CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)

CV19 - Cure Worse Than The Disease? (Vol 19)



10,686 posts

260 months

Tuesday 30th April
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r3g said:
Interesting video (via JC) of a patient allegedly having had 3 shots of the magic juice, got blood clots in his neck arteries and video of the surgical procedure having the clots removed.
Should not have watched that while eating...

Interesting comment in the responses:

comments section said:
3 hours ago (edited)

A court case here in Western Australia has just found employers are able to compel people to undergo medical interventions like this - if they don't aceed they lose their job.

There were a few dozen WA police who resisted and will now be sacked - the state is struggling to find anywhere near enough police officers.

Part of the defence was where does this loss of bodily autonomy end?

Can employers insist employees are fitted with IUDs to minimise maternity leave?

Not only is this technology horrific, but the societal response from the courts is equally backward.
Sounds like Prison Cell Block WA have stepped up their game.


2,882 posts

39 months

Wednesday 1st May
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Elysium said:
The Selfish Gene said:
also a zero from me...........

no-matter how many have suffered these terrible harms, it was a clearly not tested properly and rushed treatment. We can't call it a vaccine, as it didn't vaccinate anyone.

Also it was definitely un-necessarily for anyone , at best some vulnerable older people, yet they blackmailed so many different age groups.

Weird really, hopefully just about corruption and greed rather than anything more sinister.

Still, nobody regrets not getting it and if it happens again I'm sure many many more will decline the poison.
COVID vaccines have been tested more thoroughly than any medicine in history. The number of people that have taken them is vast and most of them are absolutely fine.

They are obviously not “poison”.
Obviously, I am speaking from experience, but some people will dismiss what I say as "anecdotal". There was a global pandemic, which killed far more people than common or garden flu. There is definitely a condition called "Long Covid", which has affected many people. There are in the UK, many thousands of people who have been seriously injured by Covid vaccines and sadly, there are hundreds, possibly thousands who have been killed by the vaccines.
In 2016, I qualified as a fitness instructor. In 2020, my wife and I were walking two hours each day and we both lost around seven kilos in weight. I was the fittest I had been for twenty years. In March 2021, just two weeks after having the first jab, I had excrutiating pains in my knees, elbows and thumbs. I had burning sensations and swelling in my lower legs and feet (I couldn't wear socks). I had extreme vertigo and balance problems, to the extent where I have to descend stairs on all fours going backwards. I have brain fog, short term memory and speech problems, plus constant confusion. For three years, I have had sore, runny eyes with conjunctivitis type symptoms every morning. I have had five "abnormal" ECG's since November 2022 and I am getting more and more blackouts.
Yesterday, as it was dry, I went for a walk and after about half a mile, was in so much pain that I had to return home.
I certainly won't be having any more jabs.


2,882 posts

39 months

Wednesday 1st May
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Roderick Spode said:
Elysium said:
In effect, the mass vaccination of most of the people on the planet is the biggest ‘test’ you are ever going to find.

I think it’s legitimate to argue that they should have been tested more thoroughly before that, but you can’t reasonably argue that they are still untested. Or that they are poison when most people who had them are obviously unaffected.
I would respectfully suggest that, while they have indeed been tested - ironically by giving them on a wholesale basis to the global population, a great way to limit the scale of harms there - the full and detailed findings of those tests have been restricted, withheld, or more seriously - suppressed. Is it really credible that world governments and the WHO would implement the widespread administration of a novel medical procedure with seriously limited testing under an Emergency Use agreement, then broadcast the full details of all the resulting harms, side effects and deaths when they come to light?

I've recounted details previously of people I know (lies, fertile imagination, blah blah) who suffered similar and in some cases very serious/life threatening side effects in close temporal proximity to their first/second/booster(s) jabs, reported these to GPs or other medical professionals, and were universally dismissed as coincidences. Only one - female, late 30s, suffered menstrual bleeding for 12 weeks continuously after both jabs - finally had her symptoms acknowledged by her GP as 'likely' caused by the jabs. There is no transparency, there will be no accountability, the true findings of this 'test' will never be known in their fullest details. So, my apologies, but I do not consider this 'test' to have reached a valid conclusion, nor hypotheses on either side proven nor disproven. Therefore the 'safe and effective' line is a logical fallacy.

Speaking to an elderly relative last night, who is a fully paid-up frequent flyer of the jab club - "I've never known so many people to be sick and unwell..."
Thanks for this post, it really hits the mark, particularly the bit about GP's.


13,970 posts

189 months

Wednesday 1st May
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andyA700 said:
Elysium said:
The Selfish Gene said:
also a zero from me...........

no-matter how many have suffered these terrible harms, it was a clearly not tested properly and rushed treatment. We can't call it a vaccine, as it didn't vaccinate anyone.

Also it was definitely un-necessarily for anyone , at best some vulnerable older people, yet they blackmailed so many different age groups.

Weird really, hopefully just about corruption and greed rather than anything more sinister.

Still, nobody regrets not getting it and if it happens again I'm sure many many more will decline the poison.
COVID vaccines have been tested more thoroughly than any medicine in history. The number of people that have taken them is vast and most of them are absolutely fine.

They are obviously not “poison”.
Obviously, I am speaking from experience, but some people will dismiss what I say as "anecdotal". There was a global pandemic, which killed far more people than common or garden flu. There is definitely a condition called "Long Covid", which has affected many people. There are in the UK, many thousands of people who have been seriously injured by Covid vaccines and sadly, there are hundreds, possibly thousands who have been killed by the vaccines.
In 2016, I qualified as a fitness instructor. In 2020, my wife and I were walking two hours each day and we both lost around seven kilos in weight. I was the fittest I had been for twenty years. In March 2021, just two weeks after having the first jab, I had excrutiating pains in my knees, elbows and thumbs. I had burning sensations and swelling in my lower legs and feet (I couldn't wear socks). I had extreme vertigo and balance problems, to the extent where I have to descend stairs on all fours going backwards. I have brain fog, short term memory and speech problems, plus constant confusion. For three years, I have had sore, runny eyes with conjunctivitis type symptoms every morning. I have had five "abnormal" ECG's since November 2022 and I am getting more and more blackouts.
Yesterday, as it was dry, I went for a walk and after about half a mile, was in so much pain that I had to return home.
I certainly won't be having any more jabs.
Sounds grim. Random symptoms like this suggest to me some sort of overactive immune response which I suspect is probably also what is behind at least some of the reports of long COVID, along with an element of old fashioned post viral fatigue syndrome.

The MRNA vaccine and the virus work in the same way it shouldn’t be a surprise to see similar adverse reactions.

I would be really interested to know the following:

1. Did you have COVID prior to vaccination?
2. Did you feel coerced into taking the vaccination?
3. Assuming you were not coerced, did you feel that you were provided with clear data on the benefits and risks?


2,882 posts

39 months

Wednesday 1st May
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Elysium said:
andyA700 said:
Elysium said:
The Selfish Gene said:
also a zero from me...........

no-matter how many have suffered these terrible harms, it was a clearly not tested properly and rushed treatment. We can't call it a vaccine, as it didn't vaccinate anyone.

Also it was definitely un-necessarily for anyone , at best some vulnerable older people, yet they blackmailed so many different age groups.

Weird really, hopefully just about corruption and greed rather than anything more sinister.

Still, nobody regrets not getting it and if it happens again I'm sure many many more will decline the poison.
COVID vaccines have been tested more thoroughly than any medicine in history. The number of people that have taken them is vast and most of them are absolutely fine.

They are obviously not “poison”.
Obviously, I am speaking from experience, but some people will dismiss what I say as "anecdotal". There was a global pandemic, which killed far more people than common or garden flu. There is definitely a condition called "Long Covid", which has affected many people. There are in the UK, many thousands of people who have been seriously injured by Covid vaccines and sadly, there are hundreds, possibly thousands who have been killed by the vaccines.
In 2016, I qualified as a fitness instructor. In 2020, my wife and I were walking two hours each day and we both lost around seven kilos in weight. I was the fittest I had been for twenty years. In March 2021, just two weeks after having the first jab, I had excrutiating pains in my knees, elbows and thumbs. I had burning sensations and swelling in my lower legs and feet (I couldn't wear socks). I had extreme vertigo and balance problems, to the extent where I have to descend stairs on all fours going backwards. I have brain fog, short term memory and speech problems, plus constant confusion. For three years, I have had sore, runny eyes with conjunctivitis type symptoms every morning. I have had five "abnormal" ECG's since November 2022 and I am getting more and more blackouts.
Yesterday, as it was dry, I went for a walk and after about half a mile, was in so much pain that I had to return home.
I certainly won't be having any more jabs.
Sounds grim. Random symptoms like this suggest to me some sort of overactive immune response which I suspect is probably also what is behind at least some of the reports of long COVID, along with an element of old fashioned post viral fatigue syndrome.

The MRNA vaccine and the virus work in the same way it shouldn’t be a surprise to see similar adverse reactions.

I would be really interested to know the following:

1. Did you have COVID prior to vaccination?
2. Did you feel coerced into taking the vaccination?
3. Assuming you were not coerced, did you feel that you were provided with clear data on the benefits and risks?
1) To my knowledge, I have never had Covid or any of the well known symptoms - high temperature, loss of sense of taste and smell, shortness of breath etc.

2) Was I coerced into having the jab? Well, having a history of serious chest infections, my GP surgery put me in the first batch to have the jab and the media were certainly very vociferous about it.

3) I don't think anyone knew the risks from the vaccine, particularly back in February 2021. By the time the following happened, I had already received my first jab.

I got in touch with my GP surgery, regarding all my symptoms in March 2021, but it wasn't until November 2021 that I had a rheumaotology appointment, where the consultant only addressed the joint symptoms, ignored the rest and said I had reactive arthritis. She sent me for MRI scans of both knees, which revealed no sign of arthritis. I had another appointment in 2022, when the same consultant said I probably had fybromyalgia - an other stab in the dark, which conveniently ignored most of my other symptoms. In September 2022, I had an ECG, whish was abnormal, but mentioned myocardial infarction - heart attack. Since then I have had four more ECG's which say the same thing. In December 2022, I had a CT brain scan which showed no anomolies.
It is my opinion and others who are in the same situation, that the NHS/Government/Pharma, do not wish to acknowledge that this is happening.


13,970 posts

189 months

Wednesday 1st May
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andyA700 said:
Elysium said:
andyA700 said:
Elysium said:
The Selfish Gene said:
also a zero from me...........

no-matter how many have suffered these terrible harms, it was a clearly not tested properly and rushed treatment. We can't call it a vaccine, as it didn't vaccinate anyone.

Also it was definitely un-necessarily for anyone , at best some vulnerable older people, yet they blackmailed so many different age groups.

Weird really, hopefully just about corruption and greed rather than anything more sinister.

Still, nobody regrets not getting it and if it happens again I'm sure many many more will decline the poison.
COVID vaccines have been tested more thoroughly than any medicine in history. The number of people that have taken them is vast and most of them are absolutely fine.

They are obviously not “poison”.
Obviously, I am speaking from experience, but some people will dismiss what I say as "anecdotal". There was a global pandemic, which killed far more people than common or garden flu. There is definitely a condition called "Long Covid", which has affected many people. There are in the UK, many thousands of people who have been seriously injured by Covid vaccines and sadly, there are hundreds, possibly thousands who have been killed by the vaccines.
In 2016, I qualified as a fitness instructor. In 2020, my wife and I were walking two hours each day and we both lost around seven kilos in weight. I was the fittest I had been for twenty years. In March 2021, just two weeks after having the first jab, I had excrutiating pains in my knees, elbows and thumbs. I had burning sensations and swelling in my lower legs and feet (I couldn't wear socks). I had extreme vertigo and balance problems, to the extent where I have to descend stairs on all fours going backwards. I have brain fog, short term memory and speech problems, plus constant confusion. For three years, I have had sore, runny eyes with conjunctivitis type symptoms every morning. I have had five "abnormal" ECG's since November 2022 and I am getting more and more blackouts.
Yesterday, as it was dry, I went for a walk and after about half a mile, was in so much pain that I had to return home.
I certainly won't be having any more jabs.
Sounds grim. Random symptoms like this suggest to me some sort of overactive immune response which I suspect is probably also what is behind at least some of the reports of long COVID, along with an element of old fashioned post viral fatigue syndrome.

The MRNA vaccine and the virus work in the same way it shouldn’t be a surprise to see similar adverse reactions.

I would be really interested to know the following:

1. Did you have COVID prior to vaccination?
2. Did you feel coerced into taking the vaccination?
3. Assuming you were not coerced, did you feel that you were provided with clear data on the benefits and risks?
1) To my knowledge, I have never had Covid or any of the well known symptoms - high temperature, loss of sense of taste and smell, shortness of breath etc.

2) Was I coerced into having the jab? Well, having a history of serious chest infections, my GP surgery put me in the first batch to have the jab and the media were certainly very vociferous about it.

3) I don't think anyone knew the risks from the vaccine, particularly back in February 2021. By the time the following happened, I had already received my first jab.

I got in touch with my GP surgery, regarding all my symptoms in March 2021, but it wasn't until November 2021 that I had a rheumaotology appointment, where the consultant only addressed the joint symptoms, ignored the rest and said I had reactive arthritis. She sent me for MRI scans of both knees, which revealed no sign of arthritis. I had another appointment in 2022, when the same consultant said I probably had fybromyalgia - an other stab in the dark, which conveniently ignored most of my other symptoms. In September 2022, I had an ECG, whish was abnormal, but mentioned myocardial infarction - heart attack. Since then I have had four more ECG's which say the same thing. In December 2022, I had a CT brain scan which showed no anomolies.
It is my opinion and others who are in the same situation, that the NHS/Government/Pharma, do not wish to acknowledge that this is happening.
Thanks for sharing that. I think you are absolutely right that COVID vaccine harm has not been taken seriously enough.

The politicisation of what should have been a personal healthcare decision has created a terrible mess that will take many years to unravel.

It seems to me that you avoided some of the worst of the coercion, but equally I am not sure that we actually knew enough about the vaccine when you had it to fully achieve informed consent.

Perhaps you would have had COVID and been fine without the jab. Perhaps you would have been very ill. Perhaps you would even have ended up with the same situation you have now but attributed to long COVID rather than the jab. The trouble is that there is no way of knowing. Thats why it has to be a personal decision based on clearly stated benefits and risks.

Good luck with your recovery. If it helps I have personal experience of chronic fatigue syndrome, which is closely related to fibromyalgia. These conditions were not taken seriously in the past, but it’s starting to be accepted that they are likely to be associated with an overactive immune system. Your symptoms very much hint at that sort of issue, which could easily be triggered by a reaction to a vaccine (or virus) and it’s the sort of thing the NHS still seems to struggle to deal with.

Roderick Spode

3,182 posts

51 months

Wednesday 1st May
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andyA700 said:
In March 2021, just two weeks after having the first jab, I had excrutiating pains in my knees, elbows and thumbs. I had burning sensations and swelling in my lower legs and feet (I couldn't wear socks). I had extreme vertigo and balance problems, to the extent where I have to descend stairs on all fours going backwards. I have brain fog, short term memory and speech problems, plus constant confusion. For three years, I have had sore, runny eyes with conjunctivitis type symptoms every morning. I have had five "abnormal" ECG's since November 2022 and I am getting more and more blackouts.
Yesterday, as it was dry, I went for a walk and after about half a mile, was in so much pain that I had to return home.
I certainly won't be having any more jabs.
Unfortunately I know many people who could recount a similar narrative you - some have made the link between jabs and symptoms, others are firmly in the "I have no idea why I've been so unwell for the last three years..." camp. Of course there will always be those for whom the media narrative precludes any possibility of symptoms being attributed to vaccine harms, and everything will be a series of remarkably coincidental happenstances. I've previously recounted details from people I know, and been widely ridiculed as a fantastist for doing so, but a brief summary of a few for reference is probably worthwhile to demonstrate that you aren't alone Andy.

Friend, early 50s male, ex-army and fit as a butcher's dog. Jab 1 - heart palps & chest pains started the same day. Jab 2 - heart attack 3 days after. Ongoing chest pains & palps, regularly gets blue lighted from work & home with crushing chest pains and unable to breathe. Doctors are mystified. He has made the link and refuses any more jabs.

Family member, late 30s female. Jab 1 - suffered spotting & irregular bleeding for 3 months afterwards. Jab 2 - heavier prolonged bleeding and abdominal pain for another 3 months. Doctors mystified. GP finally conceded that it 'might' be the jabs. She still took the boosters & suffered more of the same.

Work colleague, late 30s male. Fit, healthy, regular runner & climber. Jab 1 - strangely breathless and lethargic for weeks afterwards. Experienced difficulties with stamina when climbing, so took a break. Jab 2 - believed he'd contracted 'long covid' as tired, achy, sore, no energy. Booster 1/2/3/n - inexplicably exhausted and breathless. Definitely covid and in no way could it be the jabs, keeps having paid-for boosters.

Friend, early 40s female. Generally fit & well. Jab 1 - woke up next day unable to move, blinding headaches. Spent about 10 weeks bed bound in a darkened room, as she became very sensitive to light. Jab 2 - even more of the same, hospitalised at one point with the severity of the headaches, had scans that revealed nothing amiss. Doctors mystified. She refused boosters.

andyA700 said:
It is my opinion and others who are in the same situation, that the NHS/Government/Pharma, do not wish to acknowledge that this is happening.
Of course. To challenge the narrative that was unquestioningly propagated by the media, governments and Big Pharma would be to acknowledge the possibility that all of these people may not have been operating with our best interests at heart. Furthermore, it would highlight the inconvenient truth that a great many people profited and became very rich indeed off the back of these medical procedures - shareholders, Big Pharma execs, MPs siphoning off contracts to their mates & getting kickbacks - while the average Joe endured the hidden side effects. It's a genuine scandal, but while all these people and organisations are complicit in the cover-up, nothing meaningful will happen and the vaccine injured will continue to endure prolonged gaslighting and dismissal, or worse still ridicule.


2,882 posts

39 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Just bumping this, because I don't want to see it go.


9,089 posts

45 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Sorry to hear of all those who have had adverse effects from the vaccine. As many have said, it will probably never be fully admitted as the potential fall out from all those affected would be “interesting”.

As for those who claim that the trials and the amount of jabs would have revealed issues, then I have one thing to mention here - Thalidomide.

And whilst I am at it, the contaminated blood scandal and the Post Office scandal show that large organizations and governments can be rather good at covering up inconvenient truths.

If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, then so be it!


4,934 posts

183 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Boringvolvodriver said:
Sorry to hear of all those who have had adverse effects from the vaccine. As many have said, it will probably never be fully admitted as the potential fall out from all those affected would be “interesting”.

As for those who claim that the trials and the amount of jabs would have revealed issues, then I have one thing to mention here - Thalidomide.

And whilst I am at it, the contaminated blood scandal and the Post Office scandal show that large organizations and governments can be rather good at covering up inconvenient truths.

If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, then so be it!
That’s something I’ve often thought of, especially given how hard the vaccinations were pushed at pregnant women. While I absolutely hope that there are no effects from it on unborn babies, there was no way to know at the time they were being pushed. The initial clinical trial cohort, IIRC, were explicitly told not to get pregnant and even if some of them had, there was no possibility that an individual could be vaccinated, get pregnant, go full term, deliver a baby and for that baby to grow enough that developmental issues would become noticeable.
Our 2nd one arrived in Feb 2022 and I remember when we went to the ante-natal appointments (the one or two that I was actually allowed to attend, usually I had to sit in the car) NHS Scotland had nurses touring the maternity unit asking anyone they came across if they wanted to be vaccinated there & then.

I understand that some pregnant women became very ill with Covid and no doubt some died, but it seemed at the time (and still seems) very foolhardy to have been rushing headlong into giving a treatment that couldn’t possibly have been tested for that group of recipients.


2,882 posts

39 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Boringvolvodriver said:
Sorry to hear of all those who have had adverse effects from the vaccine. As many have said, it will probably never be fully admitted as the potential fall out from all those affected would be “interesting”.

As for those who claim that the trials and the amount of jabs would have revealed issues, then I have one thing to mention here - Thalidomide.

And whilst I am at it, the contaminated blood scandal and the Post Office scandal show that large organizations and governments can be rather good at covering up inconvenient truths.

If that makes me a conspiracy theorist, then so be it!
I think that you are on the same page as me. The Post Office scandal is outrageous, but this on a whole other level.


9,089 posts

45 months

Thursday 2nd May
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andyA700 said:
I think that you are on the same page as me. The Post Office scandal is outrageous, but this on a whole other level.
Here’s another one for those who may think that the pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart - have a look at which company has received the largest fines


7,156 posts

38 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Boringvolvodriver said:
andyA700 said:
I think that you are on the same page as me. The Post Office scandal is outrageous, but this on a whole other level.
Here’s another one for those who may think that the pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart - have a look at which company has received the largest fines
AZ & Pfizer were fined 20 odd years ago, one of which was for off-label promotion for a drug which is now used in the medical industry.


9,089 posts

45 months

Thursday 2nd May
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119 said:
Boringvolvodriver said:
andyA700 said:
I think that you are on the same page as me. The Post Office scandal is outrageous, but this on a whole other level.
Here’s another one for those who may think that the pharmaceutical companies have our best interests at heart - have a look at which company has received the largest fines
AZ & Pfizer were fined 20 odd years ago, one of which was for off-label promotion for a drug which is now used in the medical industry.
But the point is that they have not exactly been perfect in the past - just because something happened 20 years ago, does not mean that it could happen again unless one is very naive and trusting.

Maybe it is a generalization but I have always been slightly cynical that any large organization has its customers best interests deep down.


11,182 posts

207 months

Thursday 2nd May
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There is no doubt that the vaccines are causing harm and death. But, it's difficult to calculate exactly how many as the Govt's and health service statisticians are at best unaware, at worst diverting or actually hiding the numbers. But the anecdotes and the efforts of those still posting data like @ethicalskeptic and Ed Dowd are showing increasing excess deaths in particularly younger males.

I'd never met anyone who suffered bloot clots until 18 months ago when a few weeks after a booster one of our project managers was rushed in for treatment. His calf had swollen, and gone bright red and was diagnosed with blood clots. I watched him limping across the carpark in Abedeen only yesterday.

Add to that, late last year my roofer and his mate took boosters. Roofer has now given up the business due to the clots that formed in his lower legs and his mate was treated for clots in the upper arms.

People calling for official statistics or peer reviewed papers may ignore this, but the signals are there and they are heavy.

I'm now at least 7 ex-colleagues down due to heart issues or cancer - none made 65 yrs old, and the youngest was a very rare cancer at 52. Similar tales from colleagues.

Hants PHer

5,858 posts

113 months

Thursday 2nd May
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I don't think it's fair to say that people - I'm one of them - calling for proper data analysis are 'ignoring' issues such as jshell describes. Indeed, if such anecdotes didn't exist then there'd be no need for further investigation.

The problem is that one should not create policy on the basis of anecdotes. As I've said before, I don't know anyone suffering from blood clots or rare cancers. I can't recall anyone I know reporting serious side effects soon after a Covid vaccination. Does my anecdotal experience trump those of jshell or Roderick Spode, or vice versa? Of course not. The only proper way forward is careful analysis, prompted by 'signals' such as those reported in this thread.

Now, such analysis may or may not happen, we'll see. Data driven studies, assuming that they are possible, surely must be preferable to a bunch of contradictory anecdotes. What we should reject, in my opinion, is the "Join the dots! It simply must be the vaccines! What else could it be?" cries. Such a simplistic approach is, frankly, unscientific.

Randy Winkman

16,504 posts

191 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Hants PHer said:
I don't think it's fair to say that people - I'm one of them - calling for proper data analysis are 'ignoring' issues such as jshell describes. Indeed, if such anecdotes didn't exist then there'd be no need for further investigation.

The problem is that one should not create policy on the basis of anecdotes. As I've said before, I don't know anyone suffering from blood clots or rare cancers. I can't recall anyone I know reporting serious side effects soon after a Covid vaccination. Does my anecdotal experience trump those of jshell or Roderick Spode, or vice versa? Of course not. The only proper way forward is careful analysis, prompted by 'signals' such as those reported in this thread.

Now, such analysis may or may not happen, we'll see. Data driven studies, assuming that they are possible, surely must be preferable to a bunch of contradictory anecdotes. What we should reject, in my opinion, is the "Join the dots! It simply must be the vaccines! What else could it be?" cries. Such a simplistic approach is, frankly, unscientific.
I basically agree with you. amongst my family, friends and colleagues (I work in a department with about 4000 people) I'm not aware of any health issues but recent violence in schools does give me concern about psychological effects of lockdown.


2,882 posts

39 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Hants PHer said:
I don't think it's fair to say that people - I'm one of them - calling for proper data analysis are 'ignoring' issues such as jshell describes. Indeed, if such anecdotes didn't exist then there'd be no need for further investigation.

The problem is that one should not create policy on the basis of anecdotes. As I've said before, I don't know anyone suffering from blood clots or rare cancers. I can't recall anyone I know reporting serious side effects soon after a Covid vaccination. Does my anecdotal experience trump those of jshell or Roderick Spode, or vice versa? Of course not. The only proper way forward is careful analysis, prompted by 'signals' such as those reported in this thread.

Now, such analysis may or may not happen, we'll see. Data driven studies, assuming that they are possible, surely must be preferable to a bunch of contradictory anecdotes. What we should reject, in my opinion, is the "Join the dots! It simply must be the vaccines! What else could it be?" cries. Such a simplistic approach is, frankly, unscientific.
The data which we have at the moment, very much down to the adr's (Adverse Drug Reaction reports) which detail the numbers of reports made by the public detailing symptoms and when they started. Because I had the first and second Astra Zenaca jabs, I have sourced the reports for just Astra Zeneca and matched my jab batch numbers to the reports.
As you will see, my first jab on 27th February 2021, was from the most reported AZ vaccine batch PV46664. My second AZ jab on 10th May 2021 was from batch PV46677 which is in 28th position. Bear in mind that report is only up to 28/06/2022.


11,182 posts

207 months

Thursday 2nd May
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There are very many studies going on by professional bodies around the world. The problem is they are fairly unseen from a legacy Corporate media standpoint. For 90+% of people, if it's not on the BBC or in the Guardian then it doesn't exist - that means others can scream 'CT'er'!

But, if you start to look in Pubmed or other health journals then you find articles like this:

At some point the signals can't be professionally ignored, as they have been.

It is well worth following this account on Twitter, @EthicalSkeptic


6,126 posts

247 months

Thursday 2nd May
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Are those ADRs per million doses?