Russell Brand is a Bellend: More evidence.

Russell Brand is a Bellend: More evidence.


Mark Benson

7,544 posts

271 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Mr Whippy said:
Mark Benson said:
Nothing he's done so far has given him the amount of publicity he's currently getting.

He openly admits to having an addictive personality, he's just found another addiction.

I imagined while he was starring in some Holywood films (good or bad) and going out with Katy Perry and being the 'good' celebrity who just gush irrelevancies all day, he was far more 'in the news', far more employable for future films, and far more acceptable to most peoples palettes.

Well he always got column inches in the 'sleb rags, but nowhere near as much as he seems to be getting now he's currently all over the 'serious' news.
I can't say I've ever seen as much of him, but I'm not bothered by celebrities or who they're shagging.

I seem to remember he got a bit of publicity for speaking to the HoC about drug addiction (the last time I recall hearing him make sense in fact) and a bit of a hoo ha around his prank call to an OAP, but nothing like this - there are about 10 PH threads for goodness sake - proper fame at last!

His diatribes also get him a lot of adulation on Twitter and other social media, which I suspect feeds his ego no end and where my 'addiction' comments come from - being told how right you are 1000 times a day must be like crack to someone who craves attention the way Brand appears to.


21,613 posts

194 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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durbster said:
Du1point8 said:
This every day of the week.

Those that are getting punished never really make the front page of the papers, so joe public assumes everyone got away with it, when in reality they didn't and are being suitably punished.
OK, so who has been punished for the financial crisis, and how? I don't mean that provocatively, I'm just curious because it seems nobody has been held accountable.

The bottom line here is, Brand is touting a view that isn't represented by any of the political parties. Democracy needs an alternative view and all we have had on offer for a long time is two and a half shades of grey. The lack of appeal of the main parties gives rise to more extreme parties like UKIP, which will undoubtedly lead to a similarly unhinged party on the other side of the political spectrum.

I can't say I agree with Brand and he's plain wrong about voting, but a lot of the other questions he's asking need to be said by somebody, and very few of our MPs or media are asking them on our behalf.

The simple fact The Sun is so desperately (and quite pathetically) attempting to smear him suggests what he's saying is of interest. If it was just groundless ramblings it would never make the front page of Murdoch's flagship paper.
Im not sure what you want here?

000s lost their jobs, all those involved included, some high up scalps...

If it was against the law, those have/are being dealt with.

What exactly are you looking for when when you say punished? Punished for what, if it was not illegal to do their job?

Those still there are nothing to do with what happened, in addition the retail side which failed has tightened up on everything to make sure its not going to happen again (hopefully).

So whose head do you want on a stick? The only people that kept their jobs and got no back lash, were those MPs that were involved and they have got off scott free, maybe look at those people?


56 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Matt Harper said:
This was the lothario's response (nicked from FaceAche...

Hello Jo, thanks for your open letter, I do remember you from the melee outside RBS and firstly, I’d like to say sorry for your paella getting cold. It’s not nice to suffer because of actions that are nothing to do with you. I imagine the disabled people of our country who have been hit with £6bn of benefit cuts during the period that RBS received £46bn of public bail-out money feel similarly cheesed off.
I can’t apologise for the RBS lockdown though mate because, I don’t have the authority to close great big institutions – even ones found guilty of criminal activity.
The locking of the doors and your tarnished lunch came about as the result of orders from “the faceless bosses” upstairs after I wandered in on my own while we secretly filmed from across the street - then security swarmed, all the doors were locked and crowds gathered outside. I must say Jo; it felt like RBS had something terrible to hide. But more of that in a minute.
Neither was I there for publicity, although you could be forgiven for thinking that; for many years I have earned my money (and paid my taxes) by showing off. If I needed negative publicity (and, believe me, that’s all talking publicly about inequality can ever get you) I could get it by using the “N word” on telly, or putting a cat in a bin, or having a romantic liaison with the lad from TOWIE.
I was there with filmmaker Michael Winterbottom making a documentary about how the economic crises caused by the banking industry (RBS were found guilty of rigging Libor and the foreign exchange) has led to an economic attack on the most vulnerable people in society. I don’t want to undermine your personal inconvenience Jo, I’d be the first to admit that I’m often more vexed by little things; iPhone chargers continually changing makes me as angry as apartheid - so I can’t claim any personal moral high ground, but a chance to make a film that highlights how £80bn of austerity cuts were made, punishing society’s most vulnerable during the same period that bankers awarded themselves £81bn in bonuses was irresistible.
The mob upstairs at RBS who exiled you with your rapidly deteriorating lunch have had £4bn in bonuses since the crash. Do they deserve our money more than Britain’s disabled? Or Britain’s students who are now charged to learn? Is that fair?
They were some of the questions I was hoping to ask your boss – but we got no joy through the “proper channels” so we decided to just show up.
Not just to RBS, but also to Lloyds, HSBC and Barclays. I know that the regular folk on the floor aren’t guilty of this trick against ordinary people; they’re like anyone, trying to make ends meet. As you point out though, it’s hard to get to the men at the top so we were forced into door-stopping and inadvertent lunch spoiling. The good news is that this film and even this correspondence will reach hundreds of thousands of people and they’ll learn how they’re being conned by the financial industry and turned against one another - that’s got to be a good thing, even if it makes me look a bit of a twit in the process and the national dish of Spain is eaten sub-par.
Now I’ll be the first to admit your lunch has been an unwitting casualty in this well-intentioned quest but I couldn’t resist the opportunity to ask new RBS boss Ross McEwan if he thinks it’s right that he got a £3.2m “golden hello” when the RBS is sellotaped together with money that comes from everyone else’s taxes. I wonder what he would’ve said? Or whether it’s right that Fred “the shred” (he shredded evidence of impropriety) Goodwin gets to keep his £320k a year pension while disabled people have had their independent living fund scrapped.
And it’s not just RBS mate. Lloyds, Barclays, Citibank and HSBC have all been found guilty of market rigging and not one banker has been jailed.
Trillions of public money lost and stolen and no one prosecuted. Remember in the riots when disaffected youth nicked the odd bottle of water or a stray pair of trainers? Criminal, I agree. 1800 years worth of sentences were meted out in special courts, to make an example. Some crime doesn’t pay, but some crime definitely does. My school mate Leigh Pickett, a fireman is being told that he and his colleagues won’t be able to collect their pension until five years later than agreed, five more years of backbreaking, flame engulfed labour – why? Because of austerity.
Put simply Jo, the banks took the money, the people paid the price.
I was there to ask a few questions to the guilty parties, now I know that’s not you, you’re just a bloke trying to make a crust and evidently you like that crust warm - but again, it wasn’t me who locked the RBS, I just asked a few difficult questions and the place went nuts. The people that have inconvenienced homeowners, pensioners, the disabled and ordinary working Brits are the same ones who inconvenienced you that lunchtime. They’ve got a lot to hide, so they locked the doors. You said my “agro demeanor” reminded you of school. Your letter reminded me of school too, when the teacher would say, “because Russell’s been naughty, the whole class has to stay behind”.
I’d never knowingly keep a workingman from his dinner, it’s unacceptable and I do owe you an apology for being lairy.
So Jo, get in touch, I owe you an apology and I’d like to take you for a hot paella to make up for the one that went cold – though you could say that was actually the fault of the shady shysters who nicked the wedge and locked you out, I’d rather err on the side of caution. When I make a mistake I like to apolgise and put it right. Hopefully your bosses will do the same to the people of Britain.
What a load of bks. Austerity, trillions (!?!?) lost, 80 billion in bonuses, LIBOR and FX causing the banking crises? Where the fvck does he get this crap from? I suppose if you say it often enough the mouth breathers will believe it.


15,366 posts

238 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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paranoid airbag said:
Is it really a mystery to you?

He annoys bigots. People who want a lefty figurehead to be annoyed by, because they don't have the intelligence to do more than hurl verbal feces at an obvious target.

Everyone else ignores him and gets on with it.
Yes it's a mystery. I don't know if I am a bigot or not, but George Monbiot and Polly Toynbee annoy me because they put forth opinions which I strongly disagree with and are concerned with things I consider trivial or non existent. But they are concerns and opinions. I can understand what they think and why because they explain it articulately.

Brand just shouts incoherent nonsense and trite "tweets" that don't have any real theme or guiding principle as far as I can tell. His opinions don't annoy me because I don't know what they are. His manner annoys me because it is obnoxious and stifles debate.

Mr Whippy

29,129 posts

243 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Mark Benson said:
Mr Whippy said:
Mark Benson said:
Nothing he's done so far has given him the amount of publicity he's currently getting.

He openly admits to having an addictive personality, he's just found another addiction.

I imagined while he was starring in some Holywood films (good or bad) and going out with Katy Perry and being the 'good' celebrity who just gush irrelevancies all day, he was far more 'in the news', far more employable for future films, and far more acceptable to most peoples palettes.

Well he always got column inches in the 'sleb rags, but nowhere near as much as he seems to be getting now he's currently all over the 'serious' news.
I can't say I've ever seen as much of him, but I'm not bothered by celebrities or who they're shagging.

I seem to remember he got a bit of publicity for speaking to the HoC about drug addiction (the last time I recall hearing him make sense in fact) and a bit of a hoo ha around his prank call to an OAP, but nothing like this - there are about 10 PH threads for goodness sake - proper fame at last!

His diatribes also get him a lot of adulation on Twitter and other social media, which I suspect feeds his ego no end and where my 'addiction' comments come from - being told how right you are 1000 times a day must be like crack to someone who craves attention the way Brand appears to.
Fairy muff. Just seems a bit of a weird way to go that's all.

I actually watched a few of his videos on Trews and they were quite entertaining.

OK I don't agree with everything he says, but I'm not instantly repelled by him by any means.

Then again I'm pretty happy to take anyone as they come, unless they're just a proper t**t.



2,459 posts

135 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Brand is reminiscent of Dr. Strangelove.
P. Sellers spouted continual cobblers, getting louder and louder until he couldn't be ignored. Then the media tuned in to him and projected the cobblers, like a Bat-sign in the sky, until powerful people seeking attention joined in and a massive machine started turning with great force. It's called Torque, and rather aptly so. But still cobblers.


1,110 posts

121 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Oakey said:
You're all just Brandophobes, or something
I think 'Brandophobe' understates it some cases:

Corpulent Tosser said:
Riley Blue said:
Regarding the topic title - was there ever any doubt?
Indeed, no further evidence required.
Corpulent Tosser said:
Mr Whippy said:
He might be a tit,
No he is.
Corpulent Tosser said:
Russel Brand said:
Neither was I there for publicity,
Corpulent Tosser said:
Brand is a difficult man to ignore, but it is well worth the effort !


25,764 posts

245 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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durbster said:
Du1point8 said:
This every day of the week.

Those that are getting punished never really make the front page of the papers, so joe public assumes everyone got away with it, when in reality they didn't and are being suitably punished.
OK, so who has been punished for the financial crisis, and how? I don't mean that provocatively, I'm just curious because it seems nobody has been held accountable.

The bottom line here is, Brand is touting a view that isn't represented by any of the political parties. Democracy needs an alternative view and all we have had on offer for a long time is two and a half shades of grey. The lack of appeal of the main parties gives rise to more extreme parties like UKIP, which will undoubtedly lead to a similarly unhinged party on the other side of the political spectrum.

I can't say I agree with Brand and he's plain wrong about voting, but a lot of the other questions he's asking need to be said by somebody, and very few of our MPs or media are asking them on our behalf.

The simple fact The Sun is so desperately (and quite pathetically) attempting to smear him suggests what he's saying is of interest. If it was just groundless ramblings it would never make the front page of Murdoch's flagship paper.
In a nutshell.


25,764 posts

245 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Rude-boy said:
supersingle said:
Russell Brand is doing the whole anticapitalist thing 'cos it impresses naive young girls and helps him get in their knickers.

With people like Brand it's all vanity, nothing more. One look at him is enough to know what a preening, self-obsessed narcisist he is.
Whilst I think that even Brand has got past the 'doing for the cludge' stage (I am sure he has hot and cold running fillies if he wishes these days, regardless) I think that you have hit the nail on the head re vanity.

Brand could not give a st about the common man or the evil bankers or any of the people who he fights or fights for. Brand is all about Brand and fk the rest of the World. He strikes me as the sort who, if he thought that it would advance his profile and be a good career move, would set light to a homeless shelter and beat up puppies.

An odious man with little or no redeeming qualities.

Jeez, he even manages to make Ben Elton look good.
I don't particularly find the bloke has any appeal in the entertainment field, but suggest you are way off with those assertions. So far off, he has zero need to shout out other than to relieve himself of angst with the subject he finds repulsive it seems.


32,414 posts

206 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Just tax everyones wages at 100%

It will safe a huge amount of bother and moaning

I think we should start will someone selected entirely at random



Russel brand


20,734 posts

274 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Mr Whippy said:
Well we're meant to care about a man's lunch going cold because he can't get in his office because of another man who we're not meant to care about who badly articulates what he's worried about.

The whole thing is just non-news crap, and yet you all lap it up and talk about it like it's important.

Pistonheads, inane herd mentality rules.

Heaven forbid more than one person has a differing opinion on a thread, we might start to think people actually had their own opinions hehe
Eh? People pointed this story out because they thought it was funny, not because it was important. That's the whole point. What Brand says isn't important.

Holding contrarian opinions on everything is just as stupid as slavishly following the crowd. Neither involves thinking for yourself.

Randy Winkman

16,406 posts

191 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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The tile of this thread should be "Join in with me and slag off Russell Brand".


7,281 posts

185 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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otolith said:
pork911 said:
proper PH - banking business analyst = 'ordinary worker'
Yeah, them and the banking project managers, banking secretaries, banking tea ladies, banking office cleaners, definitely not ordinary workers, all rolling in it rolleyes
you're right, my first thought was the 'ordinary worker' would be a tea lady, cleaner or a business analyst

Dr Jekyll

23,820 posts

263 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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There was a theory that many people's brains stop developing at the age of 7, so they assume that any job not featured in children's literature cannot be a proper job. Cleaners, tea ladies, miners, farmers, butchers etc fine. High street bank managers at a pinch.

But anything that doesn't exist in Enid Blyton, they disregard. My guess is there are no business analysts in Enid Blyton.


222 posts

117 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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Russell Brand said:
Neither was I there for publicity
That's a little bit sad. He can't really believe that?


239 posts

115 months


10,524 posts

189 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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I'd prefer to have this mere business analyst on Question Time than the self promoting fool that is Brand. He properly owns him on the open letter stakes. Brand tries to be all witty, sarcastic and superior, and comes across as a desperate fool trying to cover his arse.

He'd have been far better to have just said, "fair play mate, sorry". Instead, we get another 3000 words of condescending regurgitated claptrap and shyte.

The most impressive thing that ever came out of Brand was Katy Perry's butt plug.

Edited by s3fella on Thursday 18th December 20:59


25,218 posts

223 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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s3fella said:
I'd prefer to have this mere business analyst on Question Time than the self promoting mong that is Brand. He properly owns him on the open letter stakes. Brand tries to be all witty, sarcastic and superior, and comes across as a desperate fool trying to cover his arse.

He'd have been far better to have just said, "fair play mate, sorry". Instead, we get another 3000 words of condescending shyte.
Most of the content is so far from the truth it's laughable, but will no doubt appeal to the intended audience...


56 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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I do find it quite easily to ignore Brand, and have done since his moronic, sleasy phone call episode.

However, I might be persuaded to give him some support if he put his money and his time where his mouth is, stood for election somewhere and banged a few of his millions into a fund to support those hard done by for whom he pleads support.

From what I can find out about his current charitable efforts they amount to vaguely supporting the same headline charities that other 'celebs' do, the ones who get them the most publicity.


37,855 posts

258 months

Thursday 18th December 2014
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crankedup said:
I don't particularly find the bloke has any appeal in the entertainment field, but suggest you are way off with those assertions. So far off, he has zero need to shout out other than to relieve himself of angst with the subject he finds repulsive it seems.

and publicity.