UFOs Linked to Cattle and Sheep Mutilation

UFOs Linked to Cattle and Sheep Mutilation



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259 months

Tuesday 6th April 2010
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This is a world-wide phenomenon where famers find cattle have been killed and certain organs removed surgically - often with no sign of the ground being disturbed around the animal. It's been around Shropshire for a while but this is the first time it's been reported in mainstream media as far as I'm aware.


Farmers near Shrewsbury claim to have witnessed sheep being “lasered” by unidentified light from UFOs.

They have linked the unexplained incidents, where sheep’s brains and eyes were removed, to the mysterious orange lights in the sky.

They have found sheep with “neat holes” while their brains and other internal organs were removed. Other animals have lost eyes or had their flesh “carefully stripped away”, usually on the left side.

Phil Hoyle, 53, who has spent almost a decade investigating how the livestock have died, said the UFOs were found to have roamed a 50-mile "corridor" between Shrewsbury and Powys.

Mr Hoyle and 15 members of the Animal Pathology Field Unit, claimed they witnessed UFOs at work last month while working during the night at a Welsh hill farm near Radnor Forest.

“The technology involved in these attacks is frightening,” he told The Sun.

“These lights and spheres are clearly not ours.

“They are built by technology and intelligence that's not from here.”

He added: “For a short while it looked more like a Star Wars battle.”

Next day he interviewed farmers and "all but one had some type of unusual disappearance of animals or deaths with strange injuries", he told the paper.

ufo sightings

Edited by RegMolehusband on Thursday 8th April 17:06

Edited by RegMolehusband on Monday 12th April 10:15


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259 months

Tuesday 6th April 2010
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Although the exact nature of mutilations varies from case to case, a typical mutilation might involve any or all of the following: -

* The removal of eyes, udders and sexual organs very cleanly with surgical precision.
* The removal of the anus to a depth of around 12 inches similar in appearance to surgical coring.
* The removal of the lips and/or tongue deeply cut out from the throat.
* The removal of one ear.
* The removal of major organs (such as heart or liver) with no obvious entry/excision marks. Often, if the heart is missing, apart from no excision wound, the Pericardium will still be present and intact, with the heart missing.
* The stripping of hide and flesh from the jaw and the area directly beneath the ear to the bone.
* The removal of soft organs from the lower body.
* The presence of incisions and cuts across the body that appear to have been made by a surgical instrument.
* Unexplained damage to remaining organs, but no sign of damage to the surrounding area.
* A lack of predation signs (including teethmarks, tearing of the skin or flesh, or animal footprints) on or around the carcass.
* Lack of obvious scavenging.
* In many cases, a draining of the majority of blood from the animal. What blood is left exhibits color anomalies and may not coagulate for days.
* The animal will appear 'dumped' or dropped in a secluded area, with no animal, human or vehicle track(s) leading to or from the site. Some have been found draped over fences or in treetops.
* The ground under the animal appears depressed, as if the animal was dropped on the site from a height leaving an impact crater.
* The animal's bones found to be fractured with injuries consistent with being dropped.
* Strange marks/holes in the ground around the carcass.
* Other cattle avoid the carcass and the area where it's found.
* Eyewitness reports of aerial objects in the vicinity of cattle at the time of an animal going missing.


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259 months

Tuesday 6th April 2010
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The evidence looks and sounds pretty extraordinary to me


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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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Don't quote me on that - I was quoting a newspaper report


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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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Einion Yrth said:
RegMolehusband said:
The evidence looks and sounds pretty extraordinary to me
I've not seen it. Photo's? You tube footage? Veterinary autopsy reports?

Edited by Einion Yrth on Tuesday 6th April 12:57
Firstly as regards UFOs and their interaction with the fauna of Earth here's some YouTube footage from a documentary made in 1977. It's a 9min 40second click of an interview with the very intelligent senior diplomat Gordon Creighton who spent much of his life gathering evidence about UFOs. Allow yourself to smile at the drawings and descriptions of ETs but listen to the man very carefully. I'm sure somebody like Eric will come along and rubbish Mr. Creighton's character and intelligence, but for me this man's beliefs and evidence are very compelling.



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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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I don't want to paste a load of images in here but go into Google images and enter "cattle mutilation"


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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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Images of a wave of cattle mutilations over a large area of Argentina in 2002.



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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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hornet said:
One of the less "out there" theories I've heard, at least in reference to the US cattle mutilations, is covert tissue sample collection by US Government agencies to determine things like radiation levels in the wake of nuclear tests, secret chemical releases and suchlike. All very X-Files, but does make a degree more sense than aliens. I can't recall the exact reasoning off the top of my head, but it's along the lines of if you want to know how long radioactive fallout persists, or how well/far your chemical agents can travel and how long they'll remain active, tissue samples from cattle can be very useful, as they spend their entire life eating the vegetation that's been exposed to whatever it is you've been releasing. Not so good for the cow, obviously, but I can see the logic. If you want to know whether your test release will get into the milk supply, for example, testing the levels in cattle would seem to make sense. The fact that popular culture (undoubtedly with a Government nudge here and there) has decided it's all aliens makes it all the better, as it means less eyes are looking in their direction. Hidden in plain sight and all that. Same logic applies to black projects. The military benefits from the popular culture perception that UFOs equal aliens, so does nothing to dispell the notion and indeed probably encourages it. There ARE people doing genuine investigations into mutilations , but they're all but drowned out by the "it's all aliens" brigade, so less people are likely to consider what they're saying - I'm sure whoever is doing the mutilating is very happy to keep things that way.

Given the choice between aliens navigating the cosmos to molest cattle, or secret Government (or other agency) testing in relation to things like biological / chemical / radiation exposure (be it weapons of otherwise), the latter seems to make much more sense.
I like that alternative theory, though surely there are more effective ways of collecting such tissues rather than leaving the evidence dumped in such a way that it invites investigation. They could openly and easily acquire tissue samples from the abbatoirs for example covered by any number of agricultural and scientific excuses.

Edited by RegMolehusband on Tuesday 6th April 15:52


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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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Ah hello Eric - I was beginning to think you were on holiday wink


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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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jmorgan said:
There is actually a very good piece on how nature can do this. Written by qualified people. But cannot be @rsed to dig it out.
I can't image how nature could drop some of them from a considerable height unless a tornado passed by unnoticed by the farmer smile


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259 months

Tuesday 6th April 2010
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jmorgan said:
RegMolehusband said:
jmorgan said:
There is actually a very good piece on how nature can do this. Written by qualified people. But cannot be @rsed to dig it out.
I can't image how nature could drop some of them from a considerable height unless a tornado passed by unnoticed by the farmer smile
Out of curiosity and unrelated, do you know how many tornadoes are in the UK each year?
If it's unrelated then what's the point in me researching it - you can try here if you're interested http://www.torro.org.uk/site/index.php

I don't suppose any of the sceptics have bothered to listen to the Gordon Creighton clip linked to above.

Edited by RegMolehusband on Tuesday 6th April 16:27


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259 months

Tuesday 6th April 2010
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jmorgan said:
RegMolehusband said:
jmorgan said:
RegMolehusband said:
jmorgan said:
There is actually a very good piece on how nature can do this. Written by qualified people. But cannot be @rsed to dig it out.
I can't image how nature could drop some of them from a considerable height unless a tornado passed by unnoticed by the farmer smile
Out of curiosity and unrelated, do you know how many tornadoes are in the UK each year?
If it's unrelated then what's the point in me researching it - you can try here if you're interested http://www.torro.org.uk/site/index.php

I don't suppose any of the sceptics have bothered to listen to the Gordon Creighton clip linked to above.

Edited by RegMolehusband on Tuesday 6th April 16:27
You mention it in a comical way so I assume you have ruled it out. But probably I should not have used the word unrelated.

So, squashed sheep is it? Dropped from a great height? How has this been determined and verified?
How has this been determined? It's a bit obvious really, because they are often lying in a small depression their monentum has created in the ground and they have several broken bones, as you will find for yourself with a little bit of resarch if you were actually really interested in researching or debunking this stuff for yourself.

As regards the blowflies theory that is of course complete nonsense because these animals are found and reported by farmers and ranchers with years of experience of seeing what maggots and blowflies do to carcasses. What they find here is outside of their extensive experience - like this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtPhZVCKEhA


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Tuesday 6th April 2010
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My cover is blown - take me to your leader.


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Wednesday 7th April 2010
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What really kicked off my interest in all this was my best mate's description of something he saw just beyond his back garden at 1.00am in the morning on April 12th 2004.

Now try to make this fit with something natural or man-made.

A black triangular object floating almost silently 50ft off the ground about the same size as his semi. It's just emitting a quiet hum. It's hovering over a cemetery and a beam of light is scanning the cemetery and an adjacent railway line. His wife and he stood and watched it from their bedroom window for 40 minutes, and yes he wishes he'd thought to go and get a camera but having had no interest or knowledge of the UFO phenomenon he didn't bother. They just watched it and the beam occasionally wafted across their window. For most of the time the beam was not illuminated and the object just floated above the ground. As they watched it accelerated upwards at a 45 degree angle - silently. It was gone in less than a second. It may be a coincidence but his wife had a splitting headache the next day and was sick - but then again she's a woman.

After a couple of weeks of mentioning this to his closer mates he discovered the name of a local, well known, UFO researcher Phil Hoyle. Mr. Hoyle came around and listened to Mark's story and said that a couple of other people in the same street had also seen the object.

Having spent a little time looking into this stuff it appears that these black triangular objects are sighted very regularly. I also came across a report of a lad seeing something matching the above description with a scanning beam in Cheshire. He fetched his father to take a look but they found nothing, except for a still smouldering hole burnt into a railway sleeper. The report is part way down this page http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2009/aug/1...

The more you YouTube and Google about this UFO phenomenon the more you realise there's something very big going on out there.

Edited by RegMolehusband on Wednesday 7th April 18:16


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Wednesday 7th April 2010
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A pretty pointless post for you Eric


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Wednesday 7th April 2010
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Eric Mc said:
RegMolehusband said:
A pretty pointless post for you Eric
A pointless post for a pointless thread.

Edited by Eric Mc on Wednesday 7th April 20:45
Do you often contribute to the many pointless threads on here? Either you have sub-conscious interest in the topic or you have an overwhelming belief (and it can be nothing other than a belief) that alien visitations cannot be happening and wish to ridicule such ideas whenever possible. I suspect the latter smile It's a shame that you choose ridicule over sensible debate though.

Do you have a view on the Gordon Creighton clip?

Edited by RegMolehusband on Wednesday 7th April 21:27


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Wednesday 7th April 2010
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Somewhatfoolish said:

Which is more likely - that it is aliens or that it is not aliens?
Considering how little we know about our unimaginably vast universe and its inhabitants versus how much we know about our miniscule planet and its inhabitants, and how little we know about scientific discoveries benefiting from thousands of years of development versus our few hundred years of scientific discoveries - then I think the odds should be in favour of external visitors taking an interest in us.

I'm tired and going to bed, I think I will express that much better in the morning smile

Edited by RegMolehusband on Wednesday 7th April 22:20


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259 months

Thursday 8th April 2010
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Eric Mc said:
109 Bob said:
Eric Mc said:
RegMolehusband said:
A pretty pointless post for you Eric
A pointless post for a pointless thread.
Like the other 99% of threads on here. Obviously you're not interested in this subject, but some of us are.

To all the replies to my earlier post. I can't argue with any of you & I never implied that what these people saw were alien, it was (& still is I believe) unidentified & unexplained. Now whether it turns out to be explainable or not remains to be seen, It may well of been due to the alignment of planets or something.

But what still amazes me is that some people are so anti anything that is not explainable to them immediately, I just don't get that & would love to of seen this thing with my own eyes. I think it is far too easy to dismiss anything that we don't see for ourselves. The witnesses to the UFO were probably just normal rational people like us who would of probably had the same arguments against UFOs as some on here, but I wonder what their thoughts are now after seeing something that was so far out of the ordinary for them that they went out of their way to report it.

Edited by 109 Bob on Thursday 8th April 15:57
Totally the opposite in fact. I am very interested in the search for life in the cosmos and have read much about it over the years. However, I decided at a very early eage (about 10 or so) that the vast bulk of UFO sightings were down to misidentification by normal people or alternatively just twittering by loons, weirdoes, and general idiots.

The day aliens arrive on earth, believe me, we will know - and it won't be due to a sudden upsurge in dead sheep.
In a previous thread and this one I have put links to statements being made by airline pilots, astronauts and academics though clearly you made your mind up sixty years ago Eric wink and the twitterings of such loons, weirdos and general idiots are not going to sway you.


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Friday 9th April 2010
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That was a completely rubbish video showing a bit of lens flare and not worthy of discussion.

Edited by RegMolehusband on Friday 9th April 09:14


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259 months

Friday 9th April 2010
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smile That's not a UFO video, THIS is a UFO video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DKWhZgOXRU

I'm not saying it's not of this world or anything, just indicating that the UFO phenomenon is very real. Watch what it does at 2:15.