Scottish Referendum / Independence - Vol 6

Scottish Referendum / Independence - Vol 6



2,259 posts

168 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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xjsdriver said:
If I do decide to move'll be Brazil, much more favourable climate..... Life's a beach!!!
Climates not climate, is a bit bigger than scotland, and Brasil not Brazil


6,661 posts

183 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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fluffnik said:
That's what retaining the sclerotic UK is, in my opinion.

All the potential benefits of the UK are better provided by the EU at less cost and without the historical baggage.
Your faith in an organisation which deliberately sought to topedo Scottish Independence and was clearly delighted by its rejection is somewhat ironic!


72,857 posts

241 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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fluffnik said:
Rovinghawk said:
fluffnik said:
hantsxlg said:
do you work for the EU?
No, but I do think it's mostly a Good Thing.
Being ruled from a foreign country? I thought you were against that sort of thing?
The direction in which powers are devolved is important.

EU member states have devolved powers to the EU voluntarily, the EU cannot take more powers without consent.

Westminster retains the power to reclaim any powers held by Holyrood, indeed the odious House of Lords has already done it once...

Rovinghawk said:
fluffnik said:
hantsxlg said:
move on and try and make Scotland, and the UK prosper.
I don't think those aims are compatible
A rising tide lifts all boats, surely?
I would hope and expect that the end of the UK would benefit England, Wales and Northern Ireland too. smile
The UK will outlive you.

Were you born a cretin or have you taken night classes?


14,708 posts

145 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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The SNP application form linked earlier still has an option to donate to the Indy referendum fighting fund. A bit alate for that now isnt it?Or is it?

A genuine question to the Yessers on here..when do you think that the next Yes/No referendum should be held?1 year? 2? 5? 10? More?


1,082 posts

129 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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xjsdriver said:
Edinburger said:
Why do you think there is a "shambles of a government in power in Scotland"
Usual Tory/UKIP kneejerk reaction..... you may be right in your previous assertion about them not being a credible opposition in Scotland.....
Oh I don't know, they beat the SNP in a country that historically doesn't support the Tories, so I'd say they were very credible in this one instance. In the future maybe not, but they got the No vote through so that's all that's important now smile


20,156 posts

229 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Rovinghawk said:
fluffnik said:
That vote was lost, the next one wont be, so we'll get both democracy and independence. smile
When is this 'next one' of which you speak?
The first stage is to remove as many Unionist MPs as possible next May, ideally causing a complete and permanent collapse of the Labour Party and LibDems in Scotland, the second is to get >50% support in the 2016 Holyrood elections for pro-independence candidates/parties on a pro-independence platform.


1,071 posts

123 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Rick_1138 said:
The whole point of the Scottish parliament set-up was that it was exected to have coalition governments due to not using first past the post.

However the SNP in majority government have done things like appoint a speaker who was also SNP, (only doable with a majority and usually frowned upon in governments), and a few other points mentioned a few pages back.

I am not saying any party is great, but the SNP are hardly a shining example of perfect political outlook.

Also if you can explain how having 22% of the vote (SNP) leads to a majority, yet 17% of the vote (Tory) gets 1 seat, I am yet to work out how the SNP feels it has, or should be allowed, carte blanche to do what it likes.

Also threatening to make a country, that has shown it doesn't want to be, independent , doesn't fill me with a great belief they deserve power any more than anyone else.

What's wrong with a lib-dem, labour SNP coalition? Apart from constant screaming at each other and nothing getting done. Also lest wait and see where the proposed NHS Scotland cuts that were held until after the referendum appear that the SNP have planned, or will that be Westminster's fault too?

Because contrary to what you believe not all of us think that fringe parties running the nation could do any better job than the usual big 3, lets see how the greens run a country, as that worked out so well for Brighton council.
I'm yet to work out why you think the Tories only have 1 MSP (they have 15 MSPs) you have a time machine or something? I know the Tories will get an absolute kicking in the upcoming Scottish elections, but being left with only one MSP seems a tad pessimistic. You are right in a way they only have 1 MP who sits on Westminster, but that has no bearing on the SNP having a majority in Scotland.....


20,156 posts

229 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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WinstonWolf said:
fluffnik said:
I would hope and expect that the end of the UK would benefit England, Wales and Northern Ireland too. smile
The UK will outlive you.
Maybe, but not by long. smile

1.6 million Scots resisted the tide of state and vested interest propaganda and rejected the parasitic UK.

The UK couldn't even keep up the pretence of being nice for a day after the vote! It has been twigged.

1.6 million of us are going to make sure the Union gets the blame for everything, even on the odd occasion it's blameless.

The Union is wounded, lots of people are very, very keen to ensure that it bleeds out.

WinstonWolf said:
Were you born a cretin or have you taken night classes?
Cretinism, unlike ignorance, is largely due to iodine deficiency, and generally rare where sea fish feature in the diet.

Cameron has today probably given us a republic too. Thanks Dave!


20,156 posts

229 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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kowalski655 said:
A genuine question to the Yessers on here..when do you think that the next Yes/No referendum should be held?1 year? 2? 5? 10? More?
I think an indisputable popular mandate for independence will be demonstrated at 2016's Holyrood elections, a considerable distaste for lying Unionist politicians having been demonstrated next May.



1,071 posts

123 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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McWigglebum4th said:
So when i get people telling me that i am a tory traitor that should be hung is welcoming is it

When people i work with say i should fk off back to england that is friendly is it

You are

sorry i can't say it as i would be banned
Wibbles, if you go around speaking to people in real life, like you do on here, it would come as no surprise you get the short shrift at work (in fact I'm surprised your mouth hasn't got you several kickings in the pub of a weekend). Besides, I thought you'd claimed all your work mates were voting No anyway......


20,156 posts

229 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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technodup said:
Dumbarton Labour Party office deliberately set ablaze. Three days after they win the referendum. In one of the few areas which voted Yes. It's stumped me, anyone care to hazard a guess why?
Because idiots who deserve some jail time set a fire?


1,071 posts

123 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Mojocvh said:
Dundee had 6000 YES 6000 more 16-18 yr old registered to vote than lived in the city boundaries.

So just fk off to South America, your perception of democracy will be most welcome there.. and delete your account whilst at it.
Delete my account?.....what would I want to do a thing like that for? Where-else would I get my daily dose of vein-popping right-wing reactionary drivel to brighten up my day?


1,071 posts

123 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Walford said:
Climates not climate, is a bit bigger than scotland, and Brasil not Brazil
Thank you for your redundant correction, I wrote Brazil in the form that I did, as it is the spelling we use in English. We can if you like, continue this discussion in Portuguese..... laugh


37,861 posts

258 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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fluffnik said:
1.6 million of us are going to make sure the Union gets the blame for everything, even on the odd occasion it's blameless.
At least some things will never change.

Go farther afield than your Glasgow pub and realise that the majority of people around you in your country disagree with your viewpoint and wanted to remain part of the union that you find so abhorrent.

Then do them all the good grace of accepting that a vote was held, your opinion was in the minority and STFU (much as you would have expected had the vote gone the other way). Get on with making your country something to be proud of again rather than the perpetual st stirring and playing of the victim card.

And if you really, really don't like it, there are plenty of other places in the world you can go and inhabit that you will no doubt find far more agreeable.


26,351 posts

211 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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I don't think I can take much more of this level of idiocy from Fluffnik and xjsdriver.

Yestapo goons - you're fking Scotland badly. Your fellow countrymen voted no. It's the settled will of the Scottish people. Settled.

Any more of this crap threatens relations, trade, investment and jobs (as if it hasn't done so enough already).

We get you. You don't like it. Tough, that's democracy in action. It's fairness.

Please just shut up and fk off now. It's done. Over.

Let it go.


15,137 posts

202 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Funk said:
I don't think I can take much more of this level of idiocy from Fluffnik and xjsdriver.

Yestapo goons - you're fking Scotland badly. Your fellow countrymen voted no. It's the settled will of the Scottish people. Settled.

Any more of this crap threatens relations, trade, investment and jobs (as if it hasn't done so enough already).

We get you. You don't like it. Tough, that's democracy in action. It's fairness.

Please just shut up and fk off now. It's done. Over.

Let it go.
I find their ignorance hard to believe. Before the vote our wiggy used to talk of a situation akin to the one in northern Ireland, I am starting to believe these people are big enough fking idiots to do it.


1,080 posts

228 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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I find the recent outpourings of emotion of the Nationalist loons rather amusing.

You've just had 2 years to try and convince the majority of the country that independence was the answer. But rather than do so with facts, honesty and intelligence you did it with one of the vaguest poorly thought out campaigns I could has imagined. The White paper may as well just been blank pages, it was a disgrace.

Rather than whinging about the result after the event you should take a look back at your campaign. It was pathetic, but you got 45% of the votes. You don't need to be fighting with the UK government you need to be going after the guys who did such a poor job of putting across a believable view of independance, The SNP, Salmond, Sturgeon etc. if they did there job properly and put a proper case for independence you would have had half a chance.

Stop blaming everyone else, it was the fault of your campaign. You had your chance and they blew it for you.


2,259 posts

168 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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xjsdriver said:
Walford said:
Climates not climate, is a bit bigger than scotland, and Brasil not Brazil
Thank you for your redundant correction,
Generally considered to have 5 climatic regions


56 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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fluffnik said:
1.6 million of us are going to make sure the Union gets the blame for everything, even on the odd occasion it's blameless.
And there it is. Independence achieved through lies and deception.

That didn't work so well for you last time. Are you going to put forward some less incredible deceptions next time?

Edited by anonymous-user on Wednesday 24th September 07:22


49,633 posts

200 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Well over 2 million voted No only 1.6m voted Yes settled will of Scotland is No. And a first past the post only 3 out of 30 councils voted Yes so Fluffnick just how and what right would you have of getting rid of the vile Unionist MPs? They represent the settled will of Scotland. infact we need to see a drastic reduction in Pro Yes MPs come May 2015 election.

The Union parties promised new powers and a timetable for it to happen ie that the legislation is put to the House of Lords on Burns night with the idea that all being well time wise this goes live Autumn next year. You need to wait to that date before you keep spouting lies promise is lies.

Fluffnick and XJS and PVC drivers what are you and SNP doing to bring the country back together following a divisive 2 years? The key promise Salmond made and stated he would push regardless of the vote last Friday instead he resigned and the acting leader of the SNP is doing no such thing. The SNP lies again - you cannot say that until the day after burns night for the No Unionist campaign.

Salmond LIES