

Original Poster:

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Sunday 2nd October 2011
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Well just seen a supposed teaser trailer for it on youtube. As a total batman nerd, not impressed by the Bane shot. wrong type of mask,wrong person playing him,and now have serious doubts about how he will be portrayed. last 2 films have been good. more of true reproduction of batman. but Bane is more than just a villain. he is the man who broke the bat ! mow tom hardy just is not the man for the job. too small


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156 months

Sunday 2nd October 2011
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no he has to have at very least the bane mask. but no its a funny looking breathing thing.
how about this dude ! not a rubber suit in sight

ha ha


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156 months

Sunday 2nd October 2011
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evilmunkey said:
ya know as a film and tv make up fx artist , when i saw the test shots of the joker make up i thought nooooo this is bks...... when i actually saw heath ledger play the part i thought god damn they nailed it as a real world character. insane beleivable and although the make up looked simple it realy isnt.... i know folk who did that and know how it was acheived... it was something else ands made a real difference to how us mfx artists work.... now bane yeah in the comics he's huge but remember joel schumachers realisation..... huge guy with mask but looked crap in a big way.... this guy is the one who played bronson in the movie of the same name and is very good. i can see him pulling off a real world bane...... just remember Nolan is going for a reality based set of villain not the kinf drawn on paper.... i have total faith.
I take your points on bored. However there has been so many incarnations of the joker though out the years in the comics that the joker was not that far removed from comic version. But Bane was created and conceived as a large physical presence. extreme size and strength and intelligence. not just slightly bigger than batman. you cant just re wright the basic premise of characters. Nolan got away with it with Raz Al Ghoul, just !


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604 posts

156 months

Sunday 2nd October 2011
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they did not even keep his mask. they have given him sum stupid breathing thing. the film may turn out to be freakin awesome. but Bane will be a poor imitation of what he should be


Original Poster:

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156 months

Monday 3rd October 2011
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MiniMan64 said:
bluebear said:
they did not even keep his mask. they have given him sum stupid breathing thing. the film may turn out to be freakin awesome. but Bane will be a poor imitation of what he should be
Seen the film already then have you?
a simple google search reveals the look of the new Bane.
oh where to begin with whats wrong with this look !


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604 posts

156 months

Monday 3rd October 2011
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Bane in Comics

Bane was born in the fictional Caribbean island nation of Santa Prisca, son of a revolutionary who sought to overthrow the government. His father escaped capture, so the corrupt government decided Bane, at a very young age, would be punished for his father's crime. He grew up in the notorious prison Peña Dura. Being surrounded by prisoners and corrupt guards, he was never taught any moral behavior, but he was a voracious reader and spent hours in the prison gym. As he grows up, his intelligence, strength, and ruthlessness lead him to a position of authority among the prison population. The prison authorities, beginning to fear him, forced him to be a test subject for the experimental drug Venom. Though it killed previous subjects, Bane manages to survive. It makes him preternaturally strong, but he is immediately addicted to the drug. He requires regular doses of Venom, or he suffers severe withdrawal.

While in prison, Bane heard tales of Gotham City's legendary crime fighter, Batman. Like Batman, Bane is an ordinary man with an relentless drive for excellence, so he sees Batman as the ultimate challenge of his worth. Bane escapes from prison with a small group of followers and heads straight for Gotham. Bane dons the mask of a luchador, a Mexican wrestler, and has a steady supply of Venom pumped directly into his bloodstream.

At first merely observing Batman in action, Bane believes the secret to defeating him is through careful planning rather than simply challenging the Bat to a fight. So Bane decides to break in to Arkham Asylum and release dozens of prisoners, including some of Batman's most dangerous foes.

Bane in movie
medium man in a silly gas mask !

Edited by bluebear on Monday 3rd October 13:44


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604 posts

156 months

Tuesday 4th October 2011
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oh i'm not saying the Nolan Batman films have not been awesome. Not by a long shot. Has created some great films. He has got away with his character re profiles well. his recreation of Raz Al Ghoul was just passable. Scarecrow was good. joker was excellent. But why people are saying they were surprised at the joker is beyond me. Nolan's joker is soooo faithful to the original comic book creation, that's why it worked. However with bane he is taking the very mechanics of the character and changing them. he has diluted the visual element of bane so much he MUST be the very essence of the comic character in sole for it to work now.


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156 months

Tuesday 4th October 2011
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The Beaver King said:
bluebear said:
oh i'm not saying the Nolan Batman films have not been awesome. Not by a long shot. Has created some great films. He has got away with his character re profiles well. his recreation of Raz Al Ghoul was just passable. Scarecrow was good. joker was excellent. But why people are saying they were surprised at the joker is beyond me. Nolan's joker is soooo faithful to the original comic book creation, that's why it worked. However with bane he is taking the very mechanics of the character and changing them. he has diluted the visual element of bane so much he MUST be the very essence of the comic character in sole for it to work now.
While I agree that Raz Al Ghoul and Scarecrow were probably a poor choice as the main villians, their backstory was actually the most faithful to the comics. He did this by actually not mentioning their past too much, leaving the viewers the chance to create their own origins or for those that have read the comics, applying that without compromising the film. As it was the first film, he had to do it to get a buy in from the audience.

The Joker was actually very different from the comic book accepted origins storyline. No mention of The Jokers trademark Smilex Gas, deadly comedy props or chemical scarring explaining his appearance. Instead Nolan went with the Glasgow smile and make up to explain his look and the use of conventional weapons instead of gag props to keep up the realism levels.

I think Nolan will move away from the Venom drug part of Banes backstory. It is too unrealistic and wouldn't fit with the Batman Begins universe.
More than likely he will concentrate on his upbringing in prison and his high intelligence level, something we lost in the previous movie version of Bane.

I imagine Nolans version will be a mix of a physically stronger, intelligent and more sane character. Someone who has motives that extend beyond just being a loose cannon.

Have you seen Warrior yet?

Edited by The Beaver King on Tuesday 4th October 10:21

Actually, having a quick look at some photos from the film, they may well be using Venom as part of the storyline, but I think it will be slightly different from previous ideas.

At a guess I'd say he will be addicted to Venom in the film, but it will not have the same super steriod look as per the comics. More than likely it will either make him stronger, but not bigger or it will increase his aggression. Suppose we will have to wait for the film...

Edited by The Beaver King on Tuesday 4th October 10:33
No i have noy seen warrior. is it worth a watch ?


Original Poster:

604 posts

156 months

Tuesday 4th October 2011
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Ra's al Ghul is an international assassin whose ultimate goal is a world in perfect environmental balance. He believes that the best way to achieve this balance is to eliminate most of humanity. Ra's usually tries to assault the world's human populace with a biological weapon, such as a genetically-engineered virus. He is aided in this quest by the Lazarus Pits, reservoirs of rejuvenating chemicals that restore the dying to life; these pits have granted him a lifespan of several centuries.

He regards Batman (whom, out of respect for his intellectual brilliance, he addresses as "Detective") as his most worthy opponent, and has frequently sought to make the Dark Knight his successor. He is one of the few criminals in Batman's rogues gallery to have deduced his secret identity as Bruce Wayne. For his own part, Batman's opposition to Ra's is complicated by his attraction to the villain's daughter, Talia.
A leader of a band of vigilanties who want to murder all criminals.

the Scarecrow is Dr. Jonathan Crane, a professor of psychology and expert in the psychology of fear, who turns to crime after being fired due to testing his fear gas on patients. His modus operandi is the adoption of a Scarecrow persona, used to threaten his victims into doing whatever he wants
A dude who has a passion for scaring people to the point of a break down. then rendering them useless !
like i say Mr Nolan just got away with his versions of them. he still made 2 fking good films

Edited by bluebear on Tuesday 4th October 13:45


Original Poster:

604 posts

156 months

Tuesday 4th October 2011
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better choice of batman villians,HUSH,Dr. Hugo Strange,


Original Poster:

604 posts

156 months

Tuesday 4th October 2011
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Hardy has stated that he intends to portray the character as "more menacing" than in Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin and gained 30 pounds (14 kg) of muscle for the role, increasing his weight to 198 pounds. maybe things are looking up ha ha ha