45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 14)



5,675 posts

35 months

Monday 15th April
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Byker28i said:
Salon columnist Amanda Marcotte is claiming trump's multiple attempts to derail and delay the trial for over a year is a sign of his "abject terror" about what Stormy will say not only in the trial but outside as well.

She's going to get to tell her side of the story, and the threats she faced for telling it
Is it too much to hope that she's got vids and audio recordings? Not that I want to see or hear them, but I'd like the jury to have access to such materials. Poor sods.


6,902 posts

260 months

Monday 15th April
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CivicDuties said:
Is it too much to hope that she's got vids and audio recordings? Not that I want to see or hear them, but I'd like the jury to have access to such materials. Poor sods.
Surely all Stormy has to do is get Donald the hardman to get his todger out and see if it matches her description of it. smile

satans worm

2,407 posts

222 months

Monday 15th April
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Byker28i said:
As pointed out, all the prosecution has to prove is that trump falsified business records with “intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.”

Which they have the paperwork and testimony to back it up. Thats why trump is so worried, ranting so much

Edited by Byker28i on Monday 15th April 13:30
I believe they need to prove it amounted to election interference for 2016 which could be the tricky bit
This tread is a bit of an echo chamber and so some may be disappointed, this is in no way a slam dunk.


27,211 posts

198 months

Monday 15th April
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andygo said:
Surely all Stormy has to do is get Donald the hardman to get his todger out and see if it matches her description of it. smile


7,109 posts

60 months

Monday 15th April
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satans worm said:
I believe they need to prove it amounted to election interference for 2016 which could be the tricky bit
This tread is a bit of an echo chamber and so some may be disappointed, this is in no way a slam dunk.
True, but no other explanation holds water for the obfustification of the payments.

Unless we hear that Melania is paranoid and goes through his checkbook stubs on a regular basis hehe



14,834 posts

272 months

Monday 15th April
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andygo said:
CivicDuties said:
Is it too much to hope that she's got vids and audio recordings? Not that I want to see or hear them, but I'd like the jury to have access to such materials. Poor sods.
Surely all Stormy has to do is get Donald the hardman to get his todger out and see if it matches her description of it. smile
Or just report that he has a tiny manhood, I expect that would upset him more than the prospect of prison...


13,397 posts

205 months

Monday 15th April
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CivicDuties said:
Is it too much to hope that she's got vids and audio recordings? Not that I want to see or hear them, but I'd like the jury to have access to such materials. Poor sods.
Its not really about what Daniels says, no-one really gives a toss (and it certainly isn't illegal) if he had an affair. Its all about the payments to keep it quiet and how that was conducted.

Paying the women off isn't illegal.
Falsifying business records isn't a felony necessarily - there has to be proof that the defendant did so with intent to comit a further crime. Prosecution has to prove that intent was there.
Then the big one, prosecutors are intending to prove that in engaging in these activities, trump unduly affected the result of the 2016 election.

As said before, they also need to get 12 jurors to agree on all of that or its a mistrial.
Couple of articles: https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadlin...
and https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-...

I don't think falsifying the records is going to be too tough to prove, but the rest of it is not a foregone conclusion as some here predicted last week.

It'd be great if he gets convicted as a felon, but somehow I think he'll end up being found guilty of lesser charges or it will go to a mistrial. Teflon don will strike again.

Strangely Brown

10,788 posts

236 months

Monday 15th April
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satans worm said:
I believe they need to prove it amounted to election interference for 2016 which could be the tricky bit
This tread is a bit of an echo chamber and so some may be disappointed, this is in no way a slam dunk.
Who needs to prove what amounted to election interference in 2016?

AIUI, the charges are that he fraudulently falsified business records. That he paid money to a porn actress in order that she not tell anyone is neither here not there. It is the attempted cover up of the cover up that is the problem.

Someone will correct me if I misunderstand the situation.

ETA: based on Crafty's post above, if that is the case and they really do have to get '12 good men and true' to agree on all of that then I am a little surprised that this case has even been brought. I would say that the likelihood of success of somewhere between slim and none, and slim left town weeks ago. He is going to walk, and it is going to embolden him no end.

Edited by Strangely Brown on Monday 15th April 14:45


5,675 posts

35 months

Monday 15th April
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Crafty_ said:
CivicDuties said:
Is it too much to hope that she's got vids and audio recordings? Not that I want to see or hear them, but I'd like the jury to have access to such materials. Poor sods.
Its not really about what Daniels says, no-one really gives a toss (and it certainly isn't illegal) if he had an affair. Its all about the payments to keep it quiet and how that was conducted.

Paying the women off isn't illegal.
Falsifying business records isn't a felony necessarily - there has to be proof that the defendant did so with intent to comit a further crime. Prosecution has to prove that intent was there.
Then the big one, prosecutors are intending to prove that in engaging in these activities, trump unduly affected the result of the 2016 election.

As said before, they also need to get 12 jurors to agree on all of that or its a mistrial.
Couple of articles: https://www.msnbc.com/deadline-white-house/deadlin...
and https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/msnbc-opinion/trump-...

I don't think falsifying the records is going to be too tough to prove, but the rest of it is not a foregone conclusion as some here predicted last week.

It'd be great if he gets convicted as a felon, but somehow I think he'll end up being found guilty of lesser charges or it will go to a mistrial. Teflon don will strike again.
Trump denies ever having had the affair in the first place. So Prosecution needs to prove it happened. Hopefully they've got incontrovertible evidence of that as it's quite pertinent to the charges laid.

Also, it'll be hugely entertaining to see prima facie evidence that he's lying about the affair not having taken place. It is crucial that he is exposed as a liar, and that to happen in a criminal court.


27,211 posts

198 months

Monday 15th April
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CivicDuties said:
Trump denies ever having had the affair in the first place. So Prosecution needs to prove it happened. Hopefully they've got incontrovertible evidence of that as it's quite pertinent to the charges laid.

Also, it'll be hugely entertaining to see prima facie evidence that he's lying about the affair not having taken place. It is crucial that he is exposed as a liar, and that to happen in a criminal court.
There's probably footage of TFG admitting it, any defence argument built on him testifying is likely to result in a conviction. hehe


7,109 posts

60 months

Monday 15th April
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Crafty_ said:
Then the big one, prosecutors are intending to prove that in engaging in these activities, trump unduly affected the result of the 2016 election.
This is the crux of it- but I'd disagree on one word there:"unduly"

And it's missing the word "intended".

So, did trump "intend to affect the result of the 2016 election by his actions"?

A smart attorney would run the line of "you have to prove beyond reasonable doubt". As Katherine Zellner (Steven averys new lawyer from "making a murderer")
"In cases where beyond reasonable doubt is required, I don't have to prove my client's innocence, I merely have to show that something else could have happened"

So in trumps case, his lawyers don't have to prove he didn't do it to swing the election, merely that he could have done it for another reason.

For example, they could claim he was deeply embarrassed by it, being the righteous God fearing man that he is......

But imo I don't think his team can pull that off. (Pardon the pun)



4,455 posts

229 months

Monday 15th April
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DJT shares down another 15% today.

Trump in court.

Happy days.


6,927 posts

224 months

Monday 15th April
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Mortarboard said:
For example, they could claim he was deeply embarrassed by it, being the righteous God fearing man that he is......
The obvious alternative motive is to keep his mushroom distribution habit from his wife.


7,109 posts

60 months

Monday 15th April
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minimoog said:
Mortarboard said:
For example, they could claim he was deeply embarrassed by it, being the righteous God fearing man that he is......
The obvious alternative motive is to keep his mushroom distribution habit from his wife.
Then simply paying her off would have done.

The "hiding the payments" was the main part, not just paying her off.

He could have just done it as a once-off for expenses reimbursement. But did it in such a manner as to hide it from normal campaign stuff.....

And that part's a slam dunk, the direct paper trail is there, including a full trial that resulted in Cohen going to jail.

It's not a slam dunk result for either side. So it'll come down to court performance bybthe attorneys (as is usually the case)



21,671 posts

261 months

Monday 15th April
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Mortarboard said:
satans worm said:
I believe they need to prove it amounted to election interference for 2016 which could be the tricky bit
This tread is a bit of an echo chamber and so some may be disappointed, this is in no way a slam dunk.
True, but no other explanation holds water for the obfustification of the payments.

Unless we hear that Melania is paranoid and goes through his checkbook stubs on a regular basis hehe

I believe there is audio, which will be played in court, of Trump querying whether he still needed to pay Daniels because "we won the election". That would suggest that the main purpose of the payments was to ensure that the story did not come out during the election. Ergo: election interference.


7,109 posts

60 months

Monday 15th April
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unrepentant said:
there is audio
Ruh roh!

Billionaire trying to save $130,000? Could be expensive....



27,711 posts

166 months

Monday 15th April
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LowTread said:
DJT shares down another 15% today.

Trump in court.

Happy days.
Still massively over valued IMO.


13,397 posts

205 months

Monday 15th April
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LowTread said:
DJT shares down another 15% today.

Trump in court.

Happy days.
Initially its amusing to see the loyal getting utterly shafted by unwavering devoation to trump, unfortunately its soon clear that they're going to bankrupt themselves for the orange oaf. Some of the comments here are pretty eye opening - mostly following posts on TS regarding the stock - seems divided in to two camps - one eternal optimists and the other denote a conspiracy claiming manipulation by the deep state

“Come on DJT, every time I buy more, the price drops more,”
"...said he believes the stock could “go to $1,000 a share, easy,” once the media stops writing so negatively about it and the company works through its growing pains. "
"Not going to be able to sleep tonight. If you stick it out I believe you will be rewarded greatly. I believe God directed me here.”


Edit: The reason for the 15% drop is trump has filed to sell 115m shares, can't be sold until September though https://www.marketwatch.com/story/trumps-djt-stock...

Back to today, Politico have a live update service : https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/04/15/t...
Rudy Giuliani's son has been outside court to support trump.

Edited by Crafty_ on Monday 15th April 15:38


27,211 posts

198 months

Monday 15th April
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Crafty_ said:
LowTread said:
DJT shares down another 15% today.

Trump in court.

Happy days.
Initially its amusing to see the loyal getting utterly shafted by unwavering devoation to trump, unfortunately its soon clear that they're going to bankrupt themselves for the orange oaf. Some of the comments here are pretty eye opening - mostly following posts on TS regarding the stock - seems divided in to two camps - one eternal optimists and the other denote a conspiracy claiming manipulation by the deep state

“Come on DJT, every time I buy more, the price drops more,”
"...said he believes the stock could “go to $1,000 a share, easy,” once the media stops writing so negatively about it and the company works through its growing pains. "
"Not going to be able to sleep tonight. If you stick it out I believe you will be rewarded greatly. I believe God directed me here.”


Back to today, Politico have a live update service : https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/04/15/t...
Rudy Giuliani's son has been outside court to support trump.
Prosperity gospel has just had a new book written; the Gospel according to TFG. Send him money, he can spread the word much faster if you buy him a G800. rofl


21,671 posts

261 months

Monday 15th April
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National Inquirer evidence is in against Trump's wishes

McDougal evidence is in against Trump's wishes.

Access Hollywood tape under discussion.