No poop bag - that's a £100 fine.

No poop bag - that's a £100 fine.



32,278 posts

205 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Bone Rat said:
Just wondering about the practical issues involved, it's over 35 years since I had dog walking duties or at least I held on to our staffie while he took me for a drag.

Back in the 70's things were let's say a bit more free range & bags a glimmer in the eye. I distinctly remember the formed egg, now it would not be an issue collecting that one but some days after the little sod had eaten some unmentionable object things would be a bit more liquid & squirty. Not enough to make any impact on his constitution, in fact I think he he quite liked the lack of effort involved judging by the glint in his eye.

Looking back I don't think you'd have been able to bag those, mop them yes, watch them run away yes, nothing substantial to grasp though. What is the protocol for a pool? Do you scoop as best you can or scuttle off quickly. Dog possible when retiring so these liitle points can be important in the decison. Already decided it has to be a smaller dog as not wandering round with some cucumber sized monstrosity in a Tesco bag...

My answer to the 'pool' issue is to walk off, if it's not baggable then you can't bag it.


58,207 posts

209 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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We had that problem once, but luckily it was in a torrential rainstorm and I was wearing wellies, so I just splashed water out of the gutter until it was gone.


2,107 posts

189 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Everyone has the means of clearing up after a dog about their person. Granted, no one wants to walk home with a steaming turd in their hands but if I was going to have £100 removed from my wallet I'd do it!!


Mrr T

12,785 posts

270 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Impasse said:
Are the poo bag inspectors being given powers of search and/or arrest and are members of the public under any obligation to interact with them or pass on any information?


6,511 posts

148 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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hornetrider said:
"Hello sir, I'm the council poop bag inspector, nice dog you have there. Can I see your poop bag please?"

Seems fairly straightforward to me.
Did you see the episode of Seinfeld where Aelaine threw up in somebody's handbag in a theatre? Well you can also use handbags for poo poo.


59 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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stripy7 said:
I was running along sections of the Pennine Way on the weekend and lost count of the number of times I saw poo bags neatly tied and abandoned on the path- better to leave unbagged.
I optimistically hope these bags are from people out on a walk who are planning to pick them up on the way home. hehe

Corpulent Tosser

5,467 posts

250 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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el stovey said:
stripy7 said:
I was running along sections of the Pennine Way on the weekend and lost count of the number of times I saw poo bags neatly tied and abandoned on the path- better to leave unbagged.
I optimistically hope these bags are from people out on a walk who are planning to pick them up on the way home. hehe
We do that frequently on the track between our village and the next, I always leave it at the side of track for later, my wife tend to leave it right in the middle as she has returned to find one run over by a car.

As for the poop bag checker if he were to ask me if I had one I would say yes, if he asked to see it I would so no he couldn't.


8,280 posts

238 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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In time, all dog owners will be forced to have one of those picky uppy disinfect type things, or the council will force them to attend classes to teach their dog this:

And rightly so.


89,308 posts

289 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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el stovey said:
stripy7 said:
I was running along sections of the Pennine Way on the weekend and lost count of the number of times I saw poo bags neatly tied and abandoned on the path- better to leave unbagged.
I optimistically hope these bags are from people out on a walk who are planning to pick them up on the way home. hehe
They are being stored for Halloween.

Ian Geary

4,685 posts

197 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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crankedup said:
Seems to me that the 'means to clear it up' regulation is farcical and typical nonsense of a Council.
Pity the dog wardens trying to implement the daftness of it. The only excuse I can imagine is that the Council wanted to increase the maximum existing £1000 fine.
I don't own a pet but wife looks after a tortoise! We don't take him for walks whistle
Councils will be under pressure from residents to do something about this well known health issue.

What other options do they have?

The thing that annoys me is that the low life type's whose dogs crap everywhere will never be targeted by a warden with no powers, and even should the unlikely event ever get to court, you can guarantee they'll have no declared income, so will pay £5 a month.

Whereas the careful dog owner who used their last bag will have the book thrown at them.

As with a lot of transgression taxes, I'd rather the amounts were low ( say £10) but probability of being caught was high. This would work much better at changing behaviour.

Of course, real world economic means the cost of enforcement and processing small value transactions would make that model unviable.

Also, some Council wardens do have power to request IDs: If these powers aren't used the whole idea is pretty pointless.


Corpulent Tosser

5,467 posts

250 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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SeeFive said:
In time, all dog owners will be forced to have one of those picky uppy disinfect type things, or the council will force them to attend classes to teach their dog this:

And rightly so.
Or This


7,803 posts

236 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Who will police the wild animals then? Foxes and badgers take a st now and then too, and I don't think they carry poop-bags wink


7,487 posts

199 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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we have a serial offender round this way - reported it to the local authority who wanted a description of the owner and dog, times, places, COLOUR of poo.

Except the poo is the only evidence, so no perpetrator (poopertrator?) to be described - believe me I would have had a word in the owners shell like if I had seen them allowing their dog to poop all over the footpath!

Anyway - I was intrigued to know how many successful prosecutions there had been for this offence, so I excercised my right to know via the Freedom of Information act .

Apparently Aylesbury Vale District Council have issued 2 fixed penalty notices issued Since 1991 when it became an offence...

PS. I have a dog and definitely pick up its st - no question about it, getting dog st on your shoes is one of lifes most unpleasant experiences - PICK UP YOUR DOGS POO!


59 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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I was out running the other day and saw some dry bright orange poo by the path. Then I kept seeing more and more of it. Upon closer inspection, I realised someone had sprayed all the dog poo orange. It went for miles along a bridle path. Is this some national scheme or just a local weirdo? hehe


89,308 posts

289 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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el stovey said:
I was out running the other day and saw some dry bright orange poo by the path. Then I kept seeing more and more of it. Upon closer inspection, I realised someone had sprayed all the dog poo orange. It went for miles along a bridle path. Is this some national scheme or just a local weirdo? hehe
A local artist's early entry for the 2016 Turner Prize?

Willy Nilly

12,511 posts

172 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Take DNA samples from all dawgs, then take DNA samples of piles of dog st and send extremely heavy fines to the owners.


2,008 posts

150 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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Stepping in/riding through dogger is a character-building experience and one that should be appreciated. Finding sticks that were just the right size to scrape it out of the grip/tread made me the man I am today.


1,323 posts

208 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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el stovey said:
I was out running the other day and saw some dry bright orange poo by the path. Then I kept seeing more and more of it. Upon closer inspection, I realised someone had sprayed all the dog poo orange. It went for miles along a bridle path. Is this some national scheme or just a local weirdo? hehe
A local weirdo for sure. A fews ago I lived in a quaint village with a small green and cricket pitch. The equivalent weirdo would emerge under the cover of darknes and put a small flag on a stick into each steaming pile, with the suspected dog owners name written on the flag.

He never really appeared outside of the hours of drakness or perhaps the foulest of weather.

I don't believe he got many Xmas cards.


23,088 posts

145 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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bobt said:
el stovey said:
I was out running the other day and saw some dry bright orange poo by the path. Then I kept seeing more and more of it. Upon closer inspection, I realised someone had sprayed all the dog poo orange. It went for miles along a bridle path. Is this some national scheme or just a local weirdo? hehe
A local weirdo for sure. A fews ago I lived in a quaint village with a small green and cricket pitch. The equivalent weirdo would emerge under the cover of darknes and put a small flag on a stick into each steaming pile, with the suspected dog owners name written on the flag.

He never really appeared outside of the hours of drakness or perhaps the foulest of weather.

I don't believe he got many Xmas cards.
I noticed dog poo that had been sprayed red on our local dog walk over the summer, it was the dog warden apparently.


42,655 posts

261 months

Wednesday 7th October 2015
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227bhp said:
Not going to stop the problem is it? Just carry bag in pocket, walk off as dog drops it's guts....
Will do nothing at all. The same irresponsible dog onwners will have the same 1 bag tied to the lead for 15 years. Not to mention the ones who tell them to fk off or are out If work so won't pay a fine anyway not that it will ever get that far.

Also does nothing about idiots who fking hang the things in trees.