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Monday 13th January 2014
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dxbtiger said:
Where will your office be and do you want apartment or villa living?
I believe both mine and my wife's offices would be in DIFC. No idea how large this are is, so no idea how close they are to each other.

Would definitely want Villa living. Too old for apartments now - been there, and done that!


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6,260 posts

231 months

Tuesday 14th January 2014
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TNW said:
This is a very useful link. Shows where all the communities and districts are so you can get a better idea what is near to where. Handy when trying to figure out places to live near to work etc. Enter DIFC in to the search box and off you go!
Thanks TNW for that link. It does not work on a tablet which I was looking at last night, but does work on my laptop. I will take a look today to see if I can orientate myself!

So quick question....

My work would be in DIFC and living would possibly be in Arabian Ranches (only because I have heard good things, and have friends living there already). What would the estimated commute time be?

Edited by Fats25 on Tuesday 14th January 08:00


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6,260 posts

231 months

Wednesday 15th January 2014
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Some good information above - much appreciated.

The commute time will definitely have a bearing on where we choose to live. We currently both have over an hour commutes each way in UK (less if on motorbikes), and we are looking at reducing this.

We do not have our hearts set on Arabian Ranches, is just we know people that went out recently and live there, hence it is an idea to look there.

Our requirements are:-

1) 3/4 bedrooms - so people can visit
2) Maid room - just in case
3) Study (could be a bedroom)
4) Garden - Mrs loves gardening, and cats need somewhere to run around
5) Garage - I cannot see me giving up my motorbike fix - be it road/track or dirt (or all 3!)

Aside from that we are easily pleased!!


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6,260 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd February 2014
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Back here again, and the offer has been made. Is definitely going to require some negotiating to get to the level I need, but I have something tangible now to begin to ask some questions.

Firstly I mentioned at the start of the thread re being an ex-pat or coming in as a local, especially related to tax. I now have the information from the company that I am speaking to, and an understanding as to where the confusion was with me being told there would be tax to pay.

Basically this company implement a policy of tax equalization on all ex-pat packages. More information here on why they do this. Suffice to say this is not that appealing for someone coming from high rate tax home location (UK) to a Low/No tax host location (Dubai). However the ex-pat package does have a lot of other benefits such as host local property management charges, host storage charges, host loss of car on sale, host rental of residence subsidy, Local Utilies tc etc). The package is all based in $'s - so I will obviously have two currencies that I need to gamble against, AED and £'s.

The local package includes all of the relocation costs, salary, bonus, car, and housing rent, but not the ongoing costs for the period of work there.

Obviously if local then I am free to move within the host country as I choose for employment, subject to opportunities, but as stated above with very little protection. As a assignee on an ex-pat package, there is more security, but less opportunity to move. I see the ex-pat package as a career, the local package as a short/mid term contract. i.e. if local when it is finished and I want out there is very little I can do but leave. With the ex-pat package the likelihood is they will move me on to another location/home, on the same package.

Other advantage (tbc) is that there will be no issue with HMRC from a bringing back money to UK, and making continuous payments against mortgage etc in UK. I will not be a non-resident, so there should be no unknown tax implications.

To summarize I now have two offers. To make it even trickier they are not like for like. Even the housing allowance on both packages is different! What I need to do is make a comparison of the two and see where the gaps are and how flexible they are prepared to be.

So here are my initial questions:-

1) What are the average cost of utility bills over there? They have offered a total of AED 13600 p.a. for these, which I do not believe is anywhere near enough - I think it is a pointless number as it will barely make a dent. What would a ballpark figure be for a 4 bed place, with shared community pool?

2) Car/Transport offering is AED 36000 p.a. I am guessing leasing is the way for a vehicle? Where will they fall in the range of Dacia Duster -> Range Rover.

3) Houses they have offered AED 155000 p.a. for ex pat, and 210,000 for local. I know this is not enough, and they have offered it as we are 2 people, rather than considering what we want to maintain current standard of living. I have looked at what I can get for those prices on Dubai housing websites. My question is how much flexibility is there in asking prices for property, and what they will accept? Is there negotiation? How much inflation should I allow for houses? I understand prices rise every year. I want to ensure this is factored into the package - i.e. if I have a house year 1 at 250,000, and it rises to 300,000 year 2, I don't want to be forced to downgrade.

Again many Thanks for your time to read, and any advice most welcome.


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6,260 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd February 2014
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Apologies - but what is DEWA?

I just thought! Perhaps Dubai Electricity and Water Agency?

Edited by Fats25 on Sunday 2nd February 10:13


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6,260 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd February 2014
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Are there other local taxes/rates that need paying that I have not thought about?

I'm trying to work all the calculations out for everyday living, and things I am thinking about are:-

Water/Electricity - 35,000 p.a
TV - 7000 p.a.
House Insurance
Vehicle Insurance
Vehicle Tax/Tolls
Local residency maintenance (or is that included in rent?).

Anything obvious I am missing?

They have a COLA index they use for cost of living, and that is approx 40,000 p.a. additional payment for bits and pieces - so I am hoping that sort of balances out food/drink anyway.


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6,260 posts

231 months

Sunday 2nd February 2014
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shirt said:
36k is a pittance as far as car allowances go. that would lease something like a basic ford edge or a pajero but nothing better,
To be fair - I am not surprised by this number. It is actually least of my concerns. The number pretty much matches what the UK guys get towards car allowance, and in UK I have my own vehicles I will sell, and expected to put towards my vehicles in Dubai anyway.

I may yet use it for negotiation though, as I suspect it will be easier to get benefits maximised rather than salary.

shirt said:
looks like the local contract is being sweetened to make you have both feet here, so to speak, so that it gives them more confidence that you will see out your contract.
I'm not so sure on this. I think they would much prefer I was permanent on an ex-pat package.

It means they can move me around the world as they see fit, without the need to negotiate a salary every time.

I would also argue it makes their position a lot stronger with regards to me walking to another opportunity - although to be fair that works both ways.

shirt said:
had to laugh at your comment re: 'want to maintain current SOL'. wouldn't we all mate! my rent here is 3.5x my uk mortgage for half the space and 2 less bedrooms!
Point taken - and I understand the variations. I am looking at 2 x my mortgage, for same size house. It is a lifestyle choice, and one I won't be able to change.

It all comes down to whether the offer is to maintain same SOL? Or is to put a roof over your head during duration of stay?

The way it was painted by my potential new boss, was that the numbers should not be an issue on the housing thing. Need to find more info on this tomorrow.

shirt said:
TBH the offer seems pretty middle of the road, not really in line with the package i would expect from your first posts regarding the scope and stature of the role you'd be doing.
I have been with this company on contracts for 5 years now. They always offer low. I have managed to get a 12% annual increase through them during that period. This was a starting offer, and I knew I would have to negotiate. To start with the package was based on the role, and my current contract.

My contract expired Friday, and I just renegotiated my contract until May 2014 with another 10% increase, so that is the starting point on the salary.

The fun begins now. smile


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6,260 posts

231 months

Tuesday 4th February 2014
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Negotiations are still continuing, the swingometer is moving from yes to no regularly! Looking quite positive at the moment so decided to start looking at some cars.......

Some questions :-

1) Why do cars have so many km's on them? How do people drive so far in such a small place?

2) How comes some cars are so much cheaper than other comparable cars? eg Range Rover sport much cheaper than Porsche Cayenne? In UK they would be similarly priced.

3) I notice that US imports seem to be much cheaper than local vehicles. Is that for same reason as in UK?

Ideally I would want a 4x4 and it would be rude not to have a V8 with fuel so cheap!

2nd car an American muscle V8 - like a Charger/Camaro/Challenger. Apologies for the poor choice in cars!


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6,260 posts

231 months

Wednesday 5th February 2014
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Fair point on the distances. I have not been to Dubai for 15 years, so my perception of the distance is probably all wrong.

Shirt mentioned re the RR prices dropping when new mode is released. I could see that from the prices when I was looking last night. The new ones are AED 450K+, the older model is 180k+. Also noted from K50 DEL around reliability!

The import thing is interesting - I suppose as long as you know what you are getting into, i.e. cheap purchase, cheap sale, then it works. Providing there are other likeminded people that will purchase when you come to sell. As long as the market is there if you go in with your eyes open, it would work.

Also - I read THAT thread yesterday. Chilli - why are you still looking at X5's?!!


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6,260 posts

231 months

Thursday 6th February 2014
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I am getting through my list. If I don't come out - I will have lots of information for anyone else that considers it.

So far I have asked about:-

Utility Bills

Today's question is on electronics. I have found from a quick google that Dubai is 3pin 220V power, so I guess I am good with most of my toys if I decide to bring them?

How about TV's NTSC vs PAL? wireless 802.11 b/g/n? Or are there any funny frequency laws that dictate something else?

Effectively this could be the best thing about coming to Dubai that a Brit has over an American from what I have seen so far! smile


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231 months

Wednesday 9th April 2014
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Thrashed the deal out today finally verbally. Just need to ensure the written offer matches what has been discussed. So looks like I will be heading over for a meet and greet with the staff, and customers over the next few weeks, and then getting a date for being over there permanently. Will try and setup a meet and greet with some of you PHers at the same time.

Will feel like a long business trip to start with, as I have to be backwards and forwards a lot through June, July and August to UK due to social engagements. However should be settled with wife by September to begin properly.

Once we have the written offer, then she can begin to try and progress her transfer with her company.

Exciting/Scary times.


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231 months

Monday 2nd June 2014
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Well I never managed to match XB70 for his speed of immigration!

However today I have finally agreed a package, and got it in writing. Have had to back down on a few bits I was pushing for, but from our sighting visit last month we should be able to get by financially, but perhaps have to put the savings on hold for a few years whilst we are there and living the high life.

So just waiting for a confirmed start date now. I have said I need 8 weeks to get my st together (that also gets me past Ramadan - I was in two minds whether to arrive during it, or after, and have decided on afterwards!), and I hope to arrive on 4th August. Will need to pop back to UK for a weekend a couple of weeks after, and then should be able to get settled and start looking for property around the 19th August.

Is exciting - but still bricking it a bit........


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6,260 posts

231 months

Monday 2nd June 2014
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Cheers for info Del. From what HR said when I met them a few weeks ago, will take approximately 2 weeks to have my paperwork in order from when I arrive, and have bank accounts set up etc, and can begin to get a house, car etc.

My plan is to come in on my sighting visit trip for first 12 days including my return flights, and then I get another 45 days paid accommodation after this along with one way moving ticket, so no massive hurry on the property.

Out of interest why is this busiest time for property's? Is it due to school years?