Chris Huhne... going soon?



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178 months

Friday 3rd February 2012
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Guido Celebrates

I wasn't the only one with the Champagne on ice. I bet that there are loads of smiling faces in Westminister - even among the LibDems.

Just watched his resignation speech. Very gratifying indeed.

He wasn't able to claim that he wanted to spend more time with his family, unfortunately.

However, I notice that Vicky has released a statement.

Vicky Price said:
"As the CPS have decided to prosecute, it would not be appropriate to comment further at this stage. Obviously I hope for a quick resolution of the case. In the meantime, I will be taking a little time off over the next few days to be with my family."
Very clever! Looks like she is going to twist the knife.



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Friday 3rd February 2012
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Mojooo said:
Andy XJ said:
I'm very far from being an apologist for Chris Huhne, but you lot should stand back and listen at yourselves.

Any chance we could actually wait for a jury trial to decide what they did or didn't do?

Nobody on here has the first clue about the real evidence or the facts of the case but, hey, don't let that get in the way of mob justice.

The British judiciary may be flawed, but if you lot are the alternative, then I'm just darn glad we have it.

I agree

CH has mentioned jury trials - I wouldn't if I was him - chances are he wouldn't get a fair trial!
Quite! I don't think that he actually understands how much people dislike him.

Delingpole sums it up nicely.
James Delingpole said:
It is indeed a singular achievement for one man to rise so high in the reasonably clubbable, popularity-dependent world of politics while yet remaining so heroically charmless in almost every possible way.

But Huhne has managed it. That is why today on this happiest of days, let us all raise our glasses and let joy be unconfined.



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178 months

Friday 3rd February 2012
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Andy Zarse said:
Have we had Guido's caption competition yet?

"Carina says that she will be able to help me out once I can accommodate this easily."



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178 months

Friday 3rd February 2012
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F i F said:
Pure speculation follows, cps case must be pretty good one, so his defence will be one that goes for a failure in the process. Please please God, let there be no cockups.
The CPS returned the case to the Police twice. Each time the Police came back with more evidence.

Wouldn't the Police have thought that they had a firm case the first time that they passed the file to the CPS?

If so, then they must have an absolutely cast iron case now.



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178 months

Friday 3rd February 2012
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Apache said:

"Voted very strongly for laws to stop climate change."
Can someone check if Emily Davey has points on her driving license, please?

With any luck we are on a roll here!


Edited by don4l on Friday 3rd February 17:33


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178 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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Huhne is entitled to £17k severance bonus - which is a bit rich given the LibDem's stance on bonuses. Perhaps he will do the decent thing and forego this unearned income.

I can't believe that I actually wrote that. Huhne... decent thing.
shout NURSE - HELP!



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178 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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LongQ said:
This does rather seem to be a cose of 'beware of Greeks and their potential for bearing grudges."

On the other hand, since this is a motoring forum (or was at one time) I would almost be happy if Huhne was to set a precedent and get off. The sheer nastiness of the concept of speeding 'fines' as applied, the potential unmitigated disruption of the lives of otherwise respectable families for being a few mph the wrong side of an erratically applied regulation and the subsequent rather ludicrous extension and trivialisation of the concept of 'perverting the course of justice' is something we should all be ashamed of.
I wouldn't disagree with you if Huhne wasn't one of the people that are responsible for the legistlation that criminalises many of us.

He is also responsible for legistlation that could see electricity prices rise from 11p per Kwh to more than 40p per Kwh. This will kill off any industry that uses electricity. In other words, he is happy to see ALL manufacturing jobs in Britain dissappear.

I am happy to see his job dissappear.



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178 months

Sunday 5th February 2012
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Apache said:
Don, I very much doubt Huhnes resignation will see an end to this governments drive to reduce our carbon emissions, it'll take a major reality check before CMD will do an about turn on this, in fact his successor has already nailed his colours to the MMGW mast

"Voted very strongly for laws to stop climate change."
I agree, but I hope that his successor is less effective at persuading the government to implement crazy policies.

Good news in the Telegraph today. 101 MP's have written to Cameron expressing their objections to wind farm subsidies.



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178 months

Sunday 5th February 2012
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mybrainhurts said:
Just testing...

Suits you, Sir...hehe


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178 months

Thursday 16th February 2012
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What are the odds of Carina being present?

I'm sure that she would like to show her support!



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178 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2012
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crankedup said:
mybrainhurts said:
Just testing...

Suits you, Sir...hehe
That is just plain wrong, OK OK so I'm a pesky Lib-Dem. My point is this :

the suit is wrong, as in its ostentatiousness of bold hoops of back and white. shouldn't it have little arrows pointing upwards, not hoops. paperbag
I'm not too worried about the suit.

Bubba is going to make him take it off.



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178 months

Thursday 23rd February 2012
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Somebody should send this link to Huhne.

Prison bh



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178 months

Wednesday 29th February 2012
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turbobloke said:
Not long after buying his eighth property Huhne insisted on trousering the £17k severance wad from the taxpayer today. "He's worth it"
I wholeheartedly support the idea of giving Huhne his £17k.

Then, just before he gets out of prison, the government can retrospectively change the rules, and take it back. As a Liberal Democrat, I am sure that Chris would think that this is a wonderful idea.

After all, the Lib Dems aren't hypocrites, are they? They aren't liars or criminals either...

... oh, hold on a minute.



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178 months

Wednesday 29th February 2012
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Huntsman said:
I am going to stand for the bi election if he gets sentences to jail.
That's Brighton you're thinking about. Huhne is in Eastbourne.



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178 months

Wednesday 29th February 2012
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turbobloke said:
Très drôle don4l, and fromage frais Rodney smile

I thank you, sir!


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178 months

Thursday 1st March 2012
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Huntsman said:
Yes, very good, not sure if I deserve a whoosh parrot or you comment v clever, he's Eastleigh MP...

Hopefully, it will be irrelevant soon.



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178 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2012
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I wonder why there is so little reporting of this in the media?

Surely the prospect of a former cabinet minister going to prison should warrant some attention!



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178 months

Tuesday 2nd October 2012
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It looks like the trial has been postponed until tomorrow. frown

There are suggestions that Huhne's legal team are trying to stop the trial going ahead. I find these suggestions difficult to believe. After all, Chris did say that he was looking forward to clearing his name in court. He couldn't have been lying, could he?



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178 months

Friday 5th October 2012
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The case has been postponed until next January.




Original Poster:

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178 months

Tuesday 9th October 2012
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This all seems very odd.

There seem to be a lot of gagging orders in this case.

A young lad is accused of making offensive comments on Facebook and it takes a couple of days to get him banged up. A wealthy MP is accused of PCOJ and not only does the case not get heard, but we are not allowed to find out why.

It is beginning to look like there is one law for wealthy MP's and a different law for the rest of us.

It stinks to high hell.
