Climate change - the POLITICAL debate. Vol 2

Climate change - the POLITICAL debate. Vol 2



13,864 posts

235 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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Thinking of the former Beatle's odious ode ...

BBC favourite Chris Packham has, it seems, long held a belief that humanity would be better if it did not exist.

Perhaps he should advise his sister of that - apparently she is a fashion designer and so one would assume somewhat redundant quite early in his apparent desire for human armageddon.

Anyway, as I ran a few searches today I stumbled across link to his Twitter account where I discovered that yesterday he had "retweeted" (whatever that means) a rather unpleasant piece of artwork by something called Jeremy Deller.

Such are the people that Western Society lauds.

Still, Packham was instrumental in saving the "Tesco Wagtail". He seems to think that every little bird counts whereas humans do not. Millions would appear to agree with him.


70,012 posts

231 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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Surely he needs to change the lyrics to:

Think of all that heat that is currently in the Ocean, not sure where that came from but hey, those scientists and people making billions from this wouldn't lie right, so all that heat will at some stage, but they can't say when, will be released.


104,435 posts

262 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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Jasandjules said:
Surely he needs to change the lyrics to:

Think of all that heat that is currently in the Ocean, not sure where that came from but hey, those scientists and people making billions from this wouldn't lie right, so all that heat will at some stage, but they can't say when, will be released.
With a nod to Mull of Kintyre he could call it Second Law N'More sonar


18,939 posts

255 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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H/T to Bishop Hill, he provided a link to this paper;

Next time you get a greeny stating that renewables can replace fossil fuels, show him this.


3,747 posts

220 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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Blib said:
You really do not want to watch this video of McCartney's new "meat free Monday" song. I didn't. The idea, if you haven't yet heard, is that if we all eat less meat, then CO2 emissions will be reduced and the planet will be saved.

He's not sure what it's being saved from, though.

Here's the lyrics to this urgent call for action. Brings a tear to my eye.


Meat Free Monday
It's a fun day
And it's happening all around the world

Think about the future
How the world would be
If we don't do something
We face ***

Think 'bout *** gases
Melting whole the ice
Ocean level's rising
Better not think twice

Think of too much livestock
Warming up the land
Gotta think of answers
Gotta have a plan

Meat Free Monday
It's a fun day
And it's happening all around the world...

(I particularly like the line, "Better not think twice". Rather sums things up.)

Edited by Blib on Tuesday 23 September 08:45
Well, I suppose another religion has already blagged meat free Friday.


11,430 posts

268 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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s2art said:
H/T to Bishop Hill, he provided a link to this paper;

Next time you get a greeny stating that renewables can replace fossil fuels, show him this.
That is brilliant!


12,666 posts

157 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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BBC 4 now. Hurricanes and heat waves: the highs and lows of British weather. Not watching it because it will be full to the brim with "it's man made climate change wot dunnit". But as regards the title, I can't really remember how long since we've had either a hurricane (I've been in a proper one in the tropics so I can compare) or a proper heat wave. It's merely been a little hot like it usually is in summer.


25,233 posts

195 months

Tuesday 23rd September 2014
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Otispunkmeyer said:
BBC 4 now. Hurricanes and heat waves: the highs and lows of British weather. Not watching it because it will be full to the brim with "it's man made climate change wot dunnit". But as regards the title, I can't really remember how long since we've had either a hurricane (I've been in a proper one in the tropics so I can compare) or a proper heat wave. It's merely been a little hot like it usually is in summer.
They just vomited a list of weatherwang onto the screen, garnished it with lashings of melting ice and flooded bits of Bangladesh and broadcast the whole thing without so much as a mention of 'correlation is not causation' or the small matter of none of the weatherballs having owt to do with warming anyway.

The Don of Croy

6,014 posts

161 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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LongQ said:
BBC favourite Chris Packham has, it seems, long held a belief that humanity would be better if it did not exist...
Emma Thompson alluded to much the same at the rally on Saturday, as broadcast by C4 News, referring to the planet having been taken over by martians intent on ruining the eco system, except WE are the martians...

No matter - her daughter is named Gaia. Seems to sum it up, really.

Apropos the BBC wildlife cohort - whilst watching the Springwatch love-in there was at least one interesting scene from a Somerset nature reserve, taken with infrared cameras overnight, showing what was described as 'disturbing' activities. Some badgers - the highly protected and loveable creatures - swimming to an island to feast on the eggs of a visiting wildfowl (itself an endangered species). Does nature do irony?


13,864 posts

235 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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The Don of Croy said:
Does nature do irony?
It seems likely.

Or at least the human involvement with it generates ironic and sometimes unpleasant consequences.

Take those planet saving devices ... Solar Panels for example.

A lightning strike is bad luck of course.

However I bet no one advised the owners (or their adjoining neighbours) that the fire service would struggle to respond to the fire in part because of the solar panels on the roof. I wonder how the insurance companies will view that?

Unintended consequences - nature's own surprises.


104,435 posts

262 months

Wednesday 24th September 2014
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Damp Squib In New York As China Procrastinates On Climate Commitments

The UN Climate Summit shows little has changed in China’s thinking on climate change. Despite a prediction by Xinhua that Zhang would “expound China’s bold measures [in emissions reductions] after 2020,” he effectively kicked the can down the road by saying that China would announce its post-2020 actions as soon as possible. Without concrete commitments, China’s promise to reduce carbon intensity and the share of fossil fuels rings somewhat hollow. Zhang’s speech reflects the general pessimism that accompanied the news of Xi Jinping’s absence from the summit. The world will likely have to wait for China’s 13th Five Year Plan (to be adopted in 2016) to see just how serious Xi’s government is about climate change.
Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat, 24 September 2014

President Obama, emboldened by his use of executive powers to fight climate change at home, challenged China on Tuesday to make the same effort to reduce its greenhouse-gas emissions and join a worldwide campaign to curb global warming. Declaring that the United States and China — the world’s two largest economies and largest polluters — bear a “special responsibility to lead,” Mr. Obama said, “That’s what big nations have to do.” Unless Beijing and Washington can resolve their differences, climate experts said, few other countries will agree to the treaty and it will most likely founder.
Mark Landler and Coral Davenport, The New York Times, 23 September 2014

Five years after over 150 heads of state cobbled up a rickety climate deal that fell through, the one-day UN Climate Summit is another attempt of rich nations to push India and China – responsible for one-third of total carbon emissions in 2013 – to accept some strong measures to check global warming. But the two Asian giants are not willing to take the bait unless the developed world anchored by the United States and the European Union offers substantial incentives to developing nations for adopting a cleaner growth trajectory, cutting down on emissions. This [UN summit] will achieve little as India and China do not expect Obama to deliver generous green currency that would motivate emerging economies to revise their country-centric stands.
Chetan Chauhan, Hindustan Times, 23 September 2014

The Don of Croy

6,014 posts

161 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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s2art said:
H/T to Bishop Hill, he provided a link to this paper;

Next time you get a greeny stating that renewables can replace fossil fuels, show him this.
Topic of the moment - see AEP column in today's Torygraph;

- the comments for which also highlight concerns over the 'insane' regulatory environment currently surrounding nuclear.


25,233 posts

195 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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The Don of Croy said:
s2art said:
H/T to Bishop Hill, he provided a link to this paper;

Next time you get a greeny stating that renewables can replace fossil fuels, show him this.
Topic of the moment - see AEP column in today's Torygraph;

- the comments for which also highlight concerns over the 'insane' regulatory environment currently surrounding nuclear.
I wrote to my MP about this at the new year after the latest media report about EDF's successful smash and grab raid on the british bill payer; he passed it on to our favourite watermelon, Ed Davey; he was quite proud that £17m had been put aside for all nuclear R&D. The letter was unclear whether this was just for this year or the whole of this parliament so I have to assume the latter, which is a pittance and will achieve nothing.

Lotus 50

1,014 posts

167 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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LongQ said:
The problem for us is that the components of AGW/CC/Luvvies "Doing something" science are pretty much just as esoteric and thinly populated. Which is how they very much wish to keep it. Much easier to command and control that way.
I think you're seeing conspiracies where none exist. The reality is that scientists (in more or less any discipline not just climate change) work on niche subject because of the wish to innovate and break new ground rather than re-invent wheels AND, more likely, because the funding isn't there to allow lots of different groups to work on the same thing.


104,435 posts

262 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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Lotus 50 said:
LongQ said:
The problem for us is that the components of AGW/CC/Luvvies "Doing something" science are pretty much just as esoteric and thinly populated. Which is how they very much wish to keep it. Much easier to command and control that way.
I think you're seeing conspiracies where none exist. The reality is that scientists (in more or less any discipline not just climate change) work on niche subject because of the wish to innovate and break new ground rather than re-invent wheels AND, more likely, because the funding isn't there to allow lots of different groups to work on the same thing.
It's there in climate 'science'. There's no funding available here for anything other than me-too work which blames nasty humans for natural variation with a solution in taxation and redistribution of wealth. Sure nuts and all we get is one rentapaper after another.

Hansard said:
Steve Baker: We have agreed here that science proceeds by conjecture and refutation, so in an attempt not to have a cloying consensus, will the Minister fund some climate scientists who wish to refute the current thesis?

Gregory Barker (Conservative DECC Minister): “I am afraid that I do not have a budget for that sort of research"
Agree about the non-conspiracy, there just happens to be a coincidence of vested interests in disparate groups which see 'the climate' as useful to them.


104,435 posts

262 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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Not Worse Than Previously Thought: New Research Finds Earth Even Less Sensitive To CO2 Than Previously Thought

Research Used Data From This Year’s IPCC 5th Assessment Report

A new paper published in the prestigious journal Climate Dynamics find that the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on global temperatures is likely to be even smaller than previously thought.

Earlier this year, in a widely discussed report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, climate researcher Nic Lewis and science writer Marcel Crok put forward a new estimate of the Earth’s climate sensitivity based on observational data, finding that it was much less alarming than suggested by computer simulations of the Earth’s climate.

Now, Lewis and well known American climate science professor Judith Curry have updated the Lewis and Crok report estimates using the latest empirical data, a more sophisticated methodology and an approach to accounting for uncertainties that has been described by one independent reviewer as “state of the art”. Their findings fully support the modest estimates of climate sensitivity and future warming given in the Lewis and Crok report, and compared with that report make it look even less likely that the substantially higher estimates based on computer simulations are correct.

“Our results, which use data from this year’s IPCC fifth assessment report, are in line with those of several recent studies based on observed centennial warming and strongly suggest complex global climate models used for warming projections are oversensitive to carbon dioxide concentrations,” said Nic Lewis.

GWPF, London, 25 September 2014

Definitely a NSS moment.


13,864 posts

235 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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Lotus 50 said:
LongQ said:
The problem for us is that the components of AGW/CC/Luvvies "Doing something" science are pretty much just as esoteric and thinly populated. Which is how they very much wish to keep it. Much easier to command and control that way.
I think you're seeing conspiracies where none exist. The reality is that scientists (in more or less any discipline not just climate change) work on niche subject because of the wish to innovate and break new ground rather than re-invent wheels AND, more likely, because the funding isn't there to allow lots of different groups to work on the same thing.
In Science I don't think there is a broad conspiracy as such. Just self protection and egos to satisfy - nothing new as I am fairly sure it has always been like that and always will be. After a few years when a "leader" takes retirement it is not unusual for another member of the pack to find prominence and promote their own ideas which may or may not be diametrically opposed to what went before.

The politics of "managing" the Scientific contribution to the political debate, on the other hand, does seem to be something controlled rather than open minded. Hard to call it a conspiracy at the level we see because we do indeed see it out in the full light of day. That is most unlike politics so one has to assume that there will be some other activities and influences in play and more deeply hidden - which is where a conspiracy may well be found.


4,730 posts

244 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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turbobloke said:
Definitely a NSS moment.
What's an NSS moment?

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for AGW's Lance Armstrong moment. That'll be a day to crack open a bottle of fizzy stuff (with no guilt of releasing its CO2).


5,203 posts

191 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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NSS = No st Sherlock


10,551 posts

142 months

Thursday 25th September 2014
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looks like the germans are in the same boat as us should we have a severe winter , just as well we will never have snow ever again due to global warming wink