Milliband clever?


Derek Smith

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Sunday 20th May 2012
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that's one that caught me out. It never occurred to me that Milliband would contemplate opting for a referendum.

The question is whether it is a good move for votes. A recent referendum has shown that 25% of Tory supporters are considering, whatever that means, voting for UKIP although the seriousness of this is somewhat muted by 14% of Labour supporters suggesting the same thing.

If Labour does promise a referendum, and one would assume that they would have to do so before the Euro elections in 2014, then they can campaign for a stay in (yes) vote and still come out smelling of roses if the vote goes against them.

I'm very pro Europe although not in its present format. I was brought up in a family devastated by the two world wars and a unified Europe was seen as a way of stopping a repeat. However the waste and corporate corruption is putting even me off. We have the French president talking of protectionism. That's a good way of getting the world deeper into recession.

As to which way I would vote, and don't forget historically on one of the reportedly 30% who are expected to vote yes, I have to say I am unsure. If we leave then I would assume we would move towards the USA, that something that I and all that keen on.

This proposal would appear to come out of the blue. I for one have no idea it was even on the table, let alone being actively considered. Maybe this is just kite flying, to mix metaphors testing the water, but the more I look at it the more sensibly to be a pretty shrewd move. I could say the Tories pushing for it as well, making the promise of a referendum before the Euro elections. We are living, it would appear, in interesting times.

Derek Smith

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Sunday 20th May 2012
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It is an obvious reaction to the problems of the Tories and the rise of UKIP, the latter in reality having just the one policy.

The 'celver' bit in the title was, equally obviously I thought, ironic.

However, if they promise to have a referendum within 12 months of forming a government, would any historic tory voter consider putting their cross against a labour candidate?

It is a rather remarkable idea though. Labour, historically at one with the left in Europe, with a left Frenh president just voted in, putting this on the table. I can't see it getting through the labour policy machine but you never know. Float something like this and it can take on a life of its own.

With the apparent demise of the lib/dems there is every likelihood of a majority government next election. This would appear to be opportunistic, well more than appear, but there would be no opportunity of blaming a coalition party for failing to honour pledges, especially one which came with a timeline.

The reaction of the tories will be more than a little interesting. The right is creating all sorts of problems. If they get into the ascendent then, historically, the tories lose votes. Cameron will need something to head of the coup. What better than a pledge of their own?

This could be the start of something big.

Derek Smith

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Sunday 20th May 2012
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Puggit said:
Derek is beginning to sound like some of the Telegraph writers affiliated to the Conservatives hehe
I've read the UKIP manifesto. It would appear to me that much of what they promise depends on Britain becoming rich as soon as we leave the EU. This won't happen. Nor will their promise of doubling the number of prison places. Where on earth do you think they will get the money for that?

It seems odd that people criticise all parties for promising the answer to everyone's prayers as they won't but then believe the UKIP promises despite the fact that they have absolutely no idea where the money is coming from.

For a manifesto to mean anything it has to be costed. UKIP's is a wish list, a wet dream for Mail readers. The only thing that they can offer with any degree of certainty is a referendum on the EU. Everything else is pie in the sky.

I'm not sure why you should think I'm affiliated to any party, let alone the Telegraph version of the tories. Whilst I am as political as the next person I have no party politics. I hate the lot of them. And that includes Farage as he promises to be the clean guy and then produces make-believe. Increase this, increase that, send all these people home: believe that if you will. I don't.

Derek Smith

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Sunday 20th May 2012
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Apache said:
I don't either, I don't believe any of them and like you I despise the lot of them. But, it's far better to have another swimmer in the gene pool than the same old same old choice of red and blue.....or should that be orange and blue?
I'm all for greater choice as well. However, I'm not sure if UKIP offers anything. The last time there was a credible new party, at least in my time, was the SDP. There was the brilliant gang of three, with Jenkins, Williams and the other one. Oh! and Owen as well. These came over as honest and straightforward, if a little bit too intelligent for most of us. Williams was especially impressive. They had excellently thought-through policies which weren't a case of 'something else' but an option. I might not have agreed with everything they said, but if, as they seemed, they were dependable then I thought them worth a punt. But they were rejected.

Since them I've not seen any party that has me believing in them.

Farage might well be another swimmer but he, like the libdems, can promise the earth knowing full well that at the moment they will not have to deliver. Some of their promises are much too expensive. So he has shown himself, or rather his party, to be just like all the others. Not that I had any doubt.

The only thing they have that is different is the EU. If the other parties, or one other party come to that, offers a referendum then the raison d'etre for UKIP has gone. Puff, smoke, then clear.

Cameron might well be on the way out. It seems more than possible. If he goes then a 1922 bod might replace him. This might well mean a referendum, or at least the promise of it.

The only policy of UKIP which interests the public is leaving the EU. If they see a vote for UKIP as a wasted vote and another party offers a referendum then there is no point in voting for them. Hence the term one policy party.

Politicians are - now you might not believe this but I am assured it is true - devious. If they see a way of securing votes then they will go for it. The libdems saw a promise of no increase in student fees as a vote-catcher. I think it probably was. If UKIP gets a mention in the polls then . . . need I go on?

Derek Smith

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Sunday 20th May 2012
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Lost_BMW said:
Derek Smith said:
It is an obvious reaction to the problems of the Tories and the rise of UKIP, the latter in reality having just the one policy.

Not true.
Forgive me for saying so but merely gainsaying is not really much of an argument.

My suggestion is that if a major party, or even the libdems, promised to have a referendum on the EU then the majority of the votes for the UKIP would disappear. That makes the UKIP in reality a one policy party.

I'm happy to be proved wrong but I can't see many people deserting the major parties because the UKIP offers to double the number of prison places without a sensible method of paying for it. Or getting rid of Trident. Or to hold county wide votes on the hunting ban.

Derek Smith

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250 months

Sunday 20th May 2012
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Jasandjules said:
No, you see, if the Libdems, Labour or Tories say they will have a referendum on the EU, we know they are lying about it and have no intention of doing so. But when UKIP say it..........
You believe a politician?

This goes against masses of evidence to the contrary.

They are unfortunately all the same. Once I get in power, or get a sniff of it the heady aroma forces them into a mould.