It Is Time For Us All To Take Responsibility For Our Future.

It Is Time For Us All To Take Responsibility For Our Future.


Banana Boy

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115 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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I've always been fairly interested in history and politics but like many, the In/Out EU Referendum has really drawn me in and re-ignited a deep interest and concern that I haven't felt for many years. We really are witnessing history being forged right in front of us!

Having watched much of the news, read a number of articles and viewed much of the forum threads here on PistonHeads it occurred to me quite quickly that a major piece of the democratic process is missing for many of us, that is the direct contact with our own political representatives.

The time has come for us all to take responsibility for our own future. Regardless of which way you voted we were all misled, coerced and bullied by the very politicians who are supposed to represent the British electorate but are clearly far, far beyond being out of touch!

If we now sit back and let these same people go on to negotiate our future with Europe and the rest of the world, they will simply continue to misrepresent the British people and act to satisfy their own ends. Don't let the media speak for you either, they have very little interest in your future, unless it means selling you a paper! Speak for yourself!

Social media, internet forums, tea-break debates and pub/café discussions are all fantastic platforms for thrashing out the issues that really matter to us all individually and as a nation. Just remember though, it's unlikely that you're friends with David Cameron on Facebook. Chances are, Boris Johnson doesn't follow your twitter feed and Jeremy Corbyn probably isn't viewing this internet forum.

The answer is simple though, make your own voice heard! Contact your local MP, contact the government, contact the Prime Minister (he's still accountable), Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and whoever else you can think of that should be representing the British electorate. Write a letter, make a phone call, speak with them at a local MPs surgery.

For too long voter apathy has given our political elite free reign over our day to day lives and our future. If you don't make yourself heard now you run the risk of never being heard again! Don't delay, speak out today. We won't all agree, there will be opposing points of view, we won't all get what we want but that's democracy. There's no guarantee that you'll be listened to but that will only be certain if you don't speak up in the first place.

Leaving the EU won't be pain free and probably feels like a terrible decision for many people right now, but it doesn't have to be. We all have an opportunity and an obligation to come together and shape the future of our nation and in turn the rest of the world!

Be bold, be positive and be strong. Be tolerant, be accepting and be humble.

Divided we will descend into chaos, together we can rise above and beyond.

Edited by Banana Boy on Monday 27th June 22:34

Banana Boy

Original Poster:

467 posts

115 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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don4l said:
Very well said.
Thank you, I've been mulling it over for a day or so, along with letters to various politicians etc.

Einion Yrth said:
I applaud you for the attempt lad, but I'm struggling to wade through the short term butt hurt negativity that is filling the board at the moment. Get back to me when they've decided, like the sane amongst us, to just get on and do the best we can with an admittedly challenging situation.
Turning a negative into a positive is one of life's biggest challenges, nothing is impossible or pre-determined!

Banana Boy

Original Poster:

467 posts

115 months

Monday 27th June 2016
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pim said:
Nice starting comment and your interest in politics and history.

What still surprises me the low interest by young people and some of their comments regarding not understanding any political subject.It proved the point in the referendum how few voted and turned up at the ballot box.

Politics it supposed to be about all the people of a nation and listen to their problems.We are in a very turbulent era in the UK.The divisions could mean a break up of this Island.

This is just my opinion having seen so many crises before.WW1 never a war after that one.Not long after WW2 and all the destruction and misery.The human race has a remarkable tendency to self detruction.
It also surprises and baffles me how politically vocal the current 'young' generation are yet as you say, how few actually made it to the voting booths?!

My initial interest in British politics came in 1997 during Tony Blair's election, being only 16 I wasn't eligible to vote but it was a hot topic amongst my friends and since turning 18 I've voted at every given opportunity. Even when I've not felt represented, I still went and struck a line across the ballot paper in protest!

Equally, I know people who 'don't vote' (my wife included until this very referendum!) for various reasons - I sincerely hope that many of the 28% reconsider their position in order to engage with their own futures!

Banana Boy

Original Poster:

467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 28th June 2016
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williamp said:
...So it seems the EU accept it and want to look forward. This sentence is also interesting:

"....As regards the United Kingdom, we hope to have it as a close partner of the European Union also in the future....”

I get the impression they have already considered our brexit decision, and the "close partner" sounds interesting. Might there be an open palm to make the divorce easy, swift and relatively painless???

Tomorrow they have arranged an extraordinary meeting of EP presidents to discuss the result.

Beforehand the EU President (no, not the President of the European Parliament, the president of the Council of the EU, or the President of the European Commission but the President of the European Council) is also meeting with the Italian PM and he Greek PM, who both want more from the EU. Their demands might make tomorrow interesting. Italy Referendum announcement anyone??? Even easier terms for us if we hurry up and go??

Politics has suddenly got fascinating
Definitely, politics has become incredibly fascinating!

I don't think it was ever going to be an absolute divorce from Europe, more a 'conscious uncouplng' with a view to remaining good friends for the benefit of the children!?

I don't imaging for one second that the process will be swift or painless, there is a lot of face saving going on and the balance will be incredibly delicate. Our politicians are trying to deliver the best deal for us and the EU won't be made to look weak or like the 2nd best option against being independent! They still have their own agendas very much in mind, politically, socially and emotionally we have upset a lot of people. Part of this process must involve building bridges and healing friendships.

Banana Boy

Original Poster:

467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 28th June 2016
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100% We are in a huge pickle right now, there is a lot that needs to change right, down to the very core of our political system! If we don't even try though we can only be certain of the fact that it'll never change!

For a long, long time I've shared the view that it's all pointless and unchangeable but this time last week most people thought that about our membership of the EU! Who knows what the future holds?!

Banana Boy

Original Poster:

467 posts

115 months

Wednesday 29th June 2016
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williamp said:
By the way, has this thread been approved by EricMC, or can we assume this is post brexit what happens next thread?
This isn't a 'what happens next' thread, it's a 'what are WE going to do next' thread.

An opportunity for positive discussion?!