Climate Cat out of the Bag? Potentially dynamite revelations

Climate Cat out of the Bag? Potentially dynamite revelations



691 posts

277 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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otolith said:
I'm more inclined to suspect hubris than avarice - at the point of looking for a first postdoctoral position, you need to be pretty ambivalent about money to stay in science. I wasn't biglaugh
Fair point and agree there is probably an unhealthy dose of both in this debate.

I wasn't so much talking about the scale of the cash though, if you were in a research post and all of a sudden your area of specialism became the political equivalent to a dose of the clap, you'd be bloody hard pushed to remain on the public gravy train at all...let alone being picky about the scale of the remuneration you commanded.

B Oeuf

39,731 posts

286 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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hornetrider said:
I have to say that I'm largely an avid reader of BBC content, however the silence on this issue from them speaks volumes.
or Pravda as it's now known. They have painted themselves into a corner in the hope it would get didn't, they are a global joke now

Complain here

tell your MP

Project 644

37,068 posts

190 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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I am halfway through my complaint to the BBC. I have come to the point where I need to reference some articles from themselves and other sources to show the imbalance of the situation. Can anyone tell me (or quote/repost) the list of BBC stories covering/covering up climate gate. Also, someone, could have been Turbobloke, put up a list of main climategate stories that have been running in the mainstream media, any chance of a repost of this, or just a link to the page of this thread that it is on.



16,160 posts

192 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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I watched question time last night. You're going to all hate me for this but...

Whilst that SNP lass made the obvious mistake of applying the MMGW hypothesis to explain short term weather changes I would have thought it was an easy mistake to make for a ill-informed politician. Especially an SNP one, let's not forget these are the same people who think Scotland would be a stronger nation without the Bank of Englands backing of their key industries.

What I thought was far more contemptable was that Melanie Phillips(?) character from the Daily Mail. She made a point of listing multiple opposition arguements to MMGW including those which, to the best of my knowledge, have been largely agreed upon by the scientific community. Even TurboBloke doesn't dispute absolutely every element of the science behind the debate!

What exactly did Marcus Brigstock say that was so contemptable? He has visited the ice caps twice in a year and spoken to the locals who are alledgedly of the opinion that the ice is melting. Anecdotal evidence or not it's no surprise he mentioned this. Not only that but he appeared to let off that mouth-breather from the Daily Mail off lightly give Marcus's abilities with regard to a well constructed argument. Right or wrong about MMGW, I thought he came across as quite a pleasant character with a sense of social responsibility. Or does the collective hate him because his views conflict with their own?


18,939 posts

255 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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G_T said:
What exactly did Marcus Brigstock say that was so contemptable? He has visited the ice caps twice in a year and spoken to the locals who are alledgedly of the opinion that the ice is melting. Anecdotal evidence or not it's no surprise he mentioned this. Not only that but he appeared to let off that mouth-breather from the Daily Mail off lightly give Marcus's abilities with regard to a well constructed argument. Right or wrong about MMGW, I thought he came across as quite a pleasant character with a sense of social responsibility. Or does the collective hate him because his views conflict with their own?
Is this a wind up?


16,160 posts

192 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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s2art said:
G_T said:
What exactly did Marcus Brigstock say that was so contemptable? He has visited the ice caps twice in a year and spoken to the locals who are alledgedly of the opinion that the ice is melting. Anecdotal evidence or not it's no surprise he mentioned this. Not only that but he appeared to let off that mouth-breather from the Daily Mail off lightly give Marcus's abilities with regard to a well constructed argument. Right or wrong about MMGW, I thought he came across as quite a pleasant character with a sense of social responsibility. Or does the collective hate him because his views conflict with their own?
Is this a wind up?
I'm sure a number of people will think it is.

B Oeuf

39,731 posts

286 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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G_T said:

What exactly did Marcus Brigstock say that was so contemptable? He has visited the ice caps twice in a year and spoken to the locals who are alledgedly of the opinion that the ice is melting. Anecdotal evidence or not it's no surprise he mentioned this. Not only that but he appeared to let off that mouth-breather from the Daily Mail off lightly give Marcus's abilities with regard to a well constructed argument. Right or wrong about MMGW, I thought he came across as quite a pleasant character with a sense of social responsibility. Or does the collective hate him because his views conflict with their own?
Didn't see the program but MB has very inflated opinions about cars and the harm he thinks they are doing, holds the usual 'penis extension' ignorance re sports cars and is a grade one, industrial strength, full on tree hugger. His head is also way too large


4,108 posts

233 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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Keep spreading the word - a number of friends are aware of 'climate gate' already, but the rest, despite being realists (non-warmists) hadn't even heard of it. Do your bit!


16,160 posts

192 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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B Oeuf said:
Didn't see the program but MB has very inflated opinions about cars and the harm he thinks they are doing, holds the usual 'penis extension' ignorance re sports cars and is a grade one, industrial strength, full on tree hugger. His head is also way too large
Ah that would explain it then! I must been quite fortunate when I've seen MB's appearances.


1,282 posts

211 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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G_T said:
B Oeuf said:
Didn't see the program but MB has very inflated opinions about cars and the harm he thinks they are doing, holds the usual 'penis extension' ignorance re sports cars and is a grade one, industrial strength, full on tree hugger. His head is also way too large
Ah that would explain it then! I must been quite fortunate when I've seen MB's appearances.
Also, very little of what he said was based on fact. It was all emotive heart-string-tugging soundbites. One could - or at least TB could! - easily refute most of what he said.

I actually quite like the guy on Argumental when given any old argument to make, but seemed to be taking himself far too seriously on QT.


14,467 posts

250 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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Anybody else complained to the BBC and asked for a response? Anyone expecting to get one?

This deserves another mention - OWN GOAL!


13,387 posts

255 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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G_T said:
B Oeuf said:
Didn't see the program but MB has very inflated opinions about cars and the harm he thinks they are doing, holds the usual 'penis extension' ignorance re sports cars and is a grade one, industrial strength, full on tree hugger. His head is also way too large
Ah that would explain it then! I must been quite fortunate when I've seen MB's appearances.
Same. Quite liked him on HIGNFY and Argumental etc.


27,618 posts

218 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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chris watton said:
"BBC's paleo-news site finally runs a real scoop story on Climategate's Michael Mann"

"No apologies for revisiting Climategate, for this is the exposé of the can of worms that is the AGW mindset that just keeps giving. Now, what would you say if I were to tell you that the BBC News website is running a story on Professor Michael Mann, of Pennsylvania State University, one of the boys in Phil Jones’s gang hut at CRU East Anglia? “B****r me!” you would probably respond. “Don’t tell me the BBC has finally caught up with Climategate.”

Relax. I’m not telling you that; and it hasn’t. Instead, the BBC “News” site is running a story based on an article in Science magazine. Under the headline “Past climate anomalies explained,” it begins: “Unusually warm and cold periods in Earth’s pre-industrial climate history are linked to how the oceans responded to temperature changes, say scientists.” In this instance, “scientists” turns out to mean primarily Michael Mann, who is generously quoted.

“We reconstructed patterns of [the Earth’s] surface temperatures during those two intervals,” he explains, the two intervals being the “little ice age” and “medieval warm period”. There is much chatter about ice cores, tree rings and coral. There is no reference to the fact that this man is involved, very prominently, in the controversy surrounding the CRU at East Anglia, or to his interesting semantic convolutions in redefining the word “trick”.

Still less is there any acknowledgement that, at the moment, commentators in the United States, in online video reports, are reading increasing chunks of the CRU computer code and bursting into laughter at the incredible manipulations they reveal as, hour by hour, the Climategate scandal unravels. Issues relating to tree rings, not to mention Michael Mann, are central to that deconstruction of what is now being accepted, even by AGW supporters, as the junk science practised at the CRU.

Instead, the BBC – on a website devoted to “News” – thinks it more important to retail material from an article in a scientific journal, as if nothing had happened. Mann is the paleo-climate scientist who helped create the notorious “hockey stick graph” which was the first major element of the man-made global warming scam to be discredited.

Yet the paleo-news outlet that is the BBC pursues business as usual. Turmoil in Australian and New Zealand politics, with climate research in New Zealand now being similarly exposed, Congressional investigations of Climategate in the United States – all that has passed by the BBC. The big news about Michael Mann is his investigations into ocean coral. (“Apart from that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?”)

Hot tip: better tune in promptly to the BBC News tonight, or you may miss the death of Queen Anne."

What a joke!
I pointed this out last night. Turbobloke, doesn't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy that Michael Mann has solved the issue of the mini ice age and MWP? I mean, isn't that just fantastic news? And so conveniently timed too!

What little credibility the BBC may have had has just gone up in flames, they are going to be a complete laughing stock because of this.


56,572 posts

206 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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B Oeuf said:
Didn't see the program but MB has very inflated opinions about cars and the harm he thinks they are doing, holds the usual 'penis extension' ignorance re sports cars and is a grade one, industrial strength, full on tree hugger. His head is also way too large
I look forward to the day when he completes the Ben Elton life cycle by completely selling out once everyone has tired of the predictable student-lefty "aren't middle class people terrible, I'm a radical me" bks.


5,015 posts

286 months


16,160 posts

192 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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pmanson said:
G_T said:
B Oeuf said:
Didn't see the program but MB has very inflated opinions about cars and the harm he thinks they are doing, holds the usual 'penis extension' ignorance re sports cars and is a grade one, industrial strength, full on tree hugger. His head is also way too large
Ah that would explain it then! I must been quite fortunate when I've seen MB's appearances.
Same. Quite liked him on HIGNFY and Argumental etc.
Did you ever see his Heather Mills rant?

Absolutely brilliant.


5,929 posts

192 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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turbobloke said:
The Excession said:
odyssey2200 said:
it has black spots on it!
class! rofl

The images shown are H-alpha which reveal active areas including spots but the spot areas don't look the same as they would in visible light.

For H-alpha images to look the way they do, for so long is...unprecedented....a tipping point...a sign that taxes are too low...really taking us back to the Dalton Minimum if not the Maunder Minimum (latter of Little Ice Age fame). There are no indicators at this stage inconsistent with either, to see how deep and prolonged this long-predicted Gleissberg deep minimum is we must continue observing and look to the data.
does this mean we can expect to have some white christmas's in future?bounce


5,015 posts

286 months

Friday 27th November 2009
quotequote all - think aboutthe implications

Big Media What Climate Scandal?


27,618 posts

218 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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Updated List: Friday Morning We know the BBC has bias, I'm doing this more out of amusement now and the BBC has certainly not held back today!

A rundown of the climate related stories from the BBC since this 'leak';

41. 'Commonwealth Talks Target Climate' - Fri 27th Nov:

40. '£4million Climate Study Launched' - Fri 27th Nov: (Um, I thought the 'science' was 'settled'?)

39. 'Castle's Mexican Plant Rare Bloom' - Fri 27th Nov:

38. 'Australia Emissions Plan In Chaos' - Fri 27th Nov: (About time! Completely Biased though)

37. 'China Cabron Cuts Put Pressure On India' - Fri 27th Nov:

36. 'The Netherlands Leads the Battle Against Rising Sea Levels' - Fri 27th Nov:

35. 'Rich Should Help Amazon Forests, Summit Says' - Fri 27th Nov:

34. 'Past Climate Anamolies Explained' - Thurs 26th Nov: (Problem solved guys!! AGW back on)

33. 'Amazon Summit to Save Rainforest' - Thurs 26th Nov:

32. 'New Flood Laws Revealed After Record Rainfall' - Thurs 26th Nov:

31. 'EU Climate Package Explained' - Thurs 26th Nov:

30. 'Scottish Offshore Wind Future Set for £30billion Investment' - Thurs 26th Nov:

29. 'Who Pays and Who Gains For Carbon Offsetting' - Thurs 26th Nov:

28. 'Nigeria Set for 'Green Big Brother' Show' - Thurs 26th Nov:

27. 'Obama Climate Summit Visit Hailed' - Thurs 26th Nov:

26. 'Killing Cows for the Climate' - Thurs 26th Nov:

25. 'China Unveils Copenhagen Targets' - Thurs 26th Nov:

24. 'Cows Survive Whitehall Farce' - Wed 25th Nov: (All in the name of Climate Change!)

23. 'Icebergs Heading to New Zealand' - Wed 25th Nov:

22. 'Climate Policies Improve Health' - Wed 25th Nov:

21. 'US Pledges Major Emissions Cut' - Wed 25th Nov:

20. 'Climate Cash Controversy' - Wed 25th Nov:

19. 'Climate Change Help For The Poor Has Not Materialised' - Wed 25th:

18. 'Liberians Facing Rising Flood Threat' - Wed 25th Nov:

17. 'Plan to Boost UK Woodland to tackle Climate Change' - Wed 25th Nov:

16. 'This Year in Top Five Warmest' - Tue 24th Nov:

15. 'Mozambique Sea Level Rise: A Disaster Waiting to Happen' - Tue 24th Nov: (So good we ran it twice)

14. 'Rising Sea Levels: A Tale of Two Cities' - Tue 24th Nov:

13. 'Teenager Wins Trip to World Climate Change Summit' - Tue 24th Nov:

12. 'Australia PM Presses revised Carbon Emissions Scheme' - Tue 24th Nov:

11. 'Copenhagen: What's your Solution?' - Tue 24th Nov:

10. 'Climate is major cause of African conflict' - Tue 24th Nov:

9. 'US will Announce Climate Targets' - Tue 24th Nov:

8. 'Global Warming Science Alarming' - Tue 24th Nov:

7. 'Climate Change: Copenhagen in Graphics' - Tue 24th Nov:

6. 'State Leaders boost to Copenhagen' - Mon 23rd Nov:

5. 'Climate Change: What Price Will Future Generations Pay?' - Mon 23rd Nov:

4. 'Is Cumbria a victim of Climate Change?' - Mon 23rd Nov:

3. 'East Antarctica Ice Sheet Losing Mass' - Sun 22nd Nov:

2. 'Fish At Risk In Acidified Oceans' - Sat 21st Nov: (appeared to have missed this one before TB)

1. 'Fishermen Spot Climate Change' - Fri 20th Nov:

And on 'Climategate':

'UK's Climate Units Emails Hacked' - Fri 20th Nov:

'Email Arguments' - Sat 21st Nov:

'Hacker Leaks Scientists Emails' - Mon 23rd Nov:

'Email Impact' -Tue 24th Nov:

Run Down:

Fri 20th Nov: 1 article
Sat 21st Nov: 1 article
Sun 22nd Nov: 1 article
Mon 23rd Nov: 3 articles
Tues 24th Nov: 10 articles
Wed 25th Nov: 8 articles
Thurs 26th Nov: 10 articles
Fri 27th Nov: 7 articles

Edited by Oakey on Friday 27th November 11:26


16,160 posts

192 months

Friday 27th November 2009
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Oakey said:
Updated List: Friday Morning We know the BBC has bias, I'm doing this more out of amusement now and the BBC has certainly not held back today!

A rundown of the climate related stories from the BBC since this 'leak';
Oakey, please correct me if I'm wrong, but you keep posting these News headlines as if to imply it's all part of the "global conspiracy".

Do you not think its far more likely that these articles are being published in anticipation of the upcoming climate summit?