I went to a royal wedding don't you know...

I went to a royal wedding don't you know...



Original Poster:

21,615 posts

194 months

Sunday 27th May 2012
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I think its hilarious when st like this happens to the silver spoon up the arse brigade...

She's made herself out to be a stuck up bh with no understanding of what she should be doing, until she gets pulled over for doing 20mph in USA.


can't believe they actually published this crap 1 said:
What is a nice girl like me doing in a place like this? I went to the Royal Wedding for goodness’ sake.
can't believe they actually published this crap 2 said:
What is a nice girl like me doing in a place like this? I went to the Royal Wedding for goodness’ sake.I’m outraged. What am I being taken into custody for? Apparently, there is a $40,000 (about £26,000) warrant out for my arrest. I was pulled over because my registration had expired and the warrant was issued because I forgot to go to court for a traffic violation.
It seems excessive for a traffic violation. During the ride to the police station, I go from furious (‘I want your badge number. I am going to sue everyone’) to panicked (‘Am I going to have a criminal record?’) to crying because I am frightened they are going to make me bend over and cough.
can't believe they actually published this crap 3 said:
The next eight hours are spent in a shared cell underneath the courthouse. Even worse than people using the loo – plonked in the corner in a tiny, windowless cell – (I daren’t gag in case I get beaten up) is feeling so cold.

Zero tolerance: A police officer on patrol in Los Angeles
Remembering that you lose a high percentage of body heat from your head, I am so desperate I wrap mine up in loo roll, like a mummy, with a small slit for my eyes. Another prisoner I’ve become friendly with does the same, except for some reason she only leaves a slit for her mouth. We both laugh our heads off for the next five minutes, rolling around on the concrete bench. A moment of light relief.
Oh and not forgetting:

The I'm traumatised conclusion said:
Next time you are pulled over for a minor traffic violation, thank your lucky stars you live in Britain.
Don’t get me wrong, I love living in the US – I just don’t love its legal system.
Even though I can now look back on the experience and laugh, I have definitely been traumatised by it. Nowadays, if I even see a police car, I feel as if I am going to have a panic attack. It makes me long for British bobbies.
Poor baby...
