most expensive watch in the world, but it was almost unbelievably fantastic to me when I bought it, and I always treasured it. I’d have never sold it.

I’ve reported it, just to get a crime number really, and am going to make my first ever home insurance claim.
It cost me £1500 new, with used examples with papers now fetching around £2000, so let’s see what they say.

At this point, I’m not sure if I want somebody else’s ‘old’ watch of unknown history. I might just see it as a reminder.
If they pay out, it’s not enough to go for a new model, as Breitling has got more exclusive / expensive over the years. It looks like I’d be wanting one close to £5k now too. Not sure what to do. As I have all the spares for the B1.

Gutted it’s gone.
That somebody I liked took it, as well as the money I paid them for their work.
Not sure what to do and am really angry with nowhere to direct it.

What would you do?
Can really trust second hand 20+ year old watches, or should I just bite the bullet and spend more for a new one I like?

This was it at 17 years old, on the original bracelet.

Edited by Red 5 on Wednesday 17th April 00:07

Red 5

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Tuesday 16th April
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markiii said:
Most insurance excludes theft by someone you let in
I’ve filled in the forms online now, so let’s see what happens.
I was too annoyed to read all the small print and exclusions haha

Red 5

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Tuesday 16th April
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DoubleSix said:
Damn. That is really sh**ty.

I’ve had a lot of trades in over the last 12 months and am generally a pretty trusting guy. I’ve left them in my house whe doing the school run etc and generally just leave my Rolex by my bed, albeit the more expensive ones live in a roll.

I am questioning myself.

I would be livid if i were you.
I am livid.
The funny thing is, if I’d left it out where it was before, I’d have noticed the day it went missing and would know who’d taken it.
Or they’d have not bothered, knowing it would be immediately missed.
The fact it was tucked away made it easier, for anyone SO dishonest as to actually search for valuables.

I’m trusting too, and always think the best of people. I wish I still had the stty old kitchen now, and my watch back!

You might as well go and check everything is where it should be now (If you’re not already doing so)
This was my only nice watch. My others are basic work G-Shock things and an Apple Watch.

Red 5

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Tuesday 16th April
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nuyorican said:
Sorry for your loss.

I can't believe an actual tradesman would steal something out of a customer's house. Ignoring the fact that it's a dick move and illegal, it's their reputation at stake. Labourers for the trades though, no such scruples. Would it be worth having a word with the gaffer?

There is no gaffer. I have sought out trades via recommendations as I’ve needed them, filling in the gaps with some DIY

By the time I noticed the other day, I’ve had about 18 people in.
Mostly owner operators, with obviously a few younger helpers.

Red 5

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Tuesday 16th April
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DoubleSix said:
Bloody frustrating. And any suggestions you should have done anything differently should be roundly ignored.

It’s your home. You placed trust in those who entered. The thief is a sh*t but you are a normal decent person. Continue.

And yes, i did immediately check my valuables!!
Thanks DS smile
I hope my insurance agree, as I (or my partner) were in the house when the searching and stealing occurred in our bedroom!

Glad you valuables are present and correct smile

Red 5

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Tuesday 16th April
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Scarletpimpofnel said:
Op such bad luck, can't replace sentimental items. I also once had a sentimental watch stolen by an employee (never knew which one as 8 or so had the opportunity).

I think I'd be going all full on stalker and follow them going on a night out to see what they wear as well as setting alerts for similar watches for sale on line etc!
Wow! That was possibly even worse!

I don’t even know the name of the plumbers mate, or the lads the the carpet fitter had in training.
Too many people!

I also think it would have a negative effect on me. I’m not sure what I’d want to do if I found out who dun it. I don’t think I’d like myself frown

Edited by Red 5 on Wednesday 17th April 00:03

Red 5

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Wednesday 17th April
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bristolbaron said:
A couple of bit on the figures you quoted..

Retail on these was around £1800-2000 back in 2000ish, a bracelet alone would’ve been about £500. I can’t see that you bought it new for £500?

Insurance wise, they’d quote ‘new for old’ and base on the nearest current equivalent, so claim value would likely exceed single article limit if you didn’t have a named item policy.

Sorry it’s happened, but if insurers are willing to pay out the don’t lose out twice!
Thanks for pointing that out! It was £1500 and I’ve corrected above smile
I didn’t ‘name item’ insure, so at looking at £2000 - £200 excess best case scenario.

Red 5

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Wednesday 17th April
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e600 said:
We let someone in our house who stole my wife’s Rolex. Insurance didn’t pay out. There is a clause about letting people in being excluded from claims.
I guess that might happen. I will update this thread.
I was 100% truthful about how it happened, so I might just have to live with it.

Red 5

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Wednesday 17th April
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Norton850 said:
I trust no one and keep my good watches in my floor safe but do keep a couple of daily watches in a drawer which is lockable.

Gutted for you

Great looking watch and often memories mean more than value ...
I know it seems strange to say, but I don’t have anything lockable in the house!
Just never needed it!

Red 5

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Wednesday 17th April
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PurpleTurtle said:
Sorry to hear this OP, I guess they are accomplished at this type of theft, either picking their moment if working solo, or one of them keeping you occupied whilst the other rummages about.

This is one of the reason I hate having trades in, so try to do as much DIY as I can.

Presumably as you cannot pinpoint which one it was the Police are not interested and have already closed your case, giving you a crime reference number purely for insurance?
Yes. Case closed.
No way to tell over several months, who it was.
Just hope insurance will entertain me.

I’m not sure I have the appetite to pay more than I did back then for a watch of unknown history.

Edited by Red 5 on Wednesday 17th April 17:37

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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My insurance company have agreed to settle my claim without quibble smile

They appreciate the paid price / value meant I didn’t name the item on my policy.
But they also appreciated that my new for old policy terms will not cover the cost of a replacement, as they have gone up in price a bit (£2000 item limit)

To that end, they have waived my excess, So will pay me the full £2000 as a cash settlement.
They cannot offer to find me a replacement B1 on the secondhand market.

So now I have a dilemma.
Do I buy another B1? I still really like them.
I also have my spare rubber strap.
However, it will not be the same as it’s not MY B1.
Spending £2000 on a watch if that age Seems crazy somehow.

Or perhaps I should put some more money with it and go and buy the new version, that seems to be a commemorative red arrows edition.

What would you do?
Am I safe on the secondhand watch market?
What do you think of the red arrows edition?

Any thoughts, much appreciated smile

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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bristolbaron said:
Awesome! I expected you to be disappointed to be honest!

Personally, I’d stay away from another b1. Whilst they’re a great looking watch, that digital display is a killer if it needs replacement - it was over £1100 5 years ago (just for the module, servicing on top). They’re only going to get more likely to fail as they get older.

A B2 would be a much more sensible alternative.
Sheeee-it that’s a bit steep!
It had never even occurred to me that that might be an issue!
Thanks for pointing it out. I’ll take that into account smile

Edit : Thanks for the B2 suggestion. It’s really similar in a lot of ways, but I’m not sure about the face. It seems really cluttered after the B1!

I didn’t realise there were 2013 B1 available either.

Edited by Red 5 on Thursday 18th April 15:56

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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markiii said:
great result, who ar eteh insurance company? nice to find a useful one for a change
Thanks smile
They were quick too!

I’ll update with details once it’s all sorted.

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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Mabbs9 said:
That's great news OP. Perhaps sit on the money for a while and see if you actually miss is it on your wrist? Obviously I accept you'll miss it more the sentimental value. After a few months you'll know if you need one back.
Thanks smile

That’s a very sensible thing to do, but I’m not sure I’m as patient haha

I’m actually really glad it wasn’t a gift, as it would have meant even more to me.

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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raceboy said:
Great result, I'm sure watchfinder would take a cheeky bid on this
That would pretty much put you back where you were before the unfortunate incident. scratchchin
I’m really tempted by that one, but will have a scan around and see if there is anything else / other suggestions before I jump smile

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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OMITN said:
Glad the insurers have paid out OP. Still pretty grizzly to know that a carefully looked after possession with more than just monetary value could be stolen like that.

As with others, I agree that whoever took it knows how to pinch things and will probably make a tidy living out of it. On a smaller scale I had the same happen around a year ago with a socket set going walkies from the garage when we had building work going on.

I know the builder (he has worked for us before) and he has high standards for everything he and his people do. He was really disappointed and, when he asked his team directly and they all said no, he replaced directly and apologised profusely. My feeling it was the sub-contracted plumber's mate....

I had a watch stolen in a break-in a few years ago (target were the car keys and the watch - a JDM Seiko diver - was next to them). Took me ages to work out what to replace with - went with a s/h Grand Seiko diver that cost me 10 times as much as the stolen one..!
It was lucky you even noticed it was missing so promptly. Decent builder then smile

I’m going to try to NOT over spend on a replacement, lime you did!
It’s a want, not a NEED item after all smile

I expect the thief knew it was there after a rummage and then took it on their last day!

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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As I have the serial number of the stolen B1, it will be registered bent, so if it ever turns up at Breitling for a service it’ll be retained and returned to the insurance company.

The sad thing is, I’m sure it’ll change hands (pun intended) a couple of times quite quickly and end up with someone who has no idea it’s stolen.

Such a person is highly likely to take it to a Breitling Boutique, or send it back to Tunbridge Wells.

I now have to send off the papers and my lovely box, so they stay out of circulation permanently.
They are even reimbursing me for the postage cost!

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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ChocolateFrog said:
I'm not a watch guy but my gut feeling says buy a new one.

I'd even go as far as to say get a different model as you won't be able to replace the lost one as it'll never have the memories attached to it like the last one did.

Good news about the insurance.
This is good advice, as I think a ‘new’ second hand one will feel a bit hollow and imposter
I’ll also not have to worry about it needing an £1100 display, or other service work anytime soon.

My last B1 service / cosmetic tidy in 2017 was £799!

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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Uncle Meat said:
I've got a B1 (blue face) and a GMT. I won't be buying another Breitling, their 'service' is usually shocking. They smashed the ceramic display on my B1 the last time they had it. They did replace it FOC but so many other issues with Bretling I won't buy another one.
That’s a shame.
They were always fine for me on the four occasions my B1 visited HQ.

Red 5

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Thursday 18th April
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Hedgedhog said:
I have a lot of sympathy for you. My fathers signet ring was stolen by a cleaner and a scaffolder managed to steal a cheque from a chequebook in a study drawer and then tried to use it to buy a car. The cheque was a pita but it still upsets me that I lost that ring.
Well that’s way worse!
Not only an heirloom, but you knew who took it. I think that would eat me up more!

This was my watch that I bought, so I have memories yes, but not like that!
The check was just annoying though.
What tasty motor were they trying to buy?