Farage slags off UKippers. Low grade people...

Farage slags off UKippers. Low grade people...



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Saturday 10th December 2016
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Well...looks like he's got out of them what he wanted then. He's right though, but they suited him when he needed them.


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Saturday 10th December 2016
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I imagine this is how Trump will talk about all the trailer boys who voted for him to be President eventually.
I get what Nigel is saying and totally agree that a lot of UKippers are low grade people, but i never used them for personal gain...how very very establishment Nigel really is...


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Saturday 10th December 2016
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"Don't respond to it and it'll go away"

Farage beyond reproach?


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Saturday 10th December 2016
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dandarez said:
tommunster10 said:

Well...looks like he's got out of them what he wanted then. He's right though, but they suited him when he needed them.
Says someone with the intellect of a grasshopper. You jump up with joy at something in the ...SUN!
Apparently it's in the MIRROR too. laugh

Still, you'll soon have good company... Slasher and the other trolls will be along to back you up.
Oh god, he's posted already.
He'll have a coronary soon the way he keeps remoaning, remoaning, remoaning.

Anyway, let's have a look, see how long have you been a Pistonheader?
Ahh, you're another one... about 5 minutes. Joined in Sept this year. rolleyes

Enjoy your trolling. beer
I'm off to do some Xmas shopping - you should too. Get out a bit more! Fresh air is good for you.
Of course you are Mr nearly 8000 posts.

I matters not that its in the Sun or the Mirror as he said it. Its in the Guardian which is where i saw it but knew i'd get grief as it was a "leftist rag"... well i put a link from a low grade paper and still get vitriol...

He's played you, now he's washing his hands of you.... He was even on QT agreeing with Will Self and having a right laugh with him...


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93 months

Saturday 10th December 2016
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Halb said:
tommunster10 said:
I imagine this is how Trump will talk about all the trailer boys who voted for him to be President eventually.
I get what Nigel is saying and totally agree that a lot of UKippers are low grade people, but i never used them for personal gain...how very very establishment Nigel really is...
He seems to be quite anti-establishment from this statement.
“The problem is that Ukip has become a bit like the other parties: people view it as a means to get elected.”
Well he tried and tried again to get elected so add hypocrite to the list... He fronted that party and tried to be elected so that makes him very establishment surely...? He's slagging off himself!


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Saturday 10th December 2016
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s2art said:
ATG said:
He really is an odious little st. The irony and hypocrisy of him claiming that kippers exploited him for the sake of their self-promotion makes you wonder if he is actually mad? His entire political "career" has been based on using UKIP as a vehicle for The Nige Show.

And calling kippers "low grade" is contemptible. I disagree profoundly with UKIP's policies, but that doesn't makes its members evil, beneath contempt, scum, or "low grade", just mistaken. There is no excuse for sneering at people or writing them off.
Over the top IMHO. It was obvious that there were loads of entryists into UKIP, many disaffected Tories but also from the BNP and the like. There were/are low grade members, remember the ex-Tory councillor who blamed the floods on homosexuals? The bulk of Kippers are decent people but you cant ignore the nutters.
But Farage didn't say this before did he? Only now when he's basically the most powerful man in the worlds best friend forever.
He doesn't need to stir up the low grade people of the UK to hate stuff so he can raise his profile anymore.
He's moved on now and he'll want to distance himself from the rabble he gave a voice to.
His performance on Question Time was very very telling, banter with Will Self a lot of laughing and yes I think the real Nige will step forward now.
Playing to the cheap seats clearly works as Trump Farage and Clarkson have proved...

Edited by tommunster10 on Saturday 10th December 17:05


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93 months

Saturday 10th December 2016
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s2art said:
tommunster10 said:
s2art said:
ATG said:
He really is an odious little st. The irony and hypocrisy of him claiming that kippers exploited him for the sake of their self-promotion makes you wonder if he is actually mad? His entire political "career" has been based on using UKIP as a vehicle for The Nige Show.

And calling kippers "low grade" is contemptible. I disagree profoundly with UKIP's policies, but that doesn't makes its members evil, beneath contempt, scum, or "low grade", just mistaken. There is no excuse for sneering at people or writing them off.
Over the top IMHO. It was obvious that there were loads of entryists into UKIP, many disaffected Tories but also from the BNP and the like. There were/are low grade members, remember the ex-Tory councillor who blamed the floods on homosexuals? The bulk of Kippers are decent people but you cant ignore the nutters.
But Farage didn't say this before did he? Only now when he's basically the most powerful man in the worlds best friend forever.
He doesn't need to stir up the low grade people of the UK to hate stuff so he can raise his profile anymore.
He's moved on now and he'll want to distance himself from the rabble he gave a voice to.
His performance on Question Time was very very telling, banter with Will Self a lot of laughing and yes I think the real Nige will step forward now.
Playing to the cheap seats clearly works as Trump Farage and Clarkson have proved...

Edited by tommunster10 on Saturday 10th December 17:05
I think Farage deems his UKIP job done. Assuming May doesnt backslide, we are out. Mission accomplished. So what now? He is casting around simply because the Tories will not do the sensible thing and bring him into the fold. His contacts in the EU and USA could be invaluable.
Yes all of that is true but where does calling the UKippers "low grade" come into that?
He wants to be accepted at the top tables now so better distance yourself from the low lifes.


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93 months

Saturday 10th December 2016
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Leroy902 said:
Odd this thread is only 3 pages in!?...
A year ago anything to do with forage and we'd be hitting 100 pages by now.
Have the leavers come to realised they won't be getting their £350 million a week for the NHS, and they won't be able to control their borders from coloured folks coming in and taking over their country laugh

Oh that's right, immigration had nothing to do with their decision, it was all about 'sovereignty' wasn't it?
Because if Corbyn, or the BBC or Russel Brand had openly called UKippers "low grade" it would be on page 50 already.
It's because the God of these low grade people just spoke....and he actually laughed as he pissed in their faces. There's very little they can say as he's just said what the rest of us think about UKippers....
Its great! Feels good.
Nige is now saying what Cameron said years ago...


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93 months

Sunday 11th December 2016
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vonuber said:
alfie2244 said:
Ironically it's the remoaners that seem most offended by Farage's,apparent,insults aimed at Kipper members / supporters biggrin
That's because kippers are too low grade to understand he's insulting them hehe
Exactly this!

I mean really what can they say?

If you aim at the lowest common denominators to win votes and prey on peoples bigotry then you reap what you sow...as Trump will soon find out. These aren't really the people you want to be around if your normal and have a bit of intelligence.
Nige now wants to be seen as a Statesman rather than a pied piper of Primark.....


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Sunday 11th December 2016
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alfie2244 said:
Ironically it's the remoaners that seem most offended by Farage's,apparent,insults aimed at Kipper members / supporters biggrin
Not offended at all, just loving it frankly. Totally agree with Nigel.


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Sunday 11th December 2016
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Calling people remoaners is hilarious, but don't forget Nigel has been moaning about Europe for decades along with his low graders. Why is it acceptable for Nige and low graders to moan but once its on the other foot no one should question anything?
Daft is what it is. Very low grade...

The way democracy actually works isn't "they won, shut the hell up", that's the very opposite of a healthy democracy, that's why you have opposing parties etc, someone gets voted into power then the opposing parties and people all moan about it, its been going on for years!


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Sunday 11th December 2016
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Funkycoldribena said:
Yipper said:
It has absolutely nothing to do with tactics or pokerfacing. The real, underlying reason why Brexit is taking so long is because the in-power Tory government did not have a post-Leave plan in place. Zip. Nada. There are, right now, literally thousands of civil servants beavering away behind the scenes in London and elsewhere to write up a Brexit plan and timetable that the utterly incompetent Cameron and despicable Farage should have prepared at least 1-2 years ago. It is classic British muddling, misplanning and "make it up as you go along" management.
Just the fact you find him despicable makes him more likeable.
Anyway,what the hell could Farage have prepared?
The fact Farage has called UKippers low grade people has just made him much more likable to me...which i'd imagine was part of the reason for him saying this in the first place.


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Sunday 11th December 2016
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dandarez said:
tommunster10 said:
Calling people remoaners is hilarious, but don't forget Nigel has been moaning about Europe for decades along with his low graders. Why is it acceptable for Nige and low graders to moan but once its on the other foot no one should question anything?
Daft is what it is. Very low grade...

The way democracy actually works isn't "they won, shut the hell up", that's the very opposite of a healthy democracy, that's why you have opposing parties etc, someone gets voted into power then the opposing parties and people all moan about it, its been going on for years!

In 75 those who voted and LOST the referendum didn't try to overturn the result.
They didn't throw their toys out of the pram.
They didn't MOAN AND MOAN (hence the term, this time, of Remoanians being very warranted).
They, in 75, ACCEPTED it, that is DEMOCRACY!

You f. lot cannot accept that you lost. Can you? GET OVER IT!
But you can't. Hence REMOANIANS is a totally appropriate name.
OK by that logic democracy prevailed in 75 and the referendum never should of happened. How long has Nige been moaning about UK in EU? 5 years? 10 years?

You must be what Nige is talking about, a low grade person.

He doesn't seem to unhappy meeting this low grade person though..maybe in UKIP terms shes what they call classy....


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Sunday 11th December 2016
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Monday 12th December 2016
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PurpleMoonlight said:
Hosenbugler said:
Precisely, he has not referred to Ukippers as low grade people at all.
He's probably referring to the other MEP's.

tongue out
Christ you lot are thick. Here it is withoiut selective quote...

Nige said:
he is relieved to no longer be Ukip leader because it had meant “having to deal with low-grade people every day”, in an interview where he said his £85,000-a-year salary had left him “poor” compared with his City banker friends.

Every day according to Nige he had to deal with low grade people...everyday...


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93 months

Monday 12th December 2016
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PurpleMoonlight said:
tommunster10 said:
Christ you lot are thick. Here it is withoiut selective quote...

Nige said:
he is relieved to no longer be Ukip leader because it had meant “having to deal with low-grade people every day”, in an interview where he said his £85,000-a-year salary had left him “poor” compared with his City banker friends.

Every day according to Nige he had to deal with low grade people...everyday...
Isn't the £85,000 his MEP salary though?
OK so this fine lady must be one of the classy UKippers.....

Nige is totally right of course... but i'm not a UKipper so i can agree with him... but those sad sacks that are UKippers need wake up and smell the coffee...he's slagging you off , he doesn't want your cheapness and casual bigotry cramping his style anymore...so your left with Paul Nutttal! lol....


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Monday 12th December 2016
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Esseesse said:
anonymous said:
Some on here seem to be desperately trying to interpret that as him talking about 4 million people. rolleyes
It's funny because UKippers ironically like to do the same with immigrants and Muslims...
You can't have it both ways.
UKIP is for chavs and old festering bitter men and women. They simply are by definition Low grade people, i actually despise them, all of them. Nige is right!

Vile people who feel everyone is trying to take something away from them unless they fit into the little bubble of UKippers they place themselves in, in disgusting Purple and Yellow and cheap slogans and clothes and smelling of broken dreams and lambert and butler. Vile.


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Monday 12th December 2016
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otolith said:
tommunster10 said:
i actually despise them, all of them.
They know. Well, not you personally.

Funny how they couldn't be persuaded to vote for what you wanted to happen.
I'm German, i couldn't care less either way, just my dealings with UKippers has never been pleasant and considering we're good enough for Nige to stick his rod up it surprise's me...smileyikes


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Tuesday 13th December 2016
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don4l said:
tommunster10 said:
otolith said:
tommunster10 said:
i actually despise them, all of them.
They know. Well, not you personally.

Funny how they couldn't be persuaded to vote for what you wanted to happen.
I'm German, i couldn't care less either way, just my dealings with UKippers has never been pleasant and considering we're good enough for Nige to stick his rod up it surprise's me...smileyikes
If you are German, then surely all this is none of your business...
Whats none of my business? Being able to laugh at Nige slagging off UKippers and branch secretaries...(you know the grass roots salt of the earth folks he'd of been blowing smoke up their arse not long ago)
Plenty got involved in the Presidential Elections even though they couldn't vote, I am aloud an opinion am I not despite being 'foreign'.
St Nige is bumping uglies with a German so if it's good enough for him.....

If the CEO of Tesco left the post and as a parting shot said "At least i won't have to deal with Low grade people everyday anymore, or worry what the Store manager in Slough said half cut on twitter last night"
Do you not think you'd question what his motives were and why he'd say such a sweeping quote that could be meaning customers/staff/cleaners/managers??
I doubt he's be CEO of anywhere ever again for example...
Making sweeping statements that can be taken out of context or even just literally should not end well, just ask Gerald Ratner...
Nige got away with it as UKippers are dense...and he knows that..

For a man when you google images him is pictured 90% of the time surrounded by his 'people' UKippers, it really was a silly thing to say unless he meant it and wanted to distance himself from all those sad low grade people.

Edited by tommunster10 on Tuesday 13th December 10:50


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93 months

Tuesday 13th December 2016
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don4l said:
vonuber said:
don4l said:
If you are German, then surely all this is none of your business...
Are you Irish today or not? I can't keep up.
I'm an Irishman who was born in London.

Why is that so difficult to understand?
My children were born in the UK. Its what's called a multi cultural society...something UKippers are scared to death of.
Your family would of been 'immigrants' and subjected to to 'no dogs no Blacks no Irish' signs in London...how the hell can you then repeat that by turning to UKIP?!
Your a disgrace to your forefathers....