Build thread: Large extension and renovation

Build thread: Large extension and renovation



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229 months

Sunday 10th March 2013
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After asking if there was any interest in another build thread it would seem there is so here is the first post as it all kicked off yesterday.

We moved to our current house 4 years ago now, a typical Aberdeenshire stone cottage built in 1880. The house has a nice large garden circa, 1 acre with an outbuilding which quickly filled up with crap and a detached double garage with leaky roof. We have one close neighbour and the rest is a nice open outlook over the countryside.

Not long after moving in we quickly realised than the field next door constantly flooded with heavy rain and was making the garden quite soggy, so approached the land owner to see if we could buy a section off her with the aim of building a pond, which we did and there is a short thread on that here

At the same time we were not happy with the layout of the house, particularly the kitchen which is at the back of the house and is quite small and fairly dark only having small windows, we also would have liked an en-suite so time to speak to the architect. As often happens with these things especially when you don't give the architect a budget to work with they come up with a scheme that is far larger than you ever envisaged, of course once you see it you tend to want it so planning went in on that basis and was subsequently passed without any issues.

Now I would love to put the plans up for you to see however the architect is old school so they are all hand drawn and on A1 paper so trying to scan them in is a challenge however I'll try and get something worked out and them up at some point.

Roll on to yesterday, builders are appointed to start on the 18th March, so I got in the same digger driver who created my pond to clear the garage and start prepping the site:

Some (dark) photos at the end of the day, garage gone, most of the rubble been taken away and the roof and most of the trees that had to come down been burnt, not bad for a day.

Next stage is for the digger to come back next week and dig down the site for the levels, we have to go down about a metre so will create yet another large mound to get rid of later and then the foundations should start to be dug on the 18th, which is also about the time I have to go offshore for a month, great timing there!!


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229 months

Sunday 10th March 2013
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Quite a lot lower than the pond level, the pond stays up as it is dug into clay so retains the water really well. Looking into the well in the garden I'd say the water table is at least 1.5m lower than the floor level of the house.

We are well under way with the kitchen design and probably going with a Callerton kitchen, thanks for the offer though.


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229 months

Monday 11th March 2013
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Just remembered that the planners had handily pdf'd a set of plans during the planning process and put them on there website, so here they are, probably not the clearest I'm afraid.


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229 months

Monday 11th March 2013
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Ha, no football team, just the 4 of us so a bit excessive really.

The garage is a very good sized double, internal dimensions of 7m x 6.8m similar to the one we've just knocked down. Comfortably fit a large workbench down the back and 2 cars with room to work on both sides of them. Was considering getting one of those scissor style lifts sunken into the floor as well, does anyone have any experience of doing something similar?

Just come across Silvelox garage doors, they look fantastic but probably a bit expensive, hmmm.


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229 months

Sunday 24th March 2013
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Been a bit of a break between demolishing the garage and anything else useful happening while I waited for the digger driver to come back. So, he was back yesterday and dug out the site down to the bottom of slab level and all the earth was taken away to the building site over the road which luckily needed some backfill so all I had to pay for was the haulage. Amazing how much a decent size digger can get done in a day.

Although we have luckily avoided the snow it was the most bitterly cold day I think I've experienced, not enjoyable to be standing around in at all.

Today will be marking out the foundations and then the builders arrive on Monday to start digging them out and hopefully get the concrete poured Tuesday or Wednesday, should be fairly quick progress from here on.


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229 months

Wednesday 27th March 2013
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And the foundations are dug, reinforcing mesh in today and concrete tomorrow, not quite as quick as hoped but still not to bad.


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229 months

Friday 19th April 2013
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Well its been a while but been hectic and offshore for the past 3 weeks. Had a nightmare trying to get my steelwork sorted out but got there in the end and its been delivered this week and partially erected today, should be complete tomorrow. Builders also had last week off site as they ran out of work they could do until the steel arrived.

I've just tried to upload some photos but struggling to do it from the boat, the internet connection is sub dial up speed and cannot get the uploader to work.

As for fish, my license application is in now but seems to be very slow and there are issues with it as SEPA are wrongly classifying it as in a flood zone when in reality there flood map has an offset of about 20m so the whole thing is out. Not going to stock it until next winter in any case now with the risk of getting contaminated during the build and really need all my money to buy blocks /timber instead of a load of nice big Carp (nothing to do with the fact my builders are Polish and quite partial to Carp and Chips laugh)


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229 months

Monday 29th April 2013
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Finally managed to get a few photos uploaded, I'm still offshore so missing all this happening for real. Cannot believe how fast it is all going up (and how quickly the cash is going out as well!) I'll post a more comprehensive update if I ever get home!!


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229 months

Wednesday 29th May 2013
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Not sure if anyone is still interested in this or not but here are some of the latest pictures from the build:

View looking over the pond

Roof trusses almost complete in this photo although the plywood has been going on the past couple of days now in preparation for the zinc roof.

View out from the kitchen

Looking the other way from the same room

The garage and you can see the strengthened floor above made to take the weight of a snooker table. Not sure why as I don't play but seemed like a good idea at the time!!

Things are moving on a pace and the next challenge is going to be getting money from the bank to continue as I need to get it to wind and watertight before they will give me any. Unfortunately the windows are still not ordered yet, that should be sorted today though and then an 8 to 10 week delivery!!

Insulation all arrives today and that is bloody expensive stuff as well.

Still need to choose the UFH system and speak to E36Guy about my lighting design, kitchen needs to be ordered along with all the bathrooms etc, so many choices and decisions to make....


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229 months

Thursday 15th August 2013
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I've been fairly useless keeping this up to date.

Build has moved on a bit now, all the insulation is in and internal stud work walls up. At the moment the new sewage treatment plant is being put in and all the drains from the existing house being re-routed into it and separating the foul drainage from the rainwater run off, used to all go through the septic tank which was a bit of a disaster.

Windows have been delayed and will be another 3 or so weeks so arrive at about the same time as the granite. So once that is all fitted I should then be able to get money off the bank and get everything else ordered and sorted out, it is getting there just a little slower than hoped.

I'll try and get some photos up tonight.


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229 months

Friday 16th August 2013
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I'm hoping it will all look ok in the end, all the windows will be matched, cedar is going onto the original house to match the cedar cladding on part of the extension and the rest of the extension is harled with granite features and the original house will be re-harled the same, we'll see.

This week new sewage treatment plant is going as can be seen in the bottom of this big hole!!

Lots of trenches and holes to re-route existing drains and separate the rainwater and foul drains which all used to just flow into the septic tank.

Inside the extension all the insulation is installed along with vapour barrier and 50mm battons to act as a service void.

Next jobs are first fix electric and plumbing and then installing the windows and get the outside finished, hopefully all that will be complete within the next 4 to 5 weeks.

Also now ordered our kitchen, its Leicht with Siemens appliances and some renders are below:


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1,159 posts

229 months

Tuesday 20th August 2013
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One for red and one for white!!

First balls up of the build yesterday, builder managed to dig through the mains power cable so a call out last night to Scottish Hydro to fix it, no idea how much that is going to cost the builder.

I was amazed though that they fixed the cable live after they deemed the transformer and fuse was to far away to bother isolating, rather them than me.


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229 months

Monday 11th November 2013
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Time for another update.

Windows finally arrived around 3 months late all the way from Austria

Getting them to the extension was a bit nerve wracking

Finally got them inside for the night, each of the 6 biggest triple glazed panes weigh 210Kg each, lifted in by hand

Views from inside now they are in

And upstairs

Outside the blockwork and granite is virtually finished

Apart from the gable end where unfortuantely the 2 granite lintels were wrong so waiting for replacements to come from China.

Roof's arrived though.

And is almost finished

And that's where we are, way behind schedule and unless the bank comes through and gives me a rather chunky overdraft that maybe where it has to stay for the next few months as the money has run dry and the mortgage company have changed there mind on lending me enough money to finish. Will hopefully know in the next week or so.

A couple more shots to finish.


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229 months

Tuesday 12th November 2013
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Yes it really is and partly caused by a crappy low valuation. Had a valuation done last September by the local surveyor who knows the area well and he valued it off plan at £35K more than the non local surveyor who came last week and has no clue about the area valued it at a year later (these are finished values) plus the market has moved up a lot around here in the last year.

Really don't want to stop but also have rather large tax bills to pay at the end of year and end of Jan so don't want to bankrupt myself in the process, at least its wind and watertight now which was my main concern.


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229 months

Tuesday 12th November 2013
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We used Internorm, excellent quality windows and luckily a friend is the local supplier of them so we got a good discount otherwise they would have been a very expensive option especially in the Larch finish that we went for.

Good luck with your build Shambolic, sure it will go well.


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229 months

Monday 18th November 2013
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Bit of a different one, wandered into the extension on Sunday morning to have a cup of coffee and think about what it will be like when we finally get to live in there and got a bit of a shock to find a Tawny Owl sat on the floor. The only place it can of got in is a small opening in the utility room door that had not been closed up. Bugger I though, better go and get the handle to open the sliding door to let it out. Came back with wife and camera, as soon as I wandered back in it took flight and went for escape through the window and promptly knocked itself out, poor thing.

So picked it up, in a jumper as its talons looked pretty wicked and thinking it could come round at any moment

Got it into a box and put it out onto the scaffolding

At this point it had sat itself up so obviously not dead

Waited for 15 minutes or so and it finally flew off about 200m to the forest at the bottom of the garden so obviously ok thankfully a good experience in the end.

Then spent 30 minutes bird proofing the place as there was also a little Wren in there so wonder if the Owl chased that inside. Should be no more in now though hopefully.


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229 months

Monday 30th December 2013
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Another quick update, still struggling on with the build however lack of money and banks not playing ball threatening to stop play very soon.

Some of the cedar has now been installed and the scratch coat put onto the blockwork and I'm thinking it's starting to look pretty good on the outside.

Other things that have been going on is most of the wiring is now done inside and I ran all the CAT 5e over the past couple of days for the extension, just the speaker cable and co-ax still to do.

Current plan is to carry on working through Jan and see if I can arrange some money and hopefully get the UFH installed and screed in during this time. If no money from the bank is forthcoming then it will be all stop until Summer which is a bit of a bummer.

Still, my digger man is coming in the next couple of weeks to shift the several thousand tonnes of soil left over from digging the pond so that should make the place start to look a lot better and if we get some hardcore down at the same time should make the place a fair bit tidier as well which will be good.


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229 months

Monday 12th May 2014
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Not to much, build stopped early Feb and most of the harling was done and they started some plasterboarding inside. Since then I've been mainly working offshore to try and scrape some more money together.

Builders are back at the end of May and I should have enough moneyn for them to complete the extension apart from the ridiculously priced kitchen. I've just ordered all the UFH components so that will be the first thing for them to do when they come back followed by the screed so should not take that long to get the inside plasterboarded after that and have it looking fairly finished. Hopefully the bank will then see sense and lend me some cash.

On the plus side I have got 200 fish in my pond now so I've got something else to keep me occupied!!


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1,159 posts

229 months

Monday 12th May 2014
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OK I hope, never seen it again but can still hear them going around most nights, the Tawnies as well as the Barn Owls.


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229 months

Saturday 29th November 2014
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Time for another update seeing as people have been asking. I've not done much on this thread as the whole project is getting me down as I have a constant fight with the bank to try and get funding. The whole thing with the banks is a joke, they take weeks and weeks to get appointments with and then for them to make decisions where they come up with some other poor excuse at the end as a reason not to lend. None of them like to lend on a part finished project and the whole thing is becoming a nightmare.

But we are still struggling on and getting things done here and there.

External doors and garage doors have been fitted now from Hormaan, great product however not so great fitters and had to get my own builders to partially re-fit most of them properly. All the UFH has now been fitted however not tested yet and same with most of the radiators upstairs. Particularly pleased with the Aeon Ottoman we have just had delivered for our bedroom.

I now have most of the lights that we need for the extension courtesy of E36Guy and Ecoled. The only ones we have fitted so far are the plastered in trimless versions in the kitchen and games room and they are great, really strong even light and great build quality.

As you can see the whole place is plastered now and its really just the finishing's inside to do and put in the kitchen and bathrooms (the expensive parts). Outside the place is still a depressing mud bath which I was determined to get sorted before this Winter set in but its not proved possible. All the harling is now finished on the extension though and most of the cedar cladding up. The balcony steel work is also up ready to get completed.

The original house has not been started and wish we had never taken the old harling off so early as the place just looks a mess now. I've also got all the new windows for the original house but still need to fit them, another job I was really wanting done before Xmas but also looks like it will not happen now.

On another note, the pond had fish stocked in March last year, Carp, Tench, Bream,Chub and Rudd and they have come on great. The Carp were stocked at 1oz and am now catching them at over 2lb which is impressive for a year. What is not so good is that an Otter seems to have found the pond and I've seen evidence that it has eaten at least one of the Carp but probably more in reality.