Bear in the air


Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 29th January 2015
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1970s here we go again... tally ho...

Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 29th January 2015
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It says something of our air defence capability that a fighter from Lossiemouth was scrambled to intercept an aircraft over the English Channel.

Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 29th January 2015
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The closer it is the sooner it gets there. How long does it take Ivan to press the button?

Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 29th January 2015
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skeggysteve said:
Why didn't the Russians file a flight plan, just to wind us up or something else?
Because it's a spy plane? Callsign 'Spy 1'. 'Spy 1 requesting permission to overfly militarily sensitive areas, over'

They do it because they can.

Simpo Two

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267 months

Monday 2nd February 2015
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dr_gn said:
A "seek and find" missle. Wow, must be really good at looking for things if they have to mention it twice in the name.
Seeking and finding are two different things. Ask Shackleton.

Anyway, what's the plan here? Are we going to shoot down Bears with rat guns?

Simpo Two

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267 months

Wednesday 4th February 2015
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If you want tumbling try a .22 pistol! Sideways at 25 yards.

Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 19th February 2015
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guru_1071 said:
excellent news, I demand some pretty girls in uniform, a large map, some long pushers, small models of spitfires and bears and a some large flashing signs that say things like 'tangmere ready', 'dispersal', and 'angels one-five'


group captain 1071

With a Bear service ceiling of 45,000 feet I'm afraid your Spits won't be able to the intercept. But we could buzz Crimea with a PR version and see how the Russkies like it...

NB If Ukraine works, then no doubt Putin will try the same on the Baltic states. I wonder what we will do?

Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 19th February 2015
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Yes, it was a rhetorical question really. Putin wants to rebuild the USSR and short of starting WW3 there's damn all we can do about it except throw paper.

But I'd rather Putin gets the Baltic states than WW3.

It's slightly reminiscent of Mr Hitler's probing takeovers of the 1930s, but I don't think Putin has any designs beyond what was the old USSR.

It's funny; we seem terrified of a Cold War - yet it was 'normal' for decades - I grew up in it - and seemed to work quite well.

Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 19th February 2015
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dr_gn said:
ecsrobin said:
A griffon powered spit could get to 43,500 feet so as long as the bear isn't operating at maximum then the spit has a chance (although in the real world the pressurised cockpits are no longer operational on the BBMF aircraft)
What about the 100+ mph difference in top speed?
Hmm. Frontal attack from 1500 feet below, hope your shells make the distance - massive deflection so basically impossible - stall from the recoil, then land back at base and claim 1x Frightened.

But assuming you could formate alongside a Bear with a Spitfire it would be a good chuckle for both sides. They might even report back that the RAF is down to its last half dozen Spitfires...

Simpo Two

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267 months

Thursday 19th February 2015
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hidetheelephants said:
Simpo Two said:
But I'd rather Putin gets the Baltic states than WW3. It's slightly reminiscent of Mr Hitler's probing takeovers of the 1930s, but I don't think Putin has any designs beyond what was the old USSR.
Are your middle names Quisling and Chamberlain? Those are NATO members you're wishing away there.
Quisling was a Norwegian Nazi sympathiser/traitor; Chamberlain is now known as an appeaser but what he was trying to do was avoid war. I'm a cynical pragmatist.

hidetheelephants said:
Our NATO obligations are as firm as they were in 1949; if he starts messing with the baltic states he's going get his nose put even more out of joint than it already is.
And how do you intend to do that? Sanctions? It's the fact that Russia has NATO neighbours now that provoked Putin in the first place. The Baltic state's membership of NATO is rather like Greece's membership of the Euro I think - one too many on the raft.

Edited by Simpo Two on Thursday 19th February 19:33

Simpo Two

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85,883 posts

267 months

Thursday 19th February 2015
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Yertis said:
There was quiet an interesting ting about this on R4 a few minutes ago. Difference between Ukraine and the Baltics is that the latter are already part of the EU and want to stay that way, even the ethnic russians therein. In Ukraine he's 'pushing on an open door', in the Baltics that won't be the case. Hopefully.
Sorry, I meant Euro not EU. Agreed Ukraine was a softer target though. Pick the easy ones first and judge world reaction accordingly...

Simpo Two

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267 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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No doubt Russia could flatten us in a few days if they actually wanted to - Spetsnaz vs lardy benefits family watching Eastenders - but I can't see why they would. We were strategically important when stuff was heading from west to east, but I'm not sure the reverse is true - we're a geographic dead end with few resources of interest I think.

As for NATO I seem to recall that few of its members have actually contributed their agreed share and I doubt some have much stomach for a fight.

As for the decline in the armed forces, it is entirely typical of peacetime. There is much to be said for being the biggest kid in the playground, but those days are gone.

Simpo Two

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85,883 posts

267 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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Tiger Moths of course, like any good University Air Squadron spin

Simpo Two

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85,883 posts

267 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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Gargamel said:
I think they should outsource QRF anyway, put it out to private tender to G4S or Serco, bound to be cheaper, better aircraft and more reliable

A capital idea! We could have five independent privately-run air forces, each leasing runways from another privately-run company, and they could bid for a franchise every five years and meet targets and things.

Well it worked for the railways, not.

Simpo Two

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267 months

Friday 20th February 2015
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The Bears are probably sucking all sorts of electronic info from the fighters. Perhaps we'd do better to stay on the ground?

Simpo Two

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267 months

Tuesday 24th February 2015
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gwm said:
Anyone who lived through the Cold War, these exercises must have gone on then plenty. I wonder what the credibility / feeling was back then.
It was accepted as normal. Us goodies, them baddies, simple as that.

Simpo Two

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267 months

Wednesday 25th February 2015
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gwm said:
Was there ever a feeling, credible or not, that the Russians would ever even invade British airspace?
As a boy, teenager and young man, no, other than the Bears which didn't make the news AFAIK. At school in Suffolk, surrounded by USAF and RAF bases, we saw pairs of Phantoms going over every day.

I hope the next generation of media kids doesn't portray the Cold War as a time when we all cowered under our beds watching the Raymond Briggs cartoon and listening to Patrick Allen's 'What to do in the event of a nuclear attack' programme on our Bush radios...

To the man in the street it really was a non-event. The post Cold War terrorism stuff is not only 100x more pervasive, but actually affects our way of life. The Russians didn't.

Of course this may be because of the way the media chooses to reflect world events. There is too much 'media' these days, too much 'news', and too many empty heads spouting it.

Simpo Two

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85,883 posts

267 months

Thursday 14th May 2015
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And subs too now. But if it focuses minds on our defence capability, or lack of, then I guess it's no bad thing.