RE: Display Your Car At The PH Show



2,670 posts

202 months

Tuesday 15th January 2008
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As PH & Autosport are Haymarket brands - I may be guessing but Haymarket would have engaged experienced exhibition companies to manage the 2 shows as a collective. Despite the PH team's best efforts I understand that the few degrading stands in the PH Hall would have been an oversight or betrayal of trust placed upon the exhibition company.

Having been on a IT related stand in the past - which was hardly the size to fit a smart car on. This caused enough headache for a couple of marketing staff. So for the relatively small team of PH people to put on the show alongside normal duties (albeit with the possible help of an exhibition company and a couple of temporary staff here and there) must have been a mother of all migraines.

So everyone, put away the broomsticks/witches hats, pick up your toys that may have fallen out of the pram and give the people that brought it all together the respect they deserve. Allow them learn by the oversights/mistakes/mis-judgements/betrayal of suppliers/etc etc.

Maybe next year those who have bitched to the hilt about things and how things could have been done better would be prepared to help setup/run the stand (second thoughts I doubt it as you will probably want paying for the privilege).

Yes, I've had stuff to say previously on the matter but what's done is done and let's help rather than hinder the process of restoring order in the piston-house!

With regards to my specific complaint, Garlick suggested I contact him directly. However I am waiting for things to settle down for a week or so and see what comes out of it rather than add to the burden of reading all the detrimental contributions on here. Once they have things sorted I am sure they will contact all those how have had issues or otherwise or post a formal notice on here.


145 posts

217 months

Tuesday 15th January 2008
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bigburd said:
So for the relatively small team of PH people to put on the show alongside normal duties (albeit with the possible help of an exhibition company and a couple of temporary staff here and there) must have been a mother of all migraines.

So everyone, put away the broomsticks/witches hats, pick up your toys that may have fallen out of the pram and give the people that brought it all together the respect they deserve. Allow them learn by the oversights/mistakes/mis-judgements/betrayal of suppliers/etc etc.

Maybe next year those who have bitched to the hilt about things and how things could have been done better would be prepared to help setup/run the stand (second thoughts I doubt it as you will probably want paying for the privilege).

Yes, I've had stuff to say previously on the matter but what's done is done and let's help rather than hinder the process of restoring order in the piston-house!
Excellent - coudn't agree with you more - in my opinion the guys did their best - I recon they need support and encouragment for next year - WELL DONE GUYS!!!!


14,044 posts

272 months

Tuesday 15th January 2008
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robemcdonald said:
sjc said:
robemcdonald said:
sjc said:
robemcdonald said:
sjc said:
I pulled out, I had a horrible feeling something like this was going to happen. The whole thing from start to finish seemed amatuerish, ill thought through,shambolic really. To those of you that did show your cars, on behalf of other Pistonheaders who maybe won't see this thread......thankyou!
I didn't pull out and I don't expect an apology, so why should you? People are upset enough about this without someone who didn't show their car stirring it.

I really feel for the guys who organised this show. They've obviously spent loads of time and effort and what do they get for their effort. People who didn't even show a car complaining FFS.

The way this is going I'd be surprised if they bother next year. Please cut Garlick and all the others some slack.
1.FFS I'm not expecting an apology for me,I don't need one, an apology for those who feel let down would be a decent start.You say yourself enough people are upset by this so why shouldn't they get one?
2.Not stirring it,I saw it coming a mile off unfortunately, I assume you've only read half the thread.
3. As for the effort by the organisors, how about the effort put in by those displaying their car,and the fact that some of them didn't get what they were promised?
4.As a follower of this site since its earliest conception,I've actually put a thankyou in my post on behalf of other members,so you having a keyboard warrior fit is way wide of the mark. It wasn't an aggressive post (FFS)
5. As for next year, I'm sure lessons will be learnt.

In your reply you mentioned that you posted a thankyou on behalf of other members. How come you have posted on behalf of other PHer's? I don't get it.
As a new member to this site I didn't realise PH was run in the fashion of a masonic lodge i.e. the longer you've been a member the higher your position. Thanks for putting me straight on that one worshipful master.
I posted a thankyou on behalf of the Pistonheaders who won't have seen this thread and weren't aware that members were even displaying their cars, let alone the effort they put in.WTF don't you get?
As above I thanked you for displaying your car, and get a response like that.Grow up.

Edited by sjc on Tuesday 15th January 07:52
I really don't want to get into an online argument with anyone on here. I joined to meet some people as passonate about cars as I am. Not to fall out with anyone. However since you asked WTF I didn't get I'll explain;
As you pointed out I am new to the site. I have no idea about who's who in the PH Hierachy. So from my point of view you are just another PHer.
Did you have a hand in the organisation of the show?
If you did I apologise as I feel that all who did are only worthy of praise and support.
If you didn't I really don't understand how you can thank people on behalf of the organisers.
I accept I might have mis-interupted your comment and you were thanking contributers as someone that visited the show and enjoyed the cars. If this is the case once again I apologise, but still don't understand why you have to speak on other peoples behalf.
A couple of quick questions for you:
Did you attend the show?
What did you think of the PH element?
Finally in your first reply you seemed to be upset because I used FFS. I agree that was wrong and could be percieved as agressive. Is it not slightly hypocritical to then use a similar agressive WTF yourself?
Like I say I don't want to fall out with anyone. Hopefully I have now explained the rationalle behind my comments you will better understand my position.
Rob, first things first, I have no wish to fall out with anyone either, how about we put this down to one of those discussions that loses something in print rather than face to face?beer
Yes,I'm just another P'Her, and no I had nothing to do with the show, other than pulling my car out, and sending the organisors a mail to that effect.
I'm not thanking the exhibitors on behalf of the organisors, I was doing it as a member who appreciated the effort of time and money that the likes of yourself put in exhibiting your cars.I assumed you weren't going to get many thanks(as seems to be the norm in life)so I thought I'd put mine on record. And yes, I probably was hypocritical in using WTF and for that I apologise,but please see my previous sentence for the source of my frustration!I can't see why we need to thank the organisors to the same degree, as they are a "for profit" company so lets not pretend they did it for all of us eh? Please note,this is not a slight on anyone involved, just a business fact unless I've got it badly wrong.I can't help thinking also that if it was still PetrolTeds baby he would have already been on here apologising since the show.
I'm sure lessons will be learnt, I feel for the exhibitors who were hoping to see their pride and joy being pampered and looking pristine, and I'm sure most didn't do it for that reason but it would have been the icing for them,it could well be that they feel they have exhibited under false pretences.However that obviously isn't the case, I'm sure Haymarket will be along soon and the show will be cracker next year.As BossCerbera said earlier, no-one died, and having had two people pass suddenly this weekend that's put it into perspective somewhat.


3,642 posts

217 months

Tuesday 15th January 2008
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I pulled out as my car needed some work done to prevent leaks on the NEC floor (!).

The reason why I put it forward and the reason I was gutted it could not go was the thrill of it being part of the show. The Zymol treatment was a bonus but for me it was being part of it all.

Personally I am sorry to have let the PH down by not making it and also those looking out for my car (and there were at least 2!).

I had another honour of having my car photographed for a magazine and the phographer said that people prefer a bit of dirt. Having seen some exotica driven and not treated as museum pieces I tend to agree.


3,724 posts

205 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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TonyHetherington said:
I'm going to do myself no favours with this, I know, but.....I really do hate the scantily clad girls at shows. There are some really nice well dressed, really sexy girls on some of the stands; perhaps in race suits, or simply business attire and they look spot on and appropriate.

Girls wearing very little and, of all things, lingerie were inappropriate. Christ I'm a 27yr old bloke saying that eek But seriously - if I wanted to see that, I'd go to google images. Anyway, the PH team know this I spoke to a few of them about it, so I do know it certainly wasn't planned and certainly wasn't known that was to be the case, so just more experience to make next year's show even better biggrin
No tony you are spot on with that.

I actually asked the Ginetta girl (jackie) if she would mind stepping aside so that i could take a photo of the car and not her! getmecoat


169 posts

281 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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At the end of the day it was a good show, and we got show off our P&J's - which was great.

It would be nice however to have some comment or explanation from PH as to what happened to the promised detailing.

I know we've been over what people should and shouldnt have expected - its obvious that a number of people were mislead and dissapointed.

A formal response from PH would be appreciated, even if it just states that we were all wrong in our expectation and put the issue to bed.

My last post on the topic - promise.

touching cloth

11,706 posts

241 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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xllifts said:
I actually asked the Ginetta girl (jackie) if she would mind stepping aside so that i could take a photo of the car and not her! getmecoat
Trying for a side boob shot instead yeah? wink


418 posts

203 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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Dents on the car. mad

Just pulled the car out of the garage and noticed two dents on the front wing. Not there before the show. Looks like one of the poles supporting the chains had fallen and clipped the wing….twice. Great.

Anyone used a paintless dent removal company they can recommend?


3,521 posts

204 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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JLF said:
Dents on the car. mad

Just pulled the car out of the garage and noticed two dents on the front wing. Not there before the show. Looks like one of the poles supporting the chains had fallen and clipped the wing….twice. Great.

Anyone used a paintless dent removal company they can recommend?
think you will find it was down to kids pulling on the chains whilst walking along. We moved the chains back out (which were actually rubbing on the bonnet) a number of times, but then kids come along and either pulled the chains/posts back in or knocked the posts over.

art nouveau

58 posts

201 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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marcosV8 said:
bigburd said:
So for the relatively small team of PH people to put on the show alongside normal duties (albeit with the possible help of an exhibition company and a couple of temporary staff here and there) must have been a mother of all migraines.

So everyone, put away the broomsticks/witches hats, pick up your toys that may have fallen out of the pram and give the people that brought it all together the respect they deserve. Allow them learn by the oversights/mistakes/mis-judgements/betrayal of suppliers/etc etc.

Maybe next year those who have bitched to the hilt about things and how things could have been done better would be prepared to help setup/run the stand (second thoughts I doubt it as you will probably want paying for the privilege).

Yes, I've had stuff to say previously on the matter but what's done is done and let's help rather than hinder the process of restoring order in the piston-house!
Excellent - coudn't agree with you more - in my opinion the guys did their best - I recon they need support and encouragment for next year - WELL DONE GUYS!!!!
Exactly. Let's be positive about this.

Yes - there were disapointments this year, and I am sure we now have the knowledge to take this forward to ensure (hopefully) a bigger better show next year. Having held the post as press officer for the Welsh Rally for a number of years when a member of the South Wales Automobile Club, I know what an extrodinary effort it is keeping track of everything against an unforgiving deadline.

For me - the negatives, like most it is the issue of tickets and the Xymol treatment. For me the Xymol treatment was an added extra, I would have displayed without this and if I had known would have detailed the car myself as I wanted to show it off in it's best condition (and I think that is where most owners are disapointed - showing their car in an unfinished state).

The positives - meeting Ian and others of the PH organising team. Seeing behind the scenes on the Wednesday and helping to push Lewis Hamilton's F1 car onto the stand. Free entry on Sunday. Seeing the interest (and photographs) the public were taking in my Tuscan. Answering questions about the car. AND joining in with the "supercar stampede" leaving the NEC on the Sunday night - The sound will live with me for ever.

A big thank you to the show organisers - and guys if you need any help sorting out a "lessons learnt" exercise, or with the show next year, please ask!


sniff petrol

13,107 posts

214 months

Wednesday 16th January 2008
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art nouveau said:
AND joining in with the "supercar stampede" leaving the NEC on the Sunday night - The sound will live with me for ever.
Well put, the noise of that lot firing up and leaving together was something else. Tried to stay with the striped and stickered SRT/10 on the M6 but in the wet I didn't keep up.