Why do you hate the SNP?



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32,414 posts

206 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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All you little englanders are crapping yourself because the true savours of scotland will be in power in england

So why are you guys crapping yourselves?

Surely it is because they are scottish

Or is it they are a bunch of left wing idiots intent on wrecking the UK economy


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32,414 posts

206 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Edinburger said:
What a variety of views!

The expected offensive, scared, complimentary, rude, admiration and others - we even saw the old "racist" card being played.
Why are the SNP scary?


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32,414 posts

206 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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arp1 said:
Are you for real? Look at all the racist nonsense the scots have had to put up with over the years! And YOU are complaining? Jeez!
The only racism is due to your chip on your shoulder

And your constant victim card waving

I was scottish until last year

I have never noticed racism while i was scottish

Then last year i suddenly discovered despite being born in scotland and living my entire life in scotland i am an english

And being an english i get stloads of abuse from the scots


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 20th April 2015
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Bradgate said:
The current projection is that the SNP will win 55 seats at the election, and the Tories will win 1 seat in Scotland.
So that must mean there is 55 more SNP voters in scotland then tory voters

the Tory part had roughly 400,000 votes at last election

So there must be 22million SNP voters in scotland


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 20th April 2015
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bhstewie said:
Not a given but the amount of media time the woman is getting is fking ridiculous - and there's quite a key point there if you're south of the border - can anyone name a single SNP MP or anyone other than Sturgeon given that she is the party leader so will be calling the shots in the event of any deal even though she isn't even an MP?

They are lovely people who welcome others with open arms



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32,414 posts

206 months

Tuesday 21st April 2015
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arp1 said:
'Mon the Snp to shake up UK politics! If a handful are striking fear within the establishment at the moment, just think what the possibilities may be with a whole lot (potentially) more!

You always give the impression you belive that people hate the SNP purely because they are scottish as any thread mentioning the SNP you are the first to bang on about the english shaking in fear at the scottish MPs suddenly having power

Are you now changing your tune?


And any chance of some financial advice

I earn £40K a year but i spend £45K a year

Do you think i should buy a brand new car and increase my outgoings to £50K?


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32,414 posts

206 months

Tuesday 21st April 2015
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Is it posible to read the phrase

In the world

Without clarksons voice running in your head


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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Funk said:
Who would of thought the SNP wanting to destroy the british way of governing

Isn't the british credited with inventing modern democracy?

So we can assume they want to end democracy

Many SNP supporters want the elderly to lose the right to vote


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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arp1 said:
I can see that happening, and they call this democracy...
Hey face

Remember the "once in a lifetime" and "settled will of the Scottish people"

Thought not


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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arp1 said:
And please stop being a rude and spiteful little man(?) and remember, it's nice to be nice and respectful to others.
Completely agree

Remembers the bile and hatred during the referendum and being told to fk off out of the country i was born in

You first


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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arp1 said:
Ok, 9 times out of 10 I am, I don't believe you can say that... I'm up your way during the week if you care to discuss further?
Are we resorting to the good old threats of violence?

Seems to be a nationalist trend


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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Kermit power said:
who gives a toss what happens North of the border???
I do

As i like living up here

As not everyone is a victimcard waving piece of trash who believes the world is out to get them


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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Kermit power said:
McWigglebum4th said:
Kermit power said:
who gives a toss what happens North of the border???
I do

As i like living up here

As not everyone is a victimcard waving piece of trash who believes the world is out to get them
Could you bear to cross the border into Northumberland? I'm sure you'd be very welcome, and the post-partum economy is likely to be blossoming, so plenty of job opportunities! smile
Happily come south


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32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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Cheese Mechanic said:
Well, yes, but as you point out they could truly fk up our economy, with currently unknown results, a form of disaster at the
very least. That however, is not the worst aspoect of their lunacy.

That , that is called Trident. If we lose Trident, we will lose our permanent seat on the UN security council. Without any doubt. That seat gives us immense status and influence on the world stage . If we lost it,its almost 100% we would not get it back. The effect on this country that lost staus and influence would have is uncalculable.

Dangerous, dangerous lunacy on the part of the SNP.
But it would be bad for the english on an international standing

Which is all that matters to the SNP

If westminister offered the SNP complete control over the nukes and a place on the security council they would jump at the chance


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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Edinburger said:
Not true. rolleyes
You are deluded

They are at heart evil s who will do anything they can to hurt the UK


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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Edinburger said:
Do you honestley believe that? Or do you make these comments for comedic effect?
I honestly believe that

I would love to see the SNP stand up for the UK but i have never seen them do so


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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Edinburger said:
To be fair, they've never had the opportunity to. Until now, maybe.
Well they could of not tried to lay out the welcome mat to the germans in the 2nd world war

Wasn't exactly a brilliant start was it


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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arp1 said:
McWigglebum4th said:
Edinburger said:
To be fair, they've never had the opportunity to. Until now, maybe.
Well they could of not tried to lay out the welcome mat to the germans in the 2nd world war

Wasn't exactly a brilliant start was it
As did chamberlain so what's you point?
When have the SNP ever worked to help the UK ?


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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mjb1 said:
I hate the SNP because they aren't a team player - anything they achieve to benefit Scotland is going to be at the expense of the rUK.
But they could easily work to help not just scotland but the whole of the UK

I want to see examples of the SNP helping the UK


Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Monday 27th April 2015
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arp1 said:
Considering the Tories have a disproportionate amount of sway in Scotland, there isn't much difference in your argument
Do you hate them because they are tories?

Or because they are right wing?

Or because they represent some rich bogey man?

Or just they are English?