Why do you hate the SNP?



Original Poster:

32,414 posts

206 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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All you little englanders are crapping yourself because the true savours of scotland will be in power in england

So why are you guys crapping yourselves?

Surely it is because they are scottish

Or is it they are a bunch of left wing idiots intent on wrecking the UK economy


15,077 posts

171 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Because they're a racist bunch of loons who make Labour look credible?


15,137 posts

202 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Crush said:
Because they're a racist bunch of loons who make Labour look credible?

Kermit power

28,799 posts

215 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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McWigglebum4th said:
All you little Englanders are crapping yourself because the true savours of Scotland will be in power in England
Really?? The true savours of Scotland will be in power in England???

When you say "the true savours of Scotland", are we talking Haggis, tatties, neeps and Whisky, or were you more thinking deep fried Mars bars and that weird battered square sausage stuff?

Having England run by a Haggis could well be an improvement over the current state of affairs, but you can fk right off if you think we're handing the keys of the country to a bottle of Buckfast!!!


15,471 posts

217 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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I admire their focus on what they want. As a result I want Scotland to leave the UK or for there to be more independence for England.

I, and an increasing number of normally quiet voters, will not stand for being legged over, which is why the SNP will push for extreme policies if they are in a position of power, and drive the break up of the Union.

Kermit power

28,799 posts

215 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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To give you a more serious answer, I don't hate the SNP, I love them.

Although we'll have to put up with some pretty sharp short term pain if we do end up with a Labour/SNP coalition running the country, come the 2020 General Election, one of two things will happen....

1. They've only been dreadful. At which point, their vote will collapse like the Lib Dem vote is expected to this time round, Labour will be much more exposed as well, the Tories get back in with an actual majority despite the rigged constituency system, they change said constituency borders and we have a half decent Tory government for a generation to come whilst Labour and the SNP sit and cry in a corner about how they held power once upon a time. Result = win for net contributors to the system.

2. They've been really, really, really dreadful, and truly fked the country up. The rallying call for an English independence referendum becomes deafening, and we're shot of the whinging tossers for ever. Result = win for net contributors to the English system, and most of the net contributors to the Scottish system will move South of the border, which = win for the English system.

It's not the English who need to hate the SNP, it's the Scots. Unless you want to live in a Third World nation, of course?


6,568 posts

220 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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I'm paid in EUR, but live GBP. From a purely selfish point of view I hope the SNP have a majority in Scotland (obviously), and UKIP have a majority south of the border. That way a Scottish independence combined BREXIT scenario will completely devalue the £ and make me rich. [/evil laugh]

Not going to happen, but one can dream hehe

I lived in Edinburgh during the devolution vote back in the late 90's, and later lived in Glasgow for a couple of years. I love Scotland as a country, but can't stand the blame the English/Thatcher/etc. chip on the shoulder of some of the more politically vocal types up there. You've had your vote, the people have spoken. Be a fking team player and move on.


56 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Kermits vision seems a good option. Short term pain, long term gain. With the undoubted entertainment of the labour/Snp car crash.
St Boris or Theresa will then rule for a generation.


28,377 posts

286 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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I don't hate the SNP. Or Plaid Cymru for that matter.

The SNP having power would lead to the breakup of the Union. I don't see that as a bad thing...for me..who lives in England. I can see how it might be bad for Scots living in Scotland, though, and I feel it is up to them if they want to break away.

Scotland is a wonderful and beautiful country. Its people voted to stay part of the UK. Maybe they will again. Maybe they won't. It's up to them.

The SNP, however, propping up an otherwise unelected Labour government sounds to me like a very, very bad outcome for England.


246 posts

217 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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The SNP provide a credible alternative to the traditional parties with strong leadership. Just look at the opinion polls when there's a debate involving Salmond or Sturgeon of who came out on top.

Two things I don't like about the SNP are, firstly, their high spend approach to the economy and secondly the way they out rightly state they want to lock the Tories out of government. The former is not personally how I'd like to deal with the economy and the latter seems a little too personal although I appreciate its strategic to try to form part of a coalition. I suppose they don't have many Conservative voters in Scotland to alienate with that approach.

For many who may deep down should be voting Labour/LD/Conservative it's the choice between the following:

1. Choosing a party that will always try to do the best for Scotland
2. Choosing a party that has the type of policies you agree with

Given that attention is usually focussed on London/SE and the detached from Westminster feeling many have that are from out with this area it's not a surprise people choose 1. from the choice above.

Either way I think it's quite sad and ignorant to label the SNP and their supporters as racist/anti English. Sure there are a few bampots that have watched Braveheart too many times, as there are bad eggs in any large group, but on the whole they are quite a positive party. Objectively tear into their policies if you wish but claiming the racist card and bundling them in with the likes of the BNP is just embarrassing yourself.


10,730 posts

221 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Because they are narrow minded. They are so focussed on getting the largest slice of the pie for Scotland - that the rest of the UK can go fk itself. They were even willing to split the UK up and plunge this country back into economic turmoil just to achieve their political ambitions.

It's the same with Plaid Cymru. They scream blue murder because Wales doesn't get the same level of public spending as Scotland.......yet are suspiciously quiet on the subject of the level of public spending Wales receives compared to England......I wonder why scratchchin

fking nationalist scumbags.......odious pricks the lot of em.


18,789 posts

230 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Some of the recent sound bites would suggest that their mission is to remove the Conservatives from power. Sod actual policies, just keep these people out.

It's a bit like a bypass pressure group who won some local elections near me a few years ago. People were so hell bent on a bypass (that still didn't materialise) that they didn't realise the group couldn't organise a drink of alcohol in a brewery. Was quite comical when they won and then got voted out the next time around. smile

Also, why is it that SNP is ok, but BNP is frowned upon? Both similar things, aren't they?


70,012 posts

231 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Fairly normal racists who then claim every English person is racist..


14,665 posts

272 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Rickeh said:
The SNP provide a credible alternative to the traditional parties with strong leadership. Just look at the opinion polls when there's a debate involving Salmond or Sturgeon of who came out on top.
You were doing just fine until you said this..... hehe SNP a credible alternative???? Really? I think the reason why so many people feel antipathy towards the SNP and its supporters is precisely because so much of what the SNP said during the referendum debate had ZERO credibility to anyone with half an ounce of sense, yet 45% of those that voted seemed to think it was credible. From currency to shipbuilding, from EU membership to iScotlands finances in the future, the whole SNP position as encapsulated in the infamous white paper was so flakey that I am surprised that Cadburys didn't phone up and demand a royalty payment!! Are you really trying to claim (still) that SNP has credibility?

Rickeh said:
Two things I don't like about the SNP are, firstly, their high spend approach to the economy and secondly the way they out rightly state they want to lock the Tories out of government. The former is not personally how I'd like to deal with the economy and the latter seems a little too personal although I appreciate its strategic to try to form part of a coalition. I suppose they don't have many Conservative voters in Scotland to alienate with that approach.
Well the fact is that there are almost as many Scottish Conservative voters in Scotland as there are SNP voters. But your other points are well made.

Rickeh said:
For many who may deep down should be voting Labour/LD/Conservative it's the choice between the following:

1. Choosing a party that will always try to do the best for Scotland
2. Choosing a party that has the type of policies you agree with
Your first option shows just how damaging and divisive the whole nationalist movement is. Why does Scotland feel that it should be a special case at the expense of the other parts of the UK. Because that is precisely what the SNP position is. What was the last number that Ms Sturgeon wants to see extorted out of the South East to pay for her largesse north of the border? 180 billion was it not? And that 180 billion is on top of an already generous settlement! A settlement that the SNP deliberately miss spends so that it can blame Westminster for the problems that that missspending creates.

Rickeh said:
Given that attention is usually focussed on London/SE and the detached from Westminster feeling many have that are from out with this area it's not a surprise people choose 1. from the choice above.
And there it is..... The "accepted truth " that everything is focussed on London/SE is pure SNP propoganda. London might very well get alot of resources, but thats because a hell of a lot of people live there! Per capita though more gets spent on provision of public services in Scotland than it does in the South East and thats an inconvenient truth that you never hear the SNP acknowledging. The other point the SNP will never speak about is just how much tax is collected in London and the South East, and then just how much of THAT TAX already comes north to help support public services. Before the referendum this was not an issue for the people of the South East and London.... We ar all one nation and we share our resources in good times and bad..... But the SNP and its supporters with their vitriol towards the English and this Neverendum that we are into now has started to make people down south start to question the wisdom of this position.

Rickeh said:
Either way I think it's quite sad and ignorant to label the SNP and their supporters as racist/anti English. Sure there are a few bampots that have watched Braveheart too many times, as there are bad eggs in any large group, but on the whole they are quite a positive party. Objectively tear into their policies if you wish but claiming the racist card and bundling them in with the likes of the BNP is just embarrassing yourself.
Whilst I agree with you here to some degree I do have to say that in my experience you have to look at who started this... And the sad fact is that the bile and vitriol and hatred started in Scotland with the SNP and its supporters. And whilst I regret that some people south of the border have been moved to the point of now feeling that they have to respond in kind, it's perhaps understandable when you hear about the attacks, verbal and physical that the English in particular have been on the receiving end of in Scotland. To be candid, the racist cap does fit the SNP head rather too well, so you'd best get used to wearing it. The SNP and too many of its supporters have revealed their true colours, and that genie is not going back into the bottle any time soon.


3,733 posts

201 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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NoNeed said:
Crush said:
Because they're a racist bunch of loons who make Labour look credible?
What 'race' is it they dislike so vehemently?


7,585 posts

132 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Incoherent 'vision' for Scotland involving
Spend spend spend
That rancid cow Sturgeon
'The settled will' being ignored
Their online mong supporters
Anti English, anti Tory bile
The fat toad Salmond who is lying low until after the election
Making out they by definition are the only party who can help Scotland
Hypocrisy of Sturgeon growing up in a right to buy house but denying it for others
I could go on...


3,434 posts

251 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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ikarl said:
What 'race' is it they dislike so vehemently?
An advocate or supporter of racism; a person whose words or actions display prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of race (see race n.6 1b, 1c, 1d). Also in extended use: a person who is prejudiced against people of other nationalities. Cf.


10,730 posts

221 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Rickeh said:
Given that attention is usually focussed on London/SE and the detached from Westminster feeling many have that are from out with this area it's not a surprise people choose 1. from the choice above.
Is that really true though. Yes London may appear on the face of it to get a lot of attention - but then again, a hell of a lot of people live there (almost the same as the entire population of Scotland and Wales combined) - and that's without factoring in the surrounding south east counties.

When you look at public spending and public sector employment however - does it really support the assertion that London and the South East take the lions share?

Public spending as a percentage of GDP

Public vs private sector employment

Edited by Moonhawk on Saturday 18th April 10:47


5,340 posts

254 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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Oh we so so wanted the Scottish ref to go they way the snp wanted. Gutted when some sensible jocks woke up from a dream and realized the possible outcome. Not next year or the year after but a few down the road. But of course all the snp politicos would then be sitting pretty in their spainish villas, enjoying the good life with huge pensions whilst their " homeland" was slowly going down the crapper.


10,403 posts

170 months

Saturday 18th April 2015
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What a variety of views!

The expected offensive, scared, complimentary, rude, admiration and others - we even saw the old "racist" card being played.