Jimmy Savile



19,811 posts

208 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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CAPP0 said:
It does beggar belief how many
Mr Snap said:
it really beggar belief? You certainly don't seem to believe them now and, if you don't believe them now, what makes you think you would have believed them then?
If you read my post PROPERLY instead of jumping straight in as you beat yourself off at the prospect of appearing big and clever on PH, you'll see above that I said I was amazed at the number/quantity of alleged victims there appear to have been. I've helpfully highlighted that point from my original post to help you; they do, after all, suggest that certain activities make you go blind.

I haven't quoted the remainder of your post as I didn't bother reading it.


10,272 posts

172 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Colonial said:
goldblum said:
Surely you mean 'if you alleged you'd been raped'?

Another incredible case, the rapes are alleged to have occurred in 1977. Just how good a memory for detail would a 13 year old at the time of the incident have now - nearly 40 years later?
Trust me. Certain memories will always be there no matter how much you try and forget.
I'm not sure what you mean by 'trying to forget'. If the memories pop into your head unbidden then every time this happens they are actually being reinforced. In this situation counselling of some kind might help. All contemporary psychological theories of memory hold that if a memory is not recalled it becomes weaker until it is lost.
However, the correlation between memory and impact is also strong, but this does not have to be trauma - it can be emotion, love, a loud bang, bright colours etc etc...in short, anything other than humdrum can impact more on the memory. There is a clear dichotomy when viewing the accuracy of recollection in historic sex offences between impact memory and loss of memory through passage of time. Further, forensic psychologists will obviously have to take into account the ages of the alleged abused at the time of the incidents. The thought processes of young children and their view of what constitutes trauma in the adult and legal sense can be very different.

Mr Snap

2,364 posts

162 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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CAPP0 said:
If you read my post PROPERLY…………...I haven't quoted the remainder of your post as I didn't bother reading it.
I haven't bothered quoting the remainder of your post because I'd rather play with myself than try to follow your impeccable logic.


8,475 posts

143 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Mr Snap said:
CAPP0 said:
If you read my post PROPERLY…………...I haven't quoted the remainder of your post as I didn't bother reading it.
I haven't bothered quoting the remainder of your post because I'd rather play with myself than try to follow your impeccable logic.
Now, now, children! Be good!

Monty Zoomer

1,459 posts

162 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Derek Smith said:
One 18-year-old victim was grabbed one night as he walked through a park. The bloke raped her, buggered her and then stuck his dick down her throat. Despite ample DNA proving it was him the defence demanded an ID parade (law since changed to stop this further abuse of victims in such cases) in the hope that the pressure of seeing the offender again would be too much for the kid. But she went on the parade but collapsed when she saw him, being unable to move for seven minutes.

She was in the UK from a country in the EU so had no friends, relatives or loved ones with her, this being less than 36 hours after the quite horrible attack on her.

Whilst I was happy an ID had been made I was worried about the defence tactics (and quite rightly as it turned out) in the trial so asked this kid to continue with the parade, which she did.

The defence then, rather than plead, decided to demand the girl return to the UK, interrupting her recuperation. She, then 19, again proved herself and turned up in court. he asked for a screen to be put between the witness box and the offender.

There was a 90-minute legal argument as to whether this would, in some strange and twisted way, obstruct justice.

No wonder victims, struggling to come to terms with what happened to them, refuse to complain.

Whilst the court systems have, not before time, changed, taking some account of the rights and welfare of victims, what the victims have to go through immediately after being raped is an ordeal on its own.

It is just further abuse.
But the police and lawyers got an obscene amount of taxpayers money and are the envy of all their peers....

Seeker UK

1,443 posts

163 months

Saturday 7th June 2014
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Rude Girl said:
Seeker UK said:
Rude Girl said:
I think that's quite remarkable for something that wasn't *that* traumatic - certainly not a patch on having some hairy old letch stick their fingers up your front bum. Yet so many details had fixed in my mind - that I knew the day of the week and approx time after 40 years really shocked me.
It's an interesting thought experiment but all it proves is that there's one 'traumatic' event in your life that you have a lot of 'reliable' memories of. In fact, as it was the one that came to mind, it's no surprise you recalled a lot.

What you don't know is how many traumatic events you're unable to recall.
Ok, maybe I worded it badly. I have plenty of very clear memories of minor and major traumas - you know, personal stuff, people getting hurt, deaths... This one was readily verifiable. Oh, and I chose not to expose any of my personal past to the aggressive baying mob that has formed on this thread. Who'd ever think of someone deciding not to put themselves through that st, eh? wink

Edited for spelling

Edited by Rude Girl on Saturday 7th June 08:03
Thanks for the reply - I agree about the baying mob too.


3,091 posts

181 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Some disturbing news coming to light today...

Abusing patients in their beds, abusing dead bodies, the depravity of this disgusting individual knows no depths it seems


El Guapo

2,787 posts

195 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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BBC said:
A spokesman for David Cameron says the prime minister is "deeply shocked" by the reports and "it's important lessons are learnt".
Fortunes could be saved, surely, by getting rid of these "spokesmen" and using some kind of random quote generator bot to issue press statements.


11,327 posts

197 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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smegmore said:
Some disturbing news coming to light today...

Abusing patients in their beds, abusing dead bodies, the depravity of this disgusting individual knows no depths it seems

Rumours of such activities were circulating in 2006! It doesn't mean there is a link of course, but even so....


15,138 posts

255 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Rollcage said:
smegmore said:
Some disturbing news coming to light today...

Abusing patients in their beds, abusing dead bodies, the depravity of this disgusting individual knows no depths it seems

Rumours of such activities were circulating in 2006! It doesn't mean there is a link of course, but even so....
I'm not for one minute suggesting he didn't commit these horrific crimes (and let's face it they can't be proved), but on the assumption he did, how on earth did he get away with it for so long confused

I just don't get it....

Hugo a Gogo

23,378 posts

238 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Rollcage said:
smegmore said:
Some disturbing news coming to light today...

Abusing patients in their beds, abusing dead bodies, the depravity of this disgusting individual knows no depths it seems

Rumours of such activities were circulating in 2006! It doesn't mean there is a link of course, but even so....
long before that, I heard that sort of tale in the early 90s


35,295 posts

263 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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I've skimmed just one if the reports, the LGI one. He was utterly depraved. The only real difference between him and Fred West appears to have been that he didn't kill. He didn't need to in order to keep his victims quiet (live and dead ones).


5,876 posts

237 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Hugo a Gogo said:
long before that, I heard that sort of tale in the early 90s
This and there were loads of even earlier rumours too.

The Freddy Royle character in Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy is blatantly based on the JS rumours - that was published in 1996.

From wiki:

"Meanwhile, Glen has been accepting money from Freddy Royle, a necrophiliac TV personality. The hospital trustees turn a blind eye to Freddy's nefarious pastime but have to do some fast talking when the new coroner begins asking questions."


14,041 posts

166 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Hugo a Gogo said:
Rollcage said:
smegmore said:
Some disturbing news coming to light today...

Abusing patients in their beds, abusing dead bodies, the depravity of this disgusting individual knows no depths it seems

Rumours of such activities were circulating in 2006! It doesn't mean there is a link of course, but even so....
long before that, I heard that sort of tale in the early 90s
It was common knowledge he had his own mother corpse with him, alone, in his Brighton flat for a fortnight, he even talked about it openly in the Louis Theroux thing I seem to recall.

The most shocking revelation in all this is that he was allowed to build a house for himself INSIDE the grounds of a maximum security hospital and was asked by the secretary of state for health to run the board of said hospital based on his "experience" i.e working on Radio Caroline and introducing Shawadywaddy on the R1 roadshow...

Quite remarkable.


13,879 posts

170 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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Just listening to a thing on the radio about this, saying there were "independent statements of apparently credible veracity that Saville would enter the Leeds hospital morgue on a quiet night and interfere with dead bodies, even going as far as to perform sex acts on them".

Savilebeast, necropedohile.


5,876 posts

237 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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OzzyR1 said:
This and there were loads of even earlier rumours too.

The Freddy Royle character in Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy is blatantly based on the JS rumours - that was published in 1996.

From wiki:

"Meanwhile, Glen has been accepting money from Freddy Royle, a necrophiliac TV personality. The hospital trustees turn a blind eye to Freddy's nefarious pastime but have to do some fast talking when the new coroner begins asking questions."
Also from that book:

In one passage, Welsh writes: “Yes, the trustees knew all about Freddy Royle, Glen reflected bitterly. They knew the real secrets of the chat-show host ... Yes, those trustee bds knew what this distinguished friend, this favorite caring, laconic uncle to the nation did with the stiffs they got in here. The thing was, Freddy brought millions of pounds into the place with his fund-raising activities. This brought kudos to the trustees, and made St Hubbin’s Hospital a flagship for the arm’s-length trusts from the NHS. All they had to do was keep schtumm and indulge Sir Freddy with the odd body.”


59 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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I have just read the exec summary of a couple of the reports.

Absolutely remarkable and all the way to the top.

My father always uses the expression "They are all pissing in the same pot" when talking about the "establishment" and as I get older I agree more and more.

The conspiracy of silence across so many different institutions and people is astonishing.

Edited by anonymous-user on Thursday 26th June 13:56

Hugo a Gogo

23,378 posts

238 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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OzzyR1 said:
Hugo a Gogo said:
long before that, I heard that sort of tale in the early 90s
This and there were loads of even earlier rumours too.

The Freddy Royle character in Irvine Welsh's Ecstasy is blatantly based on the JS rumours - that was published in 1996.

From wiki:

"Meanwhile, Glen has been accepting money from Freddy Royle, a necrophiliac TV personality. The hospital trustees turn a blind eye to Freddy's nefarious pastime but have to do some fast talking when the new coroner begins asking questions."
I remember Irvine Welsh being on Nicky Campbell's radio 1 show at the time and Campbell saying, sarcastically "where DO you get your ideas?" then recently he was another one saying "nobody knew"


20,325 posts

191 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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I always thought he was dead boring.

Mr Gearchange

5,892 posts

211 months

Thursday 26th June 2014
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dudleybloke said:
I always thought he was dead boring.

Not always - just when the morgue attendant had gone home.