Could UK U-turn on Referendum Result (Vol 2)

Could UK U-turn on Referendum Result (Vol 2)



56 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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///ajd said:

I don't think the obsession of sizable number of leavers with immigration is necessarily motivated by xenophobia or racism.

There has been an idea planted however that immigration is the cause of all our woes and brexit will fix everything. A lot of leave voters (not all) seem to believe that. I think they will end up very disappointed.
"Sizeable number"?

"A lot"?

Seems quite vague.

I think the idea is being sown that everything bad is brexits fault.

There is only one person who stands out to me as being obsessed by immigration. The same person who strangely went absent during the recent debating on immigration and racism.

B'stard Child

28,538 posts

248 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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p1stonhead said:
bmw535i said:
B'stard Child said:
Last dealing I had with a toddler was a decade ago playing some childrens game on a TV console - might have been a super mario or varient - he was quite good - I had to work hard to beat him - promptly afterwards he burst into tears and threw a hissy fit on the floor... I was amazed!!! Once it was explained to me that both his parents never allowed him to lose everything was clear....

He's a teenager now and his behaviour hasn't improved - Apparently all teenagers are like that I should just ignore his rudeness....

Looking forward to seeing how he handles the real world when he finally sees it - probably not very well wink

Did he keep saying he would beat you before the inevitable happened?
And did the game have any rules so you knew what winning actually meant?
I like that - quite clever hehe

It was a race - first to the finish is the winner - "If you're not first you are last" - I think that little gem might just have tipped him over the edge from a little tearful after losing for the first time in his life.......


56 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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p1stonhead said:
And did the game have any rules so you knew what winning actually meant?
Winning is winning smile


8,964 posts

208 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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bmw535i said:
"Sizeable number"?

"A lot"?

Seems quite vague.

I think the idea is being sown that everything bad is brexits fault.

There is only one person who stands out to me as being obsessed by immigration. The same person who strangely went absent during the recent debating on immigration and racism.

Tell us again why you asked "do you think immigrants have racist feelings towards the British".

Where were you planning to go with that.... do tell!

And why are you stumbling over admitting your reasons for leaving? Cat got your tongue? Or was it a dog or horse.... smile

B'stard Child

28,538 posts

248 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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don'tbesilly said:
B'stard Child said:
///ajd said:
You can want to leave the EU and not be a kipper.
Can you want to leave the EU and not be a racist or xenophobic?
I'm amazed you asked ///ajd the question, was it a trick one?

You can't possibly have been trying to trip him up wink
No trick questions - no point in that at all - force a rat into a corner and they react accordingly (sorry Blinds well edrat - not meaning you). Debate falls down shortly after


25,787 posts

169 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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bmw535i said:
p1stonhead said:
And did the game have any rules so you knew what winning actually meant?
Winning is winning smile
I really hope you are right. And if the deal we get is as good as some of the leavers hope it will be, I'll be celebrating along with you perhaps.

I'm just a pessimist overall though. Perhaps that's the problem. I don't trust the government one bit all they care about is self preservation.



56 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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///ajd said:

Tell us again why you asked "do you think immigrants have racist feelings towards the British".

Where were you planning to go with that.... do tell!

And why are you stumbling over admitting your reasons for leaving? Cat got your tongue? Or was it a dog or horse.... smile
I've already answered these things and stated my reasons for voting leave many times. Why do you want me to tell you again? confused

I know you don't like it that I keep highlighting your idiocy, but you don't help yourself.

I didn't mean any offence with my dog and horse quote by the way. I apologise if it did (it appears to have because you keep talking about it), so I'm sorry.


8,964 posts

208 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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p1stonhead said:
I don't trust the government one bit all they care about is self preservation.

Yes, some of these politicians would run a hugely divisive referendum just to try and nullify a few rival votes - safe in the knowledge their partners in the next coalition would stop them running it.



56 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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p1stonhead said:
I really hope you are right. And if the deal we get is as good as some of the leavers hope it will be, I'll be celebrating along with you perhaps.

I'm just a pessimist overall though. Perhaps that's the problem. I don't trust the government one bit all they care about is self preservation.

Pessimist? You seem very 'excitable' to me.


25,787 posts

169 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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bmw535i said:
p1stonhead said:
I really hope you are right. And if the deal we get is as good as some of the leavers hope it will be, I'll be celebrating along with you perhaps.

I'm just a pessimist overall though. Perhaps that's the problem. I don't trust the government one bit all they care about is self preservation.

Pessimist? You seem very 'excitable' to me.
Better to be cautious in my experience rather than jumping out of a plane without knowing if you have a rucksack or parachute on your back because you ' can't wait' wink


56 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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p1stonhead said:
Better to be cautious in my experience rather than jumping out of a plane without knowing if you have a rucksack or parachute on your back because you ' can't wait' wink
Do you have experience of the UK being out of the EU?

B'stard Child

28,538 posts

248 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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///ajd said:
p1stonhead said:
I don't trust the government one bit all they care about is self preservation.

Yes, some of these politicians would run a hugely divisive referendum just to try and nullify a few rival votes - safe in the knowledge their partners in the next coalition would stop them running it.

I know - you couldn't make it up biggrin


56 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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Nigel Farage on Time's person of year shortlist

B'stard Child

28,538 posts

248 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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///ajd said:
B'stard Child said:
///ajd said:
<snip> my view is that immigration is tiny in relative terms and not the cause of our woes - but believe me I appreciate we have woes.

The negatives of the status quo can't be laid at the door of immigration, no matter how much you might want everything to get magically better should we apply an emergency brake.

I firmly believe it will just affect our economy and in turn GDP and all our NHS.

So whilst I fully expect you will continue to disagree - it seems likely we will all be worse off, not better. It is frustrating as I feel many have been sold a huge immigration lie but the reality is controlling it won't make a tangibly beneficial difference - and the other downsides of ditching the EU will have a far bigger negative effect.

And here we are back to your core subject. That word "immigration" got repeated 3 times above - you apparently only 33% of the leave vote was "immigration related"

What about the other 67%?
It was a reply to the leaver who talked at length about how everything would be great if we just applied an emergency brake to immigration.

Why don't you ask him?
He's free to chip into the debate - his points have been very well put so far

Should I ask DC why he didn't ask for an emergency brake? Perhaps he did and the EU said "fk off Four Freedoms you tt - have a cheaper roaming deal". He's got a book deal already I'm sure he'll reveal all soon enough....

B'stard Child

28,538 posts

248 months

Monday 5th December 2016
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p1stonhead said:
<snip>I'm just a pessimist overall though. Perhaps that's the problem. I don't trust the government one bit all they care about is self preservation.

I'm an optimist - I don't trust the government one bit either - we aren't that far apart it seems beer


9,674 posts

135 months

Tuesday 6th December 2016
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johnxjsc1985 said:
I am not a Kipper I voted to leave I then expected the Gov to then start the difficult process of extracting us from the EU and I didn't think it would happen overnight. There was a Referendum and I believe that actually 400 of Parliamentary Constituencies voted to leave so whatever way you want to spin this the majority want to leave the EU what happens after that is the responsibility of Government that's what they get paid for. Seeing a bunch of crusty old farts getting a stiffy on over the meaning of words used in other events going back decades just adds to the feeling that we need a new Political class and that includes the Judiciary.
Yeah, who needs Judges and the rule of law anyway?

I think that May's authoritarian streak has got her into trouble here by appealing the first ruling.

Had she accepted the first ruling, she could have put a simple "16 word" yes/no bill before parliament, with a clear statement that if it was rejected that was clear grounds for a no-confidence motion and thus a snap election.
Given the mood of the country, no MP who voted against that motion would have much confidence in retaining their seat at such an election, and the Tories in particular would be facing an electoral landslide against them, as it was a Tory government that promised to abide by the referendum result.
I am confident that the motion would have passed comfortably.


10,058 posts

178 months

Tuesday 6th December 2016
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p1stonhead said:
Not trying to be antagonistic but what exactly can't you wait for? There isn't a plan for what Brexit means yet.
There is a plan.

You just refuse to see it.

We are going to trigger Article 50.

Then we will Leave.

Why is it that some people find this so difficult to understand.

The simple fact of the matter is that in 830 days we will take our rightful place on the world stage once again.

We will retake control of our foreign policy.

We will retake full control of our borders.

We will retake the freedon to negotiate trade deals with anybody that we want to.

The Supreme Court will become the highest court in the land.

I think that a little bit of Elgin is called for.

I bet that none of the Remainers will be able to watch more than 5 seconds of that. All those Irish, Welsh, Scottish, South African, French, German, Norwegian, etc... demonstrating nationalism by waving their flags in the air!

Oh sod it...

While we are looking at music that will wind up the Remainers, we might as well go the whole hog.

B'stard Child

28,538 posts

248 months

Tuesday 6th December 2016
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don4l said:
p1stonhead said:
Not trying to be antagonistic but what exactly can't you wait for? There isn't a plan for what Brexit means yet.
There is a plan.

You just refuse to see it.

We are going to trigger Article 50.

Then we will Leave.

Why is it that some people find this so difficult to understand.

The simple fact of the matter is that in 830 days we will take our rightful place on the world stage once again.

We will retake control of our foreign policy.

We will retake full control of our borders.

We will retake the freedon to negotiate trade deals with anybody that we want to.

The Supreme Court will become the highest court in the land.

I think that a little bit of Elgin is called for.

I bet that none of the Remainers will be able to watch more than 5 seconds of that. All those Irish, Welsh, Scottish, South African, French, German, Norwegian, etc... demonstrating nationalism by waving their flags in the air!

Oh sod it...

While we are looking at music that will wind up the Remainers, we might as well go the whole hog.
Your posts do make me smile - thanks


13,820 posts

286 months

Tuesday 6th December 2016
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don4l said:
I think that a little bit of Elgin is called for.
Don, you poor old senile dementionista, if you still had your marbles you'd know the difference between Elgar and Elgin.


4,340 posts

175 months

Tuesday 6th December 2016
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johnxjsc1985 said:
I am not a Kipper I voted to leave I then expected the Gov to then start the difficult process of extracting us from the EU and I didn't think it would happen overnight. There was a Referendum and I believe that actually 400 of Parliamentary Constituencies voted to leave so whatever way you want to spin this the majority want to leave the EU what happens after that is the responsibility of Government that's what they get paid for. Seeing a bunch of crusty old farts getting a stiffy on over the meaning of words used in other events going back decades just adds to the feeling that we need a new Political class and that includes the Judiciary.
The rule of law is a very fragile thing in many countries. Nothing good flows from that. Thankfully, the UK has a robust legal system and a judiciary who ensures that the law is followed by everyone - even the Government - whether those rules are convenient and popular or not.

If we are to leave the European Union and we almost certainly will, then this should be done properly. One of this country's great strengths is that it will be. Following the rule of law even when unpopular with the mob is one of the many positive attributes that the UK will be able to draw upon when attracting the investment the country needs from abroad. Following the rule of law is essential to our stability and economic success, whether the Daily Mail like to see this or not.