45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Vol 2

45th President of the United States, Donald Trump. Vol 2



8,429 posts

107 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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vonuber said:
Fake news.
Try answering the raised questions.

....or maybe you are OK with leaks from security services to the press (for whatever reason) rather than via the correct channels ?


2,873 posts

235 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Car crash TV at the moment at his press conference.

Meandering, wandering, starting down a path and then changing direction.

Who thought this would be a good idea?

Obama must be laughing his socks off.

Did the USA really elect this?




1,185 posts

192 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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He's a despicable man and the sooner someone puts a 7.62mm bullet through his head, the better.


2,295 posts

248 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Quiet, quiet, shut up...........

gees he's treating them like school kids


36,010 posts

286 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Stickyfinger said:
Try answering the raised questions.

....or maybe you are OK with leaks from security services to the press (for whatever reason) rather than via the correct channels ?
Watergate anyone.....


1,342 posts

114 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Just switched off the press conference. I'm so embarrassed for America right now.


1,601 posts

89 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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fking embarrassing.


56 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Tony427 said:
Car crash TV at the moment at his press conference
It is almost unwatchable. Toe-curlingly awful.

He is utterly incoherent, failing to answer questions with any sort of sensible answers, shouting down journalists, and simply talking about whatever he wants to.

Eric Mc

122,294 posts

267 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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He's certainly different.


25,787 posts

169 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Astoundingly shambolic. 'TV President' indeed.


56 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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I especially enjoyed him asking the black journalist to set up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus for him.


1,601 posts

89 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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The people in the TV studio analyzing it are just taking the piss out of him. Almost laughing at him.


56 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Eric Mc said:
He's certainly different.
That's certainly one way of putting it.

When he was elected, I kind of thought 'how bad can it be? Maybe he'll be good? He's a successful businessman after all'.

But now when I watch his press conferences I just cannot believe how bad it is. It's like he literally doesn't have a clue what's he's doing.


56 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Stickyfinger said:
Greg66 said:
Stickyfinger said:
Lol! For anyone who regards the BBC as lacking impartiality, Foxy Trump News shows us what a real lack of impartiality looks like.
Laugh as much as you like but that is just an attempt to distract, and a little silly.

The question is, why leak to the press and not go via the correct channels ?, it is clear the person/people involved in the security agencies are acting politically and that is a problem for any free nation.

I ask you to answer the question: what would you think if MI5/MI6 were leaking/briefing against a UK government ?
Are you fking kidding?

If MI6 or 5 leaked information that someone no 10 Downing Street had potentially been doing secret deals with a military enemy, had potentially received private benefits from those deals, and there was a question mark over whether PM might be involved too, of course I would want that leaked. It's called acting in the public interest: it is in the public interest to know about wrongdoing of that order, and the public interest in that example clearly outweighs public interest in keeping dealings of govt officials confidential.

Completely obvious, IMO.


56 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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JagLover said:
Greg66 said:
And one wrong that gets covered up is what exactly? The "brave" disclosures are not of new US foreign policy towards Russia. They are trying to get to the bottom of whether Trump has done behind closed doors deals with Russia, which remain undisclosed, if so what they may be and who has benefited from them. So you seem to be agreeing with something you've made up.
Rather that people are desperate to ascribe a personal motive to what seems looking objectively at it to be a change of policy with the new team in charge.

Every president is elected to carry out the foreign policy of the United States using their own judgement and bound only by prior treaties and commitments. If Trump wants to improve relations with Russia you may not agree with that policy but that doesn't mean that the elected President does not have the right to do so.
You are deliberately avoiding the point, and choosing to argue from a standpoint of the facts having been established conclusively in your favour. Which they have not been.


56 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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The Leader of the Free world gives a press conference:

"This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine."

"I'm not ranting and raving, I'm just telling you you're dishonest people."

"You can talk all you want about Russia -- which was all a fabricated fake news ... It is all fake news. It is all fake news."

(on Flynn) "I don't think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right."

(On why Flynn was fired) "The thing is he didn't tell our Vice President properly and then he said he didn't remember... that just wasn't acceptable to me."

Sounds reasonable. Why on earth would anyone thinks he's not the man for the job?


4,247 posts

255 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Well, if you ignore all of below, yep he is fit Oh and we are still in his first month.

Declared the “court system” a threat to national security.

Insisted that his Supreme Court pick had no problem with attacks on the judiciary, in the face of blatant evidence to the contrary.

Trashed New START during a call with Putin — after putting the phone aside to ask his advisers what that (nuclear-arms treaty) was.

Publicly condemned a private company for dropping his daughter’s (increasingly unpopular) fashion line.

Suggested that publicly criticizing his military decisions is tantamount to aiding “the enemy.”

Got angry at his press secretary for being impersonated by a woman.

Used the executive branch’s immense authority over border control to inflict arbitrary cruelty on thousands of Muslim immigrants, create chaos at airports all across America, and sour diplomatic relations with the rest of the world.

Violated court orders against his travel ban.

Created a diplomatic crisis with Australia — and threatened to invade Mexico.

Allowed his press secretary to falsely claim that Iran had committed an act of war against the United States.

Retained the author of a reactionary screed that likened the 2016 election to Flight 93 as a national-security staffer.

Suggested that Frederick Douglass is still alive in speech on Black History Month.

Told a demonstrable lie about the size of the crowd at his inauguration — and predicted that the media would “pay a big price” for refusing to repeat it.

Told congressional leaders at a private meeting that he only lost the popular vote because undocumented immigrants cast millions of ballots against him.

Suggested America might once again have the opportunity to confiscate Iraq’s oil.

Allowed his company to leverage the cachet of his election into a massive expansion of its hotel empire.

Signed a bevy of executive orders that were drafted by the White House’s Breitbart wing — and no one else.

Declared that his election had restored American democracy, in an angry, authoritarian inaugural address.

Replaced the White House website’s page on climate change with a vow to drill for oil on federal lands.

Defamed a hero of the civil-rights movement in a series of racist tweets.

Allowed his secretary of State nominee to pledge that America would block China’s access to its disputed islands in the South China Sea — a promise that, if kept, would almost certainly mean war.

Named his son-in-law a senior White House adviser, in defiance of norms (and, very likely, laws) against nepotism.

Called NATO obsolete.

Repeatedly denigrated America’s intelligence agencies, then leaked plans to downsize them.

Declared his openness to reviving a nuclear arms race.

Disparaged the sitting American president, while praising a hostile foreign autocrat.

Continued to use Twitter as a tool for souring diplomatic relations with the world’s second-greatest power.

Named a billionaire investor — with an enormous, personal financial interest in deregulating certain sectors of the economy — as his special adviser on regulatory reform.

Declared the American intelligence community to be inherently untrustworthy, after it produced information that he did not like.

Said he would continue skipping daily intelligence briefings when he becomes president because he’s smart enough to get by without them.

Said he doesn’t know why he should be bound by the One China Policy.

Invited his adult sons — who are slated to run the Trump Organization next year — to a policy meeting with the leading lights of Silicon Valley.

Picked a man who once tried to call for the abolition of the Energy Department — but couldn’t remember the department’s name — as secretary of Department of Energy.

Named his bankruptcy lawyer — who thinks liberal Jews are “worse” than Nazi collaborators — as his pick for ambassador to Israel.

Provoked heightened diplomatic tensions with two nuclear-armed states.

Handed the Environmental Protection Agency to a climate denialist.

Tried handing the Labor Department to a serial violator of labor law. Although he quit like a loser today.

Requested security clearance for a conspiracy theorist who claims that the Clintons operate a Satanic child-sex ring out of a popular D.C. pizzeria.

Questioned the legitimacy of the election he just won.

Appointed Ben Carson secretary of Housing and Urban Development — despite the fact that Carson has no relevant experience and recently declared himself unqualified for any cabinet position.

Allowed his D.C. hotel to actively court the patronage of foreign diplomats.

Invited the manager of his blind trust onto a phone call with the president of Argentina.

Met with Indian business partners who have publicly declared their intention to capitalize on his status as president-elect.

Tried to coerce Britain into appointing a right-wing extremist as its ambassador to the United States.

Berated the media at a closed-door meeting for publishing unflattering photos of his double chin.

Admitted that his charity was guilty of self-dealing.

Derided protestors as paid professionals whose acts of free speech are fundamentally “unfair.”

Invited the manager of his “blind trust” to a meeting with the prime minister of Japan.

Assembled a team of racists to lead his White House.

Took credit for the fact that Ford will not be relocating a plant to Mexico (which they never had any intention of relocating to Mexico).

Declared America’s leading newspaper a “failing” institution.

Took calls from foreign leaders on unsecured phone lines, without consulting the State Department.

etc etc,

And yet he was the best that they could find and vote in. It makes you wonder how when the media were against him, Hollywood were against him, hell some from his own party were against him, he still won.

I find it really strange, that the "intelligence community" has more leaks than a colander. That apparently the security systems protecting the states are so easily hacked and yet he is somehow to blame.

Some of Trumps supporters would say some of your quotes are wrong. The Ford one for example, I only read that once Trump had told Ford he would punish them with import duties if he won, as soon as he won they said they were just kidding. Unfortunately getting the truth out of the US at present is very hard.

Across the world we are seeing ordinary people, for right or wrong, so sick of the usual politicians who tell them they are wrong if they do not agree, that they are looking for radical change. Hence we have France and Netherlands seeing the rise of far right leaders who appear in with a chance of power, or at least a key position to use it.

Trump may be all the things you say and more, but the US is stuck with him for a long time.


56 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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interesting meet the Press hour and 1/4.

Some of it was bonkers, some of it was OK.

The glint in his eye when he said he wont tell you what he is going to do about North Korea should have a few in that region stting bricks.


8,429 posts

107 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Greg66 said:
Are you fking kidding?

If MI6 or 5 leaked information that someone no 10 Downing Street had potentially been doing secret deals with a military enemy, had potentially received private benefits from those deals, and there was a question mark over whether PM might be involved too, of course I would want that leaked. It's called acting in the public interest: it is in the public interest to know about wrongdoing of that order, and the public interest in that example clearly outweighs public interest in keeping dealings of govt officials confidential.

Completely obvious, IMO.
WTF is that....not even the "normal" press in the USA are saying those things...


7,935 posts

111 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Greg66 said:
The Leader of the Free world gives a press conference:

"This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine."

"I'm not ranting and raving, I'm just telling you you're dishonest people."

"You can talk all you want about Russia -- which was all a fabricated fake news ... It is all fake news. It is all fake news."

(on Flynn) "I don't think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right."

(On why Flynn was fired) "The thing is he didn't tell our Vice President properly and then he said he didn't remember... that just wasn't acceptable to me."

Sounds reasonable. Why on earth would anyone thinks he's not the man for the job?
From the, relatively safe, distance I find his 'presidency' exceptionally funny.

Additional comments by die-hard supporters are just icing on the cake.

Absolutely fantastic.
