No wheels off...



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213 months

Friday 4th April 2014
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woof said:
Yep - but only at MSV circuits
Not a JP thing then, nope, no-siree.
However I like the fact they are enforcing the rule.


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213 months

Monday 7th April 2014
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tristancliffe said:
Quite a few drivers were penalised for Exceeding Track Limits at Snetterton. Several of which were having a minor accident and losing chunks of time in the process. I'd have thought that was penalty enough, but apparently not. You don't have to gain an advantage or do it on purpose to suffer the wrath of the rules.

And that's just daft.
That must be an interesting conversation then. Any guesses about what "justifiable reason" actually means?


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213 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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The rule change is pretty simple. It changes how far off the track a car is allowed to go. Last year a car needed to have some part of it (usually a wheel) actually on the track inside the white line. So you could run wide provided some part of your car was still n the circuit.

This year, none of the car is allowed over the white line, unless there is a curb. You are allowed to run over the white line onto the curb, but not part may go past the outside edge of the curb.

This is all a bit arbitrary and now different to the rest of the racing world.

The other thing that has changed is the enforcement regime. The powers that be (vaguely a mixture of MSA and circuit owner) have decided to put in place a rigorous enforcement of this rule.

As the person with "I started this thread so it's mine" rights, I assert that the circuit limits didn't need changing, but the rules needed to be consistently and properly enforced.



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213 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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The penalties are the same this year as last year.

woof said:
The penalties are severe.
First offence - no action
Next report: warning flag (difficult to spot)
Next report: 5 sec penalty
Next report: Drive-through penalty
Next report: Black flag.

And it's simply doesn't improve the racing. All it does is make life for officials and racers more difficult.


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213 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Munter said:
I don't think the circuit limits have changed really. Just what's considered legal car positioning has.

When it suits drivers (crossing the finish line), then any part of the car over the line is considered right. When it doesn't suit drivers (cutting corners/running wide to carry speed), any part not over the line is right.

So it's not made it arbitrary at all. It's now far more in line with what a general person would consider within or outside of the track limits. For the old rule not to be arbitrary, the winner of a race would be the person where the rear of their car crossed the finish line 1st.

As it is now the driver can aim to stay inside the lines, and the kirb is their legal safety margin because nobody is inch perfect every lap. 1st nose across the line wins. Much less arbitrary to my eyes.
That's just daft talk.
The limits have changed. Read them on page 1 of the thread.
Crossing the line to finish is completely irrelevant.
It mostly suits drivers to do all they can to win the race. That's what racing is. This involves driving within the rules and maximising what you can do under them. Anything else is daft. It involves cheating to the extent you can get away with it if you are so minded. That's what rule enforcement is about.
This all has absolutely nothing to do with what a general person thinks. It is to do with how the rules are written.
I didn't say the new rule was arbitrary, I said the change was fairly arbitrary.


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213 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Dave Brand said:
No they are not - last year the black & white flag was not shown until the third infringement.
You could well be right, my mistake - I never saw any for me last year.
Apparently I got loads, I'm so short-sighted, I could hardly see the black and white flag and certainly couldn't see the number biggrin


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213 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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Well I can certainly see your point. But what about the curbs then? And do you think it was really done to fall in line with what the public would think makes more sense?

I think the general race watching public are completely at home with the old definition. They don't get confused by formula 1.

Hey ho, interesting debate!



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213 months

Wednesday 16th April 2014
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I just don't think that rule "no part of a car can leave the track, unless it's a curb or unless the driver has a justifiable reason" has any more logic than "the driver may not deliberately take all 4 wheels over the white line".

I'd argue the second is no better than the first and certainly it doesn't bring any benefits to the driver or the spectator that justify the bother of the change. Cost/benefit if non-existant.

But I'm just going round and round on this one biggrin


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213 months

Sunday 20th April 2014
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well JP seems much more interested in his corner exits.

I guess the apexes are more protected by curbs than his precious grass and daises on the exits biggrin


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213 months

Tuesday 22nd April 2014
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That's where the word "justifiable" comes in to the regs. Is there any info from MAS about what "justifiable" means. One images that contact might be a justifiable reason. What about "driver error"?


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213 months

Tuesday 22nd April 2014
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I didn't get where I am today by not making it up as I go along.
PS thanks CJ


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Tuesday 22nd April 2014
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why would we think that the rules don't apply on the last lap?


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213 months

Friday 25th April 2014
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well good on you. I'm not out as yet this year and I'm not sure I'd be strong enough not to test as there's no point in racing without testing for me!


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213 months

Sunday 27th April 2014
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nooooooo, you don't understand the vision of the great Lord Palmer. Our places of racing should be places of beauty and tranquility. All beautifully ordered and not a blade of grass out of place.

FFS get a grip guys. We are there to go racing. If it needs to be that pristine, create proper runoffs like we see at proper circuits. If it's grass, it'll get eaten up.

Words fail me.
Or maybe they don't.



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213 months

Monday 28th April 2014
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roddo said:
We max5 racing have just had a weekend at Anglesey, I must say they were VERY fair.......

I had all wheels off (mistake) no penalty. I also used curbs without any problem.

But I'm dreading our next round at a msv circuit.
I think you are actually allowed to use the curbs!


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213 months

Monday 28th April 2014
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Altrezia said:
but I don't really see the problem with the rule either.
Well without re-hashing the whole zillion pages of the thread, there wasn't much wrong with the old rule, so no need for a pesky new rule biggrin


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213 months

Monday 28th April 2014
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well we've just got JM's word for it then. I'm sure he's an untrustworthy fellow!


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213 months

Tuesday 29th April 2014
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pistol said:
Our COC is first and foremost a Motorsport fan, not a traffic warden in waiting.
Ahh if only! Now there's a can of worms.


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213 months

Wednesday 30th April 2014
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NJH said:
Definitely, only driven there once four years ago and Corum instantly became my favourite corner in the country now of course ruined into something completely different.
I rather like the current Corum. In fact I love the Snett 300. In the Radical it's excellent. Getting flat from Nelson as far as you can before the madness of braking for Murrays is just utterly intoxicating.

On the topic of JP bashing, I'm very critical of his approach with the new rule, but I think what he has done generally with the MSV circuits is excellent. So I'm not bashing him *just* because it's good sport!



Original Poster:

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213 months

Tuesday 6th May 2014
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Clearly it can be, but according to the new rules, it shouldn't be.